954 resultados para Fatigue life
The durability of a polymer trileaflet valve is dependent on leaflet stress concentrations, so valve designs that reduce stress can, hypothetically, increase durability. Design aspects that are believed to contribute to reduced leaflet stress include stent flexibility, parabolic coaptation curvature, and leaflet anisotropy. With this in mind, the purpose of this investigation was to elucidate what specific combinations of these parameters promote optimal acute and long-term valve function. A combination of four stent designs, seven leaflet reinforcement materials, and three coaptation geometries were evaluated through a combination of experimentation and modeling. Static tensile and Poisson’s ratio tests and dynamic tensile fatigue testing were used to evaluate the individual leaflet components; and hydrodynamic testing and accelerated valve fatigue was used to assess complete valve prototypes. The two most successful designs included a 0.40 mm thick knit-reinforced valve with a fatigue life of 10.35 years, and a 0.20 mm thick knit-reinforced valve with a 28.9 mmHg decrease in pressure drop over the former. A finite element model was incorporated to verify the impact of the above-mentioned parameters on leaflet stress concentrations. Leaflet anisotropy had a large impact on stress concentrations, and matching the circumferential modulus to that of the natural valve showed the greatest benefit. Varying the radial modulus had minimal impact. Varying coaptation geometry had no impact, but stent flexibility did have a marked effect on the stress at the top of the commissure, where a completely rigid stent resulted in a higher peak stress than a flexible stent (E = 385 MPa). In conclusion, stent flexibility and leaflet anisotropy do effect stress concentrations in the SIBS trileaflet valve, but coaptation geometry does not. Regions of high stress concentrations were linked to failure locations in vitro, so a fatigue prediction model was developed from the S/N curves generated during dynamic tensile testing of the 0.20 mm knit-reinforced leaflets. Failure was predicted at approximately 400 million cycles (10 years) at the top of the commissure. In vitro fatigue of this valve showed failure initiation after approximately 167 million cycles (4.18 years), but it was related to a design defect that is subsequently being changed.
Current artificial heart valves are classified as mechanical and bioprosthetic. An appealing pathway that promises to overcome the shortcomings of commercially available heart valves is offered by the interdisciplinary approach of cardiovascular tissue engineering. However, the mechanical properties of the Tissue Engineering Heart Valves (TEHV) are limited and generally fail in the long-term use. To meet this performance challenge novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-polypropylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO or F108) crosslinked to Silk Fibroin (F108-SilkC) to be used as tri-leaflet heart valve material was investigated. ^ Synthesis of ten polymers with varying concentration and thickness (55 µm, 75 µm and 100 µm) was achieved via a covalent crosslinking scheme using bifunctional polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). Static and fatigue testing were used to assess mechanical properties of films, and hydrodynamic testing was performed to determine performance under a simulated left ventricular flow regime. The crosslinked copolymer (F108-Silk C) showed greater flexibility and resilience, but inferior ultimate tensile strength, by increasing concentration of PEGDE. Concentration molar ratio of 80:1 (F108: Silk) and thickness of 75 µm showed longer fatigue life for both tension-tension and bending fatigue tests. Four valves out of twelve designed satisfactorily complied with minimum performance requirement ISO 5840, 2005. ^ In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the applicability of a degradable polymer in conjugation with silk fibroin for tissue engineering cardiovascular use, specifically for aortic valve leaflet design, met the performance demands. Thinner thicknesses (t<75 µm) in conjunction with stiffness lower than 320 MPa (80:1, F108: Silk) are essential for the correct functionality of proposed heart valve biomaterial F108-SilkC. Fatigue tests were demonstrated to be a useful tool to characterize biomaterials that undergo cyclic loading. ^
The durability of a polymer trileaflet valve is dependent on leaflet stress concentrations, so valve designs that reduce stress can, hypothetically, increase durability. Design aspects that are believed to contribute to reduced leaflet stress include stent flexibility, parabolic coaptation curvature, and leaflet anisotropy. With this in mind, the purpose of this investigation was to elucidate what specific combinations of these parameters promote optimal acute and long-term valve function. A combination of four stent designs, seven leaflet reinforcement materials, and three coaptation geometries were evaluated through a combination of experimentation and modeling. Static tensile and Poisson’s ratio tests and dynamic tensile fatigue testing were used to evaluate the individual leaflet components; and hydrodynamic testing and accelerated valve fatigue was used to assess complete valve prototypes. The two most successful designs included a 0.40 mm thick knit-reinforced valve with a fatigue life of 10.35 years, and a 0.20 mm thick knit-reinforced valve with a 28.9 mmHg decrease in pressure drop over the former. A finite element model was incorporated to verify the impact of the above-mentioned parameters on leaflet stress concentrations. Leaflet anisotropy had a large impact on stress concentrations, and matching the circumferential modulus to that of the natural valve showed the greatest benefit. Varying the radial modulus had minimal impact. Varying coaptation geometry had no impact, but stent flexibility did have a marked effect on the stress at the top of the commissure, where a completely rigid stent resulted in a higher peak stress than a flexible stent (E = 385 MPa). In conclusion, stent flexibility and leaflet anisotropy do effect stress concentrations in the SIBS trileaflet valve, but coaptation geometry does not. Regions of high stress concentrations were linked to failure locations in vitro, so a fatigue prediction model was developed from the S/N curves generated during dynamic tensile testing of the 0.20 mm knit-reinforced leaflets. Failure was predicted at approximately 400 million cycles (10 years) at the top of the commissure. In vitro fatigue of this valve showed failure initiation after approximately 167 million cycles (4.18 years), but it was related to a design defect that is subsequently being changed.
