943 resultados para Epithelial Cytokeratins
A route of accumulation and elimination of therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs) may be the kidney. Therefore, the interactions of different solid-core inorganic NPs (titanium-, silica-, and iron oxide-based NPs) were studied in vitro with the MDCK and LLC-PK epithelial cells as representative cells of the renal epithelia. Following cell exposure to the NPs, observations include cytotoxicity for oleic acid-coated iron oxide NPs, the production of reactive oxygen species for titanium dioxide NPs, and cell depletion of thiols for uncoated iron oxide NPs, whereas for silica NPs an apparent rapid and short-lived increase of thiol levels in both cell lines was observed. Following cell exposure to metallic NPs, the expression of the tranferrin receptor/CD71 was decreased in both cells by iron oxide NPs, but only in MDCK cells by titanium dioxide NPs. The tight association, then subsequent release of NPs by MDCK and LLC-PK kidney epithelial cells, showed that following exposure to the NPs, only MDCK cells could release iron oxide NPs, whereas both cells released titanium dioxide NPs. No transfer of any solid-core NPs across the cell layers was observed.
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na channel (ENaC) is a heteromultimeric channel made of three alpha beta gamma subunits. The structures involved in the ion permeation pathway have only been partially identified, and the respective contributions of each subunit in the formation of the conduction pore has not yet been established. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, we have identified in a short segment preceding the second membrane-spanning domain (the pre-M2 segment) amino acid residues involved in ion permeation and critical for channel block by amiloride. Cys substitutions of Gly residues in beta and gamma subunits at position beta G525 and gamma G537 increased the apparent inhibitory constant (Ki) for amiloride by > 1,000-fold and decreased channel unitary current without affecting ion selectivity. The corresponding mutation S583 to C in the alpha subunit increased amiloride Ki by 20-fold, without changing channel conducting properties. Coexpression of these mutated alpha beta gamma subunits resulted in a non-conducting channel expressed at the cell surface. Finally, these Cys substitutions increased channel affinity for block by external Zn2+ ions, in particular the alpha S583C mutant showing a Ki for Zn2+ of 29 microM. Mutations of residues alpha W582L, or beta G522D also increased amiloride Ki, the later mutation generating a Ca2+ blocking site located 15% within the membrane electric field. These experiments provide strong evidence that alpha beta gamma ENaCs are pore-forming subunits involved in ion permeation through the channel. The pre-M2 segment of alpha beta gamma subunits may form a pore loop structure at the extracellular face of the channel, where amiloride binds within the channel lumen. We propose that amiloride interacts with Na+ ions at an external Na+ binding site preventing ion permeation through the channel pore.
Regulation of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by ubiquitylation is controlled by the activity of two counteracting enzymes, the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 (mouse ortholog of human Nedd4L) and the ubiquitin-specific protease Usp2-45. Previously, Usp2-45 was shown to decrease ubiquitylation and to increase surface function of ENaC in Xenopus laevis oocytes, whereas the splice variant Usp2-69, which has a different N-terminal domain, was inactive toward ENaC. It is shown here that the catalytic core of Usp2 lacking the N-terminal domain has a reduced ability relative to Usp2-45 to enhance ENaC activity in Xenopus oocytes. In contrast, its catalytic activity toward the artificial substrate ubiquitin-AMC is fully maintained. The interaction of Usp2-45 with ENaC exogenously expressed in HEK293 cells was tested by coimmunoprecipitation. The data indicate that different combinations of ENaC subunits, as well as the α-ENaC cytoplasmic N-terminal but not C-terminal domain, coprecipitate with Usp2-45. This interaction is decreased but not abolished when the cytoplasmic ubiquitylation sites of ENaC are mutated. Importantly, coimmunoprecipitation in HEK293 cells and GST pull-down of purified recombinant proteins show that both the catalytic domain and the N-terminal tail of Usp2-45 physically interact with the HECT domain of Nedd4-2. Taken together, the data support the conclusion that Usp2-45 action on ENaC is promoted by various interactions, including through binding to Nedd4-2 that is suggested to position Usp2-45 favorably for ENaC deubiquitylation.
