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In this paper we report a systematic study of low-frequency 1/fα resistance fluctuation in a metal film at different stages of electromigration. The resistance fluctuation (noise) measurement was carried out in presence of a dc electromigration stressing current. We observe that in addition to the increase in the spectral power SV(f), the frequency dependence of the spectral power changes as the electromigration process progresses and the exponent α starts to change from 1 to higher value closer to 1.5. We interpret this change in α as arising due to an additional contribution to the spectral power with a 1/f3/2 component, which starts to contribute as the electromigration process progresses. This additional component SV(f) ∼ 1/f3/2 has been suggested to originate from long range diffusion that would accompany any electromigration process. The experimental observation finds support in a model simulation, where we also find that the enhancement of noise during electromigration stressing is accompanied by a change in spectral power frequency dependence.


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The compositional evolution in sputter deposited LiCoO2 thin films is influenced by process parameters involved during deposition. The electrochemical performance of these films strongly depends on their microstructure, preferential orientation and stoichiometry. The transport process of sputtered Li and Co atoms from the LiCoO2 target to the substrate, through Ar plasma in a planar magnetron configuration, was investigated based on the Monte Carlo technique. The effect of sputtering gas pressure and the substrate-target distance (dst) on Li/Co ratio, as well as, energy and angular distribution of sputtered atoms on the substrate were examined. Stable Li/Co ratios have been obtained at 5 Pa pressure and dst in the range 5−11 cm. The kinetic energy and incident angular distribution of Li and Co atoms reaching the substrate have been found to be dependent on sputtering pressure. Simulations were extended to predict compositional variations in films prepared at various process conditions. These results were compared with the composition of films determined experimentally using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Li/Co ratio calculated using XPS was in moderate agreement with that of the simulated value. The measured film thickness followed the same trend as predicted by simulation. These studies are shown to be useful in understanding the complexities in multicomponent sputtering.


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This is the first successful attempt to produce simultaneously ultrafine grain size and weak texture in a single-phase magnesium alloy Mg-3Al-0.4Mn through an optimal choice of processing parameters in a modified multi-axial forging (MAF) process. An average grain size of similar to 0.4 mu m and a weak texture could be achieved. This has led to an increase in the strength as well as room-temperature ductility (55%). The plot of the yield loci shows a decrease in anisotropy after MAF. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of texture and microstructure during recrystallization is studied for two-phase copper alloy (Cu–40Zn) with a variation of the initial texture and microstructure (hot rolled and solution treated) as well as the mode of rolling (deformation path: uni-directional rolling and cross rolling). The results of bulk texture have been supported by micro-texture and microstructure studies carried out using electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD). The initial microstructural condition as well as the mode of rolling has been found to alter the recrystallization texture and microstructure. The uni-directionally rolled samples showed a strong Goss and BR {236}385 component while a weaker texture similar to that of rolling evolved for the cross-rolled samples in the α phase on recrystallization. The recrystallization texture of the β phase was similar to that of the rolling texture with discontinuous 101 α and {111} γ fiber with high intensity at {111}101. For a given microstructure, the cross-rolled samples showed a higher fraction of coincident site lattice Σ3 twin boundaries in the α phase. The higher fraction of Σ3 boundaries is explained on the basis of the higher propensity of growth accidents during annealing of the cross-rolled samples. The present investigation demonstrates that change in strain path, as introduced during cross-rolling, could be a viable tool for grain boundary engineering of low SFE fcc materials.


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Nanoscale surface modification, by the interaction of sliding surfaces and mobile nanoparticles, is a critical parameter for controlling friction, wear and failure of surface structures. Here we demonstrate how nanoparticles form and interact in real-time at moving nanocontacts, with reciprocating wear tests imaged in situ at the nanoscale over > 300 cycles in a transmission electron microscope. Between sliding surfaces, friction-formed nanoparticles are observed with rolling, sliding and spinning motions, dependant on localised contact conditions and particle geometry. Over periods of many scratch cycles, nanoparticles dynamically agglomerate into elongated clusters, and dissociate into smaller particulates. We also show that the onset of rolling motion of these particles accompanies a reduction in measured friction. Introduction of nanoparticles with optimum shape and property can thus be used to control friction and wear in microdevices.


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In the present study, asymmetric rolling was carried out for incorporating a shear component during the rolling at different temperatures, and was compared with conventional (symmetric) rolling. The microstructures were investigated using electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD). The strain incorporated was compared with the help of grain orientation spread (GOS). GOS was eventually used as a criterion to partition the microstructure for separating the deformed and the dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains. The texture of the partitioned DRX grains was shifted by similar to 30 degrees along the c-axis from the deformed grains. The mechanism of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) has been identified as continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization (CDRR). The partitioned deformed grains for the higher temperature rolled specimens exhibited a texture similar to the room temperature rolled specimen. The asymmetric rolling introduces a shear component which shifts the texture fibre by similar to 5-10 degrees from the conventional rolling texture. This led to an increase in ductility with little compromise on strength. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper reports the effect of the addition of small amount of Al on the microstructure and properties of HITPERM class rapidly solidified Fe44Co44Zr7B4Cu1 glassy alloy. Using three dimensional atom probe measurements we present evidence for the formation of Cu clusters on annealing in the metallic glass matrix of the Al containing alloy Fe43Co43Al2Zr7B4Cu1. Such clusters are otherwise absent in the parent alloy under similar conditions. The Cu clusters provides heterogeneous nucleation sites for the formation of bcc alpha'-FeCo phase leading to an increase in number density of this nanocrystalline phase and thereby enhancing the magnetic properties. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate evolution of quantum correlations in ensembles of two-qubit nuclear spin systems via nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. We use discord as a measure of quantum correlations and the Werner state as an explicit example. We, first, introduce different ways of measuring discord and geometric discord in two-qubit systems and then describe the following experimental studies: (a) We quantitatively measure discord for Werner-like states prepared using an entangling pulse sequence. An initial thermal state with zero discord is gradually and periodically transformed into a mixed state with maximum discord. The experimental and simulated behavior of rise and fall of discord agree fairly well. (b) We examine the efficiency of dynamical decoupling sequences in preserving quantum correlations. In our experimental setup, the dynamical decoupling sequences preserved the traceless parts of the density matrices at high fidelity. But they could not maintain the purity of the quantum states and so were unable to keep the discord from decaying. (c) We observe the evolution of discord for a singlet-triplet mixed state during a radio-frequency spin-lock. A simple relaxation model describes the evolution of discord, and the accompanying evolution of fidelity of the long-lived singlet state, reasonably well.


