963 resultados para Energy integration


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Due to the increase in water demand and hydropower energy, it is getting more important to operate hydraulic structures in an efficient manner while sustaining multiple demands. Especially, companies, governmental agencies, consultant offices require effective, practical integrated tools and decision support frameworks to operate reservoirs, cascades of run-of-river plants and related elements such as canals by merging hydrological and reservoir simulation/optimization models with various numerical weather predictions, radar and satellite data. The model performance is highly related with the streamflow forecast, related uncertainty and its consideration in the decision making. While deterministic weather predictions and its corresponding streamflow forecasts directly restrict the manager to single deterministic trajectories, probabilistic forecasts can be a key solution by including uncertainty in flow forecast scenarios for dam operation. The objective of this study is to compare deterministic and probabilistic streamflow forecasts on an earlier developed basin/reservoir model for short term reservoir management. The study is applied to the Yuvacık Reservoir and its upstream basin which is the main water supply of Kocaeli City located in the northwestern part of Turkey. The reservoir represents a typical example by its limited capacity, downstream channel restrictions and high snowmelt potential. Mesoscale Model 5 and Ensemble Prediction System data are used as a main input and the flow forecasts are done for 2012 year using HEC-HMS. Hydrometeorological rule-based reservoir simulation model is accomplished with HEC-ResSim and integrated with forecasts. Since EPS based hydrological model produce a large number of equal probable scenarios, it will indicate how uncertainty spreads in the future. Thus, it will provide risk ranges in terms of spillway discharges and reservoir level for operator when it is compared with deterministic approach. The framework is fully data driven, applicable, useful to the profession and the knowledge can be transferred to other similar reservoir systems.


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Energy policies and technological progress in the development of wind turbines have made wind power the fastest growing renewable power source worldwide. The inherent variability of this resource requires special attention when analyzing the impacts of high penetration on the distribution network. A time-series steady-state analysis is proposed that assesses technical issues such as energy export, losses, and short-circuit levels. A multiobjective programming approach based on the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) is applied in order to find configurations that maximize the integration of distributed wind power generation (DWPG) while satisfying voltage and thermal limits. The approach has been applied to a medium voltage distribution network considering hourly demand and wind profiles for part of the U.K. The Pareto optimal solutions obtained highlight the drawbacks of using a single demand and generation scenario, and indicate the importance of appropriate substation voltage settings for maximizing the connection of MPG.


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Background: the failure of osseointegration in oral rehabilitation has gained importance in current literature and in clinical practice. The integration of titanium dental implants in alveolar bone has been partly ascribed to the biocompatibility of the implant surface oxide layer. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the surface topography and composition of failed titanium dental implants in order to determine possible causes of failure.Methods: Twenty-one commercially pure titanium (cpTi) implants were retrieved from 16 patients (mean age of 50.33 +/- 11.81 years). Fourteen implants were retrieved before loading (early failures), six after loading (late failures), and one because of mandibular canal damage. The failure criterion was lack of osseointegration characterized as dental implant mobility. Two unused implants were used as a control group. All implant surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometer x-ray (EDS) to element analysis. Evaluations were performed on several locations of the same implant.Results: SEM showed that the surface of all retrieved implants consisted of different degrees of organic residues, appearing mainly as dark stains. The surface topography presented as grooves and ridges along the machined surface similar to control group. Overall, foreign elements such as carbon, oxygen, sodium, calcium, silicon, and aluminum were detected in failed implants. The implants from control group presented no macroscopic contamination and clear signs of titanium.Conclusion: These preliminary results do not suggest any material-related cause for implant failures, although different element composition was assessed between failed implants and control implants.


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Foi avaliado o desempenho energético da suinocultura integrada à produção de milho em grão em sistema de plantio direto mecanizado. Nesta concepção de integração proposta, os dejetos suínos são utilizados como fertilizantes na produção de milho. O sistema foi delimitado envolvendo as atividades associadas ao manejo dos suínos e de produção do milho (manejo do solo, cultivo e colheita). O período de análise considerado foi de um ano, o que possibilita a produção de três lotes de suínos e duas safras de milho. Para avaliar o desempenho energético, foram criados três indicadores: eficiência energética, eficiência de uso de fontes não renováveis e o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína. As entradas energéticas são compostas pelos insumos e pela infraestrutura, utilizados na criação dos suínos e na produção de milho, e pela radiação solar incidente no agrossistema. Já as saídas são representadas pelos seus produtos (suínos terminados e o milho). Os resultados obtidos nas simulações apontam que a integração melhora o desempenho energético das granjas suinícolas, aumentando a eficiência energética (186%) e a eficiência não renovável (352%), além de reduzir o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína (‑58%).


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Negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) is a technique to deal with D-dimensional Feynman loop integrals. Since most of the physical quantities in perturbative Quantum Field Theory (pQFT) require the ability of solving them, the quicker and easier the method to evaluate them the better. The NDIM is a novel and promising technique, ipso facto requiring that we put it to test in different contexts and situations and compare the results it yields with those that we already know by other well-established methods. It is in this perspective that we consider here the calculation of an on-shell two-loop three point function in a massless theory. Surprisingly this approach provides twelve non-trivial results in terms of double power series. More astonishing than this is the fact that we can show these twelve solutions to be different representations for the same well-known single result obtained via other methods. It really comes to us as a surprise that the solution for the particular integral we are dealing with is twelvefold degenerate.