PURPOSE: Small intestinal submucosa is a xenogenic, acellular, collagen rich membrane with inherent growth factors that has previously been shown to promote in vivo bladder regeneration. We evaluate in vitro use of small intestinal submucosa to support the individual and combined growth of bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells for potential use in tissue engineering techniques, and in vitro study of the cellular mechanisms involved in bladder regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of human bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were established using standard enzymatic digestion or explant techniques. Cultured cells were then seeded on small intestinal submucosa at a density of 1 x 105 cells per cm.2, incubated and harvested at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. The 5 separate culture methods evaluated were urothelial cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface of small intestinal submucosa, smooth muscle cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface, layered coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the mucosal surface followed by urothelial cells 1 hour later, sandwich coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the serosal surface followed by seeding of urothelial cells on the mucosal surface 24 hours later, and mixed coculture of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells mixed and seeded together on the mucosal surface. Following harvesting at the designated time points small intestinal submucosa cell constructs were formalin fixed and processed for routine histology including Masson trichrome staining. Specific cell growth characteristics were studied with particular attention to cell morphology, cell proliferation and layering, cell sorting, presence of a pseudostratified urothelium and matrix penetrance. To aid in the identification of smooth muscle cells and urothelial cells in the coculture groups, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. RESULTS: Progressive 3-dimensional growth of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells occurred in vitro on small intestinal submucosa. When seeded alone urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells grew in several layers with minimal to no matrix penetration. In contrast, layered, mixed and sandwich coculture methods demonstrated significant enhancement of smooth muscle cell penetration of the membrane. The layered and sandwich coculture techniques resulted in organized cell sorting, formation of a well-defined pseudostratified urothelium and multilayered smooth muscle cells with enhanced matrix penetration. With the mixed coculture technique there was no evidence of cell sorting although matrix penetrance by the smooth muscle cells was evident. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells maintain the expression of the phenotypic markers of differentiation alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. CONCLUSIONS: Small intestinal submucosa supports the 3-dimensional growth of human bladder cells in vitro. Successful combined growth of bladder cells on small intestinal submucosa with different seeding techniques has important future clinical implications with respect to tissue engineering technology. The results of our study demonstrate that there are important smooth muscle cell-epithelial cell interactions involved in determining the type of in vitro cell growth that occurs on small intestinal submucosa. Small intestinal submucosa is a valuable tool for in vitro study of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are involved in regeneration and various disease processes of the bladder.
Introduction. The management of large burn victims has significantly improved in the last decades. Specifically autologous cultured keratinocytes (CEA) overcame the problem of limited donor sites in severely burned patients. Several studies testing CEA's in their burn centers give mixed results on the general outcomes of burn patients. Methods. A review of publications with a minimum of 15 patients per study using CEA for the management of severe burn injury from 1989 until 2011 were recruited by using an online database including Medline, Pub Med and the archives of the medical library of the CHUV in Lausanne. Results. 18 studies with a total of 977 patients were included into this review. Most of the studies did not specify if CEA's were grafted alone or in combination with split thickness skin grafts (STSG) although most of the patients seemed to have received both methodologies in reviewed studies. The mean TBSA per study ranged from 33% to 78% in patients that were grafted with CEA's. Here no common minimum TBSA making a patient eligible for CEA grafting could be found. The definition of the "take rate" is not standardized and varied largely from 26% to 73%. Mortality and hospitalization time could not be shown to correlate with CEA use in all of the studies. As late complications, some authors described the fragility of the CEA regenerated skin. Conclusion. Since the healing of large burn victims demands for a variety of different surgical and non-surgical treatment strategies and the final outcome mainly depends on the burned surface as well as the general health condition of the patient, no definitive conclusion could be drawn from the use of CEA's of reviewed studies. From our own experience, we know that selected patients significantly profit from CEA grafts although cost efficiency or the reduction of mortality cannot be demonstrated on this particular cases.
