981 resultados para Excited states


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The study of reaction mechanisms involves systematic investigations of the correlation between structure, reactivity, and time. The challenge is to be able to observe the chemical changes undergone by reactants as they change into products via one or several intermediates such as electronic excited states (singlet and triplet), radicals, radical ions, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes, nitrinium ions, etc. The vast array of intermediates and timescales means there is no single ``do-it-all'' technique. The simultaneous advances in contemporary time-resolved Raman spectroscopic techniques and computational methods have done much towards visualizing molecular fingerprint snapshots of the reactive intermediates in the microsecond to femtosecond time domain. Raman spectroscopy and its sensitive counterpart resonance Raman spectroscopy have been well proven as means for determining molecular structure, chemical bonding, reactivity, and dynamics of short-lived intermediates in solution phase and are advantageous in comparison to commonly used time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. Today time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is a mature technique; its development owes much to the advent of pulsed tunable lasers, highly efficient spectrometers, and high speed, highly sensitive multichannel detectors able to collect a complete spectrum. This review article will provide a brief chronological development of the experimental setup and demonstrate how experimentalists have conquered numerous challenges to obtain background-free (removing fluorescence), intense, and highly spectrally resolved Raman spectra in the nanosecond to microsecond (ns-mu s) and picosecond (ps) time domains and, perhaps surprisingly, laid the foundations for new techniques such as spatially offset Raman spectroscopy.


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The symmetrized density matrix renormalization group method is used to study linear and nonlinear optical properties of free base porphine and metalloporphine. Long-range interacting model, namely, Pariser-Parr-Pople model is employed to capture the quantum many-body effect in these systems. The nonlinear optical coefficients are computed within the correction vector method. The computed singlet and triplet low-lying excited state energies and their charge densities are in excellent agreement with experimental as well as many other theoretical results. The rearrangement of the charge density at carbon and nitrogen sites, on excitation, is discussed. From our bond order calculation, we conclude that porphine is well described by the 18-annulenic structure in the ground state and the molecule expands upon excitation. We have modeled the regular metalloporphine by taking an effective electric field due to the metal ion and computed the excitation spectrum. Metalloporphines have D(4h) symmetry and hence have more degenerate excited states. The ground state of metalloporphines shows 20-annulenic structure, as the charge on the metal ion increases. The linear polarizability seems to increase with the charge initially and then saturates. The same trend is observed in third order polarizability coefficients. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3671946]


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One of the long standing problems in quantum chemistry had been the inability to exploit full spatial and spin symmetry of an electronic Hamiltonian belonging to a non-Abelian point group. Here, we present a general technique which can utilize all the symmetries of an electronic (magnetic) Hamiltonian to obtain its full eigenvalue spectrum. This is a hybrid method based on Valence Bond basis and the basis of constant z-component of the total spin. This technique is applicable to systems with any point group symmetry and is easy to implement on a computer. We illustrate the power of the method by applying it to a model icosahedral half-filled electronic system. This model spans a huge Hilbert space (dimension 1,778,966) and in the largest non-Abelian point group. The C60 molecule has this symmetry and hence our calculation throw light on the higher energy excited states of the bucky ball. This method can also be utilized to study finite temperature properties of strongly correlated systems within an exact diagonalization approach. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2012


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We study the bipartite entanglement of strongly correlated systems using exact diagonalization techniques. In particular, we examine how the entanglement changes in the presence of long-range interactions by studying the Pariser-Parr-Pople model with long-range interactions. We compare the results for this model with those obtained for the Hubbard and Heisenberg models with short-range interactions. This study helps us to understand why the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique is so successful even in the presence of long-range interactions. To better understand the behavior of long-range interactions and why the DMRG works well with it, we study the entanglement spectrum of the ground state and a few excited states of finite chains. We also investigate if the symmetry properties of a state vector have any significance in relation to its entanglement. Finally, we make an interesting observation on the entanglement profiles of different states (across the energy spectrum) in comparison with the corresponding profile of the density of states. We use isotropic chains and a molecule with non-Abelian symmetry for these numerical investigations.