Since the creation of supersonic vehicles, during the Second World War, the engineers have given special attention to the interaction between the aerodynamic efforts and the structures of the aircrafts due to a highly destructive phenomenon called flutter in aeronautical panel. Flutter in aeronautical panels is a self-excited aeroelastic phenomenon, which can occurs during supersonic flights due to dynamic instability of inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces of the system. In the flutter condition, when the critical aerodynamic pressure is reached, the vibration amplitudes of the panel become dynamically unstable and increase exponentially with time, affecting significantly the fatigue life of the existing aeronautical components. Thus, in this paper, the interest is to investigate the possibility of reducing the effects of the supersonic aeroelastic instability of rectangular plates by applying passive constrained viscoelastic layers. The rationale for such study is the fact that as the addition of viscoelastic materials provides decreased vibration amplitudes it becomes important to quantify the suppression of plate flutter coalescence modes that can be obtained. Moreover, despite the fact that much research on the suppression of panel flutter has been carried out by using passive, semi-active and active control techniques, very few of them are adapted to deal with the problem of estimating the flutter speeds of viscoelastic systems, since they must conveniently account for the frequency- and temperature-dependent behavior of the viscoelastic material. In this context, two different model of viscoelastic material are developed and applied to the model of sandwich plate by using finite elements. After the presentation of the theoretical foundations of the methodology, the description of a numerical study on the flutter analysis of a three-layer sandwich plate is addressed.
Tässä työssä on tutkittu prosessipuhaltimena käytettävän keskipakoispuhaltimen lujuusteknistä mitoitusta. Työn tavoitteena on ollut luoda analyyttisiä laskentakaavoja Koja Oy:n käyttöön tulevaisuuden tuotekehityksen tueksi. Tavoitteena on ollut tutkia myös siipien ja etu- ja takalevyn kiinnityshitsejä ja antaa työkaluja siipipyörän väsymismitoitukseen. Kirjallisuuskatkauksessa löytyi muutamia raportoituja tapauksia, jossa keskipakoispuhallin on vaurioitunut käytön aikana. Yhtenäisenä tekijänä kaikille tapauksille on ollut hitsausliitoksen väsyminen. Väsyttävän kuormituksen raportoiduissa tapauksissa on aiheuttanut siipipyörän värähtely. Väsyminen on alkanut siiven kiinnitysliitoksista hitsin rajaviivalta, siipipyörän ulkokehältä. Siipipyörän analysointiin on käytetty analyyttisiä laskentakaavoja ja elementtimenetelmää. Analyyttisten laskentakaavojen tuottaminen on muuten monimutkaiselle rakenteelle hyvin työlästä ja aikaa vievää. Staattisessa tarkastelussa elementtimenetelmällä siipipyörän mallintamiseen on käytetty keskipintamallia. Lisäksi laskentatiedostojen kokoa on pystytty rajaamaan syklisesti symmetrisen rakenteen ansiosta. Siipipyörän väsymistarkastelu on suoritettu tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä, jossa tarkasteltavan hitsin rajaviivoille ja juureen on elementtimenetelmässä mallinnettu r=1 mm suuruinen lovi, josta jännityksen on luettu. Elementtimenetelmässä laskentaohjelmistona on käytetty Abaqus 6.14.1 -laskentaohjelmistoa. Analyyttisten laskentakaavojen kehityksessä on päästy hyvin lähelle elementtimenetelmästä saatuja vastaavia tuloksia. Analyyttisten kaavojen antamat tulokset eroavat kuitenkin sen verran virhettä, että varsinainen tarkka laskenta on syytä suorittaa ennen lopullisen konstruktion määrittämistä. Tehollisella lovijännitysmenetelmällä on saatu määritettyä rakenteen kriittisin kohta, jonka kestoikä on 36 400 sykliä. Tutkimuksen pohjalta Koja Oy on saanut hyvät edellytykset jatkaa tutkimusta lopun tuoteperheen parantamiseen.