Cellular directional migration in an electric field (galvanotaxis) is one of the mechanisms guiding cell movement in embryogenesis and in skin epidermal repair. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), in addition to its function of regulating sodium transport in kidney, has recently been found to modulate cell locomotory speed. Here we tested whether ENaC has an additional function of mediating the directional migration of galvanotaxis in keratinocytes. Genetic depletion of ENaC completely blocks only galvanotaxis and does not decrease migration speed. Overexpression of ENaC is sufficient to drive galvanotaxis in otherwise unresponsive cells. Pharmacologic blockade or maintenance of the open state of ENaC also decreases or increases, respectively, galvanotaxis, suggesting that the channel open state is responsible for the response. Stable lamellipodial extensions formed at the cathodal sides of wild-type cells at the start of galvanotaxis; these were absent in the ENaC knockout keratinocytes, suggesting that ENaC mediates galvanotaxis by generating stable lamellipodia that steer cell migration. We provide evidence that ENaC is required for directional migration of keratinocytes in an electric field, supporting a role for ENaC in skin wound healing.
The epithelial Na+ channel ENaC mediates transepithelial Na+ transport in the distal kidney, the colon, and the lung and is a key element for the maintenance of Na+ balance and the regulation of blood pressure. Mutagenesis studies have identified residues alphaS583 and the homologous betaG525 and gammaG537 in the outer pore entrance that are critical for ENaC block by the K+-sparing diuretic amiloride. The aim of the present study was to determine first, whether these residues are part of the amiloride binding site, and second, whether they are general determinants of ENaC block by amiloride and its derivatives. Kinetic analysis of the association and dissociation rates of amiloride and benzamil to ENaC showed that mutation of residue alphaS583C and the homologous betaG525C increased the dissociation rate of the drugs from the binding site, with little changes in their association rate. Thus, these mutations destabilize the binding interaction between the blockers and the receptor on the channel, favoring the unbinding of the ligand. This strongly suggests that they are part of the binding site. Because mutations of alphaS583, betaG525, and gammaG537 have similar effects on amiloride, benzamil, and triamterene block, we conclude that these three ENaC blockers share a common receptor within the ion channel pore.
The epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC is a key player in the maintenance of whole body Na(+) balance, and consequently of blood pressure. It is tightly regulated by numerous signaling pathways including ubiquitylation via the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2. This mechanism is itself under the control of several kinases, which phosphorylate Nedd4-2, thereby interfering with ENaC/Nedd4-2 interaction, or by Usp2-45, which binds to and deubiquitylates ENaC. Another, different regulatory mechanism concerns the proteolytic activation of ENaC, during which the channel is cleaved on its luminal side by intracellular convertases such as furin, and further activated by extracellular proteases such as CAP-1. This process is regulated as well but the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Previously, evidence was provided that the ubiquitylation status of ENaC may affect the cleavage of the channel. When ubiquitylation of ENaC was reduced, either by co-expressing Usp2-45, or mutating either the ENaC PY-motifs (i.e. the binding sites for Nedd4-2) or intracellular lysines (i.e. ubiquitylation sites), the level of channel cleavage was increased. Here we demonstrate that lysine-mutated ENaC channels are not ubiquitylated at the cell surface, are preferentially cleaved, and Usp2-45 does not affect their cleavage efficiency. We further show by limited proteolysis that the intracellular ubiquitylation status of ENaC affects the extracellular conformation of αENaC, by demonstrating that non-ubiquitylated channels are more efficiently cleaved when treated with extracellularly added trypsin or chymotrypsin. These results present a new paradigm in which an intracellular, post-translational modification (e.g. ubiquitylation) of a transmembrane protein can affect its extracellular conformation.
Dendritic cells (DCs) can release hundreds of membrane vesicles, called exovesicles, which are able to activate resting DCs and distribute antigen. Here, we examined the role of mature DC-derived exovesicles in innate and adaptive immunity, in particular their capacity to activate epithelial cells. Our analysis of exovesicle contents showed that exovesicles contain major histocompatibility complex-II, CD40, and CD83 molecules in addition to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptors, TNFRI and TNFRII, and are important carriers of TNF-alpha. These exovesicles are rapidly internalized by epithelial cells, inducing the release of cytokines and chemokines, but do not transfer an alloantigen-presenting capacity to epithelial cells. Part of this activation appears to involve the TNF-alpha-mediated pathway, highlighting the key role of DC-derived exovesicles, not only in adaptive immunity, but also in innate immunity by triggering innate immune responses and activating neighboring epithelial cells to release cytokines and chemokines, thereby amplifying the magnitude of the innate immune response.
