922 resultados para Filosofía griega s.III-IV


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Contiene : Modular Pack 1, Planificación (vol I, II, Preparando las clases) - Modular Pack 2, Integración (vol III, IV, V, Beyond the linguistic skills) - Modular Pack 3, Evaluación ( vol. VI, VII, Una asignatura pendiente). Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el MEC al amparo del Concurso Nacional para la elaboración de materiales curriculares, convocado por la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, según resolución 31 de enero de 1990


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Contiene: Vol. III. Modules A, C, D - Vol. IV. 1er. ciclo ESO: Modules B - Vol. V. 2o. ciclo ESO: Modules B. Trabajo financiado por el MEC al amparo del Concurso Nacional para la elaboración de materiales curriculares


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Observar si el test guestáltico visomotor como medida de la coordinación visomotora diferencia entre buenos y malos lectores de diferente sexo y edad, y entre buenos y malos escritores de diferente sexo y edad. 256 sujetos seleccionados en varios colegios públicos de la provincia de Murcia y en el departamento de Psicología Clínica de la Ciudad Sanitaria Vírgen de la Arrixaca. Para cubrir los objetivos básicos de la investigación se ha hecho un diseño experimental con seis variables independientes intersujetos, tres referidas a la lectura: 1. Nivel lector; 2. Sexo; 3. Edad y tres referidas a la escritura: 1. Nivel escritor; 2. Sexo; 3. Edad, para observar que efectos diferenciales ejercen en relación a la coordinación visomotora referida a la escritura. La variable dependiente la conforman las puntuaciones obtenidas en las diferentes categorías: forma; contigüidad separación; orientación general; orientación precisa; alineaciones; dimensiones y número. Cuestionario de observación 'ad hoc' para los profesores de tercero, cuarto y quinto de EGB de Cervera y Toro para evaluar el nivel lector y escritor, y seleccionar la muestra. WISC y TEA-1 para evaluar el CI de los sujetos de la muestra. Cinco dibujos en cartulina (10 x 15) y ordenados I, II, III, IV, V, correspondientes con los modelos A, II, IV, III, VII de Bender. Folio blanco, lápiz número 2 y otro de reserva, una hoja de anotación, siete mallas de corrección y tres hojas de puntuación. Análisis cuantitativo de las variables independientes. Análisis cualitativo de las variables, muy utilizado con el Test Guestáltico Visomotor (TGV), para referirse al estudio de ciertos fracasos en la ejecución de los modelos. Para el análisis de significación estadística se realizaron las siguientes contrastaciones: lectura: análisis de varianza factorial de tipo 2x2x4 para los 16 grupos. Escritura: análisis de varianza factorial de tipo 2x2x4 para los surgidos. Edad: contraste de significación para los cuatro niveles de la variable, tanto en lectura como en escritura. Para el análisis cualitativo referido a lectura, se utilizó un análisis de varianza factorial 2x4 para cada categoría; lo mismo en lo referente a escritura. En los análisis estadísticos se han seguido las pautas de Glass & Stanley (1974) y Arnau (1978,1981). En relación a las hipótesis planteadas se observan diferencias de ejecución del Bender entre los buenos y malos lectores y escritores; con lo que ambas hipótesis quedan confirmadas. En relación a las hipótesis de las diferencias por el sexo, se confirma que no existe diferente ejecución en el TGV. En relación con la edad si se observan diferencias, por lo que al TGV se le puede considerar como un test madurativo. El TGV tiene una utilidad clínica manifiesta. Parece adecuado afirmar que entre los muchos factores relacionados con las dificultades de lectura y escritura el factor 'coordinación visomotriz' es un factor importante.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Aprender a lo largo de la vida'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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O Lauril Sulfato de Sódio (LSS) é um tensioactivo aniónico utilizado em muitas formas farmacêuticas, que apresenta, no entanto, algum potencial de irritação. Também por esse motivo o LSS é utilizado como agente provocador em diversos micrométodos de exploração in vivo da fisiopatologia da pele. Factores como a idade, sexo, hidratação da pele, região anatómica, afectam a resposta da pele ao contacto com LSS, O objectivo deste estudo foi estudar a influência do fototipo na recuperação da integridade da pele humana ao contacto com LSS. Após selecção dos voluntários (n=12) com base nos seus fototipos (Grupo I : Fototipo III-IV e Grupo II: Fototipo V-VI) foi aplicado um penso contendo uma solução de LSS a 2% no antebraço, durante 24h(D0. Após remoção do penso, os voluntários foram sujeitos (D1,D2,D7) a exame dermatológico e à medição das variáveis biométricas: perda de água trans-epidermica, hidratação (por 2 métodos complementares) grau de eritema e fluxo sanguíneo local. Os resultados mostram que existem diferenças entre os dois grupos para a PTEA, LDF e grau de eritema, sugerindo uma maior susceptibilidade para os fototipos mais claros e uma maior rapidez de recuperação para os fototipos mais elevados.


