978 resultados para FIXED POINT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We investigate in this work the behaviour of the decay to the fixed points, in particular along the bifurcations, for a family of one-dimensional logistic-like discrete mappings. We start with the logistic map focusing in the transcritical bifurcation. Next we investigate the convergence to the stationary state at the cubic map. At the end we generalise the procedure for a mapping of the logistic-like type. Near the fixed point, the dynamical variable varies slowly. This property allows us to approximate/rewrite the equation of differences, hence natural from discrete mappings, into an ordinary differential equation. We then solve such equation which furnishes the evolution towards the stationary state. Our numerical simulations confirm the theoretical results validating the above mentioned approximation
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
In general the term "Lagrangian coherent structure" (LCS) is used to make reference about structures whose properties are similar to a time-dependent analog of stable and unstable manifolds from a hyperbolic fixed point in Hamiltonian systems. Recently, the term LCS was used to describe a different type of structure, whose properties are similar to those of invariant tori in certain classes of two-dimensional incompressible flows. A new kind of LCS was obtained. It consists of barriers, called robust tori that block the trajectories in certain regions of the phase space. We used the Double-Gyre Flow system as the model. In this system, the robust tori play the role of a skeleton for the dynamics and block, horizontally, vortices that come from different parts of the phase space. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Let phi: a"e(2) -> a"e(2) be an orientation-preserving C (1) involution such that phi(0) = 0. Let Spc(phi) = {Eigenvalues of D phi(p) | p a a"e(2)}. We prove that if Spc(phi) aS, a"e or Spc(phi) a (c) [1, 1 + epsilon) = a... for some epsilon > 0, then phi is globally C (1) conjugate to the linear involution D phi(0) via the conjugacy h = (I + D phi(0)phi)/2,where I: a"e(2) -> a"e(2) is the identity map. Similarly, we prove that if phi is an orientation-reversing C (1) involution such that phi(0) = 0 and Trace (D phi(0)D phi(p) > - 1 for all p a a"e(2), then phi is globally C (1) conjugate to the linear involution D phi(0) via the conjugacy h. Finally, we show that h may fail to be a global linearization of phi if the above conditions are not fulfilled.
We study isoparametric submanifolds of rank at least two in a separable Hilbert space, which are known to be homogeneous by the main result in [E. Heintze and X. Liu, Ann. of Math. (2), 149 (1999), 149-181], and with such a submanifold M and a point x in M we associate a canonical homogeneous structure I" (x) (a certain bilinear map defined on a subspace of T (x) M x T (x) M). We prove that I" (x) , together with the second fundamental form alpha (x) , encodes all the information about M, and we deduce from this the rigidity result that M is completely determined by alpha (x) and (Delta alpha) (x) , thereby making such submanifolds accessible to classification. As an essential step, we show that the one-parameter groups of isometries constructed in [E. Heintze and X. Liu, Ann. of Math. (2), 149 (1999), 149-181] to prove their homogeneity induce smooth and hence everywhere defined Killing fields, implying the continuity of I" (this result also seems to close a gap in [U. Christ, J. Differential Geom., 62 (2002), 1-15]). Here an important tool is the introduction of affine root systems of isoparametric submanifolds.
Effects of roads on wildlife and its habitat have been measured using metrics, such as the nearest road distance, road density, and effective mesh size. In this work we introduce two new indices: (1) Integral Road Effect (IRE), which measured the sum effects of points in a road at a fixed point in the forest; and (2) Average Value of the Infinitesimal Road Effect (AVIRE), which measured the average of the effects of roads at this point. IRE is formally defined as the line integral of a special function (the infinitesimal road effect) along the curves that model the roads, whereas AVIRE is the quotient of IRE by the length of the roads. Combining tools of ArcGIS software with a numerical algorithm, we calculated these and other road and habitat cover indices in a sample of points in a human-modified landscape in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, where data on the abundance of two groups of small mammals (forest specialists and habitat generalists) were collected in the field. We then compared through the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) a set of candidate regression models to explain the variation in small mammal abundance, including models with our two new road indices (AVIRE and IRE) or models with other road effect indices (nearest road distance, mesh size, and road density), and reference models (containing only habitat indices, or only the intercept without the effect of any variable). Compared to other road effect indices, AVIRE showed the best performance to explain abundance of forest specialist species, whereas the nearest road distance obtained the best performance to generalist species. AVIRE and habitat together were included in the best model for both small mammal groups, that is, higher abundance of specialist and generalist small mammals occurred where there is lower average road effect (less AVIRE) and more habitat. Moreover, AVIRE was not significantly correlated with habitat cover of specialists and generalists differing from the other road effect indices, except mesh size, which allows for separating the effect of roads from the effect of habitat on small mammal communities. We suggest that the proposed indices and GIS procedures