233 resultados para Fouling.


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Insoluble calcium salts were added to milk to increase total calcium by 30 mM, without changing properties influencing heat stability, such as pH and ionic calcium. There were no major signs of instability associated with coagulation, sediment formation or fouling when subjected to ultra high temperature (UHT) and in-container sterilisation. The buffering capacity was also unaltered. On the other hand, addition of soluble calcium salts reduced pH, increased ionic calcium and caused coagulation to occur. Calcium chloride showed the largest destabilising effect, followed by calcium lactate and calcium gluconate. Milk became unstable to UHT processing at lower calcium additions compared to in-container sterilisation.


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he best operating conditions, using the critical flux concept during ultrafiltration of skimmed milk, were evaluated for tubular membranes. It was found that irreversible fouling was greatly reduced by operating at or below the critical flux, but was not totally eliminated. The critical flux of skimmed milk was found to be the weak form. The critical flux at cross flow velocity 3.4 in s(-1) for MWCO 200 kDa membrane was 56.9 kg m(-2) h(-1) while for MWCO 25 kDa membranes it was 45 kg m(2) h(-1) suggesting that membrane pore size influenced the flux. The critical flux increased with increasing wall shear stress and decreased with increasing protein concentration. Empirical equations, for predicting the critical flux (J(crit)) for skimmed milk with a protein concentration (c(b)) in the range 3-7% w/w and wall shear stress (tau(w)) in the range 7-60 Pa for MWCO 200 kDa and 25 kDa membranes were J(crit) = 5.1 (tau(w)/c(b)) and J(crit) = 4.0 (tau(w)/c(b)) respectively. In general, the rejections of protein and lactose at the critical flux were not affected by protein concentration, wall shear stress and membrane used, and they were similar to those found when operating at the limiting flux.


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There are many reports in the literature regarding the effects of ionic calcium on reactions related to casein micelle stability, such as heat stability, ethanol stability and susceptibility to gelation, sediment formation and fouling. However, experimental evidence supporting these assertions is much less readily available. This paper evaluates three selective ion electrode systems for measuring ionic calcium directly in milk as well as looking at the effects on pH reduction and addition of calcium chloride. The best electrode system was the Ciba Corning 634 system, which was designed for blood but has been modified for milk. This was found to be reproducible and stable when calibrated daily and allowed direct measurements to be taken on milk in 70 s. This has been found to perform well now for 3 years. The other systems were not so useful, as they took longer to stabilize, but may be useful for higher ionic calcium concentrations, which are found in acidified milk products. Reducing the pH increased ionic calcium and reduced ethanol stability. Calcium chloride addition reduced pH, increased ionic calcium and reduced the ethanol stability. Readjusting the pH to its value before calcium addition reduced the ionic calcium, but not back to its original value. Milks from individual cows showed wide variations in their ionic calcium concentrations. This establishes the methodology for a more detailed investigation on measurement of ionic calcium in milks from individual cows and from bulk milks, to allow a better understanding of its role in casein micelle stability.


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Maculalactone A is the most abundant secondary metabolite in Kyrtuthrix maculans, a marine cyanobacterium found in the mid-high shore of moderately exposed to sheltered rocky shores in Hong Kong and South East Asia. This species appears to survive as pure colonies forming distinct black zones on the rock. Maculalactone A may provide K. maculans with a chemical defense against several marine organisms, including the common grazer, Chlorostoma argyrostoma and settlement by larvae of the barnacles, Tetraclita japonica, Balanus amphitrite and Ibla cumingii. The natural concentration of maculalactone A varied with season and also with tidal height on the shore and although a strong positive linear correlation was observed between maculalactone A concentration and herbivore grazing pressure, manipulative experiments demonstrated that grazing pressure was not directly responsible for inducing the biosynthesis of this metabolite. The potential of maculalactone A as a natural marine anti-fouling agent (i.e. as an alternative to environmentally-damaging copper- and tin-based anti-fouling paints) was investigated after achieving a gram-scale synthesis of this compound. Preliminary field trials with anti-fouling paints which contained synthetic maculalactone A as the active principle have confirmed that this compound seems to have a specific activity against molluscan settlers.


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Individual fitness and the structure of marine communities are strongly affected by spatial competition. Among the most common space holders are the colonial ascidians, which have the ability to monopolize large areas of hard substrate, overgrowing most other competitors. The effects of competition on colony growth and on gonad production of the ascidian Didemnum perlucidum were studied in southeastern Brazil by experimentally removing surrounding competitors. Colonies of D, perlucidum competing for space exhibited a growth rate 9 times less than that of colonies that were competitor free. Among the colonies subject to competition, growth rates were unrelated to the percentage of colony border that was free of competitors. However, the identity of the competitor was important in the outcome of border contacts. At the beginning of the experiment, most border encounters of D. perlucidum were with solitary organisms, which in most cases were overgrown. These were progressively replaced by colonial ascidians and bryozoans, resulting mostly in stand-off interactions. Besides reducing asexual growth, spatial competition also affected female gonad production. Colonies free of competitors had a significantly higher proportion of zooids with ovaries. Thus, our findings show that spatial competition reduces both ascidian colony size and gonad production.


