944 resultados para FOREIGN EXCHANGE


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Tourism is Fiji's largest industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings and employment creation. The industry earns around F$600 million per annum in foreign exchange, employs around 40,000 people, and tourist expenditure per capita is valued at around F$671. On the basis of this contribution, the industry is seen as a catalyst for economic development in Fiji; hence, it is imperative to understand the behavior of the industry. This article focuses on examining the determinants of tourist expenditure in Fiji. Using cointegration analysis and error correction models, the article finds that in the long run, real GDP in the country of origin impacts tourist spending in Fiji positively while prices and transport costs (airfares) have a negative effect. In the short run, coups d'êtat impact tourist expenditure negatively. It is envisaged that these results will help Fiji's policy makers and tourism industry stakeholders to understand the industry better.


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This paper provides survey evidence captured from a sample of 113 respondents to a 2008 questionnaire that was sent to 344 listed non-financial companies in Thailand. The study examines how Thai companies manage their exchange rate exposure post Asian Financial Crisis.

Thailand is an interesting case study because it was a country at the core of the 1997 financial meltdown and was one of the first forced by the crisis to move from a fixed to a floating exchange rate regime. It is therefore constructive to examine how businesses in Thailand have coped with a shift from a fixed to floating exchange rate and to examine how they manage their exchange rate exposure post 1997.

Findings indicate that companies that use currency derivatives do so to reduce volatile cash flows are less risky and tend to be more profitable than companies that do not use currency derivatives. This is consistent with the theory that hedging increases the value of the firm.

The type of instruments that companies in Thailand use and how they are used is similar to what other studies find in other countries. Matching and the use of forward contracts are the most common ways that companies manage transaction exposure. The study also confirms that companies with higher levels of international business engagement are more likely to use currency derivatives.

What is unique in Thailand is that Thai businesses are less rigorous in their internal control of their currency hedging activities. It is therefore recommended that companies consider a documented hedging policy and that senior management actively monitor the policy and currency hedging activity.


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This thesis examines how companies in Thailand coped with exchange rate volatility post Asian Financial Crisis. Findings indicate businesses quickly adjusted to the transition from a fixed to floating regime. However, Thai businesses appear to be less rigorous in their internal control of currency hedging activities. The thesis recommends strategies to overcome this risk.


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Using ‘low-frequency’ volatility extracted from aggregate volatility shocks in interest rate swap (hereafter, IRS) market, this paper investigates whether Japanese yen IRS volatility can be explained by macroeconomic risks. The analysis suggests that this low-frequency yen IRS volatility has strong and positive association with most of the macroeconomic risk proxies (e.g., volatility of consumer price index, industrial production volatility, foreign exchange volatility, slope of the term structure and money supply) with the exception of the unemployment rate, which is negatively related to IRS volatility. This finding is fairly consistent with the argument that the greater the macroeconomic risk the greater is the use of derivative instruments to hedge or speculate. The relationship between the macroeconomic risks and IRS volatility varies slightly across the different swap maturities but is robust to alternative volatility specifications. This linkage between swap market and macroeconomy has practical implications since market makers and hedgers use the swap rate as benchmark for pricing long-term interest rates, corporate bonds and various other securities.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the exposures of Australian gold mining firms in the highly volatile period from 1995 to 2000. This period has been characterized by significant changes in gold price due to bulk sale of gold by collective central banks. Specifically, the paper aims to investigate several firm-specific factors that are hypothesized to carry substantial influence on gold beta.

Design/methodology/approach – To estimate gold beta, we use the following multifactor model: Rg,t = a+ßgGPRt + ßxFXRt + ßmRm,t + Et , where Rg,t is the return on the gold stock Index at time t, GPRt is the gold price return denominated in US dollar at time t, FXRt is the foreign exchange return of Australian dollar in terms of US dollar at time t, Rm,t is the market return at time t, and Et is the random error term at time t.

