863 resultados para Firm performance


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The global shortage of IT professionals has been identified as one of the most serious threats against the continued growth of offshore IT service providers (OSPs). As a result, talent management has become a key competitive strategy for OSPs. However, how talent management contributes towards the performance of OSPs remains poorly understood in relation to its interaction with knowledge. To examine this issue, we draw on a sample of 68 OSPs in India to test the effects of talent management and external knowledge on performance. The results confirm that both external knowledge and talent management are positively related to firm performance and that the latter has strong mediating effects on the relationship between external knowledge and firm performance. The results suggest that OSPs should consider talent management as a mechanism through which knowledge resources can be exploited to enhance firm performance. The managerial implications and limitations of the findings are also discussed.


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The study investigates the effects of informal institutions and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of microenterprises at the subnational level within a developing country context. Using structural equation modeling based on a large-scale survey of 735 microenterprises in the Philippines, it is found that informal institutional factors and entrepreneurial orientation are associated with firm performance. However, further analysis reveals a strong mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation on the informal institutions-firm performance relationships. This finding is novel and adds to our understanding of the mechanism through which informal institutions affect firm performance, particularly for microenterprises in developing countries.


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Although formal institutions and entrepreneurial orientation have both been found to contribute separately and positively to firm performance, the interplay between the two factors has not received much attention. This study draws from institutional theory and the entrepreneurship literature to argue that entrepreneurial orientation (EO) provides the mechanism through which the formal institutional environment influences the performance of firms in the tourism sector. Using structural equation modelling and data from a large-scale survey of firms in the tourism sector in the Philippines, it is shown that elements of the institutional environment, by themselves, only have limited influence on tourism firms' performance. EO is shown to partially enhance the effects of the institutional environment on firm performance. The strong mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between the institutional environment and firm performance is a novel finding and highlights the important role of the government in ensuring that the formal institutional environment promotes entrepreneurship which, in turn, enhances the performance of the tourism sector.


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Over the last two decades, high performance work systems (HPWSs) research has been dominated by examining the effects of these systems on firm performance. Research on the impact of HPWSs on employees has been marginalised. This study examines the impact of HPWSs on two psychological outcomes for employees, namely, subjective well-being (SWB) and workplace burnout, by utilising data collected from 1488 physicians and nurses in 25 Chinese hospitals. It also examines the moderating effects of employees' organisational based self-esteem (OBSE), as an individual intervention and physician–nurse relationships, as an organisational intervention, on the relationship between HPWSs and employee outcomes. HPWS is found to increase employees' SWB and decrease burnout. Such well-being-enhancing and burnout-relieving effects are stronger when employees have high OBSE. The positive effect of HPWS on SWB is also stronger when there is a collaborative relationship among employees in an organisation. The major contribution of this study is to unpack the ‘black box’ of how HPWS influences employee well-being in the Chinese healthcare sector context.


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This thesis provides critical empirical evidence on Bangladeshi family firm governance structures and their impacts on firm performance while taking political connections into consideration. Based on some theoretical argument the thesis presents some unique and robust results which are consistent with the Bangladeshi institutional characteristics.


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This paper examines the influence of managerial ownership on firm performance through capital-structure choices, using a sample of China’s civilian-run firms listed on the Chinese stock market between 2002 and 2007. The empirical results demonstrate a nonlinear relationship between managerial ownership and firm value. Managerial ownership drives the capital structure into a nonlinear shape, but in an opposite direction to the effect of managerial ownership on firm value. The results of simultaneous regressions suggest that managerial ownership affects capital structure, which in turn affects firm value. Our findings imply that the “interest convergence” and “entrenchment” effects of managers’ behaviour in terms of managerial ownership can also explain the agency-relevant situation of China’s civilian-run firms.


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This paper investigates the impact if ownership and ownership concentration on the performance of China's listed firms. By recognizing the differences between ownership and ownership concentration, and between total ownership concentration and tradable ownership concentration, we find that ownership concentration is more powerful than any category of ownership in determining firm performance and that it has approximately positive linear relations with firm value. The tradable ownership concentration has a more significant and positive influence on firm performance than total ownership cocncentration. The highest level of firm performance is approached when a firm is characterized with both total ownership concentration and tradable ownership concentration. Thus, we conclude that it is a rule that ownership concentration enhances firm performance regardless of who the concentrated owners are.


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This article investigates the impact if ownership and ownership concentration on the performance of China's listed firms. By recognizing the differences between ownership and ownership concentration, and between total ownership concentration and tradable ownership concentration, we find that ownership concentration is more powerful than any category of ownership in determining firm performance and that it has approximately positive linear relations with firm value. The tradable ownership concentration has a more significant and positive influence on firm performance than total ownership cocncentration. The highest level of firm performance is approached when a firm is characterized with both total ownership concentration and tradable ownership concentration. Thus, we conclude that it is a rule that ownership concentration enhances firm performance regardless of who the concentrated owners are.


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This paper extends prior research to examine the managerial ownership influences on firm performance through the choices of capital structures by using a new sample of S& P 500 firm in 2005. The empirical results of OLS regressions replicate the nonlinear relationship between managerial ownership and firm value. However, we found that the turning points had moved up in our sample compared with previous papers, which implies that the managerial control for pursuing self-interst, and the alignment of interests between managers and other shareholders can only be achieved now by management holding more ownership in a firm than that found in previous studies. Managerial ownership also drives the capital structure as a nonlinear shape, but with a direction opposite to the shape of firm value. the results of simultaneous regressions suggest that managerial ownership affects capital structure, which in turn affects firm value. Capital structure is endogenously determined by bith firm value and managerial ownership; while managerial ownership is not endogenously determined by the other two variables.


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This paper seeks to examine the impact of ownership structure on firm performance and the default risk of a sample of publicly listed firms.


