993 resultados para FOLDED-GASTRULATION


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Heating and cooling temperature jumps (T-jumps) were performed using a newly developed technique to trigger unfolding and refolding of wild-type ribonuclease A and a tryptophan-containing variant (Y115W). From the linear Arrhenius plots of the microscopic folding and unfolding rate constants, activation enthalpy (ΔH#), and activation entropy (ΔS#) were determined to characterize the kinetic transition states (TS) for the unfolding and refolding reactions. The single TS of the wild-type protein was split into three for the Y115W variant. Two of these transition states, TS1 and TS2, characterize a slow kinetic phase, and one, TS3, a fast phase. Heating T-jumps induced protein unfolding via TS2 and TS3; cooling T-jumps induced refolding via TS1 and TS3. The observed speed of the fast phase increased at lower temperature, due to a strongly negative ΔH# of the folding-rate constant. The results are consistent with a path-dependent protein folding/unfolding mechanism. TS1 and TS2 are likely to reflect X-Pro114 isomerization in the folded and unfolded protein, respectively, and TS3 the local conformational change of the β-hairpin comprising Trp115. A very fast protein folding/unfolding phase appears to precede both processes. The path dependence of the observed kinetics is suggestive of a rugged energy protein folding funne


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El present treball analitza la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat de Sus domesticus, la histologia del conducte epididimari i la qualitat de l'esperma epididimari. El material d'estudi prové de mascles reproductors porcins de les races Landrace i Pietrain, sans i sexualment madurs. La metodologia emprada es basa en l'examen al microscopi òptic (camp dar, contrast de fases i contrast interferencial) i al microscopi electrònic (de rastreig i de transmissió). Per a l'anàlisi estadística de les dades s'ha utilitzat el test de la X2 de Pearson (p<0,01). L'estudi de la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat permet distingir diversos tipus de gàmetes que s'han classificat en tres grups: espermatozoides madurs, espermatozoides immadurs i espermatozoides aberrants, així com algunes cèI.lules somàtiques. L'espermatozoide madur de Sus domesticus és un gàmeta típic de mamífer (format per tres parts: cap, peça de connexió i cua) en que destaquen: la forma oval i plana del cap, el desenvolupament d'una protuberància acrosòmica apical en una de les cares del cap i la presencia dels cossos laminars en la peça de connexió. L'espermatozoide immadur es caracteritza per la presencia de la gota citoplasmàtica, el major desenvolupament de la protuberància acrosòmica apical i per la flexibilitat del cap. Els espermatozoides aberrants es descriuen i classifiquen segons la morfologia externa i la morfologia interna, distingint-se una amplia gama de malformacions que afecten les diverses parts de l'espermatozoide. Les cèl·lules somàtiques presents en l'ejaculat ofereixen les característiques pròpies d'un macròfag i se les ha observat englobant espermatozoides immadurs. L'estudi de l'estructura i la ultraestructura de les tres regions anatòmiques de l'epidídim (caput, corpus i cauda) revela que: a) l'epiteli epididimari és pseudoestratificat amb esterocilis, b) cada regió epididimària presenta uns valors característics en relació al diàmetre intern del conducte, a l'alçada de l'epiteli, a la longitud dels esterocilis i al nombre de cèl·lules somàtiques luminals, i c) l'epiteli epididimari esta format per cinc tipus cel·lulars: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules dares, les cèl·lules estretes i les cèl·lules basòfiles. