976 resultados para Escherichia coli expression
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
FMN riboswitches are genetic elements that, in many bacteria, control genes responsible for biosynthesis and/or transport of riboflavin (vitamin B2 ). We report that the Escherichia coli ribB FMN riboswitch controls expression of the essential gene ribB coding for the riboflavin biosynthetic enzyme 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase (RibB; EC Our data show that the E. coli ribB FMN riboswitch is unusual because it operates at the transcriptional and also at the translational level. Expression of ribB is negatively affected by FMN and by the FMN analog roseoflavin mononucleotide, which is synthesized enzymatically from roseoflavin and ATP. Consequently, in addition to flavoenzymes, the E. coli ribB FMN riboswitch constitutes a target for the antibiotic roseoflavin produced by Streptomyces davawensis.
The innate and adaptive immune responses of dendritic cells (DCs) to enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) infection were compared with DC responses to Shigella flexneri infection. EIEC triggered DCs to produce interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, whereas S. flexneri induced only the production of TNF-alpha. Unlike S. flexneri, EIEC strongly increased the expression of toll like receptor (TLR)-4 and TLR-5 in DCs and diminished the expression of co-stimulatory molecules that may cooperate to inhibit CD4(+) T-lymphocyte proliferation. The inflammation elicited by EIEC seems to be related to innate immunity both because of the aforementioned results and because only EIEC were able to stimulate DC transmigration across polarised Caco-2 cell monolayers, a mechanism likely to be associated with the secretion of CC chemokine ligands (CCL) 20 and TNF-alpha. Understanding intestinal DC biology is critical to unravelling the infection strategies of EIEC and may aid in the design of treatments for infectious diseases.
Human infections with EHEC such as O157:H7 have been a great concern for worldwide food-industry surveillance. This pathogen is commonly associated with bloody diarrhea that can evolve to the life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome. Animals are the natural reservoir where this pathogen remains asymptomatically, in steps of ingestion and colonization of the bowel. The bacterium is shed in the feces, contaminating the surroundings, including water and food that are directed for human consumption. A major player in this colonization process is intimin, an outer membrane adhesion molecule encoded by the E. coli attachment and effacement (eae) gene that has been shown to be essential for intimate bacterial attachment to eukaryotic host cells. In an attempt to reduce the colonization of animal reservoirs with EHEC O157:H7, we designed a vaccine model to induce an immune response against intimin gamma. The model is based on its recombinant expression in attenuated Salmonella, used as a suitable vaccine vector because of its recognized ability to deliver recombinant antigens and to elicit all forms of immunity: mucosal, systemic, and humoral responses. To test this model, mice were orally immunized with a S. enterica serovar Typhimurium strain carrying the pYA3137eaeA vector, and challenged with E. coli O157:H7. Here we show that immunization induced the production of high levels of specific IgG and IgA antibodies and promoted reduction in the fecal shedding of EHEC after challenge. The live recombinant vaccine reported herein may contribute to the efforts of reducing animal intestinal mucosa colonization.
Escherichia coli sfa+ strains isolated from poultry were serotyped and characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Isolates collected from 12 Brazilian poultry farms mostly belonged to serogroup O6, followed by serogroups O2, O8, O21, O46, O78, O88, O106, O111, and O143. Virulence genes associated were: iuc 90%, fim 86% neuS 60%, hly 34%, tsh 28%, crl/csg 26%, iss 26%, pap 18%, and 14% cnf. Strains from the same farmpresented more than one genotypic pattern belonging to different profiles in AFLP. AFLP showed a clonal relation between Escherichia coli sfa+ serogroup O6. The virulence genes found in these strains reveal some similarity with extraintestinal E. coli (ExPEC), thus alerting for potential zoonotic risk.