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P>Aim To evaluate in vitro the effect of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)] and Er:YAG laser on bacterial endotoxin [also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] as determined by nitric oxide (NO) detection in J774 murine macrophage cell line culture. Methodology Samples of LPS solution (50 mu gmL-1), Ca(OH)(2) suspension (25 mg mL-1) and LPS suspension with Ca(OH)(2) were prepared. The studied groups were: I - LPS (control); II - LPS + Ca(OH)(2); III - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 140 mJ); IV - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 200 mJ); V - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 250 mJ), VI - Pyrogen-free water; VII - Ca(OH)(2). Murine macrophage J774 cells were plated and 10 mu L of the samples were added to each well. The supernatants were collected for NO detection by the Griess reaction. Data were analysed statistically by one-way anova and Tukey`s test at 5% significance level. Results The mean and SE (in mu mol L-1) values of NO release were: I - 10.48 +/- 0.58, II - 6.41 +/- 0.90, III - 10.2 +/- 0.60, IV - 8.35 +/- 0.40, V - 10.40 +/- 0.53, VI - 3.75 +/- 0.70, VII - 6.44 +/- 0.60; and the values for the same experiment repeated after 1 week were: I - 21.20 +/- 1.50, II - 9.10 +/- 0.60, III - 19.50 +/- 1.00, IV - 18.50 +/- 0.60, V - 21.30 +/- 0.90, VI - 2.00 +/- 0.20, VII - 6.80 +/- 1.70. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the control and the laser-treated groups (III, IV and V), or comparing groups II, VI and VII to each other (P > 0.05). Group I had significantly higher NO release than group II (P < 0.05). Groups II and VI had similar NO release (P > 0.05). Conclusions Calcium hydroxide inactivated the bacterial endotoxin (LPS) whereas none of the Er:YAG laser parameter settings had the same effectiveness.


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In this study we examined the possible antigenotoxic effect of selenium (Se) in rats chronically exposed to low levels of methylmercury (MeHg) and the association between glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and DNA lesions (via comet assay) in the same exposed animals. Rats were divided into six groups as follows: (Group I) received water; (Group II) received MeHg (100 mu g/day); (Group III) received Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group IV) received Se (6 mg/L drinking water); (Group V) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group VI) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (6 mg/L drinking water). Total treatment time was 100 days. GSH-Px activity was determined spectrophotometrically and DNA damage was determined by comet assay. Mean GSH-Px activity in groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 40.19 +/- A 17.21; 23.63 +/- A 6.04; 42.64 +/- A 5.70; 38.50 +/- A 7.15; 34.54 +/- A 6.18 and 41.39 +/- A 11.67 nmolNADPH/min/gHb. DNA damage was represented by a mean score from 0 to 300; the results for groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 6.87 +/- A 3.27; 124.12 +/- A 13.74; 10.62 +/- A 3.81; 13.25 +/- A 1.76; 86.87 +/- A 11.95 and 76.25 +/- A 7.48. There was a significant inhibition of GSH-Px activity in group II compared with group I (P < 0.05). Groups V and VI did not show a difference in enzyme activity compared with groups III and IV, showing the possible protective action of Se. Comet assay presented a significant difference in DNA migration between group II and group I (P < 0.0001). Groups V and VI showed a significant reduction in MeHg-induced genotoxicity (P < 0.001) when compared with group II. A negative correlation (r = -0.559, P < 0.05) was found between GSH-Px activity and DNA lesion, showing that the greater the DNA damage, the lower the GSH-Px activity. Our findings demonstrated the oxidative and genotoxic properties of MeHg, even at low doses. Moreover, Se co-administration reestablished GSH-Px activity and reduced DNA damage.


