963 resultados para Florence M.


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Ce congrès était organisé conjointement par les deux grandes associations de développement de l'aquaculture dans le monde: la World Aquaculture Society (WAS, 2300 membres) et la European Aquaculture Society (EAS, 550 membres). Le précédent s'était tenu à Nice, en mai 2000. Il a rassemblé pendant 5 jours plus de 3000 chercheurs et responsables institutionnels de 95 nationalités. Environ 600 communications orales étaient réparties sur 67 sessions suivant un système de 11 salles en parallèle. Entre les salles de conférence étaient présentés les panneaux des 460 posters. Sur le site, l'exposition commerciale accueillait 135 entreprises et organismes; elle a reçu la visite d'environ 2000 visiteurs dont la moitié d'Italiens (source: EAS). Le thème général du congrès était le lien entre la tradition et la technologie. L'objectif était de montrer que les technologies, dont l'image est ambivalente, constituent un outil remarquable de développement de l'aquaculture, y compris en tenant compte des contraintes de durabilité. En effet, les attentes du citoyen, comme du consommateur, restent centrées autour des notions de qualité, sécurité alimentaire, bien-être et santé animale. Les travaux portaient sur les disciplines classiques de l'aquaculture (nutrition, physiologie, génétique, etc) et leur relation avec les biotechnologies. Il faut souligner l'émergence de thèmes de plus en plus liés la démonstration que l'aquaculture peut s'intégrer dans détruire (capacité de charge d'un écosystème, animaux échappés, etc) et à la perception de la société (perception du consommateur, aquaculture et société, position des ONG écologistes, etc). L'U.E. était très présente avec 5 représentants et une implication marquée dans de plusieurs sessions. Sous différentes formes, ses représentants ont rappelé la volonté de l'UE de continuer à soutenir l'aquaculture, avec l'objectif de poursuivre le développement de ce secteur (4 % de croissance moyenne par an). L'aquaculture devrait générer 8 à 10 000 emplois nouveaux sur les 15 prochaines années, notamment dans la conchyliculture et la pisciculture marine au large avec comme mot clef l'intégration dans l'environnement, dans le tissu socio-économique côtier et dans l'imaginaire des gens, touristes, consommateurs, élus, etc. Ce congrès à vocation mondiale a attiré des représentants de régions habituellement peu représentées comme le Moyen Orient et la Chine, présente à de nombreuses sessions. Il a été aussi le lieu de multiples réunions satellites impliquant presque toujours des chercheurs français: grands programmes européens en cours comme SeaFood+, ASEM (coop. Europe - Asie) ou Consensus, assemblée générale de l'EAS, groupe de travail de l'UICN, etc. Ce type de réunion confirme l'importance des contacts personnels directs pour 1. Evaluer les grandes tendances mondiales du secteur 2. Etablir des contacts directs avec des chercheurs seniors des grandes équipes de recherche et des décideurs au niveau européen et extra-européen 3. Tester des idées et des projets de collaboration et de partenariat Il constitue un forum exceptionnel de diffusion de connaissances, d'informations et de messages. Il offre un espace de perception et de reconnaissance d'Ifremer par de nombreux acteurs de la communauté de recherche en aquaculture. Grâce à la variété thématique des sessions où des chercheurs d'Ifremer sont actifs, l'institut renforce sa notoriété notamment dans la dimension pluridisciplinaire. Cette capacité d'ensemblier est la qualité la plus demandée dans les conclusions d'ateliers et la plus rare dans les instituts présents. Le congrès révèle bien l'évolution de l'aquaculture mondiale: il y a 10 ans, la production de masse était au Sud et la technologie et les marchés au Nord (USA, Europe, Japon). Aujourd'hui, la progression économique et scientifique rapide des pays du Sud, surtout en Asie, crée des marchés locaux .solvables pour l'aquaculture (Chine, Inde) et fait émerger une capacité de recherche « de masse». Cette situation exige que la recherche occidentale évolue pour rester compétitive. Pour préserver un secteur important, qui concourt à la sécurité alimentaire en protéines de manière croissante (4% par an, record de toutes les productions alimentaires), la recherche européenne en aquaculture doit maintenir son effort afin de garder une longueur d'avance, surtout dans les secteurs qui seront vitaux dans la décennie: relations avec l'environnement naturel (durabilité dont la maîtrise des coûts énergétiques), qualité des produits, sécurité alimentaire, intégration socio-économique dans des espaces de plus en plus convoités, maîtrise de l'image de l'espèce « cultivée» (industrielle mais contrôlée) par rapport à l'image de l'espèce « sauvage» (naturelle mais polluée et surexploitée). En conséquence, l'UE conserve tout son potentiel de développement car l'essentiel de la valeur ajoutée sera de moins en moins dans la production en quantité mais dans sa maîtrise de la qualité. Cette évolution donne toute sa valeur à la recherche menée par Ifremer et ce d'autant plus que l'institut sera capable d'anticiper les besoins et les attentes des entreprises, des consommateurs, des associations comme des organisations internationales. Dans cette vision, réactivité, capacité d'ensemblier et réflexion prospective sont les qualités à développer pour que l'lfremer puisse donner toute sa mesure notamment dans la recherche en aquaculture. Ces enjeux sont à l'échelle internationale et Ifremer fait partie du petit nombre d'instituts capables de les traiter en large partenariat, en accord complet avec la politique souhaitée par l'UE