Intrinsic uncoupling in the ATP synthase of Escherichia coli. Studies on WT and ε-truncated mutants
The H+/ATP ratio in the catalysis of ATP synthase has generally been considered a fixed parameter. However, Melandri and coworkers have recently shown that, in the ATP synthase of the photosynthetic bacterium Rb.capsulatus, this ratio can significantly decrease during ATP hydrolysis when the concentration of either ADP or Pi is maintained at a low level (Turina et al., 2004). The present work has dealt with the ATP synthase of E.coli, looking for evidence of this phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling in this organism as well. First of all, we have shown that the DCCD-sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity of E.coli internal membranes was strongly inhibited by ADP and Pi, with a half-maximal effect in the submicromolar range for ADP and at 140 µM for Pi. In contrast to this monotonic inhibition, however, the proton pumping activity of the enzyme, as estimated under the same conditions by the fluorescence quenching of the ÎpH-sensitive probe ACMA, showed a clearly biphasic progression, both for Pi, increasing from 0 up to approximately 200 µM, and for ADP, increasing from 0 up to a few µM. We have interpreted these results as indicating that the occupancy of ADP and Pi binding sites shifts the enzyme from a partially uncoupled state to a fully coupled state, and we expect that the ADP- and Pi-modulated intrinsic uncoupling is likely to be a general feature of prokaryotic ATP synthases. Moreover, the biphasicity of the proton pumping data suggested that two Pi binding sites are involved. In order to verify whether the same behaviour could be observed in the isolated enzyme, we have purified the ATP synthase of E.coli and reconstituted it into liposomes. Similarly as observed in the internal membrane preparation, in the isolated and reconstituted enzyme it was possible to observe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity by ADP and Pi (with half-maximal effects at few µM for ADP and at 400 µM for Pi) with a concomitant stimulation of proton pumping. Both the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and the stimulation of proton pumping as a function of Pi were lost upon ADP removal by an ADP trap. These data have made it possible to conclude that the results obtained in E.coli internal membranes are not due to the artefactual interference of enzymatic activities other than the ones of the ATP synthase. In addition, data obtained with liposomes have allowed a calibration of the ACMA signal by ÎpH transitions of known extent, leading to a quantitative evaluation of the proton pumping data. Finally, we have focused our efforts on searching for a possible structural candidate involved in the phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling. The ε-subunit of the ATP-synthase is known as an endogenous inhibitor of the hydrolysis activity of the complex and appears to undergo drastic conformational changes between a non-inhibitory form (down-state) and an inhibitory form (up-state)(Rodgers & Wilce, 2000; Gibbons et al., 2000). In addition, the results of Cipriano & Dunn (2006) indicated that the C-terminal domain of this subunit played an important role in the coupling mechanism of the pump, and those of Capaldi et al. (2001), Suzuki et al. (2003) were consistent with the down-state showing a higher hydrolysis-to-synthesis ratio than the up-state. Therefore, we decided to search for modulation of pumping efficiency in a C-terminally truncated ε mutant. A low copy number expression vector has been built, carrying an extra copy of uncC, with the aim of generating an ε-overexpressing E.coli strain in which normal levels of assembly of the mutated ATP-synthase complex would be promoted. We have then compared the ATP hydrolysis and the proton pumping activity in membranes prepared from these ε-overexpressing E.coli strains, which carried either the WT ε subunit or the ε88-stop truncated form. Both strains yielded well energized membranes. Noticeably, they showed a marked difference in the inhibition of hydrolysis by Pi, this effect being largely lost in the truncated mutant. However, pre-incubation of the mutated enzyme with ADP at low nanomolar concentrations (apparent Kd = 0.7nM) restored the hydrolysis inhibition, together with the modulation of intrinsic uncoupling by Pi, indicating that, contrary to wild-type, during membrane preparation the truncated mutant had lost the ADP bound at this high-affinity site, evidently due to a lower affinity (and/or higher release) for ADP of the mutant relative to wild type. Therefore, one of the effects of the C-terminal domain of ε appears to be to modulate the affinity of at least one of the binding sites for ADP. The lack of this domain does not appear so much to influence the modulability of coupling efficiency, but instead the extent of this modulation. At higher preincubated ADP concentrations (apparent Kd = 117nM), the only observed effects were inhibition of both hydrolysis and synthesis, providing a direct proof that two ADP-binding sites on the enzyme are involved in the inhibition of hydrolysis, of which only the one at higher affinity also modulates the coupling efficiency.