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Background: The number of childbearing adolescents in Vietnam is relatively low but they are more prone to experience adverse outcome than adult women. Reports of increasing rates of abortion and prevalence of STIs including HIV among youth indicate a need to improve services and counselling for these groups. Midwives are key persons in the promotion of young people’s sexual and reproductive health in Vietnam. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to describe the prevalence and outcome of adolescent pregnancies in Vietnam (I), to explore the social context and health care seeking behavior of pregnant adolescents (II), as well as to explore the perspectives of health care providers and midwifery students regarding adolescent sexuality and reproductive health service needs (III, IV). Methods: The studies were conducted from 2002 to 2005, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. A population based prospective survey was used to estimate rates and outcomes of adolescent pregnancies (I). Pregnant and newly delivered adolescents’ experiences of childbearing and their encounters with health care providers were studied using qualitative interviews (II). Health care providers’ perspective on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and views on how to improve the quality of abortion care was explored in focus group discussions (FGD). The values and attitudes of midwifery students about ASRH were investigated using questionnaires and interviews (IV). Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data (I, IV) and content analysis were applied for qualitative data (II, III, and IV). Findings: Adolescent birth rate was similar to previously reported in Vietnam but lower when compared to other Asian countries. The incidence of stillborn among adolescents was higher than for women in higher reproductive ages. The proportion of preterm deliveries was 20 % of all births, higher than previous findings from Vietnam. About 2 % of the deliveries were home deliveries, more common among women with low education, belonging to ethnic minority and/or living in mountainous areas (I). Ambivalence facing motherhood, pride and happiness but also worries and lack of self-confidence emerged as themes from the interviews; and experience of ‘being in the hands of others’ in a positive, caring sense but also in a sense of subordination in relation to husband, family and health care providers (II). Health care providers at abortion clinics and midwifery students generally disapproved of pre-marital sex, but had a pragmatic view on the need for contraceptive services and counselling to reduce the burden of unwanted pregnancies and abortions for young women. Providers and midwifery students expressed a need for training on ASRH issues (III, IV). Conclusion: Cultural norms and gender inequity make pregnant adolescent women in Vietnam vulnerable to sexual and reproductive health risks. Health care providers experience ethical dilemmas while counselling unmarried adolescents who come for abortion and this has a negative impact on the quality of care. Integrated ASRH in education and training programmes for health care providers, including midwives, as well as continued in-service training on these issues are suggested to improve reproductive health care services in Vietnam.


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The overall aim of this thesis was to explore surgical nurses’ experiences of being confronted with patients’ existential issues when caring for patients with cancer, and to examine whether an educational intervention may support nurses in addressing existential needs when caring for patients with cancer. Previously recorded discussions from supervision sessions with eight healthcare professionals were analysed (I), written descriptions of critical incidents were collected from 10 nurses, and interviews with open questions were conducted (II). An educational intervention on existential issues was pilot tested and is presented in Studies III and IV. The intervention was the basis of a pilot study with the purpose of testing whether the whole design of the educational intervention, including measurements instruments, is appropriate. In Study III and IV interviews with 11 nurses were conducted and 42 nurses were included in the quantitative measurements of four questionnaires, which were distributed and collected. Data was analysed using qualitative secondary analysis (I), hermeneutical analysis (II), and mixed methods using qualitative content analysis and statistical analyses (III-IV). Results in all studies show that existential issues are part of caring at surgical wards. However, although the nurses were aware of them, they found it difficult to acknowledge these issues owing to for example insecurity (I-III), a strict medical focus (II) and/or lacking strategies (I-III) for communicating on these issues. Modest results from the pilot study are reported and suggest beneficial influences of a support in communication on existential issues (III). The results indicate that the educational intervention may enhance nurses’ understanding for the patient’s situation (IV), help them deal with own insecurity and powerlessness in communication (III), and increase the value of caring for severely ill and dying patients (III) in addition to reducing work-related stress (IV). An outcome of all the studies in this thesis was that surgical nurses consider it crucial to have time and opportunity to reflect on caring situations together with colleagues. In addition, descriptions in Studies III and IV show the value of relating reflection to a theory or philosophy in order for attitudes to be brought to awareness and for new strategies to be developed.