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Rapporten ingår i ett FoU- projekt för Högskolan Dalarna, där målet är att ta fram en konstruktion utan ångspärr som ska klara dagens mått på lufttäthet och fuktkrav. Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda hur fukt påverkar en byggnad medmassivträstomme och olika isoleringsmaterial utan ångspärr. Mineralull och träfiberisolering jämförs mot varandra för att se hur dessa påverkarfuktbelastningen i en väggkonstruktion. Testobjektet är lokaliserat i Dalarna, inget fukttillskott har funnits inomhus i byggnaden. För att genomföra detta arbete har tre stycken olika metoder används. Ensimulering, verkliga uppmätta värden och en provtagning. Fuktsimuleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet WUFI, uppmätta värden i form av relativ fuktighet och temperatur har samlats in kontinuerligt under två års tid från väggkonstruktionen via mätsensorer. Provtagningen utfördes med ett fysiskt ingrepp på samma nivå i konstruktionen som mätsensorer var placerade. Resultat presenteras i form av diagram och tabeller där det går att avläsa konstruktionens nulägesstatus i form av relativ fuktighet, temperatur, fuktkvot och mikrobiologisk påväxt. Isoleringsmaterialen påvisar en hög relativ fuktighet under vinterhalvåret längst ut i konstruktionen mot utomhusklimatet. Utomhusklimatet har visats spela stor roll i detta. Ingen direkt mikrobiologisk påväxt har påträffats trots en hög halt av fukt. Resultaten visar att träfiberisoleringen har bättre förmåga att hantera fukt i jämförelse med mineralullen. En vidarestudie med fuktbelastning och 21 °C inomhus bör utföras. Men för att denna studie ska fungera rekommenderas en tvåstegstätad fasadlösning för att klara fuktbelastningen i väggkonstruktionen.


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Água de alta pureza é utilizada para uma grande variedade de aplicações industriais, como na geração de vapor de alta pressão, na indústria de componentes eletrônicos e na fabricação de medicamentos. Os processos de separação por membranas (PSM), em particular a osmose inversa (OI), estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados na desmineralização de águas de uso industrial. As vantagens dos PSM, em relação aos processos convencionais, são que estes ocorrem sem mudança de fase, operam na temperatura ambiente e são altamente seletivos e modulares. Estes processos apresentam algumas limitações ao seu uso, sendo a principal o fouling das membranas, o qual pode ser devido à precipitação de substâncias, à adsorção ou até mesmo ao desenvolvimento microbiano. Este problema pode ser minimizado quando o sistema de OI é projetado e monitorado adequadamente, incluindo o pré o póstratamento da água. O desenvolvimento microbiano no sistema de membranas é um dos fatores que causa a maior perda de desempenho do sistema de OI. O seu controle é realizado através da utilização de agentes desinfetantes no pré-tratamento da água. O cloro é o agente oxidante mais utilizado na desinfeção da água e, mesmo em concentrações muito baixas (abaixo de 0,1 ppm), pode degradar a poliamida (PA), material amplamente utilizado na fabricação de membranas de OI. Tendo em vista este problema, o presente estudo tem como objetivo pesquisar um agente oxidante alternativo ao cloro, especificamente o dióxido de cloro, que possa ser mantido em baixas concentrações na corrente de alimentação do sistema de OI, sem danificar as membranas Os experimentos foram realizados em uma unidade de bancada de OI com escoamento tangencial, com módulo de membrana plana. Os efeitos de ClO 2 sobre a membrana de PA foram verificados a partir de alterações do seu desempenho. O desempenho da membrana de PA foi avaliado através de medidas de fluxo permeado, permeabilidade hidráulica e de retenção salina. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as membranas de PA são degradadas quando expostas a soluções contendo ClO 2 na concentração aproximada de 500 ppm. Nos experimentos onde a concentração do oxidante foi mantida em torno de 50 ppm, a degradação da membrana de PA exposta ao ClO 2 foi menor que a observada quando a membrana foi exposta ao cloro livre (aprox. 50ppm) em condições operacionais semelhantes. Observou-se ainda que pode existir uma relação entre o nível de degradação e a composição da alimentação. Como uma etapa complementar a este trabalho, foi acompanhada a partida de um sistema de OI industrial, no qual as membranas são de PA e a corrente de alimentação contém uma concentração residual de ClO 2 proveniente do sistema de pré-tratamento da água.


