862 resultados para Express to Success
A análise da condição feminina é polêmica, sobremaneira, quando a trilha a ser seguida se lnsere no veio organizacional,c~ minho ainda virgem na literatura corrente. o que se tenta em termos amplos é indagar,até que ponto, as organizações negligenciam, ou ainda, reforçam,no interior de las a situação de inferioridade da mulher no plano social e familiar, seja através da cultura organizacional,com valores tradici~ nalmente "patriarcais",ou através de normas, procedimentos e ou tros instrumentos de controle da conduta funcional. o foco do estudo recairá numa Autarquia Federal (AF) , possuidora de especificidades próprias que~asseguram por um la do, no que concerne às políticas de pessoal,o ingresso e a perm~ nência de mulheres e, por outro, a reprodução das condições malS gerais de opressao de sexo ,d e uma sociedade tradicional como a brasileira. o que se tenta especificamente conhecer, é como as fun cionárias e funcionários da AF se inserem no processo de ascen são funcional, doravante chamado de o caminho para o "sucesso";se há diferenças substanciais na maneira de perceber o trabalho em si e na sua intercessão com outras esferas da vida, como família, lazer, cultura, saúde e consumo, ou na maneira de perceber o "sucesso", os requisitos e as disponibilidades para se chegar até ele. Procurar-se-á,então, levantar os possíveis pontos de estrangulamento da carreira da mulher na organização. Acredita-se que, nao obstante os condicionantes supeE. estruturais e micro-institucionais que obstaculizam a ascensao funcional feminina, sua postura em relação ao trabalho e ao "sucesso" encontrará eco em fatores outros,advindos precipuamente de sua posição na hierarquia, por hipótese.
Includes bibliography
A risks management, carried on in an effective way, leads the software development to success and may influence on the organization. The knowledge takes part of such a process as a way to help taking decisions. This research aimed to analyze the use of Knowledge Management techniques to the Risk Management in software projects development and the possible influence on the enterprise revenue. It had, as its main studying subject, Brazilian incubated and graduated software developing enterprises. The chosen research method was the Survey type. Multivariate statistical methods were used for the treatment and analysis of the obtained results, this way identifying the most significant factors, that is, enterprise's achievement constraining factors and those outcome achievement ones. Among the latter we highlight the knowledge methodology, the time of existence of the enterprise, the amount of employees and the knowledge externalization. The results encourage contributing actions to the increasing of financial revenue. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Em 2025 o número de idosos no mundo irá dobrar e por volta de 2050 alcançará dois bilhões de indivíduos, estando a maioria em países desenvolvidos. A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a quarta doença que mais compromete a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Este trabalho pretende sugerir novas metodologias de avaliação de pacientes com declínio cognitivo e doença de Alzheimer, apresentando uma versão brasileira a partir da versão original em língua inglesa intitulada “Test Your Memory” TYM (“teste sua memória- TSM), bem como mostrar os resultados do desempenho dos idosos na bateria de testes neuropsicológicos de Cambridge (CANTAB). Trata-se de estudo analítico, transversal retrospectivo do tipo caso-controle, realizado em pacientes do ambulatório de Geriatria do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, e em voluntários da comunidade no período de janeiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2011. Participaram 95 indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos de idade, divididos em 3 grupos: Alzheimer (DA, n=21), declínio cognitivo (DCL, n=31) e controle (n=43). Foram excluídos pacientes com história de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE), depressão primária, trauma cranioencefálico, outras demências, outras patologias neuropsiquiátricas e déficits visuo-auditivos limitantes. Os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação inicial, triagem com GDS-5 e DSM-IV, ao Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas (IPAQ), testes neuropsicológicos da bateria CERAD, teste do relógio, TSM (versão adaptada para o Português) e a bateria de Alzheimer do CANTAB. A análise estatística foi realizada empregando-se ANOVA, um critério, definindo-se o valor p<0,05 como significante. Houve predomínio em todos os grupos de indivíduos do gênero feminino, de cor parda, na faixa etária de 70 a 79 anos. A média de pontuação do MEEM entre os três grupos foi diferente (controle: 26,6±2,2; DCL: 25,1±2,6; DA: 17,3±4,9; p<0,05), entretanto o TSM mostrou ser uma ferramenta de triagem mais confiável para distinguir os pacientes DCL dos DA (controle: 42,4±5; DCL: 35,5±7,7; DA: 25,7±8; p<0,01). Na lista de palavras do CERAD, teste do relógio, TNBR e na fluência verbal fonológica os três grupos apresentaram diferenças significantes na média de pontos obtidos. A média da pontuação total no TSM foi significativamente menor nos grupos DCL e DA do que no grupo controle, e no grupo DA em relação ao DCL. Os testes e medidas do CANTAB que separam os três grupos pelo desempenho obtido são: RVP A‟, número de tentativas para o sucesso e total de erros na fase de 6 figuras do PAL. Foram encontradas boas correlações entre o TSM e outros testes, principalmente com o MEEM (Coeficiente de Pearson, r = 0,79; p<0,0001) e teste do relógio (r = 0,76; p<0,0001), bem como boa correlação entre as medidas do PAL e a pontuação do TSM e o MEEM. O nível de atividade física no grupo controle foi maior do que em todos os outros grupos. Ao ser correlacionado o nível de atividade física e o desempenho nos testes cognitivos, não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos diferentes grupos, exceto pela evocação de palavras no grupo DCL. Tomados em conjunto os resultados sugerem que a aplicação de testes neuropsicológicos automatizados associados aos testes da rotina clínica e ao TSM aumentam a resolução e a confiabilidade das análises particularmente no estágio inicial das síndromes demenciais onde a precocidade e a precisão diagnóstica são fundamentais para orientar as ações terapêuticas, sejam elas medicamentosas e/ou comportamentais.