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Introduction Researchers have, for decades, contributed to an increased collective understanding of the physiological demands in cross-country skiing; however, almost all of these studies have used either non-elite subjects and/or performances that emulate cross-country skiing. To establish the physiological demands of cross-country skiing, it is important to relate the investigated physiological variables to the competitive performance of elite skiers. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was, therefore, to investigate the external validity of physiological test variables to determine the physiological demands in competitive elite cross-country skiing. Methods The subjects in Study I – IV were elite male (I – III) and female (III – IV) cross-country skiers. In all studies, the relationship between test variables (general and ski-specific) and competitive performances (i.e. the results from competitions or the overall ski-ranking points of the International Ski Federation (FIS) for sprint (FISsprint) and distance (FISdist) races) were analysed. Test variables reflecting the subject’s general strength, upper-body and whole-body oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake and work intensity at the lactate threshold, mean upper-body power, lean mass, and maximal double-poling speed were investigated. Results The ability to maintain a high work rate without accumulating lactate is an indicator of distance performance, independent of sex (I, IV). Independent of sex, high oxygen uptake in whole-body and upper-body exercise was important for both sprint (II, IV) and distance (I, IV) performance. The maximal double-poling speed and 60-s double-poling mean power output were indicators of sprint (IV) and distance performance (I), respectively. Lean mass was correlated with distance performance for women (III), whereas correlations were found between lean mass and sprint performance among both male and female skiers (III). Moreover, no correlations between distance performance and test variables were derived from tests of knee-extension peak torque, vertical jumps, or double poling on a ski-ergometer with 20-s and 360-s durations (I), whereas gross efficiency while treadmill roller skiing showed no correlation with either distance or sprint performance in cross-country skiing (IV). Conclusion The results in this thesis show that, depending on discipline and sex, maximal and peak oxygen uptake, work intensity at the lactate threshold, lean mass, double-poling mean power output, and double-poling maximal speed are all externally valid physiological test variables for evaluation of performance capability among elite cross-country skiers; however, to optimally indicate performance capability different test-variable expressions should be used; in general, the absolute expression appears to be a better indicator of competitive sprint performance whereas the influence of body mass should be considered when evaluating competitive distance performance capability of elite cross-country skiers.


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Iniciamos o presente trabalho fazendo um estudo comparativo entre duas células de carga de compressão, ambas em formato cilíndrico, possuindo internamente, à meia altura do corpo, uma placa engastada. Estas duas células de carga são de aço SAE 1045; para uma delas adaptamos um modelo matemático teórico, através do qual foram pré-determinadas as suas dimensões, objetivando em comportamento ótimo no que se refere às distribuições de tensões e deformações, esta denominamos de Célula de Carga I. Na outra, denominada de Célula de Carga II, alteramos algumas dimensões, com a finalidade de comparar seu comportamento em relação à primeira. Também, no transcorrer do trabalho analisamos e comparamos os resultados matemáticos com os valores práticos encontrados. Frente aos resultados obtidos neste estudo prévio, projetamos, construímos e analisamos cinco outras células de carga (Células de Carga III, IV, V, VI e VII), em termos de geometria, material e tratamento térmico, visando o aperfeiçoamento de tais transdutores de força no que concerne a usinagem, resposta de sinal elétrico, limitações e aplicações industriais.