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This article explores the contributions of two unique Australian women, Annette Kellerman and Florence Broadhurst, to global fashion and aesthetics through subverting and challenging female gender roles of the early twentieth century. These two women are brought together here as a means of highlighting their markedly contrasting social tactics: undressing versus layering. Kellerman's body became an instrument in her quest for global fame, engaging in daring public "undress" in swimming and diving performances around the world that served to show case her innovative swimwear design. In contrast, Broadhurst, through repeated reconstructions of her persona and constant relayering of identities, concocted versions of herself in order to pass through Shanghai, London, and Sydney societies. Their lives exist as binaristic parallels, expressing contrasting values of un-Australianness - the disavowal of national identity; and Australianness - the promotion of national identity. Both Kellerman and Broadhurst tested the limits of body, dress and national identity as vehicles for global recognition. The recent interest in their historical roles is evidenced in the films "The original Mermaid"( 2004) and "Unfolding Florence" (2005) in addition to numerous books and journal articles. Despite this resurgent public recognition of their lives and achievements, scholarly analysis of their legacies in the fields of fashion and design are still relatively neglected. This article explores their contributions to celebrity and modernity, fashion and gender as modern un-Australian women.


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College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical, cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (1) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning, (2) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect, and (3) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.


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The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the development and use of clinical guidelines as a tool for decision making in clinical practice. Nurses have always developed and used tools to guide clinical decision making related to interventions in practice. Since Florence Nightingale (Nightingale 1860) gave us ‘notes’ on nursing in the late 1800s, nurses have continued to use tools, such as standards, policies and procedures, protocols, algorithms, clinical pathways and clinical guidelines, to assist them in making appropriate decisions about patient care that eventuate in the best desired patient outcomes. Clinical guidelines have enjoyed growing popularity as a comprehensive tool for synthesising clinical evidence and information into user-friendly recommendations for practice. Historically, clinical guidelines were developed by individual experts or groups of experts by consensus, with no transparent process for the user to determine the validity and reliability of the recommendations. The acceptance of the evidence-based practice (EBP) movement as a paradigm for clinical decision making underscores the imperative for clinical guidelines to be systematically developed and based on the best available research evidence. Clinicians are faced with the dilemma of choosing from an abundance of guidelines of variable quality, or developing new guidelines. Where do you start? How do you find an existing guideline to fit your practice? How do you know if a guideline is evidence-based, valid and reliable? Should you apply an existing guideline in your practice or develop a new guideline? How do you get clinicians to use the guidelines? How do you know if using the guideline will make any difference in care delivery or patient outcomes? Whatever the choice, the challenge lies in choosing or developing a clinical guideline that is credible as a decision-making tool for the delivery of quality, efficient and effective care. This chapter will address the posed questions through an exploration of the ins and outs of clinical guidelines, from development to application to evaluation.


