893 resultados para Ensino de física e aprendizagem
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Here we present the introduction of a range of science´s experimental activities, designed and developed with a focus on the investigative methodology in an interdisciplinary context. The activities have as main theme water and covers topics of heat and temperature, density and states of matter. The relevance of this project is to promote the first contacts of children with Science in an attractive way, and correctly of the scientific point of view, respecting the cognitive level of each child, trying to stimulate the development of hypotheses, creativity and critical thinking, as well as the development of the narrative, descriptive language and drawing. We developed seven lesson plans that were applied in the year of 2012, during three weeks in a school for early childhood education in the city of Bauru. The activities were conducted with fifteen children aged four to six years old together with the teacher responsible for the group. As main contributions in the teaching learning process we cite: acquiring of new vocabulary, progress in the development of hypotheses, development of collective work, evolution of knowledge of the topics covered, and use of the acquired knowledge to new problems and situations
In this work, it was studied the effects of the experimentation in the physics teaching. Beginning from the theoretic reference and discussions, the objective was prove the efficiency of researches of this nature related to two main aspects of a class: The aroused interest in the students and the facilitating action on the understanding of the theory. For such objective, using the comparison, it was chosen two distinct classes, but the more similar possible, so that, in one of them, it was showed a tradition class, lectures and in another, a class using experimentation to contemplate the theory. To manage a way to rate these aspects, it was made a conceptual questionnaire, requiring only concepts rather than mathematics and equations, besides specific interviews to rate the opinion of the student related to each method. The observations in classes and of the reactions of the students also were of a big value to analysis. After the experimental class completed, it may analyze and conclude some positive points related to experimental methods: As for the opinion of the students, the approval was big, and the majority opined to this class as being “more interesting”. On the point of view of learning, it had a sensitive improvement of grades, but with more mature answers, deep and autonomous, if looking at a general vision
There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)
Nos dias de hoje, com o grande interesse da população sobre esportes e lazer, a Educação Física vem se propagando e se desenvolvendo de diversas formas, entre elas a Escolar e a Acadêmica. Em função disso, surgiu o interesse de descobrir como são as aulas de Educação Física no Ensino Médio. Para tanto, procuramos averiguar, a partir da visão dos professores, quais são os principais pontos negativos da Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo de Educação Física rede Pública Estadual de Ensino. Tendo por base os professores da rede Estadual de Ensino demos início a esta investigação. Para tanto, foi aplicado um questionário, contendo 6 questões, em 9 professores da “rede”. Após as análises, os resultados mostraram que grande partes dos entrevistados apóiam a iniciativa do Governo Estadual em criar a Propostas Curricular. Tais professores dizem também que o ensino melhorou, porém é necessário que melhore e que tanto o profissional de Educação Física como a disciplina escolar devem ser mais valorizadas.
This work consisted in analysing five materials which mean respect to subjects related to Particle Physics, aiming to explore their potentialities for the use in the High School levels, particularly by physics teachers. On this perspective, we sought to describe the contents of each material and point out their potentialities as material of didactic support. They are: 1. The purpose of Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, presented in the Teacher's Guide of the Program São Paulo faz escola; 2. The Game Sprace Game, elaborated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); 3. The book O discreto charme das partículas elementares, written by the professor Maria Cristina Abdalla; 4. The video O discreto charme das partículas elementares, based on the book of Professor Maria Cristina Abdalla which was produced by TV Cultura in association with the Ministério da Educação e Cultura” (MEC). The book Partículas elementares no ensino médio: uma abordagem a partir do LHC written by Wagner Franklin Balthazar and Alexandre Lopes de Oliveira, from the collection CBPF - Tópicos de Física. The work was constructed on a qualitative perspective, that is, it did not attempt to quantify the help that each material could offer to Physics teaching. One sought to describe and analyse, from different theoretical frames, their potentialities for the use in the High School level. The results indicate that all the materials analysed can contribute to the Physics teaching, and beyond, as they own format and approches distinct from the subject, they can be used as a whole or in parts, together or separately, depending on the objectives to be reached and on the profile of the target public
This study aimed, first, produce a kind of educational materials in audiovisual format, to the Physical Education, addressing the Transversal Themes in view of the basketball. The themes chosen were Cultural Plurality, addressing the basketball in a wheelchair, and Labor and Consumer Affairs, addressing the marketing and exploitation of labor force that the company is Nike. There is no doubt the importance of media production in contemporary society, as one of its main languages, but of little relevance in the school environment, especially in the area of Physical Education. In a second phase aimed at evaluating the feasibility of this material both as a teaching strategy, such as content of learning lessons. The evaluation was made through a discussion in the form of focus groups with 10 students from 9 th grade of elementary school. The results showed that despite an initial rejection of the material as a teaching strategy because of the history that Physical Education has for several years, students were open to new ways of learning. Since the results on the material, such as learning content, showed that the videos were able to address and the Transversal Themes and meet the need for procedural content with the proposed activities. With this, we realize that students are willing to discuss matters that are not always addressed, but now, with the creation of national curriculum standards should be reflected in the classroom
