778 resultados para Feminist Literary Criticism
By examining seven major reviews (the French “Revue des deux Mondes”, the “Revue de Paris” and the “Nouvelle Revue”; the Italian “Nuova Antologia”, the “Rassegna Nazionale”, the “Rivista europea” and the “Revue internationale”) this thesis investigate the female participation in high quality journalism in Italy and France between the 1870s and the First World War. The aim is to show that despite some obvious limitations, women found room in that apparently very ‘male’ space of culture and emerged on a considerable scale in all walks of the profession. Many women regularly published on high quality reviews. Some of them even rose to high positions on editorials board. With the exception of a few fields of knowledge – albeit fundamental to the journals’ overall structure – such as economics, finance and matters to do with the army and the colonies, women contributors covedered nearly all the range of subjects contained in this periodicals: not only fiction, but also literary criticism, travelogues, politics and others. Quality and cultural journals offered women writers a considerable space for entering the public sphere, as both authors and readers. It may thus construed on a dual plane: as an opportunity for women writers to join the new professional ranks of modern publishing, but also as an important terrain for acknowledgment of their standing as intellectuals.
«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.
In Unione Sovietica il partito mette in atto un sistema di istituzioni per controllare il mondo culturale e la produzione scritta: il Glavlit, il massimo istituto censorio, l’Unione degli scrittori, un’editoria centralizzata e statalizzata e un unico metodo creativo possibile, il realismo socialista. Il settore della traduzione letteraria e della ricezione della letteratura straniera vengono ugualmente posti sotto controllo. All’interno dell’Unione degli scrittori operano la Sezione dei Traduttori, a cui spetta la formazione dei nuovi traduttori sovietici, e la Commissione Straniera, che stabilisce quali autori e quali libri occidentali debbano essere tradotti. Il Reparto straniero del Glavlit controlla il materiale a stampa proveniente dall’estero, la sua distribuzione e le modalità di consultazione e si occupa di effettuare una censura sia sul testo in lingua straniera che su quello tradotto in lingua russa. Parallelamente, il codice estetico e normativo del realismo socialista comincia a influenzare lo sviluppo della teoria della traduzione. La traduttologia si allinea alla critica letteraria ufficiale e promuove un approccio libero al testo che permetta l’introduzione di modifiche testuali arbitrarie da parte del traduttore o del redattore.
Haitian-American author Edwidge Danticat evokes the Haitian tradition of storytelling in many of her novels and short story collections. A tradition formulated by vodou religion and the amalgamation of African cultures, storytelling acts to entertain, educate and enlighten the people of Haiti. Additionally, her novels are often written in the context of traumatic events in Haitian history. While Danticat's works have been studied with focus on their depiction of storytelling and of trauma, little has been done on the restorative power that storytelling provides. In this thesis, I seek to examine the potential for Danticat's characters and works to create narratives that build community, present testimony, and aid traumatized individuals in recovery.
In my thesis, I use literary criticism, knowledge of Russian, and elements of translation theory to study the seminal poet of the Russian literary tradition ¿ Aleksandr Pushkin. In his most famous work, Eugene Onegin, Pushkin explores the cultural and linguistic divide in place at the turn of the 19th century in Russia. Pushkin stands on the peripheries of several colliding worlds; never fully committing to any of them, he acts as a translator between various realms of the 19th-century Russian experience. Through his narrator, he adeptly occupies the voices, styles, and modes of expression of various characters, displaying competency in all realms of Russian life. In examining Tatiana, his heroine, the reader witnesses her development as analogous to the author¿s. At the center of the text stands the act of translation itself: as the narrator ¿translates¿ Tatiana¿s love letter from French to Russian, the author-narrator declares his function as a mediator, not only between languages, but also between cultures, literary canons, social classes, and identities. Tatiana, as both main character and the narrator¿s muse, emerges as the most complex figure in the novel, and her language manifests itself as the most direct and capable of sincerity in the novel. The elements of Russian folklore that are incorporated into her language speak to Pushkin¿s appreciation for the rich Russian folklore tradition. In his exaltation of language considered to be ¿common¿, ¿low¿ speech is juxtaposed with its lofty counterpart; along the way, he incorporates myriad foreign borrowings. An active creator of Russia¿s new literary language, Pushkin traverses linguistic boundaries to synthesize a fragmented Russia. In the process, he creates a work so thoroughly tied to language and entrenched in complex cultural traditions that many scholars have argued for its untranslatability.