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This chapter looks at the 'smart links' and 'smart paths' created by some English as a second language (ESL) teachers to enable refugee students with little, no or severely interrupted schooling to participate in class after re-settlement in the West. Data are drawn from an interview study conducted in an intensive English language school for adolescents and three mainstream high schools. Findings show how teachers who rejected deficit discourses enabled student participation in the intellectual work of the classroom. The Bourdieusian concept of capital is used to describe teacher competence for diverse classrooms in a world of student mobility and unequal educational access.


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A finite element numerical simulation is carried out to examine stress distributions on railhead in the cicinity of the endpost of an insulated rail joint. The contact patch and pressure distribution are considered using modified Hertzian simulation. A combined elasto-plastic material modelling available in Abaqus is employed in the simulation. A dynamic load factor of 1.21 is considered in modelling for the wheel load based on a previous study as part of this on going research. Shakedown theorem is employed in this study. A peak pressure load which is above the shakedown limit is determined as input load. As a result, a progressive damage in the railhead has been captured as depicted in the equivalent plastic strain plot.


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This paper develops a general theory of validation gating for non-linear non-Gaussian mod- els. Validation gates are used in target tracking to cull very unlikely measurement-to-track associa- tions, before remaining association ambiguities are handled by a more comprehensive (and expensive) data association scheme. The essential property of a gate is to accept a high percentage of correct associ- ations, thus maximising track accuracy, but provide a su±ciently tight bound to minimise the number of ambiguous associations. For linear Gaussian systems, the ellipsoidal vali- dation gate is standard, and possesses the statistical property whereby a given threshold will accept a cer- tain percentage of true associations. This property does not hold for non-linear non-Gaussian models. As a system departs from linear-Gaussian, the ellip- soid gate tends to reject a higher than expected pro- portion of correct associations and permit an excess of false ones. In this paper, the concept of the ellip- soidal gate is extended to permit correct statistics for the non-linear non-Gaussian case. The new gate is demonstrated by a bearing-only tracking example.


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A finite element numerical simulation is carried out to examine stress distributions on railhead in the vicinity of the endpost of a insulated rail joint. The contact patch and pressure distribution are considered using modified Hertzian formulation. A combined elasto-plastic material modelling available in Abaqus is employed in the simulation. A dynamic load factor of 1.21 is considered in modelling for the wheel load based on a previous study as part of this on going research. Shakedown theorem is employed in this study. A peak pressure load which is above the shakedown limit is determined as input load. As a result, a progressive damage in the railhead has been captured as depicted in the equivalent plastic strain plot.


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We examined properties of culture-level personality traits in ratings of targets (N=5,109) ages 12 to 17 in 24 cultures. Aggregate scores were generalizable across gender, age, and relationship groups and showed convergence with culture-level scores from previous studies of self-reports and observer ratings of adults, but they were unrelated to national character stereotypes. Trait profiles also showed cross-study agreement within most cultures, 8 of which had not previously been studied. Multidimensional scaling showed that Western and non-Western cultures clustered along a dimension related to Extraversion. A culture-level factor analysis replicated earlier findings of a broad Extraversion factor but generally resembled the factor structure found in individuals. Continued analysis of aggregate personality scores is warranted.


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In this paper we extend the concept of speaker annotation within a single-recording, or speaker diarization, to a collection wide approach we call speaker attribution. Accordingly, speaker attribution is the task of clustering expectantly homogenous intersession clusters obtained using diarization according to common cross-recording identities. The result of attribution is a collection of spoken audio across multiple recordings attributed to speaker identities. In this paper, an attribution system is proposed using mean-only MAP adaptation of a combined-gender UBM to model clusters from a perfect diarization system, as well as a JFA-based system with session variability compensation. The normalized cross-likelihood ratio is calculated for each pair of clusters to construct an attribution matrix and the complete linkage algorithm is employed to conduct clustering of the inter-session clusters. A matched cluster purity and coverage of 87.1% was obtained on the NIST 2008 SRE corpus.