438 resultados para Empyema, Pleural


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Suppurative lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis, when diffuse and associated with important functional loss, can be treated with bilateral lung transplantation with good results. These diseases are frequently associated with previous lung resections presenting an asymmetric thorax, thus making lung extraction difficult and generating disproportion between the graft and the pleural cavity. To treat this condition, pneumonectomy and single lung transplantation is a feasible option; however, there are associated comorbidities and an invariable need for extracorporeal circulation. Described herein are 2 patients with an asymmetric thorax, treated with bilateral transplantation and lung volume reduction with lobectomy.


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We report a case of a female patient who underwent corrective aortic coarctation surgery that progressed to chylothorax on the fifth postoperative day. Because the patient was clinically stable and had a functioning digestive tract, the nutritional team decided to treat her by oral nutritional support with a low-lipid diet, rich in medium-chain triacylglycerols. After 20 d, the patient returned to her habitual home diet and did not develop pleural spilling, showing full healing of the thoracic duct. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Inflammation is a pivotal component of a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis and tumour progression. Various naturally occurring phytochemicals exhibit anti-inflammatory activity and are considered to be potential drug candidates against inflammation-related pathological processes. Capsicum baccatum L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh (Solanaceae) is the most consumed species in Brazil, and its compounds, such as capsaicinoids, have been found to inhibit the inflammatory process. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of C. baccatum have not been characterized. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the effects of C. baccatum juice in animal models of acute inflammation induced by carrageenan and immune inflammation induced by methylated bovine serum albumin. Pretreatment (30 min) of rats with pepper juice (0.25-2.0 g kg(-1)) significantly decreased leucocyte and neutrophil migration, exudate volume and protein and LDH concentration in pleural exudates of a pleurisy model. This juice also inhibited neutrophil migration and reduced the vascular permeability on carrageenan-induced peritonitis in mice. C. baccatum juice also reduced neutrophil recruitment and exudate levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, and IL-1 beta in mouse inflammatory immune peritonitis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the main constituent of C. baccatum juice, as extracted with chloroform, is capsaicin. In agreement with this, capsaicin was able to inhibit the neutrophil migration towards the inflammatory focus. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the anti-inflammatory effect of C. baccatum juice and our data suggest that this effect may be induced by capsaicin. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory effect induced by red pepper may be by inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine production at the inflammatory site.


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Roots of Pfaffia paniculata have been well documented for multifarious therapeutic values and have also been used for cancer therapy in folk medicine. This study has been performed in a human breast tumor cell line, the MCF-7 cells. These are the most commonly used model of estrogen-positive breast cancer, and it has been originally established in 1973 at the Michigan Cancer Foundation from a pleural effusion taken from a woman with metastatic breast cancer. Butanolic extract of the roots of P. paniculata showed cytotoxic effect MCF-7 cell line. as determined with crystal violet assay, cellular death with acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, and cell proliferation with immunocytochemistry of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Subcellular alterations were evaluated by electron microscopy. Cells treated With butanolic extract showed degeneration of cytoplasmic components and profound morphological and nuclear alterations. The results show that this butanolic extract indeed presents cytotoxic substances, and its fractions merit further investigations. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Spontaneous pneumothorax is a frequent complication in advanced lung disease of cystic fibrosis. We describe a case of a complicated pneumothorax in a 21-year old-woman with cystic fibrosis who was effectively treated with the application of biological glue via a minithoracotomy. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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OBJETIVO: Mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas, aumentar los conocimientos sobre esa patología y mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asistenciales, por medio de una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno.MÉTODOS: La estrategia se basó en la utilización de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento, internación por cuidados progresivos y por enfermedad, adecuación de los recursos asistenciales y creación de un sistema de registro permanente, informatizado. Se incorporó la investigación sistemática de la etiología viral para racionalizar el uso de la medicación y reducir las infecciones intrahospitalarias. RESULTADOS: Durante la aplicación del Plan (19/V-19/IX/99) ingresaron 3.317 niños; 1.347 (40.61%) presentaban infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas. Se captaron 1.096 (81%), de los cuales 71% eran menores de un año. Predominaron las infecciones respiratorias virales (68%). Los criterios de ingreso fueron saturación de oxígeno <95%, polipnea, tiraje o derrame pleural en el 92.4% de los niños. La magnitud de la demanda impidió que las pautas de aislamiento individual o en grupo se cumplieran en todos los casos. El uso de la medicación se ajustó a lo recomendado en un elevado porcentaje: no recibieron antibióticos 73% de las bronquiolitis ni 72% de las neumonías virales, y 96% de las neumonias bacterianas los recibieron según pauta; se redujo el uso de broncodilatadores y de corticoides. El gasto en medicamentos disminuyó fundamentalmente en el grupo de los corticoides y tuvo el mayor impacto en el costo por día/cama de antibióticos. CONCLUSIONES: Disminuir la morbimortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas requiere continuar mejorando la calidad de la atención hospitalaria y fortalecer los programas de promoción de salud y de control de las enfermedades prevalentes, en el primer nivel de atención.