This project intertwines philosophical and historico-literary themes, taking as its starting point the concept of tragic consciousness inherent in the epoch of classicism. The research work makes use of ontological categories in order to describe the underlying principles of the image of the world which was created in philosophical and scientific theories of the 17th century as well as in contemporary drama. Using these categories brought Mr. Vilk to the conclusion that the classical picture of the world implied a certain dualism; not the Manichaean division between light and darkness but the discrimination between nature and absolute being, i.e. God. Mr. Vilk begins with an examination of the philosophical essence of French classical theatre of the XVII and XVIII centuries. The history of French classical tragedy can be divided into three periods: from the mid 17th to early 19th centuries when it triumphed all over France and exerted a powerful influence over almost all European countries; followed by the period of its rejection by the Romantics, who declared classicism to be "artificial and rational"; and finally our own century which has taken a more moderate line. Nevertheless, French classical tragedy has never fully recovered its status. Instead, it is ancient tragedy and the works of Shakespeare that are regarded to be the most adequate embodiment of the tragic. Consequently they still provoke a great number of new interpretations ranging from specialised literary criticism to more philosophical rumination. An important feature of classical tragedy is a system of rules and unities which reveals a hidden ontological structure of the world. The ontological picture of the dramatic world can be described in categories worked out by medieval philosophy - being, essence and existence. The first category is to be understood as a tendency toward permanency and stability (within eternity) connected with this or that fragment of dramatic reality. The second implies a certain set of permanent elements that make up the reality. And the third - existence - should be understood as "an act of being", as a realisation of permanently renewed processes of life. All of these categories can be found in every artistic reality but the accents put on one or another and their interrelations create different ontological perspectives. Mr. Vilk plots the movement of thought, expressed in both philosophical and scientific discourses, away from Aristotle's essential forms, and towards a prioritising of existence, and shows how new forms of literature and drama structured the world according to these evolving requirements. At the same time the world created in classical tragedy fully preserves another ontological paradigm - being - as a fundamental permanence. As far as the tragic hero's motivations are concerned this paradigm is revealed in the dedication of his whole self to some cause, and his oath of fidelity, attitudes which shape his behaviour. It may be the idea of the State, or personal honour, or something borrowed from the emotional sphere, passionate love. Mr. Vilk views the conflicting ambivalence of existence and being, duty as responsibility and duty as fidelity, as underlying the main conflict of classical tragedy of the 17th century. Having plotted the movement of the being/existence duality through its manifestations in 17th century tragedy, Mr. Vilk moves to the 18th century, when tragedy took a philosophical turn. A dualistic view of the world became supplanted by the Enlightenment idea of a natural law, rooted in nature. The main point of tragedy now was to reveal that such conflicts as might take place had an anti-rational nature, that they arose as the result of a kind of superstition caused by social reasons. These themes Mr. Vilk now pursues through Russian dramatists of the 18th and early 19th centuries. He begins with Sumarakov, whose philosophical thought has a religious bias. According to Sumarakov, the dualism of the divineness and naturalness of man is on the one hand an eternal paradox, and on the other, a moral challenge for humans to try to unite the two opposites. His early tragedies are not concerned with social evils or the triumph of natural feelings and human reason, but rather the tragic disharmony in the nature of man and the world. Mr Vilk turns next to the work of Kniazhnin. He is particularly keen to rescue his reputation from the judgements of critics who accuse him of being imitative, and in order to do so, analyses in detail the tragedy "Dido", in which Kniazhnin makes an attempt to revive the image of great heroes and city-founders. Aeneas represents the idea of the "being" of Troy, his destiny is the re-establishment of the city (the future Rome). The moral aspect behind this idea is faithfulness, he devotes himself to Gods. Dido is also