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Dentre as macroalgas capazes de absorver altas concentrações de N e P dissolvidos na água, destaca-se a Chlorophyta Ulva lactuca, bastante adaptável e resistente às adversidades ambientais, como grandes variações de temperatura, salinidade, matéria orgânica e metais pesados. Trata-se também de uma espécie bastante comum nas áreas intertidais do litoral norte-riograndense. Devido a suas características ecológicas, fisiológicas e nutricionais, foi avaliado nesse estudo, o seu potencial como biofiltro na redução de NH4+, NO3- e PO4-2, tanto em condições controladas como também em um viveiro de camarão. No experimento laboratorial, foram utilizados quatro aquários de vidro de 30 x 20 x 20cm com 10L de água, sendo três aquários experimentais contendo 20g de U. lactuca e um controle. O acréscimo de biomassa foi de 2,92g (22,92 ± 6,29g; p < 0,05) em relação ao inóculo inicial de 20g, sob temperatura (28,50 ± 0,58ºC), salinidade (35,00 ± 0,00 ), pH (8,26 ± 0,02) e luz constante (250 μmol.m2s-1). O crescimento positivo (1,78 ± 4,38%dia-1; p < 0,05), juntamente com a alta eficiência de absorção de amônio (83%; p < 0,001), nitrato (83%; p < 0,001) e ortofosfato (53%; p < 0,001), demonstrou que, nessas condições, a Ulva lactuca absorveu os nutrientes e aumentou sua biomassa. Já no experimento de campo, realizado na fazenda TECNARÃO, situada no município de Arez/RN (06° 11 40 Latitude Sul, e 35º 09 37 Longitude Oeste), foram utilizadas três gaiolas de PVC, posicionadas a 12cm da superfície da água, cada uma com dimensões de aproximadamente 59 x 59 x 15cm, onde foram colocadas 200g de U. lactuca. O ganho de biomassa de 3g (203,00 ± 41,02g; p < 0,001) foi muito semelhante às condições controladas, demonstrando a adaptabilidade da espécie em condições ambientais variáveis, onde, apesar da temperatura pouco variável (27,45 ± 0,64ºC), houve progressiva diminuição de salinidade (25 - 15 ), devido ao período de fortes chuvas (34,70 ± 23,78mm). Somado a isso, foram observados vários fatores biológicos interferindo no viveiro, como a presença de epífitas, organismos endofíticos, fouling e a herbivoria por parte dos próprios camarões. Houve aumento nas concentrações de NH4+ (4,36 ± 1,69 μmol.L-1), NO3- (0,17 ± 0,25μmol.L-1) e PO4-2 (0,41 ± 0,13μmol.L-1), coincidindo com o crescimento da espécie até a terceira semana. Todos os parâmetros ambientais analisados, assim como a biomassa e a Taxa de Crescimento Relativo (TCR), obtidos no campo, apresentaram variações altamente significativas (p < 0,001). As correlações observadas entre biomasa e NH4+ (r = 0,82; p < 0,001) e entre biomassa e PO4-2 (r = 0,87; p < 0,001), indicam que esta espécie é capaz de ter um crescimento satisfatório nas condições eutróficas de um viveiro de camarão, sendo possível seu uso como biofiltro.


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A serious problem that affects an oil refinery s processing units is the deposition of solid particles or the fouling on the equipments. These residues are naturally present on the oil or are by-products of chemical reactions during its transport. A fouled heat exchanger loses its capacity to adequately heat the oil, needing to be shut down periodically for cleaning. Previous knowledge of the best period to shut down the exchanger may improve the energetic and production efficiency of the plant. In this work we develop a system to predict the fouling on a heat exchanger from the Potiguar Clara Camarão Refinery, based on data collected in a partnership with Petrobras. Recurrent Neural Networks are used to predict the heat exchanger s flow in future time. This variable is the main indicator of fouling, because its value decreases gradually as the deposits on the tubes reduce their diameter. The prediction could be used to tell when the flow will have decreased under an acceptable value, indicating when the exchanger shutdown for cleaning will be needed


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This study had to aimed to characterize the sediments of shallow continental shelf and realize the mapping of features visible for satellite images by using remote sensing techniques, digital image processing and analysis of bathymetry between Maxaranguape and Touros - RN. The study s area is located in the continental shallow shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and is part of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Coral Reefs. A total of 1186 sediment samples were collected using a dredge type van veen and positioning of the vessel was made out with the aid of a Garmin 520s. The samples were treated In the laboratory to analyze particle size of the sediment, concentration of calcium carbonate and biogenic composition. The digital images from the Landsat-5 TM were used to mapping of features. This stage was used the band 1 (0,45-1,52 μm) where the image were georeferenced, and then adjusting the histogram, giving a better view of feature bottom and contacts between different types of bottom. The results obtained from analysis of the sediment showed that the sediments of the continental shelf east of RN have a dominance of carbonate facies and a sand-gravelly bottom because the region is dominated by biogenic sediments, that are made mainly of calcareous algae. The bedform types identified and morphological features found were validated by bathymetric data and sediment samples examined. From the results obtained a division for the shelf under study is suggested, these regions being subdivided, in well characterized: (1) Turbid Zone, (2) Coral Patch Reefs Zone, (3) Mixed Sediments Carbonates Zone, ( 4) Algae Fouling Zone, (5) Alignment Rocky Zone, (6) Sand Waves Field (7) Deposit siliciclastic sands