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot deduir que: a) aquests cinc tipus cel·lulars es distribueixen al llarg del conducte epididimari de forma no homogènia, b) les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules principals, les cèI.Iules dares i les cèl·lules estretes són diversos estadis del desenvolupament d'un mateix tipus cel·lular especialitzat en la secreció i reabsorció cel·lular, i c) les cèl·lules basòfiles són les precursores de les cèl·lules somàtiques luminals. La qualitat de l'esperma procedent de les tres regions de l'epidídim ha estat analitzada a partir dels següents paràmetres espermàtics: vitalitat, resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes, estabilitat cefàlica, morfologia, malformacions i aglutinació. La vitalitat espermàtica disminueix progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari. La resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes s'assoleix en la regió corporal de l'epidídim. L'estabilitat cefàlica dels espermatozoides és més elevada en les dues primeres regions de l'epidídim que en la regió caudal. Cada regió de l'epidídim es caracteritza per una morfologia espermàtica específica: a) el caput es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica proximal, b) el corpus es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica distal, i c) el cauda es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides madurs. S'han estudiat les següents malformacions d'origen epididimari: espermatozoides de cua doblegada per l'anell de Jensen (origen en el cauda), espermatozoides de cua enrotllada i espermatozoides de cues fusionades (origen en el corpus). Els espermatozoides perden la capacitat de doblegar la cua per la peça intermèdia a mesura que avancen pel conducte epididimari. L'aglutinació espermàtica tendeix a augmentar progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari, si bé, no s'han observat variacions significatives en els diversos tipus d'aglutinació. La maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides de Sus domesticus és un procés lent i complex, i la qualitat de l'ejaculat depèn de que aquesta maduració hagi estat completa. La presencia en l'esperma ejaculat de formes gamètiques pròpies de l'esperma epididimari és un signe d'una incompleta maduració dels espermatozoides; i, pot considerar-se com un paràmetre indicador d'estrés del mascle reproductor, tant més quant més s'assembli a la morfologia espermàtica de la regió cefàlica de l'epidídim.


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El virus de l'hepatitis C (VHC) provoca una hepatitis crònica que afecta a més de 170 milions de persones d'arreu del món. És un virus petit que es classifica dins de la família Flaviviridae i és un virus d'RNA de cadena positiva amb un genoma d'aproximadament 9.600 nucleòtids. A l'extrem 5' del genoma viral s'hi troba una regió no codificant (5'NCR) que comprèn els primers 341 nucleòtids i la seva funció està relaciona amb la traducció. Immediatament després hi ha una pauta de lectura oberta ORF que acaba en un únic codó d'aturada i codifica una poliproteïna de 3.010 aminoàcids. A continuació l'extrem 3' no codificant (3'NCR), que malgrat es desconeixen les seves funcions exactes, s'ha demostrat que és essencial per a la replicació vírica. La única poliproteïna generada és processada co- i postraduccionalment mitjançant proteases de l'hoste i víriques, donant lloc a les proteïnes estructurals (Core, E1 i E2-p7) i no estructurals (NS2-NS5B). Igual que la majoria de virus RNA, el VHC es caracteritza per tenir una taxa de mutació elevada. De fet, el genoma del virus no es pot definir com una única seqüència sinó per una població de variants molt relacionades entre sí. A aquesta manera d'organitzar la informació genètica se l'anomena quasiespècie viral i una de les seves implicacions principals és la facilitat amb què sorgeixen resistents al tractament. Els tractaments disponibles són llargs, cars, provoquen efectes secundaris considerables i només es resolen completament el 40% dels casos. Per aquesta raó es busquen altres solucions terapèutiques per combatre el virus entre les quals s'hi inclouen diferents estratègies. Una de les més innovadores i prometedores és la utilització de ribozims dirigits directament contra el genoma del virus. Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de les noves estratègies terapèutiques basades en ribozims, concretament la ribonucleasa P. La ribonucleasa P és un ribozim que està present en tots els organismes ja que és l'enzim responsable de la maduració dels precursors d'RNA de transferència. El més interessant a nivell terapèutic és que s'ha demostrat que es pot dirigir la seva activitat cap a qualsevol RNA utilitzant una seqüència guia d'RNA que quan hibrida amb l'RNA diana, l'híbrid imita l'estructura secundària del substrat natural. En el cas del VHC, s'han estudiat ribozims dependents de seqüència (ribozims derivats d'RNAs satèl·lits i de viroides de plantes), sempre dirigits contra la regió més conservada del virus per evitar una disminució de l'eficiència del ribozim deguda a la variació de la diana. La ribonucleasa P és una endonucleasa d'activitat molt específica i es diferencia dels altres ribozims naturals en el sistema de reconeixement del substrat, reconeix elements estructurals i no de seqüència. L'objectiu final del treball és tallar in vitro l'RNA del VHC aprofitant la propietat que presenta aquest ribozim de reconèixer elements estructurals i no de seqüència ja que per a un mateix nombre de seqüències, el nombre d'estructures viables que pot adoptar l'RNA genòmic és molt més petit i per tant la variabilitat de la diana disminueix. S'han estudiat dos models d'RNasa P, la RNasa P humana guiada per seqüència guia externa (EGS) i l'RNA M1 de l'RNasa P d'E.coli unit a la seqüència guia per l'extrem 3' (ribozim M1GS). Abans però de dirigir el ribozim, s'han estudiat l'estructura i la variabilitat d'una regió del genoma del virus ja que s'ha descrit que són factors que poden limitar l'eficiència de qualsevol ribozim. Derivat d'aquests estudis s'aporten dades sobre accessibilitat i variabilitat d'una regió interna del genoma del virus de l'hepatitis C, la zona d'unió de la regió E2/NS2 (regió 2658-2869). L'estudi d'accessibilitat revela que la regió 2658-2869 del genoma del virus conté dominis oberts i tancats i que la transició entre uns i altres no és brusca si es compara amb altres regions d'estructura coneguda (regió 5' no codificant). Els resultats dels assajos in vitro amb els dos models de RNasa P mostren que s'ha aconseguit dirigir tant la ribonucleasa P humana com el ribozim M1GS cap a una zona, predeterminada segons l'estudi d'accessibilitat, com a poc estructurada i tallar l'RNA del virus. De l'anàlisi de mutacions, però, es dedueix que la regió estudiada és variable. Tot i dirigir el ribozim cap a la zona més accessible, la variació de la diana podria afectar la interacció amb la seqüència guia i per tant disminuir l'eficiència de tall. Si es proposés una estratègia terapèutica consistiria en un atac simultani de vàries dianes.D'altra banda i derivat d'un resultat inesperat on s'ha observat en els experiments control que l'extracte de RNasa P humana tallava l'RNA viral en absència de seqüències guia externes, s'ha caracteritzat una nova interacció entre l'RNA del VHC i la RNasa P humana. Per a la identificació de l'enzim responsable dels talls s'han aplicat diferents tècniques que es poden dividir en mètodes directes (RNA fingerprinting) i indirectes (immunoprecipitació i inhibicions competitives). Els resultats demostren que la ribonucleasa P humana, i no un altre enzim contaminant de l'extracte purificat, és la responsable dels dos talls específics observats i que es localitzen, un a l'entrada interna al ribosoma (IRES) i molt a prop del codó AUG d'inici de la traducció i l'altre entre la regió codificant estructural i no estructural. La ribonucleasa P és un dels enzims del metabolisme del tRNA que s'utilitza per identificar estructures similars al tRNA en substrats diferents del substrat natural. Així doncs, el fet que la ribonucleasa P reconegui i talli el genoma del VHC en dues posicions determinades suggereix que, a les zones de tall, el virus conté estructures semblants al substrat natural, és a dir estructures tipus tRNA. A més, tot i que el VHC és molt variable, els resultats indiquen que aquestes estructures poden ser importants per el virus, ja que es mantenen en totes les variants naturals analitzades. Creiem que la seva presència podria permetre al genoma interaccionar amb factors cel·lulars que intervenen en la biologia del tRNA,particularment en el cas de l'estructura tipus tRNA que es localitza a l'element IRES. Independentment però de la seva funció, es converteixen en unes noves dianes terapèutiques per a la RNasa P. S'ha de replantejar però l'estratègia inicial ja que la similitud amb el tRNA les fa susceptibles a l'atac de la ribonucleasa P, directament, en absència de seqüències guia externes.