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Recently, we have reported theoretical studies on the rate of energy transfer from an electronically excited molecule to graphene. It was found that graphene is a very efficient quencher of the electronically excited states and that the rate infinity z(-4). The process was found to be effective up to 30 nm which is well beyond the traditional FRET limit. In this report, we study the transfer of an amount of energy (h) over bar Omega from a dye molecule to doped graphene. We find a crossover of the distance dependence of the rate from z(-4) to exponential as the Fermi level is increasingly shifted into the conduction band, with the crossover occurring at a shift of the Fermi level by an amount (h) over bar Omega/2.


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Herein, a new aromatic carboxylate ligand, namely, 4-(dipyridin-2-yl)aminobenzoic acid (HL), has been designed and employed for the construction of a series of lanthanide complexes (Eu3+ = 1, Tb3+ = 2, and Gd3+ = 3). Complexes of 1 and 2 were structurally authenticated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and were found to exist as infinite 1D coordination polymers with the general formulas {Eu(L)(3)(H2O)(2)]}(n) (1) and {Tb(L)(3)(H2O)]center dot(H2O)}(n) (2). Both compounds crystallize in monoclinic space group C2/c. The photophysical properties demonstrated that the developed 4-(dipyridin-2-yl)aminobenzoate ligand is well suited for the sensitization of Tb3+ emission (Phi(overall) = 64%) thanks to the favorable position of the triplet state ((3)pi pi*) of the ligand the energy difference between the triplet state of the ligand and the excited state of Tb3+ (Delta E) = (3)pi pi* - D-5(4) = 3197 cm(-1)], as investigated in the Gd3+ complex. On the other hand, the corresponding Eu3+ complex shows weak luminescence efficiency (Phi(overall) = 7%) due to poor matching of the triplet state of the ligand with that of the emissive excited states of the metal ion (Delta E = (3)pi pi* - D-5(0) = 6447 cm(-1)). Furthermore, in the present work, a mixed lanthanide system featuring Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions with the general formula {Eu0.5Tb0.5(L)(3)(H2O)(2)]}(n) (4) was also synthesized, and the luminescent properties were evaluated and compared with those of the analogous single-lanthanide-ion systems (1 and 2). The lifetime measurements for 4 strongly support the premise that efficient energy transfer occurs between Tb3+ and Eu3+ in a mixed lanthanide system (eta = 86%).


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We propose an analytic perturbative scheme in the spirit of Lord Rayleigh's work for determining the eigenvalues of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions inside an arbitrary boundary where the eigenfunction satisfies either the Dirichlet boundary condition or the Neumann boundary condition. Although numerous works are available in the literature for arbitrary boundaries in two dimensions, to the best of our knowledge the formulation in three dimensions is proposed for the first time. In this novel prescription, we have expanded the arbitrary boundary in terms of spherical harmonics about an equivalent sphere and obtained perturbative closed-form solutions at each order for the problem in terms of corrections to the equivalent spherical boundary for both the boundary conditions. This formulation is in parallel with the standard time-independent Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. The efficacy of the method is tested by comparing the perturbative values against the numerically calculated eigenvalues for spheroidal, superegg and superquadric shaped boundaries. It is shown that this perturbation works quite well even for wide departure from spherical shape and for higher excited states too. We believe this formulation would find applications in the field of quantum dots and acoustical cavities.


