172 resultados para Flex
The study aimed to evaluate performance, relative weight of the small intestine, digestibility and deposition of minerals in the bone of broilers supplemented with enzymatic complex (carbohydrases and phytase) in sorghum-based diets or sorghum and millet. In the experiments based of sorghum and sorghum and millet were used 912 day-old male and female Hubbard Flex chicks (50:50) were distributed in a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (Feed Control base Sorghum (Contcs); FeedReducedbase Sorghum (RedS); Feed Control base sorghum + Enzymatic Complex (Contcs + Enz);. Feed reduced base sorghum + Enzymatic Complex (RedS + Enz) in the study of feed basis of sorghum and millet the design was similar (Feed Control base sorghum + millet ( ContSM); Reduced feed based on Millet + Sorghum (RedSM); Feed Control based Sorghum + Millet + EnzimaticComplex (ContSM + Enz); Reduced Feed base Sorghum+ Millet + Enzimatic Complex (RedSM + Enz). At 35 and 42 days of age were determined performance data: feed intake (CR), body weight (BW), feed conversion (FC), viability (VIAB), relative weight of the small intestine and deposition of minerals in the bone. The digestibility was evaluated sorghum grain size (crushed and whole) with and without exoenzimatico complex. They used 32 birds, eight birds per treatment, in periods from 17 to 21 (initial) and 31 to 35 days of age (fattening). The exoenzimático complex used in feed favored the weight gain results, feed conversion and bone mineralization when compared to a control diet not added to enzymes, demonstrating its effect on non-starch polysaccharides and phosphorus phytic present as anti-nutritional factors in these diets, increasing the digestibility and supply of metabolizable energy, essential amino acids, methionine and lysine and calcium and phosphorus for bone formation. It is concluded that a safe strategy for inclusion in feed is based on the reduction of energy levels, essential amino acids, methionine and lysine and calcium and phosphorus in the expected result of the constant activity of the enzymes of this exoenzimático complex.
The ecology of the lower marine fungi, namely the thraustochytrides, in the Fladen Ground area (FLEX box) and other parts of the North Sea was studied during 5 cruises in 1975 and 1976. The number of fungi/liter and the number of species showed seasonal fluctuations in the surface water samples from all the stations. A high number was found in September 1976 and a lower number in March 1976. These numbers, however, revealed no seasonal fluctuations in the underlying sediments. In both the surface waters and the sediments, a consistingly low number of fungi was recorded for certain stations and a high number of fungi for others, the reason for this beeing unknown. The sediments revealed a very high number of fungi/liter. Observations on the distribution of various species are presented. Certain species occured more frequently at some stations than at others; certain species occured more in the water column, e.g. Ulkenia minuta, and still others in the sediments, e.g. Thraustochytrium multirudimentale.
A general study of structure, biomass, and dynamic estimates on meiofauna was carried out during PREFLEX (1975) and FLEX (1976), in 117- 141 m water depth. On the basis of these data an attempt was made to estimate meiofauna production, and this is discussed in relation to the energy input from the spring phytoplankton bloom. Sampling was performed at five stations, but only the stations 1, 4, and 5 were covered by a complete series from August 1975 to July 1976. At each station, from four replicate box core samples, two were withdrawn to study the abundance, distribution, and biomass of meiofauna, the content of chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE), and chemical and grain size analyses. At all stations grain size fell in the range of fine sand having median diameters (MD) of < 125 µm. From station 1 to 5 an increase in MD was observed. Highest values of CPE (7.81 µg m l**-1) and organic matter (4.7 %) were obtained in June and July (1976)/ August (1975), respectively. Meiofauna abundance was fairly uniform at all stations examined. Station 1 displayed maximal numbers during the whole investigation period. The abundance per 100 cm**2 varied between 15,550 and 34,900 organisms. All meiofauna studied both in total and as separate taxa showed annual cycles of abundance. Low abundance values were recorded during early summer, and maximum values during winter. High numbers of Foraminifera were obtained for August 1975 (9,460 per 100 cm**2) and July 1976 (9,710 per 100 cm**2). From December to June the values decreased from 3,280 to 1,030 per 100 cm**2. At station 1 maximum values of meiofauna biomass were recorded ranging from 1.5 to 2.7 g DWT m**-2. The mean meiofauna dry weight amounted to 2.1 g DWT m**-2. Based on minimum production, the P/B ratio for the area of station 1 might have a mean of 1.4. Taking into consideration generation times we believe that a turnover ratio of 2 is a conservative value for the Fladen Ground meiofauna. The annual production would amount to 4.2 g DWT m**-2 yr**-1. This is 27.5 % of the energy supply during the spring phytoplankton bloom, which is channelled into the meiofauna. The hypothesis is put forward that the energetic strategy of deep offshore meiofauna differs distinctively from that of shallow inshore meiofauna. While the shallow inshore meiofauna show a relatively fast response to organic matter input, the deep offshore meiofauna reacts much more slowly, the food energy consumption seems to be spread out over a longer period.
The level of demand for healthcare services can fluctuate widely and this can place pressure on the capacity of service providers. This article examines some of the approaches used to influence the level of available capacity in the healthcare services sector. A number of strategies designed to flex capacity are discussed, including the development of flexible approaches to human resources; rapid responses to changes in demand; the use of self-service technology and self-care; and the use of temporary additional facilities.
Chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe, le cycle méiotique est le mode de division cellulaire spécialisé qui permet la formation d’ascospores résistantes à différents stress lorsque les conditions environnementales ne sont pas propices à la multiplication cellulaire. Lors de mes travaux de thèse, mes objectifs consistaient à caractériser le rôle et le mécanisme d’action de la protéine Cuf2 lors du cycle méiotique chez S. pombe. Mes résultats ont montré que le gène cuf2[indice supérieur +] était exprimé exclusivement lors des divisions méiotiques et que la protéine se co-localisait de manière constitutive avec le matériel génétique. De plus, mes résultats ont dévoilé que Cuf2 participait à l’activation et à la répression de plusieurs gènes méiotiques selon un mécanisme de nature transcriptionnelle en s’associant spécifiquement avec leur région promotrice. Par la suite, mes résultats ont mis en évidence que Cuf2 interagissait physiquement avec Mei4, un facteur de transcription méiose-spécifique, au noyau des cellules méiotiques. Notamment, mes résultats ont montré que la présence de Mei4 et de son motif de liaison à l’ADN dénommé FLEX étaient nécessaires afin que Cuf2 puisse s’associer au promoteur de son gène cible fzr1[indice supérieur +] afin d’en activer l’expression. L’ensemble de mes résultats indiquent que Cuf2 et Mei4 interagissent aux promoteurs de certains gènes lors des divisions méiotiques afin d’en co-activer l’expression. D’ailleurs, mes résultats ont également montré que la fonction de Cuf2 était importante à la formation d’ascospores et à leur viabilité ; en absence de Cuf2, la majorité des ascospores présentent diverses aberrations et plus de la moitié d’entre elles sont non-viables. Globalement, mes résultats démontrent que Cuf2 est un régulateur critique de l’expression génique lors du cycle méiotique et que cette fonction est essentielle à la sporulation chez S. pombe.
A parceria entre a Embrapa Algodão e a Fundação Bahia vem concentrando esforços para desenvolver cultivares de algodoeiro com elevado desempenho produtivo, com fibra de alta qualidade tecnológica e, portando, eventos transgênicos que contribuam para o melhor êxito da atividade nas condições do cerrado da região MATOPIBA (Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia). Ao final de mais um ano de atividades de pesquisa dessa parceria, são relatados os principais resultados na área de Melhoramento Genético do Algodoeiro, demonstrando os avanços que estão sendo conquistados.São apresentados os resultados referentes a quatro tipos de ensaios: Ensaio de Linhagens Finais da Bahia (ELF BA), com linhagens convencionais; Ensaio de Linhagens Finais da Bahia RF (ELF BA RF), com linhagens contendo o evento Roundup Ready Flex ? RF, que confere tolerância ao herbicida glifosato; Ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso RF (VCU RF), com linhagens RF; Ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso B2RF (VCU B2RF), com linhagens com os eventos RF e Bollgard II, que confere resistência às principais lagartas praga da cultura e ao herbicida glifosato. Através dos resultados obtidos e aqui apresentados, objetiva-se contribuir com a cotonicultura do oeste baiano com lançamentos de cultivares adaptadas a região.
Il presente elaborato di tesi è parte di un ampio progetto finalizzato alla realizzazione di uno scarpone da sci ottenuto per il 90% di materiale da riciclo di scarponi da sci a fine vita. L’obiettivo è di realizzare la progettazione del nuovo scarpone, e caratterizzarne le proprietà flessionali avvalendosi ti tecniche di simulazione numerica FEM validata attraverso Correlazione di Immagini Digitale. La caratterizzazione flessionale è realizzata con la prova del Flex Test, che consiste nell’imporre una flessione dorsale ad una protesi di gamba. Le prime simulazioni FEM di questo complesso modello hanno evidenziato delle criticità. La presente ricerca, si pone l’obiettivo di risolvere singolarmente questi problemi. Inizialmente, si è realizzata la blend polimerica dei materiali dello scafo e del gambetto dello scarpone. Si è effettuata la caratterizzazione meccanica del materiale, confrontandolo con il materiale vergine. Si è poi ricercato il modello costitutivo più adeguato di materiale iperelastico per il FEM. Successivamente, si è ottenuto il modello CAD della scarpetta attraverso l’approccio reverse engineering, con la tecnica della scansione 3D, la quale ha consentito di ottenere il file. STEP da aggiungere al modello FEM. La conoscenza della geometria effettiva ha consentito di realizzare il design della nuova scarpetta ottenuta da materiale riciclato. Infine, si è utilizzata la Correlazione di Immagini Digitali per studiare la cinematica della chiusura dei ganci dello scafo, e per studiare lo stato di deformazione residua a chiusura effettuata. Si è valutata l’influenza del piede della protesi, e della scarpetta, durante la chiusura dei ganci. In seguito, si è confrontato quanto ottenuto dalle evidenze sperimentali della DIC, con la simulazione agli elementi finiti. Si tratta di un approccio innovativo, che vede per la prima volta implementata la Correlazione di Immagini Digitali per realizzare la caratterizzazione meccanica di uno scarpone da sci.