could also be useful to describe other spatial ecological phenomena, such as edge effect in habitat fragments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Phenomena as reconnection scenarios, periodic-orbit collisions, and primary shearless tori have been recognized as features of nontwist maps. Recently, these phenomena and secondary shearless tori were analytically predicted for generic maps in the neighborhood of the tripling bifurcation of an elliptic fixed point. In this paper, we apply a numerical procedure to find internal rotation number profiles that highlight the creation of periodic orbits within islands of stability by a saddle-center bifurcation that emerges out a secondary shearless torus. In addition to the analytical predictions, our numerical procedure applied to the twist and nontwist standard maps reveals that the atypical secondary shearless torus occurs not only near a tripling bifurcation of the fixed point but also near a quadrupling bifurcation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4750040]
The hero's journey is a narrative structure identified by several authors in comparative studies on folklore and mythology. This storytelling template presents the stages of inner metamorphosis undergone by the protagonist after being called to an adventure. In a simplified version, this journey is divided into three acts separated by two crucial moments. Here we propose a discrete-time dynamical system for representing the protagonist's evolution. The suffering along the journey is taken as the control parameter of this system. The bifurcation diagram exhibits stationary, periodic and chaotic behaviors. In this diagram, there are transition from fixed point to chaos and transition from limit cycle to fixed point. We found that the values of the control parameter corresponding to these two transitions are in quantitative agreement with the two critical moments of the three-act hero's journey identified in 10 movies appearing in the list of the 200 worldwide highest-grossing films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider various problems regarding roots and coincidence points for maps into the Klein bottle . The root problem where the target is and the domain is a compact surface with non-positive Euler characteristic is studied. Results similar to those when the target is the torus are obtained. The Wecken property for coincidences from to is established, and we also obtain the following 1-parameter result. Families which are coincidence free but any homotopy between and , , creates a coincidence with . This is done for any pair of maps such that the Nielsen coincidence number is zero. Finally, we exhibit one such family where is the constant map and if we allow for homotopies of , then we can find a coincidence free pair of homotopies.
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for the following fractional boundary value problem D 0 + α u ( t ) + f ( t , u ( t ) ) = 0 , 0 < t < 1 , u ( 0 ) = u ( 1 ) = u ′ ( 0 ) = 0 , where 2 < α ≤ 3 and D 0 + α is the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Our analysis relies on a fixed-point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces. The autonomous case of this problem was studied in the paper [Zhao et al., Abs. Appl. Anal., to appear], but in Zhao et al. (to appear), the question of uniqueness of the solution is not treated. We also present some examples where we compare our results with the ones obtained in Zhao et al. (to appear). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B15
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to present a fixed point theorem for generalized contractions in partially ordered complete metric spaces. We also present an application to first-order ordinary differential equations.
[EN] We establish the existence and uniqueness of a positive and nondecreasing solution to a singular boundary value problem of a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation. Our analysis relies on a fixed point theorem in partially ordered sets.
Deutsche Version: Zunächst wird eine verallgemeinerte Renormierungsgruppengleichung für die effektiveMittelwertwirkung der EuklidischenQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation konstruiert und dann auf zwei unterschiedliche Trunkierungen, dieEinstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung und die$R^2$-Trunkierung, angewendet. Aus den resultierendenDifferentialgleichungen wird jeweils die Fixpunktstrukturbestimmt. Die Einstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung liefert nebeneinem Gaußschen auch einen nicht-Gaußschen Fixpunkt. Diesernicht-Gaußsche Fixpunkt und auch der Fluß in seinemEinzugsbereich werden mit hoher Genauigkeit durch die$R^2$-Trunkierung reproduziert. Weiterhin erweist sichdie Cutoffschema-Abhängigkeit der analysierten universellenGrößen als äußerst schwach. Diese Ergebnisse deuten daraufhin, daß dieser Fixpunkt wahrscheinlich auch in der exaktenTheorie existiert und die vierdimensionaleQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation somit nichtperturbativ renormierbar sein könnte. Anschließend wird gezeigt, daß der ultraviolette Bereich der$R^2$-Trunkierung und somit auch die Analyse des zugehörigenFixpunkts nicht von den Stabilitätsproblemen betroffen sind,die normalerweise durch den konformen Faktor der Metrikverursacht werden. Dadurch motiviert, wird daraufhin einskalares Spielzeugmodell, das den konformen Sektor einer``$-R+R^2$''-Theorie simuliert, hinsichtlich seinerStabilitätseigenschaften im infraroten (IR) Bereichstudiert. Dabei stellt sich heraus, daß sich die Theorieunter Ausbildung einer nichttrivialen Vakuumstruktur auf dynamische Weise stabilisiert. In der Gravitation könnteneventuell nichtlokale Invarianten des Typs $intd^dx,sqrt{g}R (D^2)^{-1} R$ dafür sorgen, daß der konformeSektor auf ähnliche Weise IR-stabil wird.