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Applicability of management theories to developing organizationations and structured process for managing change and create an environment for innovation and adaptation. The study skills resources focus described information science area and your essencial function building a knowledge society. The work process administration involves organizational environment. When working to resolve conflict, it is important to solve parties in personal conflict for success of the organization. For theory of human relations, informal groups influence in the archive workplace. Thus the aim of this paper is to proposed analyse the influence human relations theory for the process archive management. That methodology will follow the recommendation archive university case study. The data analysis for the current case study follows focus group. The conduct the case study was guided by three phases: Motivational elements, the individual and influence behavior, integration of the formal and informal organization. Employees May Be the Key to Success for O rganizations and develop the conclusions and recommendations portray motivation and a good working environment stood out the factors that employees develop skills and competencies. Organizational behavior that is present in forms of rewards, recognition, social man and informal groups. The nature of research contribute to the process archive management. Development and suggested that the findings of the analysis are applied to a larger structure of archive organization, as well as public archive case study.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
The competition among companies nowadays, caused by globalization and with customers more and more demanding, makes the companies rethink their strategies for survival. To improve their competition the companies are adopting management tool to improve the manufacturing management, which is considered a key to success. The present study aimed to develop a method, based on techniques of theory of constraints and operational research, to ensure the best use of resources and best decision of a production line on a steel company, with focus in the customers’ delivery time, which is a requirement of the current market. The conclusion of this study is that the correct use of the management tools, such as theory of constraints and operational research, can ensure a long survival for the companies that duel for the market share, especially in regard to customers’ delivery time, that generates their satisfaction
Dental avulsion is the most severe type of traumatic tooth injuries because it causes damageto several structures and results in the complete displacement of the tooth from its socketin the alveolar bone. The ideal situation is to replant an exarticulated tooth immediatelyafter avulsion because the extraoral time is a determinant factor for treatment successand for a good prognosis. However, it is not always possible. The success of replantationdepends on a number of factors that may contribute to accelerate or minimize theoccurrence of root resorption or ankylosis, among which is the type and characteristicsof the medium used for temporary storage during the time elapsed between avulsionand replantation. Maintaining the tooth in an adequate wet medium that can preserve,as longer as possible, the vitality of the periodontal ligament cells that remain on rootsurface is the key to success of replantation. Recent research has led to the developmentof storage media that produce conditions that closely resemble the original socketenvironment, with adequate osmolality (cell pressure), pH, nutritional metabolites andglucose, and thus create the best possible conditions for storage. Although these storagemedia can now be purchased in the form of retail products, the most common scenariois that such a product will not be readily available at the moment of the accident Thispaper reviews the literature on the different storage media that have been investigatedfor avulsed teeth based on full-length papers retrieved from PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, BBOand SciELO electronic databases using the key words storage medium , transportationmedium , avulsion , tooth avulsion , replantation , tooth replantation , milk and propolis .After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 papers were selected and criticallyreviewed with respect to the characteristics, efficacy and ease of access of the storagemedium. The review of the lite
The use of rats in studies that seek to monitor the effects of physical exercise is fairly common, even in works that make use of overload. However, the correct determination of the training load is critical to success of studies. Thus, with the objective of verifying the correlation of total body mass of the rats with their respective strength, and the correlation of the 1RM test with test repetitions, 40 rats, 90 days old and weighing average 0,49 pounds underwent a program of adaptation to the water and then were subjected to tests to determine the maximal and submaximal loads. After measuring the total body mass and maximal and submaximal strenght, it was possible to observe directly proportional relationship between maximum strenght and total body mass of 0.97 (P ≤ 0.01), being the maximum muscle strength equivalent to 109% of the total body mass. Between muscle strength and mass submaximal muscle strength was also found direct correlation between the variables, allowing to conclude that the submaximal strength test and total body mass are effective tools in determining the training load of rats.
The lack of data records of electric power consumption of smallphotovoltaic home systems, independently of the method used for sizing them, drives to consider the demand as a constant. However, the existing data reveal the variability of the consumption due to the influences of some social, cultural and psychosocial aspects of the human groups. This paper presents records of consumption data obtainedfrom several solar home systems (SHSs) in Brazil and Peru, and it discusses about the Gamma distribution function that can express to a great extent the behaviour of the demand. By this analysis it was verified that `a lot of people consume little and few people consume a lot`. In that sense, a few recommendations for sizing procedures that can be useful in the implantation of extensive programmes of rural electrification by SHSs are presented. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This work highlights opportunities and obstacles to success in four task forces typically found at different times in states of conflict, transition, and development. They include: refugee return, media issues, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and efforts to promote business development. Based on over 180 in-depth interviews and observations of dozens of meetings during five lengthy field research trips to the Bosnian region between 1999 and 2005, this manuscript analyzes how these four task forces differed in terms of context, strategy, organization, and management in an attempt to understand the co-evolution of international development needs and the interorganizational forms that address them.