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A combined experimental (infrared, Raman and NMR) and theoretical quantum chemical study is performed on the charge-transfer complex hydroxyethylammonium picrate (HEAP). The infrared (IR) spectra for HEAP were recorded at various temperatures, ranging from 16 K to 299 K, and the Raman spectrum was recorded at room temperature. A comparison of the experimental IR and Raman spectra with the corresponding calculated spectra was done, in order to facilitate interpretation of the experimental data. Formation of the HEAP complex is evidenced by the presence of the most prominent characteristic bands of the constituting groups of the charge-transfer complex e.g., NH3+, CO- and NO2]. Vibrational spectroscopic analysis, together with natural bond orbital (NBO) and theoretical charge density analysis in the crystalline phase, was used to shed light on relevant structural details of HEAP resulting from deprotonation of picric acid followed by formation of a hydrogen bond of the N-H center dot center dot center dot OC type between the hydroxyethylammonium cation and the picrate.C-13 and H-1 NMR spectroscopic analysis are also presented for the DMSO-d(6) solution of the compound revealing that in that medium the HEAP crystal dissolves forming the free picrate and hydroxyethylammonium ions. Finally, the electron excitation analysis of HEAP was performed in an attempt to determine the nature of the most important excited states responsible for the NLO properties exhibited by the compound. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the time-mean and phase-locked response of nonreacting as well as reacting flow field in a coaxial swirling jet/flame (nonpremixed). Two distinct swirl intensities plus two different central pipe flow rates at each swirl setting are investigated. The maximum response is observed at the 105 Hz mode in the range of excitation frequencies (0-315 Hz). The flow/flame exhibited minimal response beyond 300 Hz. It is seen that the aspect ratio change of inner recirculation zone (IRZ) under nonreacting conditions (at responsive modes) manifests as a corresponding increase in the time-mean flame aspect ratio. This is corroborated by similar to 25% decrease in the IRZ transverse width in both flame and cold flow states. In addition, 105 Hz excited states are found to shed high energy regions (eddies) asymmetrically when compared to dormant 315 Hz pulsing frequency. The kinetic energy (KE) of the flow field is subsequently reduced due to acoustic excitation and a corresponding increase (similar to O (1)) in fluctuation intensity is witnessed. The lower swirl intensity case is found to be more responsive than the high swirl case as in the former flow state the resistance offered by IRZ to incoming acoustic perturbations is lower due to inherently low inertia. Next, the phase-locked analysis of flow and flame structure is employed to further investigate the phase dependence of flow/flame response. It is found that the asymmetric shifting of IRZ mainly results at 270 deg acoustic forcing. The 90 deg phase angle forcing is observed to convect the IRZ farther downstream in both swirl cases as compared to other phase angles. The present work aims primarily at providing a fluid dynamic view point to the observed nonpremixed flame response without considering the confinement effects.


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Solvent plays a key role in diverse physico-chemical and biological processes. Therefore, understanding solute-solvent interactions at the molecular level of detail is of utmost importance. A comprehensive solvatochromic analysis of benzophenone (Bzp) was carried out in various solvents using Raman and electronic spectroscopy, in conjunction with Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of supramolecular solute-solvent clusters generated using classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations (c-MDSs). The >C=O stretching frequency undergoes a bathochromic shift with solvent polarity. Interestingly, in protic solvents this peak appears as a doublet: c-MDS and ad hoc explicit solvent ab initio calculations suggest that the lower and higher frequency peaks are associated with the hydrogen bonded and dangling carbonyl group of Bzp, respectively. Additionally, the dangling carbonyl in methanol (MeOH) solvent is 4 cm(-1) blue-shifted relative to acetonitrile solvent, despite their similar dipolarity/polarizability. This suggests that the cybotactic region of the dangling carbonyl group in MeOH is very different from its bulk solvent structure. Therefore, we propose that this blue-shift of the dangling carbonyl originates in the hydrophobic solvation shell around it resulting from extended hydrogen bonding network of the protic solvents. Furthermore, the 1(1)n pi* (band I) and 1(1)pi pi* (band II) electronic transitions show a hypsochromic and bathochromic shift, respectively. In particular, these shifts in protic solvents are due to differences in their excited state-hydrogen bonding mechanisms. Additionally, a linear relationship is obtained for band I and the >C=O stretching frequency (cm(-1)), which suggests that the different excitation wavelengths in band I correspond to different solvation states. Therefore, we hypothesize that the variation in excitation wavelengths in band I could arise from different solvation states leading to varying solvation dynamics. This will have implications for ultrafast processes associated with electron-transfer, charge transfer, and also the photophysical aspects of excited states. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Photoelectron angular distributions produced in above-threshold ionization (ATI) are analysed using a nonperturbative scattering theory. The numerical results are in good qualitative agreement with recent measurements. Our study shows that the origin of the jet-like structure arises from the inherent properties of the ATI process and not from the angular momentum of either the initial or the excited states of the atom.