The teaching of modern and contemporary Physics subjects in high school is indispensable and it was already justified by several researchers. Among the subjects which must be taught, there is, for instance, Bohr atomics model. However, as it was noticed in literature review, many didactic materials do not deal with this model adequately, since that they do not take into account Bohr ideas, which involved Planck studies on black-body radiation, Einsten theory for photoelectric effect, Rutherford experiences and atomics model and the empiric results upon the spectrums of chemical elements emission. From that, it is extremely important teaching through approaches which potentialize the learning of the model proposed by Niels Bohr. On the other hand, teachers from high schools cannot have clearness about which approaches can be applied for teaching the mentioned model. Thus, it is presented some possibilities for teaching Bohr atomics model, with examples and justifications for the use of each one. Special treatment was attributed to the teaching from Science History and Philosophy, from the reading of scientific diffusion and original scientific texts, from analogies, from comic strips and from computer simulations.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Regular physical activity can prevent and treat various diseases and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents in Rio Claro is 83%. Thus, it is necessary to encourage physical atividade through the community, especially parents and schools. The objective was to investigate the influence of two types of gym class in functional abilities in high school students in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Methodology: The study included 20 students from high school, 8 boys and 12 girls. The study took place in two high school halls of a public school in the city of Rio Claro. With the collaboration and participation in only 10 students in each room search reviews of all students occurred in mid-July in the year 2012 with the completion of the battery of tests and application of PAQ-C questionnaire at the beginning of classes of and after three months. All students were subjected to the test battery Eurofit. To compare the values of physical fitness for each type of class was held factorial ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS and the level of physical activity was performed the Wilcoxon test. To compare the delta values (post-test-time time pre test every physical fitness) we performed the t test for all analyzes was adopted p <0.05 Classes G1 followed the schedule proposed by the state 's Notebook, where he worked subjects as body and beauty and its relationship with the media today, prevailing more conceptual classes than procedural . Unlike what has been developed with the G2 who had classes were focused on physical fitness and physical conditioning to increase the level of physical activity inside and outside the school environment . Result :The results from the data collected in this study indicate that physical fitness is not worked continuously or expressive within the Physical Education classes of high school to the population...
In this paper, we analyze the educational importance of teaching Physics in the early grades of elementary school from a teaching experience with students of 5th grade, using five experiments on electricity and magnetism. The theoretical framework used was the socio-historical psychology, especially Vigotski's studies on concept formation. It can be stated that the teaching of Physics and the use of experimental activities in the early grades cannot be simply associated to the teaching of certain scientific concepts, but should be explored bearing in mind the child's development.
In this research work we verified the interaction between teacher and students through the use of reading an alternative text, the use of an experimental activity demonstration and presentation of videos involving the concept of resonance in a room on the 3rd year of teaching medium, led to meaningful learning of that concept. The instruments for the creation of data were based on audio and video records, taken during the lecture and the written evaluations performed by the students two weeks later. The results showed that this interaction, mediated by the use of these resources, led to meaningful learning of the concept of resonance. It was also possible to observe the students' motivation to participate actively in class.
In this paper we propose and describe the performance of an experimental activity to address the concept of friction in High School Physics practical classes. We use a low-cost and simple construction device that enables the determination of the coefficient of static friction between two materials through three different procedures. The results were coherent, with small percentage deviation, which gives reliability to the activity and can stimulate discussions in class. The activity also allows greater contextualization of concepts that are usually discussed only theoretically, requiring a higher abstraction level of the students. This can stimulate discussions and greater interaction between teacher and students.
Considering the importance of the inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics in the curriculum of Physics in High School, it is proposed in this work an experimental activity, made with low- cost materials, which presents the photoelectric effect. This activity can be used articulating this phenomenon with some technological applications experienced by the students in their daily lives. When working the experiment, the teacher can encourage students to investigate what happens during its execution and, through questions, get them to express their ideas in the previous attempt to explain its operation. This articulation linked to social interaction in the classroom can arouse the students’curiosity and motivation of students to learn the subject taught in classroom.
The objective of this study was to determine which method (randomor block practice) has been used by physical education teachers working inschool sports with children from six to seven years, making use of descriptiveresearch, we apply a semi-structured questionnaire applied to ten (n=10)Physical Education Teachers, graduates of both sexes (04 men and 06 women)age between 24 and 41 years. Based on data collected across the sourcesfound in our literature we find that there is a teaching methodology for motorlearning among teachers in common showing that factors such as the numberof students in each class and especially the response of this group tasksguide the methodology to be applied is thus based on the skill of the teacher’sperception of the whole.