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The subject entrepreneurship has been gaining strength within the area of strategy, as the entrepreneurial activity represents one of the gears of economic growth and a political social and economic response of the entrepreneur¿s capital. Nevertheless, there are not many studies that investigated if entrepreneurial orientation influences firm performance in Brazil. The objective of the research is to understand and conclude on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. To achieve this objective, qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 14 managers was followed by quantitative research through data collection involving 104 managers in a heterogeneous sample of 104 companies. The research used the model of Lumpkin; Dess (1996) for entrepreneurial orientation in five dimensions (autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness), to which two more dimensions were added: strategic alliances and market orientation ¿ that emerged during the qualitative phase of the study. As a result a generic model was obtained ¿ composed of one variable (proactiveness) which positively impacts the firm performance. Proactiveness was also the key factor that positively impacted the firm performance for the service sector and small businesses. For the commercial sector, the model was composed by three dimensions (innovativeness, risk taking and market orientation). While the industry / construction sectors showed no linear relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Competitive aggressiveness is the key factor that impacts positively on firm performance for big companies, whereas for mediumsized companies it is the market orientation which relates positively to firm performance. Finally, there are no significant differences depending on the sector in which the firm operates or its size.


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O presente estudo avança a compreensão da performance empresarial ao propor que condições dos setores, especificamente a concentração setorial, moderam a relação entre instituições e desempenho das firmas. Já é sabido que o ambiente institucional impacta o desempenho das firmas (Makino, Isobe, & Chan, 2004) e que as reformas pró-mercado contribuem para que esse efeito seja positivo, tanto para firmas domésticas como estrangeiras (Cuervo-Cazurra & Dau, 2009). A explicação desse efeito é baseada na economia dos custos de transação (Coase, 1937; Commons, 1934). Contudo, não se sabe se o efeito é o mesmo para todos os setores e se fatores moderam a relação. Esta tese contou com 230.222 observações referentes a 10.903 empresas em 64 países em um intervalo de 23 anos coletados em diferentes bancos de dados. Foi testada a interação de seis variáveis institucionais com o índice Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) para três variáveis dependentes diferentes: retorno sobre ativos (ROA), retorno sobre patrimônio líquido (ROE) e crescimento de vendas composto de três anos. Duas estratégias empíricas foram utilizadas: modelos com efeitos fixos e modelos hierárquicos (multinível). Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese de que a interação do HHI é significante e negativa com quatro variáveis institucionais: voice and accountability, efetividade do governo, qualidade regulatória e controle da corrupção. Concentração setorial modera o efeito do ambiente institucional na performance empresarial. Em contextos onde as instituições são sólidas, a força de agentes como sindicatos, associações, imprensa e consumidor assume poder de barganha, refreando o poder das empresas e o oportunismo. Regras legais, direito comum e instituições tendem a limitar o poder unilateral em relações contratuais de todos os tipos, independe da fonte do poder (Macneil, 1980). Observou-se adicionalmente que a proteção ao oportunismo se dá principalmente por meio das instituições informais, como a proteção à democracia, direitos do consumidor e controle da corrupção. Ao propiciar poder aos outros agentes que interagem com as empresas, instituições fortes garantem o enforcement de compromissos contratuais, em particular os contratos sociais (Argyres & Liebeskind, 1999). Como implicações, essa tese propõe que estratégias de expansão dentro do setor, aquisição de participação de mercado e fusões e aquisições dentro do setor são mais adequadas em ambientes institucionais mais fracos que em ambientes fortes. Empresas que possuem alta participação de mercado devem reconhecer o impacto negativo que podem sofrer em seu desempenho a partir de melhorias institucionais. Finalmente, o estudo reforça a importância do reconhecimento por parte de governos de que setores e firmas se beneficiam de forma desigual das mudanças institucionais. O conhecimento prévio desses impactos pode servir de direcionamento para a formulação de políticas públicas justas e eficientes. As principais limitações estão relacionadas à base de dados, exclusivamente composta de empresas com capital aberto, a forma pela qual a classificação de algumas empresas diversificadas foi feita e o fato dessa tese não investigar diretamente o poder de barganha nem ao menos o oportunismo, mas somente o poder moderador da concentração setorial no efeito das instituições no desempenho.


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We argue in this paper that executives can only impact firm outcomes if they have influence over crucial decisions. Based on this idea we develop and test a hypothesis about how CEOs’ power to influence decisions will affect firm performance: since managers’ opinions may differ, firms whose CEOs have more decision-making power should experience more variability in firm performance. Thus performance depends on the interaction between executive characteristics and organizational variables. By focusing on this interaction we are able to use firm-level characteristics to test predictions that are related to unobservable managerial characteristics. Using such firmlevel characteristics of the Executive Office we develop a proxy for the CEO’s power to influence decisions and provide evidence consistent with our hypothesis. Firm performance (measured by Tobin’s Q, stock returns and ROA) is significantly more variable for firms with greater values of our proxy for CEO influence power. The results are robust across various tests designed to detect differences in variability.


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We propose several new metrics to describe the complex ownership structure of business groups, and provide simple formulas and algorithms to compute these metrics. We use these measures to describe in detail the ownership structure of Korean chaebols in the period of 2003 to 2004. In addition, we validate the usefulness of our new metrics by showing empirically that they are important for understanding the valuation and performance of group firms. In particular, we show evidence that firms that are central to the control structure of the chaebol (central firms), firms in cross-shareholdings, and firms that are placed at the bottom of the group (i.e., with lower ultimate ownership) have lower profitability than other group firms. The valuation results suggest that central firms and firms in cross-shareholding loops have lower valuations than other public Chaebol firms. The lower valuation of these firms is not explained by variation in measures of ownership concentration and separation between ownership and control.