Findings – The paper finds that the values of gold beta are consistently greater than one, implying the sensitive nature of firms’ stock returns to gold price changes. This also suggests that investors holding gold mining stock would receive higher percentage increases in stock returns from a percentage increase in gold price returns, as opposed to investors holding gold bullion. Furthermore, these values have changed substantially over time with significant changes in gold price volatility. The most important and consistent relationship that we find is the impact of firms’ hedging behavior on their respective gold betas. This is consistent with Tufano’s study. It implies that firms, which hedge a greater proportion of their gold reserves, are less sensitive to movements in gold prices. The finding therefore supports the risk management theory that hedging increases shareholder’s wealth. However, cash operating costs, cash reserves and the level of gold production seem to influence very little on the firms’ exposure to gold price changes.

Originality/value – This study is of interest and important to the stock mining companies and investors because the extent of the effect of gold price movements on the stock returns of gold mining companies has significant impacts on returns for both firms and investors especially in their risk management and investment decisions, respectively.


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Reviews the history of NZ's foreign exchange policy, explains how floating exchange rates work and considers the performance of the NZ dollar over the last 15 years. Discusses the effects of a volatile currency on exporters, particularly of agricultural products, and whether currency union with Australia is a suitable solution to the problem.


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This paper provides survey evidence captured from a sample of 113 respondents to a 2008 questionnaire sent to 344 companies in Thailand. The study examines Thai hedging practices following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. Thai companies, like their international counterparts, rely predominantly on matching and forward contracts to hedge transaction exposure. Thai companies, however, appear to be less rigorous when it comes to internal control and supervision of derivative activity. It is recommended that Thai companies improve their risk management practices by putting into place a documented hedging policy, which includes a requirement that senior staff be actively engaged in the risk management activities of the firm.


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We address credit cycle dependent sovereign credit risk determinants. In our model, the spread determinants' magnitude is conditional on an unobservable endogenous sovereign credit cycle as represented by the underlying state of a Markov regime switching process. Our explanatory variables are motivated in the tradition of structural credit risk models and include changes in asset prices, interest rates, implied market volatility, gold price changes and foreign exchange rates. We examine daily frequency variations of U.S. dollar denominated Eurobond credit spreads of four major Latin American sovereign bond issuers (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela) with liquid bond markets during March 2000 to June 2011. We find that spread determinants are statistically significant and consistent with theory, while their magnitude remarkably varies with the state of the credit cycle. Crisis states are characterized by high spread change uncertainty and high sensitivities with respect to the spread change determinants. We further document that not only changes of local currencies, but also changes of the Euro with respect to the U.S. dollar are significant spread drivers and argue that this is consistent with the sovereigns' ability to pay.


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In her January 14, 2014 interview with Cody Willis, Jai Lee shares her experience as an economic major from Korea. Lee discusses the differences between Korean colleges and Winthrop. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.


