201 resultados para Fertig, Melinda


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Front Row: Jennifer Kreinbrink, Nicole Motycka, Michelle Teschler, Lauren Holland, Jessica Merchant.

Second Row: Jennifer Olds, Amy Prichard, Meghan Ritter, Courtney Betley, Monica Schock, Angie Churchill, Meghan Doe.

Third Row: Liz Elsner, Melinda Moulden, Lisa Mack, Marissa Young.

Back Row: Stephanie Bercaw, Grace Leutele, Tiffany Haas, Jennie Ritter, Student Manager Natalie Shaver.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Sleepiness is a significant contributor to car crashes and sleepiness related crashes have higher mortality and morbidity than other crashes. Young adult drivers are at particular risk for sleepiness related car crashes. It has been suggested that this is because young adults are typically sleepier than older adults because of chronic sleep loss, and more often drive at times of increased risk of acute sleepiness. This prospective study aimed to determine the relationship between predicted and perceived sleepiness while driving in 47 young-adult drivers over a 4-week period. Sleepiness levels were predicted by a model incorporating known circadian and sleep factors influencing alertness, and compared to subjective ratings of sleepiness during 25 18 driving episodes. Results suggested that young drivers frequently drive while at risk of crashing, at times of predicted sleepiness (>7% of episodes) and at times they felt themselves to be sleepy (>23% of episodes). A significant relationship was found between perceived and predicted estimates of sleepiness. However, the participants nonetheless drove at these times. The results of this study may help preventative programs to specifically target factors leading to increased sleepiness when driving (particularly time of day), and to focus interventions to stop young adults from driving when they feel sleepy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solid phase microextraction (SPME) offers a solvent-free and less labour-intensive alternative to traditional flavour isolation techniques. In this instance, SPME was optimised for the extraction of 17 stale flavour volatiles (C3-11,13 methyl ketones and C4-10 saturated aldehydes) from the headspace of full-cream ultrahigh-temperature (UHT)-processed milk. A comparison of relative extraction efficiencies was made using three fibre coatings, three extraction times and three extraction temperatures. Linearity of calibration curves, limits of detection and repeatability (coefficients of variation) were also used in determining the optimum extraction conditions. A 2 cm fibre coating of 50130 gm divinylbenzene/Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane in conjunction with a 15 min extraction at 40 degrees C were chosen as the final optimum conditions. This method can be used as an objective tool for monitoring the flavour quality of UHT milk during storage. (c) 2005 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Methyl ketones, aldehydes and free saturated fatty acids were measured in the headspace of samples of two indirectly processed and two directly processed Australian commercial UHT milks during room temperature storage for 16 weeks. The analytes were isolated using headspace solid phase microextraction and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionisation detection. All methyl ketones and aldehydes increased during storage, With free saturated fatty acids exhibiting little change. On average, the total methyl ketone and aldehyde concentrations in the indirectly processed UHT milks were higher than those in the directly processed samples. A strong correlation was found between the concentration of methyl ketones and various heat indices (furosine, lactulose and undenatured whey proteins) in the milk samples.


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Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an innate immune system pattern recognition molecule that kills a wide range of pathogens via the lectin complement pathway. MBL deficiency is associated with severe infection but the best measure of this deficiency is undecided. We investigated the influence of MBL functional deficiency on the development of sepsis in 195 adult patients, 166 of whom had bloodstream infection and 35 had pneumonia. Results were compared with 236 blood donor controls. MBL function (C4b deposition) and levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Using receiver-operator characteristics of MBL function in healthy controls, we identified a level of < 0.2 U mu L-1 as a highly discriminative marker of low MBL2 genotypes. Median MBL function was lower in sepsis patients (0.18 U mu L-1) than in controls (0.48 U mu L-1, P < 0.001). MBL functional deficiency was more common in sepsis patients than controls (P < 0.001). MBL functional deficient patients had significantly higher sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores and higher MBL function and levels were found in patients with SOFA scores predictive of good outcome. Deficiency of MBL function appears to be associated with bloodstream infection and the development of septic shock. High MBL levels may be protective against severe sepsis. © 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A közlekedés a társadalom és a gazdaság olyan szegmense, amely a pályák, a csomópontok rendszerén keresztül mozgatja az emberek, a termékek, a szolgáltatások és az információk tömegeit, miközben maga is a gazdálkodási rendszer működési mechanizmusának alávetettje. A közlekedés a tér szülötte, de működése közben éppen az őt létrehozó tér eltüntetésén fáradozik. A gazdaság ezen ér- és idegpálya rendszerének bemutatásával és működésének sajátosságaival foglalkozik ez a fejezet, melyet elsősorban a szolgáltatásokhoz kötődő szakoknak ajánlunk, de igen hasznos lehet a vidékfejlesztés és a turizmus iránt érdeklődőknek is.


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Az utóbbi évtizedekben a közgazdászképzésben háttérbe szorult a térbeli szemlélet jelentősége, pedig az információs társadalomban a gazdasági folyamatok már nem csak a fizikai térben, hanem a virtuális térben is tetten érhetők, régióról régióra változó életszínvonalat generálva. A tér digitális kiterjedése kölcsönhatásba kerül hagyományos fizikai környezetünkkel, ami még inkább amellett szól, hogy a közgazdász térszemlélet fontosságát e tanulmánykötettel kiemeljük. Tesszük ezt úgy, hogy a Corvinus Egyetem alapszakjainak hallgatóit szakonként szólítjuk meg egy-egy, számukra különösen releváns gazdaságföldrajzi témával. Ezáltal a többi magyarországi közgazdászképző intézmény szakjain tanuló hallgatók érdeklődését is felkelthetjük az új megközelítésű gazdasági térszemlélet iránt. Tartalomjegyzék: I. A népesség mint gazdaságföldrajzi tényező (Korompai Attila) - II. Városföldrajz (Jeney László) - III. Vidékföldrajz (Csatári Bálint) - IV. Településmarketing (Tózsa István) – V. Település- és területi tervezés (Forman Balázs – Szaló Péter) – VI. Földrajzi információs rendszerek és a Digitális Föld (Ferencz Viktória) – VII. Turizmusföldrajz (Kulcsár Dezső) – VIII. A világgazdaság új földrajza (Bernek Ágnes) – IX. A virtuális tér gazdasága (Mészáros Rezső – Jakobi Ákos) – X. A közlekedés földrajza (Jászberényi Melinda) – XI. Kereskedelmi földrajz (Sikos T. Tamás) – XII. A pénz földrajza (Forman Balázs) – XIII. Közigazgatási földrajz (Pálné Kovács Ilona) – XIV. Politikai földrajz (Kulcsár Dezső) – XV. Kultúrrégiók gazdaságföldrajza (Jeney László)


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The present article assesses agency theory related problems contributing to the fall of shopping centers. The negative effects of the financial and economic downturn started in 2008 were accentuated in emerging markets like Romania. Several shopping centers were closed or sold through bankruptcy proceedings or forced execution. These failed shopping centers, 10 in number, were selected in order to assess agency theory problems contributing to the failure of shopping centers; as research method qualitative multiple cases-studies is used. Results suggest, that in all of the cases the risk adverse behavior of the External Investor- Principal, lead to risk sharing problems and subsequently to the fall of the shopping centers. In some of the cases Moral Hazard (lack of Developer-Agent’s know-how and experience) as well as Adverse Selection problems could be identified. The novelty of the topic for the shopping center industry and the empirical evidences confer a significant academic and practical value to the present article.