Rainflow counting methods convert a complex load time history into a set of load reversals for use in fatigue damage modeling. Rainflow counting methods were originally developed to assess fatigue damage associated with mechanical cycling where creep of the material under load was not considered to be a significant contributor to failure. However, creep is a significant factor in some cyclic loading cases such as solder interconnects under temperature cycling. In this case, fatigue life models require the dwell time to account for stress relaxation and creep. This study develops a new version of the multi-parameter rainflow counting algorithm that provides a range-based dwell time estimation for use with time-dependent fatigue damage models. To show the applicability, the method is used to calculate the life of solder joints under a complex thermal cycling regime and is verified by experimental testing. An additional algorithm is developed in this study to provide data reduction in the results of the rainflow counting. This algorithm uses a damage model and a statistical test to determine which of the resultant cycles are statistically insignificant to a given confidence level. This makes the resulting data file to be smaller, and for a simplified load history to be reconstructed.
Mechanical fatigue is a failure phenomenon that occurs due to repeated application of mechanical loads. Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is considered as the domain of fatigue life greater than 10 million load cycles. Increasing numbers of structural components have service life in the VHCF regime, for instance in automotive and high speed train transportation, gas turbine disks, and components of paper production machinery. Safe and reliable operation of these components depends on the knowledge of their VHCF properties. In this thesis both experimental tools and theoretical modelling were utilized to develop better understanding of the VHCF phenomena. In the experimental part, ultrasonic fatigue testing at 20 kHz of cold rolled and hot rolled stainless steel grades was conducted and fatigue strengths in the VHCF regime were obtained. The mechanisms for fatigue crack initiation and short crack growth were investigated using electron microscopes. For the cold rolled stainless steels crack initiation and early growth occurred through the formation of the Fine Granular Area (FGA) observed on the fracture surface and in TEM observations of cross-sections. The crack growth in the FGA seems to control more than 90% of the total fatigue life. For the hot rolled duplex stainless steels fatigue crack initiation occurred due to accumulation of plastic fatigue damage at the external surface, and early crack growth proceeded through a crystallographic growth mechanism. Theoretical modelling of complex cracks involving kinks and branches in an elastic half-plane under static loading was carried out by using the Distributed Dislocation Dipole Technique (DDDT). The technique was implemented for 2D crack problems. Both fully open and partially closed crack cases were analyzed. The main aim of the development of the DDDT was to compute the stress intensity factors. Accuracy of 2% in the computations was attainable compared to the solutions obtained by the Finite Element Method.
Fatigue and overwork are problems experienced by numerous employees in many industry sectors. Focusing on improving work-life balance can frame the ‘problem’ of long work hours to resolve working time duration issues. Flexible work options through re-organising working time arrangements is key to developing an organisational response for delivering work-life balance and usually involves changing the internal structure of work time. This study examines the effect of compressed long weekly working hours and the consequent ‘long break’ on work-life balance. Using Spillover theory and Border theory, this research considers organisational and personal determinants of overwork and fatigue. It concludes compressed long work hours with a long break provide better work-life balance. Further, a long break allows gaining ‘personal time’ and overcoming fatigue.
This study assessed the health-related quality of life (HRQoL), fatigue and physical activity levels of 28 persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on initial administration of an erythropoietin stimulating agent, and at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. The sample comprised of 15 females and 13 males whose ages ranged from 31 to 84 years. Physical activity was measured using the Human Activity Profile (HAP): Self-care, Personal/Household work, Entertainment/Social, Independent exercise. Quality of life was measured using the SF-36 which gives scores on physical health (physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain and general health) and mental health (vitality, social functioning, role-emotional and emotional well-being). Fatigue was measured by the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Across all time points the renal sample engaged in considerably less HAP personal/household work activities and entertainment/social activities compared to healthy adults. The normative sample engaged in three times more independent/exercise activities compared to renal patients. One-way Repeated measures ANOVAs indicated a significant change over time for SF-36 scales of role physical, vitality, emotional well-being and overall mental health. There was a significant difference in fatigue levels over time [F(3,11) = 3.78, p<.05]. Fatigue was highest at baseline and lowest at 6 months. The more breathlessness the CKD patient reported, the fewer activities undertaken and the greater the reported level of fatigue. There were no significant age differences over time for fatigue or physical activity. Age differences were only found for SF-36 mental health at 3 months (t=-2.41, df=14, p<.05). Those younger than 65 years had lower emotional well-being compared to those aged over 65. Males had poorer physical health compared to females at 12 months. There were no significant gender differences on mental health at any time point. In the management of chronic kidney disease, early detection of a person’s inability to engage in routine activities due to fatigue is necessary. Early detection would enable timely interventions to optimise HRQoL and independent exercise.