Liddle syndrome is an autosomal dominant form of hypertension resulting from deletion or missense mutations of a PPPxY motif in the cytoplasmic COOH terminus of either the beta or gamma subunit of the epithelial Na channel (ENaC). These mutations lead to increased channel activity. In this study we show that wild-type ENaC is downregulated by intracellular Na+, and that Liddle mutants decrease the channel sensitivity to inhibition by intracellular Na+. This event results at high intracellular Na+ activity in 1.2-2.4-fold higher cell surface expression, and 2.8-3.5-fold higher average current per channel in Liddle mutants compared with the wild type. In addition, we show that a rapid increase in the intracellular Na+ activity induced downregulation of the activity of wild-type ENaC, but not Liddle mutants, on a time scale of minutes, which was directly correlated to the magnitude of the Na+ influx into the oocytes. Feedback inhibition of ENaC by intracellular Na+ likely represents an important cellular mechanism for controlling Na+ reabsorption in the distal nephron that has important implications for the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Peroxynitrite induced in vitro a dose dependent toxicity on retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells. Cell death was partially mediated by apoptosis as demonstrated by nuclear fragmentation and TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay. Peroxynitrite-induced tyrosine nitration was revealed by immunocytochemistry, both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of the cells. Nitration was not observed in RPE cells, producing nitric oxide (NO) after stimulation by lipopolysacharide and interferon-g (IFN-gamma), suggesting that peroxynitrite was not formed in vitro in such conditions. Peroxynitrite could be responsible for the retinal damages observed in pathological conditions in which NO has been demonstrated to be involved. In this context, EGb761, identified as a free radical scavenger, was showed herein to protect RPE cells against peroxynitrite injury.
IL-15 has recently been shown to induce the differentiation of functional dendritic cells (DCs) from human peripheral blood monocytes. Since DCs lay in close proximity to epithelial cells in the airway mucosa, we investigated whether airway epithelial cells release IL-15 in response to inflammatory stimuli and thereby induce differentiation and maturation of DCs. Alveolar (A549) and bronchial (BEAS-2B) epithelial cells produced IL-15 spontaneously and in a time- and dose-dependent manner after stimulation with IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, or TNF-alpha. Airway epithelial cell supernatants induced an increase of IL-15Ralpha gene expression in ex vivo monocytes, and stimulated DCs enhanced their IL-15Ralpha gene expression up to 300-fold. Airway epithelial cell-conditioned media induced the differentiation of ex vivo monocytes into partially mature DCs (HLA-DR+, DC-SIGN+, CD14+, CD80-, CD83+, CD86+, CCR3+, CCR6(+), CCR7-). Based on their phenotypic (CD123+, BDCA2+, BDCA4+, BDCA1(-), CD1a-) and functional properties (limited maturation upon stimulation with LPS and limited capacity to induce T cell proliferation), these DCs resembled plasmacytoid DCs. The effects of airway epithelial cell supernatants were largely blocked by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody to IL-15. Thus, our results demonstrate that airway epithelial cell-conditioned media have the capacity to differentiate monocytes into functional DCs, a process substantially mediated by epithelial-derived IL-15.
