967 resultados para Environmental involvement programs
Paraguay is characterized in part by an economy reliant on a massive soy industry and as facing social and economic challenges resulting from highly inequitable distribution of wealth and land ownership, particularly for smallholder farmers in the rural areas of the country. Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis), a native tree of which the leaves are used in tea, has become an increasingly common crop grown among common among smallholder farmers (owners of 10 hectares or less) as a viable alternative to soy production on a small scale. In the rural agricultural community of Libertad del Sur, located in the heart of the severely deforested Bosque Atlántico del Alto-Paraná, a series of development initiatives including tree nurseries and agroforestry projects with yerba mate were implemented with involvement of several governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Research was conducted to identify effectiveness of an agroforestry strategy to promote reforestation activities and sustainable agriculture to achieve economic and subsistence goals of the rural population. Despite a severe drought impacting initial research goals, important lessons are considered regarding promotion of development work within the community as well as community perceptions towards development agencies. Pursuit of compromise between community member and agency goals using sustainable agricultural practices is identified as an effective means to promote mutually beneficial development strategies.
The article provides insight on issues serving as barriers to low-income fathers' involvement with their children and with parenting programs.
A study was conducted on the highlands of Ethiopia to identify and analyse the factors determining the adoption of environmental management measures. In 1985, Ethiopia was classified into low –and high-potential areas based on the suitability of the natural environment for rain-fed agriculture. To address these objectives, case study areas were selected from low-potential and high-potential areas randomly. Data were collected through face-to-face interview and key informants, focus group discussion and field observation. In the low-potential areas, the physical environment ‒ particularly soil and forest environments have shown substantial recovery. Similarly, the water environment has improved. However, in the high-potential areas sampled, these resources are still being degraded. Clear understanding of the benefits of soil conservation structures by farmers, active involvement and technical support from the government and full and genuine participation of farmers in communal environmental resources management activities were found to be main factors in the adoption of environmental management measures.
This study examines and relates concepts from environmental risk perception and environmental justice and focuses on the perception of environmental problems, their consequent health risks and their impact on neighborhood attachment in a predominately Hispanic community along the U.S.-Mexico border. The findings indicate that the perception of environmental problems in the immediate area varies by problem and demographic subgroup. Ethnicity and income have the highest number of statistically significant associations across ten environmental problems. This result lies in the fact that Hispanics in El Paso County and those with low annual incomes live in neighborhoods that are faced with more severe environmental problems. Thus the findings lend support to the environmental justice claim that the poor and minorities bear the brunt of environmental degradation. ^ The findings also provide evidence that public perception of health risks from an environmental problem is influenced by the perceived severity of an environmental problem in the immediate area. Those who believe the problem is serious on a local level are the ones who are most likely to believe that they could become ill or injured from that problem and that the illness/injury will be serious. ^ The findings of this study also indicate that the young, Hispanics, those who perceive considerable environmental problems in their neighborhood, those who believe that their neighborhood has more environmental problems than others, and those who are angry about those problems are most likely to want to move from their neighborhood. ^ Efforts need to be made to enact policies and programs designed to reduce the environmental hazards in disadvantaged Hispanic communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Future environmental education campaigns need to complement community-based projects with the media. Programs that involve and empower the community, particularly the youth, in improving the neighborhood could provide a sense of control and pride within their community in solving these problems. These neighborhood improvement efforts could also lead to the development and strengthening of social ties within the community, as well as enhanced community cohesiveness in tackling these problems. ^
A descriptive study of the current educational programs of selected health personnel in Nigeria was made in 1986. Data on the content of educational programs was obtained from personal communication with the Heads of the various institutions and from their published materials (catalogs, course outlines and program descriptions). Adequacy of these programs was judged in the light of current health problems and needs of the population. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: (a) Selection of students to maximize their usefulness in the provision of health care. (b) Relevance of the curriculum to the tasks the trainee will be called upon to perform. (c) Types of courses that focus on community health needs. Using official reports, the health situation in the country was described to give a relative priority of health services.^ Findings indicate the following: (1) Health conditions in Nigeria are related to a high prevalence of illness and disease, unsanitary living conditions, a high ratio of infant mortality and a shortage of public health services. Priority needs for improvement call for attitudinal and environmental changes. (2) All health training programs have improved the relevance of education to community health needs by strengthening practical field experience, and teaching those courses which focus on disease prevention. (3) Prospective nurses and community health workers are selected on the basis of a number of personal and intellectual characteristics, but academic performance alone is the criterion for medical students. (4) The curriculum in the medical school needs to be restructured to cut back on time devoted to enriching the medical "background". Basic sciences need better integration with hospital work. (5) Managerial and organization courses have been well incorporated into the nursing and community health workers' curricula. (6) There is a marked overlap in the tasks the community health workers are expected to perform. This causes some redundancy in having four separate categories of these health personnel. ^
