764 resultados para Film Aesthetics
Tutkielmani valottaa irlantilaisen kirjailijan Oscar Wilden (1854-1900) vähemmän tunnettua työtä ja ajattelua taidekriitikkona fin de sièclen ja modernismin välisen siirtymävaiheen estetiikassa. Wilden voidaan sanoa olleen edellä aikaansa estetiikkakäsityksensä suhteen: Hän käsittelee taidekritiikissään teemoja, jotka tulivat keskeisiksi modernismin ja postmodernismin myötä – esimerkiksi kielen pettävyyttä, sellaisten käsitteiden kuin ’todellisuus’, ’luonto’ tai ’yhteiskunta’ sattumanvaraisuutta sekä yhteisön ja yksilön identiteettien fragmentoitumista. Wilde myös kyseenalaistaa – paradoksien, kielellisten nokkeluuksien ja ironian avulla – monia länsimaisessa filosofiassa ’normatiivisina’ pidettyjä arvoja, kuten totuuteen pyrkimisen. Lisäksi hän haastaa taiteenkritiikin akateemisen tradition hylkäämällä sellaiset sen hyveinä pitämät piirteet kuin johdonmukaisuus ja ristiriidattomuus. Tarkastelen Wilden estetiikkakäsitystä pääasiassa esseekokoelman Intentions (1891), etenkin esseen Valehtelun rappio, sekä De Profundis –teoksen (1905) kautta. Tekstejä analysoimalla ja vertaamalla osoitan miten 1890-luvun alkupuolen ja vankilatuomiotaan istuvan Wilden estetiikkakäsitys muuttui ja kehittyi. Wilden kohdalla on syytä puhua taidefilosofiasta taiteenteorian sijaan. Hänen kriittiset esseensä eivät tähtää ’harmonisen’ kokonaisuuden luomiseen tai pragmaattis-loogisen mallin rakentamiseen taiteen ymmärtämiseksi vaan tulvivat ironiaa ja ristiriitaisuuksia. Wildella taideteoksen tarkasteluun liittyy aina eettisiä, ontologisia ja metafyysisiä kysymyksiä, jotka syventävät mutta myös monimutkaistavat esteettistä kokemusta. Keskeinen teema Wildelle onkin taiteen ja elämän vastakkainasettelu sekä niiden välisen yhteyden tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen: taide on sekä autonomista että subjektiivista. Tämä paradoksi kulminoituu esteettisessä kokemuksessa. Wildelle luomistyö ja vastaanottajan elämys ovat tiedostamattomia prosesseja – tietoista luovuutta ei ole. Esteettinen kuitenkin voidaan yhdistää tietoisuuteen, mutta se edellyttää että myös tietoisuuden on oltava luovaa. Siksipä lähestyäkseen taidetta kritiikin on tultava enemmän taiteen kaltaiseksi – epänormatiiviseksi ja epäloogiseksi. Tässä prosessissa paradokseilla on merkittävä tehtävä: ne muistuttavat siitä, että puhuttaessa taiteesta ei ole oikeita vastauksia, on vain hyviä kysymyksiä.
This article contributes to the study of cinema audiences in Europe by analyzing theactual behavior of Spanish moviegoers and their level of satisfaction. We modeledmoviegoers’ choice of film by country of origin (U.S.A., Spain, and other countries)according to a set of determinants: (1) consumers’ interpretation of several sources of information, (2) motivations and (3) choice rules. We found three clear consumerstereotypes related to each type of film: (1) U.S.A. films were preferred by almost everyone (especially families and younger audiences); (2) Spanish films had audiences composed of middle-age and middle-class moviegoers; and (3) European productions were preferred by a social or intellectual elite. U.S.A. films dominate the Spanish market for the reason that they provide most of what moviegoers prefer, namely, familiar, reliable entertainment in Spanish; three characteristics that are not satisfied by Spanish and European films. Additionally, we discuss the implications for the European cultural policy
The Birkhoff aesthetic measure of an object is the ratio between order and complexity. Informational aesthetics describes the interpretation of this measure from an information-theoretic perspective. From these ideas, the authors define a set of ratios based on information theory and Kolmogorov complexity that can help to quantify the aesthetic experience
The electrochemical behaviour of zinc has been extensively studied in alkaline and acid media, but only a few studies have been reported in neutral solutions, particularly in deaerated media. Zinc passivation in neutral medium and the effect of the ClO4- ion on the nucleation and growth of the passive layer is studied in this paper by a transient technique at different electrolyte concentrations and applied potentials. ZnO growth rate was shown to decrease with increasing electrolyte concentration. Moreover, passive layer growth occurred followed by pitting nucleation and growth. Film growth and pit nucleation are explained by means of the Macdonald and Engell-Stolica models.