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Many aspects of early embryonic development in the horse are unusual or unique; this is of scientific interest and, in some cases, considerable practical significance. During early development the number of different cell types increases rapidly and the organization of these increasingly differentiated cells becomes increasingly intricate as a result of various inter-related processes that occur step-wise or simultaneously in different parts of the conceptus (i.e., the embryo proper and its associated membranes and fluid). Equine conceptus development is of practical interest for many reasons. Most significantly, following a high rate of successful fertilization (71-96%) (Ball, 1988), as many as 30-40% of developing embryos fail to survive beyond the first two weeks of gestation (Ball, 1988), the time at which gastrulation begins. Indeed, despite considerable progress in the development of treatments for common causes of sub-fertility and of assisted reproductive techniques to enhance reproductive efficiency, the need to monitor and rebreed mares that lose a pregnancy or the failure to produce a foal, remain sources of considerable economic loss to the equine breeding industry. Of course, the potential causes of early embryonic death are numerous and varied (e.g. persistent mating induced endometritis, endometrial gland insufficiency, cervical incompetence, corpus luteum (CL) failure, chromosomal, genetic and other unknown factors (LeBlanc, 2004). However, the problem is especially acute in aged mares with a history of poor fertility in which the incidence of embryonic loss between days 2 and 14 after ovulation has been reported to reach 62-73%, and in which embryonic death is due primarily to embryonic defects rather than to uterine pathology (Ball et al., 1989; Carnevale & Ginther, 1995; Ball, 2000).


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Background: The possibility that a sub domain of a C clade HIV-1 gp120 could act as an effective immunogen was investigated. To do this, the outer domain ( OD) of gp120(CN54) was expressed and characterized in a construct marked by a re-introduced conformational epitope for MAb 2G12. The expressed sequence showed efficient epitope retention on the isolated ODCN54 suggesting authentic folding. To facilitate purification and subsequent immunogenicity ODCN54 was fused to the Fc domain of human IgGl. Mice were immunised with the resulting fusion proteins and also with gp120(CN54)-Fc and gp120 alone. Results: Fusion to Fc was found to stimulate antibody titre and Fc tagged ODCN54 was substantially more immunogenic than non-tagged gp120. Immunogenicity appeared the result of Fc facilitated antigen processing as immunisation with an Fc domain mutant that reduced binding to the FcR lead to a reduction in antibody titre when compared to the parental sequence. The breadth of the antibody response was assessed by serum reaction with five overlapping fragments of gp120(CN54) expressed as GST fusion proteins in bacteria. A predominant anti-inner domain and anti-V3C3 response was observed following immunisation with gp120(CN54)-Fc and an anti-V3C3 response to the ODCN54-Fc fusion. Conclusion: The outer domain of gp120(CN54) is correctly folded following expression as a C terminal fusion protein. Immunogenicity is substantial when targeted to antigen presenting cells but shows V3 dominance in the polyvalent response. The gp120 outer domain has potential as a candidate vaccine component.


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The vertebrate Zic gene family encodes C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors closely related to the Gli proteins. Zic genes are expressed in multiple areas of developing vertebrate embryos, including the dorsal neural tube where they act as potent neural crest inducers. Here we describe the characterization of a Zic ortholog from the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae and further describe the expression of a Zic ortholog from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Molecular phylogenetic analysis and sequence comparisons suggest the gene duplications that formed the vertebrate Zic family were specific to the vertebrate lineage. In Ciona maternal CiZic/Ci-macho1 transcripts are localized during cleavage stages by asymmetric cell division, whereas zygotic expression by neural plate cells commences during neurulation. The amphioxus Zic ortholog AmphiZic is expressed in dorsal mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation, before being eliminated first from midline cells and then from all neurectoderm during neurulation. After neurulation, expression is reactivated in the dorsal neural tube and dorsolateral somite. Comparison of CiZic and AmphiZic expression with vertebrate Zic expression leads to two main conclusions. First, Zic expression allows us to define homologous compartments between vertebrate and amphioxus somites, showing primitive subdivision of vertebrate segmented mesoderm. Second, we show that neural Zic expression is a chordate synapomorphy, whereas the precise pattern of neural expression has evolved differently on the different chordate lineages. Based on these observations we suggest that a change in Zic regulation, specifically the evolution of a dorsal neural expression domain in vertebrate neurulae, was an important step in the evolution of the neural crest.