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During outbreaks, locust swarms can contain millions of insects travelling thousands of kilometers while devastating vegetation and crops. Such large-scale spatial organization is preceded locally by a dramatic density-dependent phenotypic transition in multiple traits. Behaviourally, low-density solitarious individuals avoid contact with one another; above a critical local density, they undergo a rapid behavioural transition to the gregarious phase whereby they exhibit mutual attraction. Although proximate causes of this phase polyphenism have been widely studied, the ultimate driving factors remain unclear. Using an individual-based evolutionary model, we reveal that cannibalism, a striking feature of locust ecology, could lead to the evolution of density-dependent behavioural phase-change in juvenile locusts. We show that this behavioural strategy minimizes risk associated with cannibalistic interactions and may account for the empirically observed persistence of locust groups during outbreaks. Our results provide a parsimonious explanation for the evolution of behavioural plasticity in locusts.


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From the analysis of experimentally observed variations in surface strains with loading in reinforced concrete beams, it is noted that there is a need to consider the evolution of strains (with loading) as a stochastic process. Use of Markov Chains for modeling stochastic evolution of strains with loading in reinforced concrete flexural beams is studied in this paper. A simple, yet practically useful, bi-level homogeneous Gaussian Markov Chain (BLHGMC) model is proposed for determining the state of strain in reinforced concrete beams. The BLHGMC model will be useful for predicting behavior/response of reinforced concrete beams leading to more rational design.


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The effect of different pre-aging treatments on the microstructural evolution of lead-free solder and growth of interfacial intermetallic compound layers under thermal cycling has been investigated in this work. The results show that there are distinct differences in the microstructural changes between samples with no pretreatment, samples that have experienced thermal annealing at 125A degrees C for 750 h before thermal cycling, and those that have had direct current (DC) stressing for 750 h as pretreatment. The microstructural evolution of the solder matrix is rationalized by utilizing the science of microstructures and analysis of the influence of electron flow on the precipitation phenomena. The finite-element method is utilized to understand the loading conditions imposed on the solder interconnections during cyclic stressing. The growth of intermetallic reaction layers is further analyzed by utilizing quantitative thermodynamic calculations coupled with kinetic analysis. The latter is based on the changes in the intrinsic diffusion fluxes of elements induced by current flow and alloying elements present in the system. With this concurrent approach the differences seen in thermal cycling behavior between the different pre-aging treatments can be explained.


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Mobile P2P technology provides a scalable approach for content delivery to a large number of users on their mobile devices. In this work, we study the dissemination of a single item of content (e. g., an item of news, a song or a video clip) among a population of mobile nodes. Each node in the population is either a destination (interested in the content) or a potential relay (not yet interested in the content). There is an interest evolution process by which nodes not yet interested in the content (i.e., relays) can become interested (i.e., become destinations) on learning about the popularity of the content (i.e., the number of already interested nodes). In our work, the interest in the content evolves under the linear threshold model. The content is copied between nodes when they make random contact. For this we employ a controlled epidemic spread model. We model the joint evolution of the copying process and the interest evolution process, and derive joint fluid limit ordinary differential equations. We then study the selection of parameters under the content provider's control, for the optimization of various objective functions that aim at maximizing content popularity and efficient content delivery.


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Temperature dependent x-ray diffraction measurements have been performed to understand the implications of magnetic phase coexistence on crystallographic structure in a half-doped manganite Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3. The compound shows a structural phase transition from high-temperature tetragonal-I4/mcm to low-temperature orthorhombic-Fmmm symmetry around the ferromagnetic to antiferro-magnetic transition. Rietveld analysis shows the coexistence of these two structures emerges at high temperature within the ferromagnetic state, and persists down to lowest temperature. Below around 40 K, however, this structural evolution stops, and a significant fraction (similar to 22%) of untransformed high-temperature phase remains. This agrees with earlier magnetization study, thus establishing its magneto-structural coupling. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cooling slope (CS) has been used in this study to prepare semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy, keeping in view of slurry generation on demand for Rheo-pressure die casting process. Understanding the physics of microstructure evolution during cooling slope slurry formation is important to satisfy the need of semi-sold slurry with desired shape, size and morphology of primary Al phase. Mixture of spherical and rosette shaped primary Al phase has been observed in the samples collected during melt flow through the slope as well as in the cast (mould) samples compared to that of dendritic shape, observed in case of conventionally cast A356 alloy. The liquid melt has been poured into the slope at 650 A degrees C temperature and during flow it falls below the liquidus temperature of the said alloy, which facilitates crystallization of alpha-Al crystals on the cooling slope wall. Crystal separation due to melt flow is found responsible for nearly spherical morphology of the primary Al phase.