Background: As obesity increases among U.S. workers, employers are implementing programs to increase physical activity and improve diets. Although programs to address individual determinants of obesity have been evaluated, less is known about the effects of workplace programs that change environmental factors, because most reviews have not isolated environmental programs; the one that did was published in 2005. ^ Objective: To update the 2005 review to determine the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions. ^ Methods: The Medline database was searched for published English language reports (2003-2011) of randomized controlled (RCTs) or quasi-experimental trials (NRCTs) that evaluated strategies to modify physical activity opportunities or food services, targeting employees at least 18 years, not including retirees and that provided data for at least one physical activity, dietary, or health risk indicator. Three coders independently extracted study characteristics and scored the quality of study methods. Program effectiveness was determined using the 2005 review's best evidence approach. ^ Results: Seven studies represented in nine reports met eligibility criteria; three focused on diet and the remainder targeted diet and physical activity interventions. All but one study received a high quality score for internal validity. The evidence for the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions was at best, inconclusive for diet and physical activity and limited for health risk indicators. The outcome constructs were inconsistent across the studies. ^ Conclusions: Limitations in the methods of the 2005 review made it challenging to draw conclusions about findings for this review that include: variation in outcome measures, reliance on distal measures without proximal behavior change measures, no distinction between changes at the workplace versus outside the workplace, and inappropriate analyses of cluster designs that biased findings toward statistical significance. The best evidence approach relied on vote-counting, using statistical significance alone rather than effect size and confidence intervals. Future research should address these limitations and use more rigorous methods; systematic reviews should use methods of meta-analysis to summarize study findings. These recommendations will help employers to better understand how environmental modifications in the workplace can support their efforts to combat the effects of obesity among employees.^
Background: Obesity is a major health problem in the United States that has reached epidemic proportions. With most U.S adults spending the majority of their waking hours at work, the influence of the workplace environment on obesity is gaining in importance. Recent research implicates worksites as providing an 'obesogenic' environment as they encourage overeating and reduce the opportunity for physical activity. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the nutrition and physical activity environment of Texas Medical Center (TMC) hospitals participating in the Shape Up Houston evaluation study to develop a scoring system to quantify the environmental data collected using the Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) survey and to assess the inter-observer reliability of using the EAT survey. Methods: A survey instrument that was adapted from the Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) developed by Dejoy DM et al in 2008 to measure the hospital environmental support for nutrition and physical activity was used for this study. The inter-observer reliability of using the EAT survey was measured and total percent agreement scores were computed. Most responses on the EAT survey are dichotomous (Yes and No) and these responses were coded with a '0' for a 'no' response and a '1' for a 'yes' response. A summative scoring system was developed to quantify these responses. Each hospital was given a score for each scale and subscale on the EAT survey in addition to a total score. All analyses were conducted using Stata 11 software. Results: High inter-observer reliability is observed using EAT. The percentage agreement scores ranged from 94.4%–100%. Only 2 of the 5 hospitals had a fitness facility onsite and scores for exercise programs and outdoor facilities available for hospital employees ranged from 0–62% and 0–37.5%, respectively. The healthy eating percentage for hospital cafeterias range from 42%–92% across the different hospitals while the healthy vending scores were 0%–40%. The total TMC 'healthy hospital' score was 49%. Conclusion: The EAT survey is a reliable instrument for measuring the physical activity and nutrition support environment of hospital worksites. The study results showed a large variability among the TMC hospitals in the existing physical activity and nutrition support environment. This study proposes cost effective policy changes that can increase environmental support to healthy eating and active living among TMC hospital employees.^
In developing economies, consumption of electricity in residential and commercial sectors increased with economic development. In order to identify the factors for effective facilitation of standard and labeling programs, this article explores factors that affect consumer choice to energy-efficient products. Main findings are as follows: (1)Consumers in Thailand shows the highest awareness to environmental friendly concepts, followed by India and China.(2) Chosen labeled products include air-conditioners, TVs, refrigerators and washing machines, but not some popular products such as ceiling fans, electric fans or mobile phones. (3) Consumer who has higher energy conservation perception will buy energy efficient products.(4) Consumers in China, India and Thailand are sensitive to energy efficiency of products, primarily because they lead to less expenditure on electricity. (5) Labeling works to make levels of the energy efficiency of products more visible and thus helped consumers to choose the products.