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Nine cases of tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed among 800 uremic patients, followed-up during 11 years, a prevalence of 1125%, 2.5 times higher than that in the general population. Six patients (66.7%) had lymph node involvement (4 cervical and 2 mediastinal). Three patients (33.3%) had pulmonary involvement (2 pleuro-pulmonary and 1 bilateral apical pulmonary). Eight patients were undergoing dialysis and 1 was pre-dialytic. The duration of dialysis ranged from 1 to 60 months. Three patients had previously received immunosuppressive drugs for unsuccessful renal transplantation. Daily fever was present in all but one patient; he was asymptomatic and TB was suspected after routine chest radiography. Biopsy was the diagnostic procedure in 7 patients (77.8%), four by direct cervical lymph node biopsy, 2 by mediastinal, performed by mediastinoscopy and 1 by pleural biopsy. In 2 other patients TB was confirmed by the presence of tubercle bacilli; in sputum (1 patient) and in a bronchial flushing specimen (the other patient). Triple therapy was used in all patients (isoniazid and ethambutol in all), plus rifampicin in 8 and streptomycin in 1. One patient had jaundice and another had optical neuritis. Five patients were cured. The other four died during treatment of causes unrelated to TB or its treatment.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivos estimar a freqüência das formas músculo-cutánea e visceral da cisticercose em exames anátomo-patológicos e necrópsias realizados em Brasilia, Distrito Federal (estudo retrospectivo) e diagnosticar a cisticercose músculo-cutânea em pacientes residentes na mesma região geográfica (estudo prospectivo). Em 64.911 protocolos de exames anátomo-patológicos, o diagnóstico de cisticercose foi observado em 30 (0,05%), sendo que em 27 (90,0%) os cistos estavam nos tecidos músculo-cutâneo-mucoso, em 1 (3,3%) em gânglio e em 2 (6,7%) no sistema nervoso central. Entre aqueles com cistos nos tecidos músculo-cutâneo-mucoso 2 (7,4%) tinham cisticercos em língua. Em 1520 protocolos de necrópsia, encontraram-se 25 (1,6%) com diagnóstico de cisticercose, sendo: 24(96,0%) com neurocisticercose, seja isolada ou associada a outras formas da doença; e 2 (8,0%) com cisticercos em coração, 2 (8,0%) em músculo esquelético e 1 (4,0%) em fígado, seja isolados ou associados a outras localizações do parasito. Foram também examinados 1122 indivíduos, realizando-se em todos eles as reações sorológicas de imunofluorescência indireta e ELISA para cisticercose e a investigação radiológica de partes moles e crânio. Encontraram-se 59 (5,3%) com ambas reações sorológicas reagentes (10 entre eles com o diagnóstico de cisticercose confirmado por biópsias); e 32 (2,8%) com calcificações nas radiografias de partes moles e/ou crânio, mas apresentando ambas reações sorológicas não-reagentes. Entre os pacientes com os testes imunológicos reagentes, a neurocisticercose foi diagnosticada em 39 (66,1%), a cisticercose muscular em 25 (42,4%); a cutânea em 12 (20,3%); e a visceral em 2 (3,4%), sendo em 1 (1,7%) ovariana e em 1 (1,7%) miocárdica, pleural e renal. Os resultados permitem concluir que a forma músculo-cutânea é observada freqüentemente entre pacientes com cisticercose residentes em Brasília. A forma visceral também foi encontrada, com os cisticercos localizados em diferentes órgãos, sendo que os pacientes afetados não apresentavam as manifestações clínicas.