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The linking of orthopalladated ferrocenylene units by parabanato(2-) ligands results in enantiospecific assembly of a hexanuclear complex in which (i) the steric bulk of the ferrocenylene moiety, (ii) the folded configuration dictated by the imidato(2-) bridging ligand, and (iii) the strong preference for a trans arrangement of the carbonyl oxygen and ferrocenyl carbon atoms, combine to ensure that only ferrocenylene-palladium units with the same chirality can be located at adjacent positions in the assembled complex. The resulting tris-parabanato(2-)-bridged, hexapalladium complex is thus homochiral (R,R,R,R,R,R or S,S,S,S,S,S), as demonstrated by H-1 NMR spectroscopy and by X-ray analysis of a racemic crystal which shows the complex to possess a tapering, twisted, trigonal-prismatic skeleton of palladium atoms with threefold crystallographic symmetry. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)


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Complexes have been synthesised with bis(2-pyridine carboxaldehyde) ethylenediimine (1) and bis(2-pyridine carboxaldehyde)propylene-1,3-diimine (2) with all of the available lanthanide trinitrates. Crystal structures were obtained for all but one complex with 1 and for all but one complex with 2. Four distinct structural types were established for 1 but only two for 2, although in all cases the structures contained one ligand bound to the metal in a tetradentate fashion. With 1, the four different structures of the lanthanide(III) nitrate complexes included 11-coordinate [Ln(1)(NO3)(3)(H2O)] for Ln = La; 10 coordinate [Ln(1)(NO3)(3)(H2O)] with one monodentate and two bidentate nitrates for Ln = Ce, then 10-coordinate [Ln(1)(NO3)(3)] for Ln = Pr-Yb with three bidentate nitrates; and 9-coordinate [Ln(1)(NO3)(3)] with one monodentate and two bidentate nitrates for Ln = Lu. On the other hand for 2 only two distinct types of structure are obtained, the first type with Ln = La-Pr and the second type for Ln = Sm-Lu, although all are 10-coordinate with stoichiometry [Ln(2)(NO3)(3)]. The difference between the two types is in the disposition of the ligand relative to the nitrates. With the larger lanthanides La-Pr the ligand is found on one side of the coordination sphere with the three nitrate anions on the other. In these structures, the ligand is folded such that the angle between the two pyridine rings approaches 90degrees, while with the smaller lanthanides Sm-Lu, two nitrates are found on one side of the ligand and one nitrate on the other and the ligand is in an extended conformation such that the two pyridine rings are close to being coplanar. In both series of structures, the Ln-N and Ln-O bond lengths were consistent with the lanthanide contraction though there are significant variations between ostensibly equivalent bonds which are indicative of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and steric crowding in the complexes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal that three hexapeptides with general formula Boc-Ile-Aib-Xx-Ile-Aib-Yy-OMe, where Xx and Yy are Leu in peptide I, Len and Phe in peptide II, and Phe and Leu in peptide III, respectively, adopt equivalent conformations that can be described as mixed 3(10)/alpha-helice with two 4 -> 1 and two 5 -> 1 intramolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C H-bonds. The peptides do not generate any helixterminating Schellman motif despite having Aib at the penultimate position from C-terminus. In the crystalline state, the helices are packed in head-to-tail fashion through intermolecular hydrogen bonds to create supramolecular helical structures. The CD Studies of the three hexapeptides in acetonitrile indicate that they are folded in well-developed 3(10)-helical structures. NMR studies of peptide I in CDCl3 also suggest the formation of a homogeneous 3 m-helical structure. The field emission scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) images of peptide 11 in the solid state reveal a non-twisted ribbon-like morphology, which is formed through lateral association of non-twisted filaments. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Novel 'tweezer-type' complexes that exploit the interactions between pi-electron-rich pyrenyl groups and pi-electron deficient diimide units have been designed and synthesised. The component molecules leading to complex formation were accessed readily from commercially available starting materials through short and efficient syntheses. Analysis of the resulting complexes, using the visible charge-transfer band, revealed association constants that increased sequentially from 130 to 11,000 M-1 as increasing numbers of pi-pi-stacking interactions were introduced into the systems. Computational modelling was used to analyse the structures of these complexes, revealing low-energy chain-folded conformations for both components, which readily allow close, multiple pi-pi-stacking and hydrogen bonding to be achieved. In this paper, we give details of our initial studies of these complexes and outline how their behaviour could provide a basis for designing self-healing polymer blends for use in adaptive coating systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New N-(3-aminopropyl) (L-1, L-2) and (2-cyanoethyl) (L-3, L-4) derivatives of a 14-membered tetraazamacrocycle containing pyridine have been synthesized. The protonation constants of L-1 and L-2 and the stability constants of their complexes with Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ metal ions were determined in aqueous solutions by potentiometry, at 298.2 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Both compounds have high overall basicity due to the presence of the aminopropyl arms. Their copper(II) complexes exhibit very high stability constants, which sharply decrease for the complexes of the other studied metal ions, as usually happens with polyamine ligands. Mono- and dinuclear complexes are formed with L-2 as well as with L-1, but the latter exhibits mononuclear complexes with slightly higher K-ML values while the dinuclear complexes of L-2 are thermodynamically more stable. The presence of these species in solution was supported by UV-VIS-NIR and EPR spectroscopic data. The single crystal structures of [Cu(H2L2)(ClO4)](3+) and [(CoLCl)-Cl-3](+) revealed that the metal centres are surrounded by the four nitrogen atoms of the macrocycle and one monodentate ligand, adopting distorted square pyramidal geometries. In the [(CoLCl)-Cl-3](+) complex, the macrocycle adopts a folded arrangement with the nitrogen atom opposite to the pyridine at the axial position while in the [Cu(H2L2)(ClO4)](3+) complex, the macrocycle adopts a planar conformation with the three aminopropyl arms located at the same side of the macrocyclic plane.


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Two N-methylphosphonic acid derivatives of a 14-membered tetraazamacrocycle containing pyridine have been synthesized, H4L1 and H6L2. The protonation constants of these compounds and the stability constants of complexes of both ligands with Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ were determined by potentiometric methods at 298 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in NMe4NO3. The high overall basicity of both compounds is ascribed to the presence of the phosphonate arms. H-1 and P-31 NMR spectroscopic titrations were performed to elucidate the sequence of protonation, which were complemented by conformational analysis studies. The complexes of these ligands have stability constants of the order of or higher than those formed with ligands having the same macrocyclic backbone but acetate arms. At pH = 7 the highest pM values were found for solutions containing the compound with three acetate groups, followed immediately by those of H6L2, however, as expected, the increasing pH favours the complexes of ligands containing phosphonate groups. The single-crystal structure of Na-2[Cu(HL1)]NO3.8H(2)O has shown that the coordination geometry around the copper atom is a distorted square pyramid. Three nitrogen atoms of the macrocyclic backbone and one oxygen atom from one methylphosphonate arm define the basal plane, and the apical coordination is accomplished via the nitrogen atom trans to the pyridine ring of the macrocycle. To achieve this geometric arrangement, the macrocycle adopts a folded conformation. This structure seems consistent with Uv-vis-NIR spectroscopy for the Ni2+ and the Cu2+ complexes and with the EPR for the latter.