La presión sobre el acceso a la tierra en la península de Dakar, Senegal, ha generado un proceso de transformación físico-social del mayor asentamiento auto-producido de la periferia urbana de Dakar (Pikine Irregular Sur) en el periodo 2005-2011. Esta investigación se propone analizar en qué medida las acciones llevadas a cabo: i) satisfacen o no el sistema integral de necesidades de los afectados (Demanda); ii) favorecen la implicación de los afectados o, por el contrario, fortalecen las estructuras de poder dominantes (Oferta), y iii) promueven o no la autonomía económica, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la equidad social y la legitimidad de los actores que participan (Entorno). La investigación se ha llevado a cabo por el método de estudio de casos, mediante un proceso de recogida de información participativo, articulado de abajo hacia arriba, en el que han participado 196 personas; la información recogida se ha procesado mediante la utilización de dos herramientas de análisis de realidades complejas: flujo de programa y sistema funcional. Los resultados del estudio de los casos 1 y 2 muestran que las acciones se han llevado a cabo en beneficio de los intereses de los mercados y de los actores que toman las decisiones y gestionan los recursos, incrementando la dependencia económica, empobreciendo a los directamente afectados y fragmentando su tejido social, promoviendo un desarrollo urbano desequilibrado, disperso y segregado, y deslegitimando a las instituciones involucradas. En el estudio del caso 3, en cambio, se verifica que la acción se ha llevado a cabo en beneficio de los intereses de los directamente afectados, utilizando recursos endógenos, fortaleciendo su tejido social, promoviendo un desarrollo urbano concentrado e inclusivo, e incrementando la legitimidad de las instituciones involucradas. El análisis cruzado de los resultados muestra que la pobreza, la exclusión social y la precariedad habitacional, en el contexto específico de la periferia de Dakar, no son un problema de falta de recursos, sino de falta de ética por parte de quienes gestionan y financian los procesos de transformación físico-social, y de falta de voluntad por parte de las autoridades de implicar a los ciudadanos, y en particular a los directamente afectados, en los procesos de toma de decisiones de las acciones y los programas que les afectan. Finalmente se concluye que no se trata de luchar contra la pobreza, sino de luchar contra los sistemas injustos que generan la pobreza y la exclusión. ABSTRACT The pressure on the access to land in the area of Dakar, Senegal, has generated a physical/social transformation process in the largest self-produced settlement in the urban periphery of Dakar (South Irregular Pikine), in the period 2005-2011. This research aims to analyze to what extent the actions carried out: i) satisfy the integral needs of the affected population (Demand), ii) encourage the involvement of those affected or otherwise strengthen dominant power structures (Supply), and iii) promote or inhibit economic autonomy, environmental sustainability, social equity and legitimacy of the actors involved (Environment). The research was conducted by the case study method. 196 people participated in a bottom-up participatory process of information gathering. The information collected was processed using two custom tools aimed to analyse complex systems: the program flow and the functional system. The results of case studies 1 and 2 show that the actions were carried out in the best interest of the markets and the actors who made decisions and managed resources, increasing economic dependence, impoverishing those directly affected and fragmenting their social network by promoting an unbalanced, dispersed and segregated urban development, and de-legitimizing the institutions involved in the process. On the contrary, in the case study 3 it is verified that the action has been carried out on behalf of the interests of those directly affected, using endogenous resources, strengthening the social network, promoting a focused and inclusive urban development, and increasing legitimacy of the institutions involved. The comparative analysis of the results shows that poverty, social exclusion and precarious housing in South Irregular Pikine are not a problem of lack of resources but of unethical behaviour of those who manage and finance physical and social transformation processes, as well as unwillingness on the part of the authorities to involve citizens in the decision making processes for the actions and programs that affect them. Finally we conclude that the enemy to fight against is not poverty but unfair systems that generate poverty and exclusion. RÉSUMÉ La pression sur le foncier dans la presqu'île de Dakar, au Sénégal, a généré un processus de transformation physico-sociale du plus grand établissement auto-produit de la périphérie urbaine de Dakar (Pikine Irrégulier Sud), durant la période 2005-2011. Cette recherche vise à analyser dans quelle mesure les actions menées: i) répondent ou non à l’ensemble des besoins intégrales des personnes concernés (Demande), ii) encouragent l'implication des concernées ou au contraire renforcent les structures de pouvoir dominant (Offre), et iii) favorisent ou non l'autonomie économique, la durabilité environnementale, l'équité sociale et la légitimité des acteurs concernés (Contexte). La recherche a été menée par la méthode des études de cas, par un