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Nos últimos anos, a contabilização do resultado das empresas estatais nos números que medem a necessidade de financiamento do setor público e o estoque da dívida líquida do setor público tem garantido o cumprimento das metas fixadas para o superávit primário mas tem limitado a quantidade de recursos que as empresas do governo podem tomar na forma de empréstimo para fins de investimento. Ao examinarmos o tratamento dado às contas das Empresas Estatais nos acordos do Brasil com o FMI em relação ao estabelecido nos manuais do Fundo, na União Européia e em diplomas legais brasileiros, encontramos discrepância de tratamento, o que nos faz supor que há condições tanto para a inclusão como para a exclusão das contas das Empresas Estatais, não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. Ao considerarmos os manuais e a legislação brasileira, verificamos a possibilidade de se adotar um tratamento similar ao empregado na União Européia, excluindo essas sociedades das contas de déficit e dívida. Essa dissertação se propõe a discutir o tratamento das contas das empresas estatais produtivas no orçamento do setor público, utilizando como exemplo a Petrobras, e analisar duas possibilidades: a primeira é a exclusão das contas dessas estatais não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. A segunda possibilidade é que as contas dessas empresas pelo menos sejam retiradas do cálculo do superávit primário. A Petrobras, por exemplo, possui todos os seus investimentos custeados por recursos próprios oriundos da comercialização de seus produtos ou por captação no mercado. Além disso, a Petrobras não recebe qualquer recurso do governo. Pelo contrário, ela contribui significativamente para a receita pública da União, dos estados e dos municípios, por meio do pagamento de impostos, taxas, contribuições, dividendos e royalties pela extração de petróleo e gás natural, sendo a maior contribuinte individual do Brasil, além da economia de divisas proporcionada ao longo de sua história. Pelos motivos acima expostos, sugerimos a exclusão das contas das empresas estatais produtivas das contas de déficit e de dívida do setor público. Caso esta proposta não seja adotada, sugerimos que pelo menos essas empresas sejam excluídas do cálculo do superávit primário do setor público. Neste documento, analisamos o caso da Petrobras, a empresa estatal federal que apresenta as melhores condições para essas propostas.


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De 2002 a 2006 a moeda nacional brasileira, o real, vem sofrendo crescente valorização, tendência que afeta negativamente o setor exportativo no Brasil. Este trabalho refere-se o impacto desta valorização numa indústria específica do setor de exportação, a de turismo receptivo. São destacados os modelos de contratos atuais e analisada a proposição de um novo modelo de contrato, fechado em moeda nacional para as vendas internacionais, visando minimizar o risco cambial inerente à atividade. Os resultados indicam que a adoção deste novo modelo contratual eliminaria o risco cambial da parte da cadeia de distribuição situada no território nacional, trocando este por risco de demanda em função da flutuação do preço para o cliente final.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar qual o impacto da redução do custo Brasil sobre a defasagem cambial. Supõe-se uma economia em que o câmbio esteja fora de equilíbrio. A partir dessa situação, calcula-se o impacto de ganhos de eficiência e/ou redução de alíquotas de impostos distorcivos sobre o desequilíbrio cambial. O argumento básico é que, em equilíbrio geral, não é obrigatoriamente verdade que ganhos de eficiência concorram para reduzir o atraso cambial: é necessário saber em que setor e/ou sob qual fatorde produção a distorção incide. O principal resultado é que ganhos de produtividade no setor de bens comercializáveis reduzem o atraso cambial; no setor de bens domésticos, elevam o atraso cambial e, se for em ambos os setores, o resultado dependerá da resposta da demanda. Se a elasticidade-renda da demanda do bem doméstico for maior do que a do bem comercializável, o atraso cambial é reduzido, caso contrário, eleva-se. Em particular, quando a redução do custo Brasil significa elevação da eficiência do sistema portuário, nada pode ser afirmado. Antes de responder a esta questão, a segunda seção do trabalho discute o conceito de câmbio real,desequilíbrio cambial e valorização cambial.


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Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre uso de derivativos junto a 50 empresas não-financeiras brasileiras. A proporção de empresas que usam derivativos no Brasil não é significativamente diferente da de outros países que foram objeto de pesquisa, com exceção dos EUA. A exemplo do que foi verificado internacionalmente, as evidências sugerem que os gestores de empresas não-financeiras brasileiras usam derivativos principalmente com o propósito de gerenciar risco, e não com fins especulativos. O uso de derivativos por classes de risco no Brasil segue os padrões internacionais, ou seja, o tipo de exposição mais comumente gerenciada com derivativos é a cambial, seguido pelo risco de taxas de juros, de commodities e de patrimônio. Apesar da alta volatilidade dos mercados brasileiros, as preocupações principais dos gestores de risco brasileiros parecem estar mais ligadas às questões do arcabouço legal e institucional do que aos aspectos econômico-financeiros diferentemente do encontrado em outros países.