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In this work we calculate two two-loop massless Feynman integrals pertaining to self-energy diagrams using NDIM (Negative Dimensional Integration Method). We show that the answer we get is 36-fold degenerate. We then consider special cases of exponents for propagators and the outcoming results compared with known ones obtained via traditional methods.


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The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) is revealing itself as a very useful technique for computing massless and/or massive Feynman integrals, covariant and noncovanant alike. Up until now however, the illustrative calculations done using such method have been mostly covariant scalar integrals/without numerator factors. We show here how those integrals with tensorial structures also can be handled straightforwardly and easily. However, contrary to the absence of significant features in the usual approach, here the NDIM also allows us to come across surprising unsuspected bonuses. Toward this end, we present two alternative ways of working out the integrals and illustrate them by taking the easiest Feynman integrals in this category that emerge in the computation of a standard one-loop self-energy diagram. One of the novel and heretofore unsuspected bonuses is that there are degeneracies in the way one can express the final result for the referred Feynman integral.


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Since the 80s huge efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources to generate electric power. An important issue about using renewable energy sources is a Distribution Management System (DMS) in presence of dispersed generators. This paper reports some aspects of integration of the dispersed generators in the DMS. Besides, an investigation of impact of the dispersed generators on the overall performances of the distribution systems in steady state is performed. In order to observe losses in the distribution networks with dispersed generators, several loss allocation methods are applied. Results obtained from case study using IEEE test network, are presented and discussed. © 2003 IEEE.


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The problem of escape/capture is encountered in many problems of the celestial mechanics -the capture of the giants planets irregular satellites, comets capture by Jupiter, and also orbital transfer between two celestial bodies as Earth and Moon. To study these problems we introduce an approach which is based on the numerical integration of a grid of initial conditions. The two-body energy of the particle relative to a celestial body defines the escape/capture. The trajectories are integrated into the past from initial conditions with negative two-body energy. The energy change from negative to positive is considered as an escape. By reversing the time, this escape turns into a capture. Using this technique we can understand many characteristics of the problem, as the maximum capture time, stable regions where the particles cannot escape from, and others. The advantage of this kind of approach is that it can be used out of plane (that is, for any inclination), and with perturbations in the dynamics of the n-body problem. © 2005 International Astronomical Union.


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Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary Plasma Thruster), was primarily conceived in USSR (the ancient Soviet Union) and, since then, it has been developed by space agencies, space research institutes and industries in several countries such as France, USA, Israel, Russian Federation and Brazil. In this work we present the main features of the Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster (PMHT) developed at the Plasma Laboratory of the University of Brasilia. The idea of using an array of permanent magnets, instead of an electromagnet, to produce a radial magnetic field inside the plasma channel of the thruster is very significant. It allows the development of a Hall Thruster with power consumption low enough to be used in small and medium size satellites. Description of a new vacuum chamber used to test the second prototype of the PMHT (PHALL II) will be given. PHALL II has an aluminum plasma chamber and is smaller with 15 cm diameter and will contain rare earth magnets. We will show plasma density and temperature space profiles inside and outside the thruster channel. Ion temperature measurements based on Doppler broadening of spectral lines and ion energy measurements are also shown. Based on the measured plasma parameters we constructed an aptitude figure of the PMHT. It contains the specific impulse, total thrust, propellant flow rate and power consumption necessary for orbit raising of satellites. Based on previous studies of geosyncronous satellite orbit positioning we perform numerical simulations of satellite orbit raising from an altitude of 700 km to 36000 km using a PMHT operating in the 100 mN - 500 mN thrust range. In order to perform these calculations integration techniques were used. The main simulation paraters were orbit raising time, fuel mass, total satellite mass, thrust and exaust velocity. We conclude comparing our results with results obtainned with known space missions performed with Hall Thrusters. © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Includes bibliography


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Incluye Bibliografía


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This paper presents the analysis of some usual MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) strategies intended for small wind energy conversion (up to 1kW) based on permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG), considering the stand-alone application for a novel buck-boost integrated inverter. Each MPPT method is analytically introduced and then it is simulated using MatLab/Simulink considering standard conditions of wind and also commercially available turbines and generators. The extracted power in each case is compared with the maximum available power, so the tracking factor is calculated for each method. Thus, the focus is on the application to improve the efficiency of stand-alone wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with battery chargers and AC load supplied by inverter. Therefore, for this purpose a novel single phase buck-boost integrated inverter is introduced. Finally, the main experimental results for the introduced inverter are presented. © 2011 IEEE.


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Urban centers have a huge demand for electricity and the growing problem of the solid waste management generated by their population, a relevant social and administrative problem. The correct disposal of the municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in cities is one of the most complex engineering problems that involves logistics, safety, environmental and energetic aspects for its adequate management. Due to a national policy of solid wastes recently promulgated, Brazilian cities are evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of incinerating the non-recyclable waste. São José dos Campos, a São Paulo State industrialized city, is considering the composting of organic waste for biogas production and mass incineration of non-recyclable waste. This paper presents a waste-to-energy system based on the integration of gas turbines to a MSW incinerator for producing thermal and electric energy as an alternative solution for the solid waste disposal in São José dos Campos, SP. A technical and economic feasibility study for the hybrid combined cycle plant is presented and revealed to be attractive when carbon credit and waste tax are included in the project income. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.