processus de collecte d'information participative articulée du bas vers le haut dans lequel ont participé 196 personnes. Les informations recueillies ont été traitées à l'aide de deux outils d'analyse de réalités complexes: le système fonctionnel et le flux de programme. Les résultats de l'étude de cas 1 et 2 montrent que les actions ont été menées au profit des intérêts des marchés et des acteurs qui prennent les décisions et gèrent les ressources, augmentant la dépendance économique, appauvrissant ceux qui sont directement concernés et fragmentant leur tissu social, encourageant un développement urbain déséquilibré, dispersé et ségrégé, et délégitimant les institutions concernées. Dans l'étude de cas 3, cependant, il est vérifié que l'action a été menée au profit des intérêts de ceux qui sont directement concernés, en utilisant des ressources endogènes, en renforçant son tissu social, en encourageant un développement urbain concentré et inclusif, et en augmentant la légitimité des institutions concernées. L'analyse comparée des résultats montre que la pauvreté, l'exclusion sociale et le logement précaire, dans le contexte spécifique de la banlieue de Dakar, ne sont pas un problème de manque de ressources, mais de manque d'éthique de la part de ceux qui gèrent et financent les processus de transformation physico-sociale, et de manque de volonté de la part des autorités d'impliquer les citoyens, en particulier ceux qui sont directement concernés, dans le processus de prise de décision des actions et des programmes qui les impliquent. Finalement, on conclut qu'il ne s'agit pas de lutter contre la pauvreté, mais de lutter contre les systèmes injustes qui produisent la pauvreté et l'exclusion.
Cross-reactivity of plant foods is an important phenomenon in allergy, with geographical variations with respect to the number and prevalence of the allergens involved in this process, whose complexity requires detailed studies. We have addressed the role of thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) in cross-reactivity between fruit and pollen allergies. A representative panel of 16 purified TLPs was printed onto an allergen microarray. The proteins selected belonged to the sources most frequently associated with peach allergy in representative regions of Spain. Sera from two groups of well characterized patients, one with allergy to Rosaceae fruit (FAG) and another against pollens but tolerant to food-plant allergens (PAG), were obtained from seven geographical areas with different environmental pollen profiles. Cross-reactivity between members of this family was demonstrated by inhibition assays. Only 6 out of 16 purified TLPs showed noticeable allergenic activity in the studied populations. Pru p 2.0201, the peach TLP (41%), chestnut TLP (24%) and plane pollen TLP (22%) proved to be allergens of probable relevance to fruit allergy, being mainly associated with pollen sensitization, and strongly linked to specific geographical areas such as Barcelona, Bilbao, the Canary Islands and Madrid. The patients exhibited mayor que50% positive response to Pru p 2.0201 and to chestnut TLP in these specific areas. Therefore, their recognition patterns were associated with the geographical area, suggesting a role for pollen in the sensitization of these allergens. Finally, the co-sensitizations of patients considering pairs of TLP allergens were analyzed by using the co-sensitization graph associated with an allergen microarray immunoassay. Our data indicate that TLPs are significant allergens in plant food allergy and should be considered when diagnosing and treating pollen-food allergy.
European Universities are involved in series of great changes regarding teaching and education organization during the last few years. The origin of these changes is the creation of the so-called European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which main target is to harmonize the different University studies throughout Europe. As a consequence, most of the programs of studies in all degrees are suffering changes in order to converge to common structures. Taking advantage of the actual process, some European universities are moving from traditional Agricultural Engineering programs to a more wide discipline named recently as Biosystems Engineering, which is a science- based engineering discipline that integrates engineering science and design with applied biological, environmental and agricultural sciences, broadening in this way the area of application of Engineering sciences not strictly to agricultural sciences, but to the biologic al sciences in general, including the agricultural sciences. This paper presents a comparative study of different Bachelor of Science degrees offered by American and European Universities in the field of Agricultural/Biosystems Engineering. To carry out the analysis 40 programs accredited by ABET in American Universities and 50 European programs. Among other questions, the total number of credits, the number of semesters, the kind of modules and the distribution of subjects in groups (Basic Sciences, Engineering Fundamentals, Agricultural/Biological Sciences, Humanities & Economic Sciences, Applied Agricultural/Biological Engineering and electives) are discussed in the paper. The information provided can be an useful starting point in future definitions of new or renewed degrees with the aim of advancing in internationalization of the programs and helping student’s mobility.