the creator of a city, endowed with "natural powers" and abilities, but her creation is lacking internal stability grounded in "being". The unity of the two motives is only achieved through Dido's sacrifice of herself and her city to Aeneus. Mr Vilk's next subject is Kheraskov, whose peculiarity lies in the influence of free-mason mysticism on his work. This section deals with one of the most important philosophical assumptions contained in contemporary free-mason literature of the time - the idea of the trinitarian hierarchy inherent in man and the world: body - soul - spirit, and nature - law - grace. Finally, Mr. Vilk assess the work of Ozerov, the last major Russian tragedian. The tragedies which earned him fame, "Oedipus in Athens", "Fingal" and "Dmitri Donskoi", present a compromise between the Enlightenment's emphasis on harmony and ontological tragic conflict. But it is in "Polixene" that a real meeting of the Russian tradition with the age-old history of the genre takes place. The male and female characters of "Polixene" distinctly express the elements of "being" and "existence". Each of the participants of the conflict possesses some dominant characteristic personifying a certain indispensable part of the moral world, a certain "virtue". But their independent efforts are unable to overcome the ontological gap separating them. The end of the tragedy - Polixene's sacrificial self-immolation - paradoxically combines the glorification of each party involved in the conflict, and their condemnation. The final part of Mr. Vilk's research deals with the influence of "Polixene" upon subsequent dramatic art. In this respect Katenin's "Andromacha", inspired by "Polixene", is important to mention. In "Andromacha" a decisive divergence from the principles of the philosophical tragedy of Russian classicism and the ontology of classicism occurs: a new character appears as an independent personality, directed by his private interest. It was Katenin who was to become the intermediary between Pushkin and classical tragedy.
As is well know, the long-lasting influence in Poland of Hoffmanowa’s conservative pedagogical treatise « Keepsake of a Good Mother » (1819) was criticized by more progressive Polish women writers of the 19th century, such as Narcyza Żmichowska and Eliza Orzeszkowa. But the unexpected success of that book in other Slav countries later in the 19th century, especially in Bohemia, is less well known. Honorata z Wiśniowskich Zapová (1825-1856), a member of the Galician Polish szlachta who moved to Prague after her marriage in 1841 to the Czech writer K. V. Zap, has been recently exhumed as a Czech writer by Czech and Polish literary criticism: apart from her essays in Czech journals on her native country, much emphasis has been laid on the value of her most important work, Nezabudky, dar našim pannám (Forget-me-not: A Gift to Our Young Ladies, published in 1859), which was the first book of pedagogy dedicated to the instruction of young women in Bohemia. In her preface to this book, Zapová mentions Hoffmanowa as being one of her many sources of inspiration. Wishing to know more about what exactly Zapová owes to Hoffmanowa, in this article I compare Hoffmanowa’s book of pedagogy with Zapová’s. I am astonished to discover that Zapová’s book is in fact an almost literal translation from Polish to Czech of „Keepsake of a Good Mother” – in other words, that it is a plagiarism of Hoffmanowa’s book. The main question I ask here is : why did no one until now, either in 19th-century criticism or in our contemporary criticism, mention this literary fraud before?
Adopting "The Man Without Qualities" as a decisively masculine novel, contemporary literary criticism passed on a trope with which reviewers such as Alfred Döblin, Robert Müller and Franz Blei had already characterised Musil’s earlier texts. The reviews of the novel are therefore typical of how evaluations in terms of originality in the literary-critical and poetological debates of the 20s and 30s were regularly translated into the established gender hierarchy. The need to make such judgements can be seen as much as the symptom of a modern consciousness of crisis in masculinity as the hyper-athletics of the novel’s hero himself and the pitiful figure cut by the other men in "The Man Without Qualities".
Se hacen breves reflexiones sobre la poesía religiosa argentina, a partir de la aún escasa bibliografía sobre el tema, y se aportan nuevos datos, con la idea de que, a partir de ellos, otros críticos literarios o historiadores de la cultura puedan ampliar la delimitación de su corpus y perfeccionar la sistematización y la interpretación de la misma. Dentro de este contexto, se analiza un libro de reciente aparición: “Intensidad secreta", de Mariana Genoud de Fourcade, obra que se inscribe dentro de esta temática.