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We propose a universal quantum computation scheme for trapped ions in thermal motion via the technique of adiabatic passage, which incorporates the advantages of both the adiabatic passage and the model of trapped ions in thermal motion. Our scheme is immune from the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from excited states as the system in our scheme evolves along a dark state. In our scheme the vibrational degrees of freedom are not required to be cooled to their ground states because they are only virtually excited. It is shown that the fidelity of the resultant gate operation is still high even when the magnitude of the effective Rabi frequency moderately deviates from the desired value.


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We investigate the Kerr nonlinearity of a V-type three-level atomic system where the upper two states decay outside to another state and hence spontaneous generated coherence may exist. It is shown that dark state and hence perfect transparency present under certain conditions. Meanwhile, the Kerr nonlinearity can be controlled by manipulation of the decay rates and the splitting of the two excited states. Therefore, enhanced Kerr nonlinearity without absorption can be obtained under proper parameters.


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This dissertation presents the results of studies of several rotationally- resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) processes in some simple molecular systems. The objective of these studies is to quantitatively identify the underlying dynamics of this highly state-specific process which utilizes the narrow bandwidth radiation of a laser to ionize a molecule by first preparing an excited state via multiphoton absorption and subsequently ionizing that state before it can decay. Coupled with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI is clearly an important probe of molecular excited states and their photoioniza tion dynamics.

A key feature of our studies is that they are carried out using accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals to describe the photoelectron orbitals of the molecular ions. The use of such photoelectron orbitals is important in rotationally-resolved studies where the angular momentum coupling in the photoelectron orbital plays a significant role in the photoionization dynamics. In these studies the Hartree-Fock molecular molecular photoelectron orbitals are obtained by numerical solution of a Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation.

Studies reported here include investigations of (i) ionic rotational branching ratios and their energy dependence for REMPI via the A^2Σ^+(3sσ) and D^2Σ^+(3pσ)states of NO, (ii) the influence of angular momentum constraints on branching ratios at low photoelectron energies for REMPI via low-J levels of the resonant intermediate state, (iii) the strong dependence of photoelectron angular distributions on final ionic rotational state and on the alignment in REMPI of the A^2Σ^+ state of NO, (iv) vibrational state dependence of ionic rotational branching ratios arising from rapid orbital evolution in resonant states (E'^2Σ^+(3pσ) of CH), (v) the influence of rovibronic interactions on the rotational branching ratios seen in REMPI via the D^2Σ^+(3pσ) state of NO, and (vi) effects of laser intensity on the photoionization dynamics of REMPI.


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Deep-subwavelength gratings with periodicities of 170, 120, and 70 nm can be observed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite irradiated by a femtosecond (fs) laser at 800 nm. Under picosecond laser irradiation, such gratings likewise can be produced. Interestingly, the 170-nm grating is also observed on single-crystal diamond irradiated by the 800-nm fs laser. In our opinion, the optical properties of the high-excited state of material surface play a key role for the formation of the deep-subwavelength gratings. The numerical simulations of the graphite deep-subwavelength grating at normal and high-excited states confirm that in the groove the light intensity can be extraordinarily enhanced via cavity-mode excitation in the condition of transverse-magnetic wave irradiation with near-ablation-threshold fluences. This field enhancement of polarization sensitiveness in deep-subwavelength apertures acts as an important feedback mechanism for the growth and polarization dependence of the deep-subwavelength gratings. In addition, we suggest that surface plasmons are responsible for the formation of seed deep-subwavelength apertures with a particular periodicity and the initial polarization dependence. Finally, we propose that the nanoscale Coulomb explosion occurring in the groove is responsible for the ultrafast nonthermal ablation mechanism.