Das Zweikomponentenregulationssystem DcuSR kontrolliert die Expression der wichtigsten fumaratinduzierten Gene in Escherichia coli. Die Gene dcuB und dctA, die fürDicarboxylatcarrier kodieren, sowie das Fumaratreduktase-Operon (frd), sind Zielgene für DcuSR. DcuS ist eine membranständige Sensorkinase mit einer großen periplasmatischen Domäne. NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen dieser Domäne zeigen Alpha-Helices und Beta-Faltblätter. Für die Fumaratbindung wichtige Aminosäuren wurden durch Mutagenese identifiziert. Gereinigtes DcuS wurde in Liposomen rekonstituiert. In Anwesenheit von ATP wird DcuS autophosphoryliert. Der Phosphatrest kann dann auf DcuR übertragen werden und beweist somit die Aktivität dieses in vitro Testsystems.Der Transport von C4-Dicarboxylaten erfolgt unter anaeroben Bedingungen durch die sekundären Carrier DcuA, DcuB und DcuC. Es konnte ein weiteres Protein (DcuD) identifiziert werden, das hohe Sequenzähnlichkeit zu DcuC aufweist. Eine dcuD-Mutante zeigte keinen Phänotyp und überproduziertes DcuD konnte den Ausfall der anderen Dcu-Carrier nicht kompensieren. DcuD ist damit ein kryptisches Mitglied der Dcu-Carrierfamilie. Unter aeroben Bedingungen katalysiert DctA den Transport von C4-Dicarboxylaten. Dennoch können dctA-Mutanten noch mit Succinat wachsen. Die Diffusionsrate von Succinat durch Membranen wurde bestimmt. Sie ist um Größenordnungen niedriger als der Transport in der Mutante. Bei dem DctA unabhängigen Transportsystem handelt es sich um einen H+/Succinat2-Symporter, der bei saurem pH aktiv ist und viele Eigenschaften eines Monocarboxylatcarriers aufweist.
Das lrhA-Gen von E. coli kodiert für einen Transkriptionsregulator der LysR-Familie. Die Funktion von LrhA war ungeklärt und sollte durch Vergleich der Gesamt-mRNA aus einem E. coli-Wildtyp und einer isogenen lrhA-Mutante mit Hilfe von Genomanalysen untersucht werden. In der lrhA-Mutante war der mRNA-Gehalt vieler Gene um den Faktor 3 bis 80 erhöht. Es handelt sich um Flagellen-, Motilitäts- und Chemotaxisgene, bzw. um Gene der Typ 1 Fimbrien. Diese Ergebnisse wurden in Expressionsmessungen bestätigt. LrhA war in der Lage an den Promotor von flhDC zu binden, aber nicht an die Promotoren der übrigen Gene für Motilität und Chemotaxis. FlhDC kodiert für den übergeordneten Regulator FlhD2C2 der Fagellensynthese.LrhA war außerdem in der Lage an die Promotoren der Gene für Typ 1 Fimbrien fimA und fimE zu binden. Typ 1 Fimbrien stellen in E. coli Virulenzfaktoren dar. Eine Regulation weiterer Virulenzfaktoren durch LrhA konnte in DNA-Pathoarrays ausgeschlossen werden.LrhA ist damit ein wichtiger Transkriptionsregulator, der die Expression der Gene für Flagellen, Motilität, Chemotaxis und Typ 1 Fimbrien reguliert. FlhDC, fimA und fimE stellen dabei direkte Zielgene von LrhA dar. Außerdem konnte eine positive Autoregulation von LrhA nachgewiesen werden.