The complex permittivity of films of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) has been investigated over a wide range of frequency. There is no relaxation peak in the range of 1Hz to 10(5) Hz but in the low-frequency side (10-4 Hz) there is an evidence of a peak that also can be observed by thermally stimulated discharge current measurements. That peak is related with the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer. The activation energy of the relaxation was found to be 0.44 eV, similar to that of several synthetic polymers. Space charges are important in the conduction mechanism as shown by discharging transient.
Studien grundar sig på tanken att populärkulturen och dess uttrycksformer är viktiga att analysera närmare även när det gäller en förståelse av religion i dagens värld. Populärkulturen kan antas både spegla och påverka oss. Detta sker naturligtvis inte på ett enkelt sätt, men populärkulturen kan ändå anses vara med och forma hur vi ser på världen omkring oss och på fenomen som t.ex. religion och könsroller. Den genre Sjö valt att rikta in sig på, science fiction, är vald med tanke på hur denna genre tagit sig an både frågor om religion och genus och hur den även blir av betydelse för analyser av dagens värld. Studien riktar i första hand in sig på forskning kring frälsartemat i populärkulturen. Det delvis nya som tillförs forskningen är ett genusperspektiv. Istället för att rikta in sig på de oftast manliga messiasgestalterna ser studien således till den kvinnliga närvaron i berättelserna. För det första analyseras kvinnliga karaktärer i rollerna som kärleksobjekt och mödrar. Centrala frågor som tas upp i denna del av avhandlingen är de kvinnliga karaktärernas roll i förhållande till manliga messiasgestalter och messiasmyter i materialet. Andra frågor som behandlas är de kvinnliga karaktärernas tillgång till en religiös röst och religiöst ledarskap, samt en hurdan kvinnlighet de kan anses representera. För det andra ser studien närmare på frågan om vad som händer med messiasmyten när en kvinna istället för en man tillåts rädda världen. En jämförelse görs mellan manliga och kvinnliga messiasgestalter och vissa tydliga olikheter särskilt i relation till frågor om religiös makt presenteras. Sofia Sjös avhandling visar på problem när det gäller frågor om kvinnligt religiöst ledarskap som även kan relateras till attityder i dagens värld, men pekar också på hur traditionella framställningar av både messiasmyt och kvinnlighet utmanas och förändras i det undersökta materialet.
This study is a literature review on laser scribing in monolithically interconnected thin-film PV modules, focusing on efficiency of modules based on absorber materials CIGS, CdTe and a-Si. In thin-film PV module manufacturing scribing is used to interconnect individual cells monolithically by P1, P2 and P3 scribes. Laser scribing has several advantages compared to mechanical scribing for this purpose. However, laser scribing of thin-films can be a challenging process and may induce efficiency reducing defects. Some of these defects can be avoided by improving optimisation or processing methods.
Poly-(vinyl chloride) (PVC) requires the addition of plasticizers - additives that give flexibility and malleability for its processing into flexible film. The most used ones are: di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Toxic effects of DEHP have been observed by several authors. Phthalates are being replaced by alternative substances in PVC flexible products, because of their possible toxicological effects. DEHA is a substitute for phthalates widely used as a plasticizer in PVC materials for involving food. Some authors have shown that the exposure to DEHA also induces toxicity. A cross-sectional study was performed to identify which fatty foods carry the possibility of contamination by DEHP and DEHA. Eighteen different foods with at least 3% (m/m) fat and the possibility of being wrapped in plastic film were determined. This study suggested that all foods were subject to contamination by DEHP and DEHA in those conditions - in decreasing consumption order of 96 to 22% in the convenience sample. New guidelines on the limits of DEHA and DEHP established by the Brazilian legislation, as additives in PVC film for packaging fatty food, are still relevant to ensure human health.
An indicator can be defined as a substance which indicates the presence or absence of another substance or the degree of a certain reaction through characteristic changes, especially color. Therefore, the aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of a bio-based film with anthocyanin as an indicator of chilled pork deterioration. A film made of cassava starch, glycerol, and grape anthocyanins was prepared using the casting technique. Pork loin samples were put in Petri dishes containing an anthocyanin film on the bottom and stored at 4 ºC. Psychrotrophic microorganism count and the pH of the pork loin samples were analyzed for a 14 day- period. At the same time, the films were subjected to colorimetric analysis using D65 illuminant and the CIELAB system. Chroma and hue angle data for these films were evaluated by Anova and Dunnett's test. An increase in the microbial population and in the pH was observed over the storage period as result of pork deterioration. Color changes were also identified in the film. However, only at the beginning of the storage period was it possible to establish a correlation between film color and pork deterioration. The shelf life end-point could not be clearly detected by the film.