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Occurrence and the effects of butyltin compounds (BTs) have been studied for some years, mainly in countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Due to widespread use of tributyltin compounds (TBTs) and considering their deleterious effects, it is necessary to conduct studies on its occurrence, especially in the marine environment because of its excessive use in coatings of ship hulls to prevent fouling. Moreover, it was important to extend the evaluation to areas where there is no current information about their occurrence. The present work reports the occurrence of BTs in marine sediments of São Paulo state, Brazil. Commercial and leisure harbor sampling sites were selected because these areas are potentially exposed to BTs from antifouling paints used on ship hulls. Analytical conditions for organotin analysis in marine sediments were optimized for GC with pulsed flame photometric detection. Detection limits ranged from 8.4 to 66.3 ng g(-1) using a 610-nm filter, and the linearity range was 20-500 ng g(-1). Concentration levels of BTs were highest in Santos harbor (360 ng g(-1) TBT in average) and Guaruja marina (670 ng g(-1) TBT in average), which seems to be related to intensive boat traffic. Lower levels of BTs were observed in Cananeia, where only fishing boats are present (50 ng g(-1) TBT in average). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple and attractive method for quantification of ascorbic acid (AA) in beers, soda, natural juices and commercial vitamin C tablets was achieved by combining Bow injection analysis and amperometric detection. An array of gold microelectrodes electrochemically modified by deposition of palladium was employed as working electrode which was almost unaffected by fouling effects. Ascorbic acid was quantified in beverages and vitamin tablets using amperometric differential measurements. This method is based on three steps involving the flow injection of: 1) the sample plus a standard addition of AA, 2) the pure sample, and 3) the enzymatically-treated sample. The enzymatic treatment was carried out with Cucumis sativus tissue, which is a rich source of ascorbate oxidase, at pH 7. The calibration plots for freshly prepared ascorbic acid standards were very linear in the concentration range of 0.18-1.8 mg L-1 with a relative standard deviation (RSD) < 1%, while for real samples the deviations were between 2.7% to 8.9%.


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Ag-containing polyethyleneoxide (FEO)-like thin films have been deposited in Radio Frequency Glow Discharges fed with vapors of diethyleneglycol-dimethyl-ether and argon. Proper experimental conditions have been utilized in order to fragment the monomer in the glow and, at the same time, sputter Ag from the silver RF cathode of the reactor, in a way that polyethyleneoxide(PEO)-like coatings with embedded Ag clusters have been deposited at the ground electrode. The composition of the coatings has been investigated by means of different techniques; the plasma process has been investigated by means of Actinometric Optical Emission Spectroscopy. A correlation has been found between the amount of silver embedded in the coatings and that sputtered in the discharge, monitored by actinometry, that could eventually be utilized to control in situ the deposition process.


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Nós examinamos 308 espécimes do blenídeo Omobranchus punctatus, de origem Indo-Pacífica, depositados em coleções de quatro museus. Os dados de distribuição foram analisados com o objetivo de avaliar a invasão das águas costeiras do Oceano Atlântico nas Américas do Sul e Central. Em sua área de distribuição original, O. punctatus ocorre em ambientes marinhos e estuarinos. Amostragens datadas de 1930 e de 2004 produziram 20 registros da espécie no Atlântico Oeste tropical, incluindo amostras do Panamá, Colômbia, Venezuela, Trinidade e Brasil. Neste trabalho nós apresentamos 17 novos registros em áreas da Venezuela e nordeste do Brasil. O padrão temporal dos dados (1930-2009) e a proximidade da maioria das áreas de amostragem a regiões portuárias indicam que a espécie foi inicialmente introduzida no Atlântico pela água de lastro de navios navegando na rota India-Trinidade. No Brasil, a introdução parece estar associada ao movimento de navios em torno das plataformas de petróleo. No Maranhão e no Pará, a introdução está associada ao movimento de navios entre os portos próximos à foz do rio Amazonas. Alternativamente, a expansão de área desta espécie ao longo da costa da América pode ter acontecido através de dispersão larval, acompanhando as correntes em direção ao norte. Nós recomendamos o monitoramento desta espécie, bem como o desenvolvimento de estudos sobre sua ecologia em ambientes do Atlântico ocidental agora ocupados por ela.