Joseph Blanco White fue uno de los primeros en traducir a Shakespeare al castellano y fue el primero en defender el valor de traducirlo. En España, la obra de Shakespeare era juzgada defectuosa por no cumplir con los requisitos neoclásicos de unidad y decoro; era vista, además, como emblema del poderío británico. Blanco White, por el contrario, defiende a Shakespeare como poeta-genio universal. Propone que todas sus obras, incluidas las dramáticas, deben ser traducidas y leídas como poesía lírica, lo cual para él implica que, a diferencia de una representación teatral, éstas poseen un alto grado de abstracción que las libera de toda atadura contextual. El presente artículo analiza estas ideas a la luz de las ataduras biográficas y culturales, no de Shakespeare, sino del mismo Blanco White. Su partida a Inglaterra en 1810 y el contexto multilingüe en el que trabajó lo han situado en los márgenes de la historia literaria española. Sin embargo, este artículo propone rescatar, desde un punto de vista comparatista, sus traducciones y algunos de sus aportes críticos, entre ellos, su visión de Shakespeare más allá de las rivalidades entre España e Inglaterra y su incorporación de un público hispanoamericano como interlocutor.
En Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, texto inaugural del ciclo novelístico de J. K. Rowling, aparecen diversos elementos y situaciones que inscriben el relato dentro del género bildungsroman (o novela de formación) y que a su vez son constitutivos del monomito estudiado por Joseph Campbell. Dentro de ese marco, el presente trabajo analizará la función que desempeña la palabra en el desarrollo del protagonista de la novela. Se sostendrá que la adquisición y el dominio pleno de una palabra permiten construir la subjetividad del personaje, quien valiéndose de esta herramienta se volverá capaz de disipar sus inquietudes frente a lo desconocido y al peso de la voz popular. El estudio se centrará en el nombre del antagonista, Lord Voldemort, su influencia en la saga y en cuán importante es que Harry sea capaz de nombrarlo por ese apelativo. Para este abordaje se utilizarán algunos conceptos de diversas disciplinas que nos permitirán advertir la injerencia de la palabra en la novela seminal de esta serie literaria y en el tránsito del personaje por la compleja senda del héroe
El trabajo explora, desde los aportes de la crítica genética y literaria, la construcción del espacio poético y sus espacios creativos de escritura. Para ello se cuenta con manuscritos del poeta argentino Arturo Carrera, pertenecientes a su segunda obra édita, Momento de simetría [1973]. Partiendo de una referencia astronómica existente en el poemario se revisa lo dicho por la crítica literaria argentina sobre la obra del autor así como también la posibilidad de leer el mapa poético y sus manuscritos como imágenes estéticas en suspensión. Por este motivo, el trabajo cuenta además con un Anexo (en CD) con las imágenes digitales del Archivo Momento de simetría y sus correspondientes transcripciones, a fin de que el lector pueda ir y venir del texto a las imágenes -y viceversa- y construir dicho recorrido
La tesis se propone, mediante eI despliegue de una argumentación desde distintos enfoques teórico-metodológicos y núcleos de sentido dar cuenta del modo como las políticas de Angélica Gorodischer tanto como la de Tununa Mercado [ambas escritoras argentinas contemporáneas aun en ejercicio] plantean la similitud de la figura de la hipérbole, como figura retórica que refine sus gestos escriturarios, en una par aumento, en la otra par disminución. De este modo, se verifica que lo que en apariencia resalta como una forma de abigarramiento y profusión y otra, en cambio, escueta y lacónica, responden en definitiva a un mismo énfasis retórico de sus respectivas ficciones
La revisión del fascismo literario español en la democracia fue un asunto más atractivo para los escritores jóvenes y nuevos de la década de los setenta y ochenta que para los medios universitarios. Sin embargo, los últimos cinco o diez años han mostrado un aumento sustancial de la atención: las reediciones y los estudios sobre las obras de autores fascistas han dado continuidad al trabajo pionero de José Carlos Mainer, y tomando así el relevo de lo que había sido la curiosidad estética y literaria por el falangismo de Francisco Umbral, Andrés Trapiello, Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz o José Carlos Llop.