OBJECTIVE: To assess porcine urothelial cell cultures and the in vitro induction of urothelial stratification in long-term cultures, to study their morphological, functional and genetic behaviour, and thus provide potential autologous urothelium for tissue-engineered substitutes for demucosalized gastric or colonic tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of porcine urothelium were established and the cells passaged thereafter. Cell specificity was confirmed by cytokeratin analysis, cell membrane stability assessed using lactate dehydrogenase leakage, cell de-differentiation by gamma-glutamyl transferase activity and genomic stability by karyotype investigations. Histology and scanning electron microscopy were performed to study the cultured cells and the stratified constructs. Furthermore, collagen matrices were tested as cell scaffolds. RESULTS: The cells were cultured for 180 days; 10 subcultures were established during this period. Stratification was induced in a culture flask and on a collagen matrix. Cytokeratins 7, 8, 17 and 18 were expressed in all cultures, and cell membranes were stable, with no evident de-differentiation. The cultures were stable in their genotype and no chromosomal aberrations were found. The histology and immunohistochemistry of the stratified porcine constructs, and cell membrane stability and cell de-differentiation, were compared with those in the human system. CONCLUSION: Pig and human urothelial cells can be cultured over a long period with no signs of senescence. Urothelial stratification can be induced in vitro. The collagen matrix seems to be an excellent scaffold, allowing cell adherence and growth.
Although antihistamines and topical corticosteroids are used in combination to treat allergic rhinitis, their additive effect has not been yet demonstrated. The aim was investigate the antiinflammatory additive effect of mometasone and desloratadine on cytokine and sICAM-1 secretion by epithelial cells, and on eosinophil survival stimulated by human epithelial cells secretions from nasal mucosa and polyps. Methods Epithelial cells obtained from nasal mucosa or polyps were stimulated with 10% fetal bovine serum in presence of mometasone (10-11M-10-5M) with/without desloratadine (10-5M). Cytokine and sICAM-1 concentrations in supernatants were measured by ELISA. Peripheral blood eosinophils were incubated during 4 days with epithelial cell secretions with (10-11M-10-5M) and/or desloratadine (10-5M) and survival assessed by Trypan blue. Results are expressed as percentage (mean ± SEM) compared to control. Results Fetal bovine serum stimulated IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF and sICAM-1 secretion. In mucosa and polyp epithelial cells, mometasone inhibited this induced secretion while desloratadine inhibited IL-6 and IL-8. The combination of 10-5M desloratadine and 10-9M mometasone reduced IL-6 secretion (48 ± 11%, p < 0.05) greater extent than mometasone alone (68 ± 10%) compared to control (100%). Epithelial cell secretions induced eosinophil survival from day 1 to 4, this effect being inhibited by mometasone. At day 4, the combination of mometasone (10-11M) and desloratadine (10-5M) provoked an increased inhibition of eosinophil survival induced by cell secretions (27 ± 5%, p < 0.01) than mometasone (44 ± 7%) or desloratadine (46 ± 7%) alone. Conclusions These results suggest that the combination of desloratadine and mometasone furoate have a greater antinflammatory effect in an in vitro model of eosinophil inflammation than those drugs administered alone.
Immune responses against intestinal microbiota contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and involve CD4(+) T cells, which are activated by major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs). However, it is largely unexplored how inflammation-induced MHCII expression by intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) affects CD4(+) T cell-mediated immunity or tolerance induction in vivo. Here, we investigated how epithelial MHCII expression is induced and how a deficiency in inducible epithelial MHCII expression alters susceptibility to colitis and the outcome of colon-specific immune responses. Colitis was induced in mice that lacked inducible expression of MHCII molecules on all nonhematopoietic cells, or specifically on IECs, by continuous infection with Helicobacter hepaticus and administration of interleukin (IL)-10 receptor-blocking antibodies (anti-IL10R mAb). To assess the role of interferon (IFN)-γ in inducing epithelial MHCII expression, the T cell adoptive transfer model of colitis was used. Abrogation of MHCII expression by nonhematopoietic cells or IECs induces colitis associated with increased colonic frequencies of innate immune cells and expression of proinflammatory cytokines. CD4(+) T-helper type (Th)1 cells - but not group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) or Th17 cells - are elevated, resulting in an unfavourably altered ratio between CD4(+) T cells and forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. IFN-γ produced mainly by CD4(+) T cells is required to upregulate MHCII expression by IECs. These results suggest that, in addition to its proinflammatory roles, IFN-γ exerts a critical anti-inflammatory function in the intestine which protects against colitis by inducing MHCII expression on IECs. This may explain the failure of anti-IFN-γ treatment to induce remission in IBD patients, despite the association of elevated IFN-γ and IBD.