Rancidity development during frozen storage (–20 °C) of sierra fish (Scomberomorus sierra) was studied. Fillets were packed in low-density polyethylene films with and without butylated hydroxytoluene added (BHT-LDPE and LDPE respectively). Fillets stored with no package were used as control. Special attention was given to the effect of previous ice storage (0, 3, 6, 9 and 15 days) on the quality of the frozen fish. Physical (pH and texture) and chemical (peroxide value, PV and thiobarbituric acid index, TBA-i) analyses were carried out. Lipid oxidation increased with ice storage time in fish muscle without film packing, being greater than the film packed muscle (with and without antioxidant). An effect of previous ice storage time was observed on the frozen product (in all treatments). However, fish muscle with film packing containing antioxidant showed less lipid deterioration. Under the conditions applied in this study, the plastic films with antioxidant prevented the lipids oxidation during the cold handling of the sierra muscle.
The main objective of seed coating technology using polymers is to improve the physical, physiological and sanitary characteristics of seed performance. The objectives of the present study were to determine: the plantability of corn seeds treated with insecticide, fungicide and graphite, covered with a film coating; the dust retention on treated corn seeds; and the leaching of applied products on corn seeds covered by a film coating. Seed plantability was determined by counting the skips and double seeds; dust was determined by using fiberglass paper in mg.100 g-1 of seeds; and the leaching was determined by collecting the material leached in a 10 cm layer of sand after irrigation. The following conclusions were made: seeds covered with film coating effectively reduce skips and double seeds; film coating effectively reduces the formation of dust from the seeds; film coated seeds minimize the leaching of the insecticide applied in seed treatment; and there are differences in effectiveness related to film coating type and dosage.
It is well known that Kants aesthetics is framed intersubjectively because he upholds the claim of taste to universality. However, the transcendental foundation of this shared universality is a supersensible ground which is taken for granted but which cannot be brought directly into communicative experience. Kants reliance on the synthetic a priori structure of aesthetic judgment also removes it from the sphere of observable personal interaction. This argumentative strategy exposes it to skeptical challenge and generates inaccessible references to inner representations (be they intuitions, categories of the understanding or rational ideas). It is not sufficient, as Kant did, to propose a description of aesthetic experience that is subjectively plausible and thereby claim its intersubjective validity. It is indispensable to embody intersubjectivity in behavior and language. In practical intersubjectivity, aesthetic attitudes are dealt with in a concrete and accessible manner without relying on mentalistic assumptions as a foundation. Conceptual terms such as 'agreeable, 'beauty, 'sublime, 'ugly, 'universality acquire new meaning in a conversational context and aesthetic claims are tested in a dialogical game semantics model.
This thesis examines the Midnight Express phenomenon focusing on the film's reception by audiences in Europe, North America, and Turkey between 1978-2003. Using and enhancing the "historical materialist approach" to film reception developed by Janet Staiger, the thesis considers the historical determinants of the film's nationally and culturally differential readings in different periods and of the transformations in those readings. The thesis argues that while Midnight Express was most likely read in the late 1970s as an attempt to reaffirm American social identity by projecting Turks as an instance of the negative Other, there has been an important shift in the reception of the film in the West during the 1990s due to the changes in the discursive contexts in which the film has been circulating. One does not observe any specific reference to Turkish prisons as a part of the issue of human rights violations in Turkey in the initial reception of the film by European and American critics, whereas these issues appear to be important constituents of a particular reception of the film in the West in the present. The thesis explains this shift by pointing to the constitution of a particular discourse on human rights violations in Turkey after 1980, and especially throughout the 1990s, which has become a part of the discursive repertoires of the Western audience. Therefore, the thesis argues that today, Midnight Express functions as a more legitimate political statement about Turkey in the eyes of some Western audiences than it had been in the 1970s. On the other hand, parallel to the increasing desire of Turkey to connect itself to the West, particularly to become a member of the European Union, one observes an immense increase in the belief in and defense against the negative effects of Midnight Express on Turkey's international representation since the 1990s. The historical and current discourses that audiences, both in Turkey and abroad, bring into play suggest that these audiences engage with Midnight Express by assuming or denying not only the subject positions constructed by the film text but also certain history-specific extra-filmic subject positions produced by other social and discursive formations.
This thesis attempts to understand representations of death in contemporary popular film within a framework that posits mortality as a category of particular social and political importance for the way we understand both individual subjectivity and social responsibility in the postmodern cultural moment. It addresses concerns over the social organizing categories of time and space, and performs a sustained consideration of predominant themes related to the popular representation of death, such as contingency, existential.meaning, and temporal finitude. Death consciousness and social consciousness are shown to be not just intertwined, but also vitally dependent on one another, and the analyses undertaken are ultimately aimed at making these intersections explicit in order • l to think through their potential implications for challenging consumer capitalist hegemony and envisioning the possibility of progressive social change through the lens of our mortality.