Pinus pinaster Ait. es la conífera con mayor área de distribución en la Península Ibérica y es, a día de hoy, la única especie resinada en nuestro país. La inducción del flujo de resina al exterior para su recolección a través de distintos tipos de heridas ha sido practicada desde hace miles de años por distintas culturas. En todos los casos, las técnicas desarrolladas se basan en la estimulación del característico sistema de defensa de las pináceas. En los últimos siete años se viene observando una tendencia de incremento sustancial de la superficie resinada en España, acompañada por avances tecnológicos dirigidos a la mecanización y mejora de estimulantes. El aprovechamiento resinero se perfila como un sector estratégico en la generación de empleo rural y la conservación de ecosistemas. La industria resinera demanda métodos de extracción más eficaces, una selvicultura adecuada y actualizada, y condiciones laborales de los resineros más dignas con objeto de llegar a ser competitiva en el mercado internacional. Este trabajo se centra en ampliar el conocimiento sobre el sistema de defensa de P. pinaster, concretamente sobre las estructuras y procesos que pueden afectar a la producción de resina. Se analizan las relaciones entre las características anatómicas del xilema, destacando las relacionadas con los canales resiníferos, las variables dendrométricas y dasométricas de la masa y el flujo de resina (objetivo 1). Se estudia cómo estas relaciones son moduladas por las heridas de resinación dependiendo de la técnica de resinación aplicada (objetivo 2), el clima y el balance hídrico del suelo (objetivo 3). El material vegetal, las muestras de suelo y los datos de producción de resina y climáticos usados en esta tesis han sido recogidos en tres montes de utilidad pública; MUP 101 en Armuña, MUP 108 en Melque de Cercos y MUP 117 en Nieva (en esta última solo se recogieron los datos de producciones), todos ellos pinares monoespecíficos de P. pinaster localizados en la denominada Tierra de Pinares Segoviana. En los árboles de nuestro estudio se han aplicado cuatro métodos de resinación: método de pica de corteza con estimulante y método mecanizado con estimulante, ambos en sentido ascendente y descendente. En los trabajos realizados para el análisis de la influencia de la anatomía constitutiva en la producción de resina (objetivo 1) y el efecto del clima (objetivo 3), se obtuvieron muestras del xilema de 26 árboles resinados en Melque de Cercos y Armuña y 12 árboles control sin resinar. Para caracterizar los pies estudiados, se midió la altura, diámetro normal y porcentaje de copa viva. Las muestras de tejido fueron recogidas en una zona del tronco a una distancia del límite de la herida considerada en la bibliografía como no afectada (anatomía constitutiva). Para el análisis de las alteraciones anatómicas inducidas por la herida (objetivo 2), se recogieron muestras en ocho de los individuos en los que se habían realizado los distintos métodos de resinación descritos y en cinco árboles control. Se obtuvieron ocho muestras de tejido distribuidas en la parte superior, inferior, lateral y centro de la herida de cada uno de los árboles resinados. Para establecer las diferencias en la producción de resina según el método de resinación, se analizaron las producciones de 561 árboles resinados en 2012 con estos cuatro métodos en Nieva. Los principales resultados de estos trabajos muestran que la producción de resina está ligada al volumen de canales (axiales y radiales) y a la frecuencia de canales radiales existentes en el árbol antes de efectuar ninguna herida (sistema constitutivo). De esta manera, los árboles grandes productores de resina mostraron una red de canales más densa que aquellos con producciones medias. Una vez realizada la herida de resinación, observamos una disminución del ancho del anillo de crecimiento y del tamaño medio de los canales axiales a la vez que se incrementaba la frecuencia y área ocupada por mm2 de anillo de estos canales. Estos cambios perduraron en el árbol durante al menos tres años y fueron distintos dependiendo de la localización en el entorno de la herida y del método de resinación. Las respuestas más intensas a la herida se observaron el año siguiente a la realización de la misma, en dirección axial, para las distancias más próximas al límite de la herida y para los métodos de resinación en sentido ascendente. Además, se ha constatado que como consecuencia de las heridas de resinación se produjeron cambios en la anatomía del xilema en zonas alejadas de la herida, tanto en el año de la herida como años posteriores. Es decir, se observó una respuesta sistémica del árbol. Respecto al papel del clima como regulador de la respuesta del árbol, se ha evidenciado que la temperatura, la radiación y la ETP influyeron en la producción de resina, no solo durante la campaña de resinación, sino también durante los meses anteriores. El déficit hídrico favoreció la producción y la formación de canales axiales pero, a partir de un determinado umbral, esa relación se invirtió y las lluvias estivales incrementaron la