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Objetivo - Investigar os efeitos da aplicação endocárdica do laser de hólmio em regiões isquêmicas de pacientes com angina refratária, sobre a classe funcional de angina, a tolerância ao esforço, o duplo produto, a fração de ejeção e o consumo de antianginosos. Métodos - Treze pacientes (66.10 ±12 anos) não elegíveis para angioplastia ou cirurgia, com angina refratária classe III-IV e fração de ejeção de 43,4±7,8% foram submetidos a 30-40 perfurações endocárdicas de 5 mm de profundidade com o laser de hólmio, aplicado pela via percutânea a regiões isquêmicas determinadas pela prova do Tálio 201. Cinco variáveis clínicas foram avaliadas aos 3, 6 e 12 meses. A significância estatística aos 3, 6 e 12 meses foi avaliada pelo ANOVA e pelo método proposto por Bonferroni. Resultados - Todos os procedimentos tiveram sucesso. A classe funcional de angina de base, aos 3, 6 e 12 meses era respectivamente: 3,5±0,5; 2,2±0,4; 1,7±0,5; 2,0±0,7 (P<0,001); a prova submáxima de Naughton (segundos) 374±133 (base); 518±121 (6 meses) [P=0,05]; 428±132 (12 meses) [P=0,029]; os antianginosos (mg/dia) 204,8±72,5; 204,8±72,5; 137,9±66,1; 121,7±32,7[P= 0,01]; a fração de ejeção (%) 43,4±7,8 (base); 49,0±6,9 (6 meses) [0,081] e o duplo produto (x 1000) 16,2±3,4 (base); 17,8±4,4 (6 meses); 17,5±4,4 (12 meses) [P=0,253]. Conclusão - Os dados sugerem que, no grupo estudado, a aplicação percutânea do laser de hólmio em regiões isquêmicas melhora de forma significativa a classe funcional de angina e a tolerância ao esforço, apesar da redução da medicação antianginosa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ce projet présente dans son premier chapitre une étude historique-bibliographique basée sur la Pédagogie Freinet en France, ainsi que sa formation républicaine, ses courants politiques et idéologiques qui ont moulés l organisation sociale et éducationnelle de ce pays. Ce travail montre le rôle des courants de gauche dans ce processus, cela se reflète aussi sur le jeune Freinet. Les changements opérés dans la décennie de 1950 dans le système scolaire, dans le propre Mouvement Freinet et les ruptures qui ont eues à l intérieur de ce mouvement. Cela se termine avec les directions prises dans les dernières décennies, son arrivée au Brésil et les perspectives actuelles. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la reconstitution historique du Brésil dont sa phase coloniale et impériale. Les événements historiques de la IIIe, IVe et Ve République sont mis en relief avec ceux du Mouvement Freinet. La phase militaire imposée au Brésil et les luttes pour la reconquête de la démocratie. Il se termine avec les considérations sur la LDBEN 9394/96 et l implantation du Curso Normal Superior; un bref historique de la Pédagogie Freinet au Brésil, des thèmes importants travaillés dans le troisième chapitre. Dans ce chapitre une recherche qualitative est décrite basée dans l Etnographie Critique et Multiréférentiellel et aussi dans la Recherche-Action. Elle est développée auprès d un groupe de cinq professeurs des premières classes de l école primaire au collège, inscrites dans le Curso Normal Superior. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de rencontres régulières avec le groupe la médiation didactique , des entretiens, des questionnaires, des observations dans les salles de classe, du travail final du cours, nommé Mémorial de Formation. À travers l ensemble des données, on recherche les apports et l actualité d une proposition pédagogique historiquement firmée pour le développement de la praxis éducative


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Foram utilizadas 99 vacas prenhes distribuídas em oito grupos que receberam os seguintes tratamentos: grupo I, com 29 vacas não vacinadas e seus bezerros que não receberam probiótico, ficando como controle; grupo II, com 10 vacas vacinadas e seus bezerros que não receberam probiótico; grupos III, IV e V, com 10 animais cada, vacas vacinadas e seus bezerros que receberam probiótico durante 5, 15 e 30 dias, respectivamente; os grupos VI, VII e VIII, com 10 animais cada, vacas não vacinadas e seus bezerros que receberam probiótico durante 5, 15 e 30 dias, respectivamente. Cada animal dos grupos vacinados recebeu duas doses vacinais contendo os pili K99 e A14 de Escherichia coli na dose de 5,0ml por via subcutânea. O probiótico contendo Ruminobacter amylophilum, Ruminobacter succinogenes, Succinovibrio dextrinosolvens, Bacillus cereus, Lactobacillus acidophilus e Streptococcus faecium, na dose de 3,0× 10(8) células vivas (UFC) de cada amostra em 250ml de leite, era adiministrado por via oral. Os animais foram observados diariamente e foram determinados os títulos de anticorpos anti-K99 e anti-A14 no soro e no colostro. Anotaram-se os pesos dos bezerros ao nascimento e aos 30 dias. Os resultados mostraram que a associação de vacina com probiótico administrado por 15 e 30 dias foram os tratamentos mais eficientes no controle da diarréia e ganho de peso.