Whilst the debilitating fatigue experienced in patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) results in a subjective marked impairment in functioning, little research has investigated the impact of this disorder on quality of life. Forty-seven subjects with a confirmed diagnosis of CFS and 30 healthy controls were compared using the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). A subgroup of subjects were interviewed regarding the impact CFS has had on their social and family relationships, work and recreational activities. Results from both the SIP and the interview revealed that CFS subjects had significantly impaired quality of life, especially in areas of social functioning. These findings highlight the importance of addressing the social isolation and loss of role functioning experienced by CFS sufferers.
Aims and objectives This study sought to determine the relationship between health related quality of life (HRQoL), fatigue and activity levels of people with anaemia secondary to chronic kidney disease (CKD) over a 12 month period following the introduction of an erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA). Background CKD occurs in five stages and it is a complex chronic illness which severely impacts on an individual’s HRQoL, and ability to perform everyday activities. Fatigue is also a common symptom experienced by people with CKD. Design and methods Using a longitudinal repeated measures design, 28 people with CKD completed the SF-36, human activity profile and fatigue severity scale at the commencement of an ESA and then at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results Over a 12 month period, people reported a significant change in HRQoL in relation to role physical, vitality, mental health/emotional well-being and overall mental health. However activity levels did not significantly improve during that time. Both the amount of breathlessness and level of fatigue were highest at baseline and declined over time. Both fatigue and breathlessness were correlated with less reported general health over time. Conclusion Renal nurses, in dialysis units and CKD outpatient clinics, have repeated and frequent contact with people with CKD over long periods of time, and are in an ideal position to routinely assess fatigue and activity levels and to institute timely interventions. Early detection would enable timely nursing interventions to optimise HRQoL and independent activity. Relevance to Clinical Practice Drawing on rehabilitation nursing interventions could assist renal nurses to minimize the burden of fatigue and its impact on simple everyday activities and a person’s quality of life. These interventions are important for people who are living at home and could assist in lowering the burden on home support services.
The study aimed to examine shiftworkers fatigue and the longitudinal relationships that impact on fatigue such as team climate, work life conflict, control of shifts and shift type in shift working nurses. We used a quantitative survey methodology and analysed data with a moderated hierarchical multiple regression. After matching across two time periods 18 months apart, the sample consisted of 166 nurses from one Australian hospital. Of these nurses, 61 worked two rotating day shifts (morning & afternoon/evening) and 105 were rotating shiftworkers who worked three shifts (morning afternoon/evening and nights). The findings suggest that control over shift scheduling can have significant effects on fatigue for both two-shift and three-shift workers. A significant negative relationship between positive team climate and fatigue was moderated by shift type. At both Time 1 and Time 2, work life conflict was the strongest predictor of concurrent fatigue, but over time it was not.
The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of aquatic‐based exercise in the form of deep water running ( DWR ) as part of a multimodal physiotherapy programme ( MMPP ) for breast cancer survivors. A controlled clinical trial was conducted in 42 primary breast cancer survivors recruited from community‐based P rimary C are C entres. Patients in the experimental group received a MMPP incorporating DWR , 3 times a week, for an 8‐week period. The control group received a leaflet containing instructions to continue with normal activities. Statistically significant improvements and intergroup effect size were found for the experimental group for P iper F atigue S cale‐ R evised total score ( d = 0.7, P = 0.001), as well as behavioural/severity ( d = 0.6, P = 0.05), affective/meaning ( d = 1.0, P = 0.001) and sensory ( d = 0.3, P = 0.03) domains. Statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups were also found for general health ( d = 0.5, P < 0.05) and quality of life ( d = 1.3, P < 0.05). All participants attended over 80% of sessions, with no major adverse events reported. The results of this study suggest MMPP incorporating DWR decreases cancer‐related fatigue and improves general health and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Further, the high level of adherence and lack of adverse events indicate such a programme is safe and feasible.
This paper presents the details of crack growth study and remaining life assessment of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Flexural fatigue tests have been conducted on HSC, HSC1 and UHSC beams under constant amplitude loading with a stress ratio of 0.2. It is observed from the studies that (i) the failure patterns of HSC1 and UHSC beams indicate their ductility as the member was intact till the crack propagated up to 90% of the beam depth and (ii) the remaining life decreases with increase of notch depth (iii) the failure of the specimen is influenced by the frequency of loading. A ``Net K'' model has been proposed by using non-linear fracture mechanics principles for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. SIF (K) has been computed by using the principle of superposition. SIP due to the cohesive forces applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been obtained through Green's function approach by applying bi-linear tension softening relationship to consider the cohesive the stresses acting ahead of the crack tip. Remaining life values have been have been predicted and compared with the corresponding experimental values and observed that they are in good agreement with each other.