producción. Algunas de estas variables climáticas se asociaron a cambios en el tamaño y frecuencia de las estructuras secretoras, las cuales posiblemente modulan la respuesta defensiva de la planta. La dendrometría del árbol (evaluada a través del diámetro normal, altura y porcentaje de copa viva), la densidad de la masa y el tipo de suelo influyeron en el potencial de producción de resina de P. pinaster. Árboles más vigorosos, parcelas con menores densidades y suelos con más capacidad para la retención de agua y nutrientes presentaron producciones mayores. Estos trabajos se complementan en anexos con una caracterización del sistema socio-ecológico del pinar en resinación. En ese trabajo se identifican sus potenciales servicios ecosistémicos y se evalúa su grado de vinculación con el aprovechamiento resinero con objeto de valorar su funcionalidad y aproximar una valoración económica de modo que sea posible apreciar la importancia económica de los mismos. Para concluir, podemos resaltar que son necesarios más trabajos de carácter científico para avanzar en la comprensión de los procesos anatómicos y fisiológicos que regulan la secreción de resina en P. pinaster y sus interacciones con el medio. Esto permitiría avances certeros hacia el desarrollo de métodos de extracción más eficaces, una selvicultura óptima, el reconocimiento de los beneficios socio-ecológicos y económicos del aprovechamiento y, de manera general, una bibliografía amplia y fiable para la consulta y desarrollo de futuras mejoras que posibiliten la reactivación y conservación de la resinación como aprovechamiento rentable. ABSTRACT Pinus pinaster Ait. is the most widespread conifer in Spain and is now the only species tapped for its oleoresin. External induction of resin secretion, based on the defense system of Pinus trees, has been performed by humans since Classical times through various methods. The socio-economic implication of this practice in Spain justifies a new approach to improve tapping methodology and understand the effects of this activity on the tree. In the last five years, sharp increases in the price of natural resins, accompanied by technological advances directed toward mechanization, have made resin tapping a strategic activity for rural development and forest conservation. The resin industry demands more efficient tapping methods and forest management plans as a way to increase competitiveness in a global market. In this way, this work focuses on the study of the defense system of P. pinaster, with the aim to understand the effects of anatomical and physiological characteristics and environmental conditions on resin yield. The relationships between anatomical variables -with special focus on resin canals-, dendrometric and dasometric variables, and resin yield will be evaluated (objective 1). The tapping wound effects (objective 2) and the intra- and inter-annual variability of climate conditions and soil water availability influence (objective 3) on resin yield will be also studied. The plant and soil material and the resin yield and climatic data used in this thesis have been collected in stands of three public forests of P. pinaster; Armuña, Melque de Cercos and Nieva, located in Segovia (Central Spain). Trees were tapped using two different methods: mechanized or traditional tool, in both upwards and downwards direction. Twenty-six tapped trees of contrasting resin yield classes and twelve non-tapped (control) trees, growing in two locations (Armuña y Melque de Cercos) with the same climate but different stand density and soil characteristics, were selected for studying the role of tree size, xylem anatomy at distal parts aside from the tapping wound (objective 1) and climate influence (objective 3) on resin yield. Concerning the tree defenses induced by the tapping wound (objective 2), the xylem of eight trees, tapped with the two described methods in both upwards and downwards direction, were analyzed. From each tapped tree, eight cores were collected at different locations and varying distances from the tapping wound. In each core, a histological analysis was made. Growth ring width, earlywood and latewood width, and axial canal frequency, area, mean size and location were measured. The effect of the tapping method on resin yield was assessed in 561 P. pinaster tapped trees in a stand in Nieva. In tissues not affected by the tapping wound, the frequency of radial resin canals and the total volume of resin canals were related to resin yield. The frequency of radial canals and the resin yield were strongly related to tree diameter and percentage of live crown. High area of axial resin canals per mm2 was related to high yielding trees, but only in the location with higher plant density and poorer soil quality. In tapped trees, an increase in axial canal frequency and area was found during the three years following the start of tapping activity, suggesting that canal formation is a systemic induced response to wounding. The highest mean annual resin yield was found using the traditional tool in upwards direction, which also induced the highest