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The self-assembly of a peptide based on a sequence from the amyloid beta peptide but incorporating the non-natural amino acid beta-2-thienylalanine (2-Thi) has been investigated in aqueous and methanol solutions. The peptide AAKLVFF was used as a design motif, replacing the phenylalanine residues (F) with 2-Thi units to yield (2-Thi)(2-Thi)VLKAA. The 2-Thi residues are expected to confer interesting electronic properties due to charge delocalization and pi-stacking. The peptide is shown to form beta-sheet-rich amyloid fibrils with a twisted morphology, in both water and methanol solutions at sufficiently high concentration. The formation of a self-assembling hydrogel is observed at high concentration. Detailed molecular modeling using molecular dynamics methods was performed using NOE constraints provided by 2D-NMR experiments. The conformational and charge properties of 2-Thi were modeled using quantum mechanical methods, and found to be similar to those previously reported for the beta-3-thienylalanine analogue. The molecular dynamics simulations reveal well-defined folded structures (turn-like) in dilute aqueous solution, driven by self-assembly of the hydrophobic aromatic units, with charged lysine groups exposed to water.


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The conformation of a model peptide AAKLVFF based on a fragment of the amyloid beta peptide A beta 16-20, KLVFF, is investigated in methanol and water via solution NMR experiments and Molecular dynamics computer simulations. In previous work, we have shown that AAKLVFF forms peptide nanotubes in methanol and twisted fibrils in water. Chemical shift measurements were used to investigate the solubility of the peptide as a function of concentration in methanol and water. This enabled the determination of critical aggregation concentrations, The Solubility was lower in water. In dilute solution, diffusion coefficients revealed the presence of intermediate aggregates in concentrated solution, coexisting with NMR-silent larger aggregates, presumed to be beta-sheets. In water, diffusion coefficients did not change appreciably with concentration, indicating the presence mainly of monomers, coexisting with larger aggregates in more concentrated solution. Concentration-dependent chemical shift measurements indicated a folded conformation for the monomers/intermediate aggregates in dilute methanol, with unfolding at higher concentration. In water, an antiparallel arrangement of strands was indicated by certain ROESY peak correlations. The temperature-dependent solubility of AAKLVFF in methanol was well described by a van't Hoff analysis, providing a solubilization enthalpy and entropy. This pointed to the importance of solvophobic interactions in the self-assembly process. Molecular dynamics Simulations constrained by NOE values from NMR suggested disordered reverse turn structures for the monomer, with an antiparallel twisted conformation for dimers. To model the beta-sheet structures formed at higher concentration, possible model arrangements of strands into beta-sheets with parallel and antiparallel configurations and different stacking sequences were used as the basis for MD simulations; two particular arrangements of antiparallel beta-sheets were found to be stable, one being linear and twisted and the other twisted in two directions. These structures Were used to simulate Circular dichroism spectra. The roles of aromatic stacking interactions and charge transfer effects were also examined. Simulated spectra were found to be similar to those observed experimentally.(in water or methanol) which show a maximum at 215 or 218 nm due to pi-pi* interactions, when allowance is made for a 15-18 nm red-shift that may be due to light scattering effects.


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A thermoresponsive, supramolecular nanocomposite has been prepared by the addition of pyrenyl functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to a polydiimide that contains receptor residues designed to form defined complexes with pyrene. The novel pyrenyl-functionalized AuNPs (P-AuNPs) were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, with surface functionalization confirmed by infrared and UV–visible spectroscopic analyses. Mixing solutions of the P-AuNPs and a π-electron-deficient polydiimide resulted in the formation of electronically complementary, chain-folded and π–π-stacked complexes, so affording a new supramolecular nanocomposite network which precipitated from solution. The P-AuNPs bind to the polydiimide via π–π stacking interactions to create supramolecular cross-links. UV–visible spectroscopic analysis confirmed the thermally reversible nature of the complexation process, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the supramolecular-nanocomposite material. The supramolecular polymer network is insoluble at room temperature, yet may be dissolved at temperatures above 60 °C. The thermal reversibility of this system is maintained over five heat/cool cycles without diminishment of the network characteristics. In contrast to the individual components, the nanocomposite formed self-supporting films, demonstrating the benefit of the supramolecular network in terms of mechanical properties. Control experiments probing the interactions between a model diimide compound that can also form a π-stacked complex with the π-electron rich pyrene units on P-AuNPs showed that, while complexation was readily apparent, precipitation did not occur because a supramolecular cross-linked network system could not be formed with this system.