increase in axial canal frequency and area. The lowest yield was found for mechanized tapping, which showed no differences between the upwards and downwards directions. The strongest induction of systemic induced responses in terms of resin canal frequency and area was detected one year after tapping for upwards tapping. This suggests the involvement of signaling processes that spread mainly upwards, and the importance of adaptive processes as a defense against periodic insect attacks. Intra-annual variation in resin yield was strongly correlated with temperature, solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration and soil water deficit. Inter-annual variation in resin yield and resin canal abundance were correlated with temperature and water deficit in spring, but above a certain threshold of cumulated water deficit in summer rainfall favored resin yield. Under adverse climate scenarios where resource optimization is desirable, a reduced tapping season during the warmest months (June–September) would be advisable, assuming a very small production loss relative to traditional tapping season. Similarly, in years with a rainy summer and/or dry spring, a slightly longer tapping season could be suggested, as resin yield increases after these events. Tree diameter and percentage of live crown, and radial resin canal frequency could be useful criteria for estimating resin yields in P. pinaster. Vigorous trees in lower density stands and growing up in good quality soils will be the most productive. These conclusions could be applied to improve tapping management and breeding programs. These works are complemented with socio-ecological characterization, the identification of the main ecosystem services and an assessment of the possible economic impact derived from the tapping practice. To conclude, more scientific studies are necessary for understanding the anatomical and physiological processes behind resin synthesis and their interactions with the environment. This would afford further progresses towards an extensive and reliable bibliography and improved tapping methods and optimal selvicultural guide lines.
The Ah receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that mediates a pleiotropic response to environmental contaminants such as benzo[a]pyrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. In an effort to gain insight into the physiological role of the AHR and to develop models useful in risk assessment, gene targeting was used to inactivate the murine Ahr gene by homologous recombination. Ahr-/- mice are viable and fertile but show a spectrum of hepatic defects that indicate a role for the AHR in normal liver growth and development. The Ahr-/- phenotype is most severe between 0-3 weeks of age and involves slowed early growth and hepatic defects, including reduced liver weight, transient microvesicular fatty metamorphosis, prolonged extramedullary hematopoiesis, and portal hypercellularity with thickening and fibrosis.
Two-component signal transduction systems are most often found in prokaryotic organisms where they are responsible for mediating the cellular responses to many environmental stimuli. These systems are composed of an autophosphorylating histidine kinase and a response regulator. We have found evidence for the existence of two-component histidine kinases in the eukaryotic filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa based on screening with degenerate primers to conserved regions of these signaling proteins. Subsequent cloning and sequencing of one member of this newly discovered group, nik-1+, shows that the predicted protein sequence shares homology with both the kinase and response regulator modules of two-component signaling proteins. In addition, the N-terminal region of the protein has a novel repeating 90-amino acid motif. Deletion of the nik-1+ gene in N. crassa results in an organism that displays aberrant hyphal structure, which is enhanced under conditions of high osmostress. Increased osmotic pressure during growth on solid medium leads to restricted colonial growth, loss of aerial hyphae formation, and no subsequent conidiophore development. This finding may have implications for mechanisms of fungal colonization and pathogenicity.
Abandoned mine land cleanups are limited by restrictive regulations, inconsistent and unavailable funds, and a lack of adequate protections for stakeholders attempting to improve site conditions. This study evaluated examples of two cleanup mechanisms: an EPA-lead CERCLA cleanup and a state-lead, stakeholder-funded approach. The case studies showed that CERCLA provides the most comprehensive funding mechanism for abandoned mine cleanups while offering very little flexibility. State-lead programs allow for more flexibility, yet states are bound by federal laws and are hampered by lack of funding. Case analysis determined that any new approach should provide adequate funding, be flexible in its cleanup criteria, and minimize liability for those undertaking cleanups. It must also protect human health and promote natural ecological recovery.