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A presença de Legionella sp como patógeno atuante em nosso país não fora bem documentada, embora a literatura refira a importância deste agente em grande número de países. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a detecção do microrganismo ou evidenciar sua resposta imunológica em pacientes portadores de pneumopatias infecciosas na cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto foi introduzida metodologia laboratorial específica para o cultivo e identificação do agente e aplicada reação sorológica para verificação de níveis de anticorpos correspondentes. Foram estudados pacientes de 2 centros universitários em São Paulo, correspondentes a 100 do Hospital Universitário U.S.P. com pneumopatias infecciosas em geral e 100 do Hospital das Clínicas F.M.U.S.P. com pneumopatias infecciosas previamente selecionados para afastar outras etíologias bacterianas e dentre estes 30 pertencentes a Unidade de Transplante Renal. O material biológico destinado ao cultivo de Legionella sp foi constituído por: escarro, secreção traqueal, líquido pleural, lavado brônquico ou biópsia de tecido pulmonar. As tentativas de isolamento do agente foram realizadas em meio de BCYE com e sem antibióticos, a identificação das colônias, foram realizadas através de provas de crescimento em placas de BCYE sem cisteína, provas bioquímicas, imunofluorescência direta e soroaglutinação em lâmina. A pesquisa do agente em material biológico foi realizado pelo método de imunofluorescência direta. A pesquisa de anticorpos específicos para Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 foi efetuada pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Procedeu-se ainda a estudo sorológico) nos comunicantes de pacientes com legionelose para evidenciar possível transmissão do agente. Em 2 casos obteve-se isolamento em cultura e em 4 casos, somente reação de imunofluorescência direta positiva para L. pneumophila sorogrupo 1, à partir do material biológico, representando um total de 6% entre pacientes da comunidade e hospitalares, comprovando desta forma a existência do agente entre nós. A reação sorológica de imunofluorescência indireta permitiu estabelecer infecção atual ou pregressa por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1, em 16 dos 100 pacientes estudados no Hospital das Clínicas e em apenas 1 dos 100 pertencentes ao Hospital Universitário. Pacientes considerados como grupo de risco do Hospital das Clínicas correspondentes a transplantados renais mostraram evidências sorológicas de legionelose atual ou pregressa em 10 dos 30 estudados, isto é 33%, ficando com 8,5% para pacientes da comunidade, 6 dos 70 estudados, sendo 3 destes debilitados por doença sistêmica severa (4,28%). Nos profissionais de saúde comunicantes dos pacientes com legionelose internados no Hospital das Clínicas, apenas 1 em 28 revelou sorologia compatível com infecção pregressa, confirmando dados da literatura de não ser usual a transmissão de pessoa a pessoa


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In the present report the authors discuss the diagnostic difficulties, therapeutic measures and the clinical course of Nocardia infection which occurred among renal transplant recipients at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (UH-FRP), from 1968 to 1991. Among 500 individuals submitted to renal transplant, 9 patients developed Nocardiosis at varying times after transplant (two months to over two years). All the patients had pulmonary involvement and their most common symptoms were fever, cough and pleural pain. Dissemination of the process is common and three patients presented cutaneous abscesses, four CNS involvement and one had pericarditis due to Nocardia. The diagnostic is quite difficult since there is no specific clinical picture, concomitant infections are frequent and the microorganism presents slow growth in culture (ranging from four to forty days, in our experience). In this report, three cases were only diagnosed by necropsy. The treatment of choice is a combination of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim (SMX-TMP). In the present series, overall mortality was 77% (7 cases) and in five of the patients who died the diagnosis was late. All the patients who had CNS involvement died.


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The 4-year study (1987-1990) covered the major clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pneumonia in children as diagnosed at the emergency service of the Children's Hospital, as well as etiologies, and factors involved in the most severe cases. Etiology was determined in 47.7% of the 541 pneumonia cases, involving 283 pathogens of which 38.6% were viruses and 12.6% bacteria. Viral and mixed etiologies were more frequent in children under 12 months of age. Bacteria predominated in ages between 6 and 23 months. Among the viruses, respiratory syncytial virus predominated (66%). The bacterial pneumonias accounted for 12.2% of the recognized etiologies. The most important bacterial agents were S. pneumoniae (64%) and H. influenzae (19%). H. influenzae and mixed infections had a relevant participation during the 1988 season, pointing to annual variations in the relative participation of pathogens and its possible implication in severity of diseases. Correlation of severity and increased percentage of etiological diagnosis was assessed: patients with respiratory rates over 70 rpm, or pleural effusion and/or extensive pulmonary parenchyma compromise yielded higher positive laboratory results. Various individual and family risk factors were recognized when comparing pneumonia children with healthy controls.


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Epidemiological aspects and the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the Bacteroides fragilis group isolated from clinical and human intestinal specimens were examined in this study. B. fragilis group strains were isolated from 46 (37%) of 124 clinical specimens and the source of the samples was: Blood culture (3), intraabdominal infection (27), brain abscess (2), soft tissue infection (17), respiratory sinus (3), pleural aspirate (9), breast abscess (3), surgical infected wound (22), pelvic inflammatory disease (22), chronic otitis media (9) and miscellaneous (7). Intraabdominal and soft tissue infections were responsible for more than half of the clinical isolates. Susceptibility to penicillin, cefoxitin, tetracycline, metronidazole, chloramphenicol and clindamycin was examined. All isolates were susceptible to metronidazole and chloramphenicol. For clindamycin and cefoxitin the resistance rates observed were 21.7% and 10.9% respectively. Susceptibility profiles varied among the different species tested. A total of 37 species of B. fragilis group isolated from intestinal microbiota of individuals who had no antimicrobial therapy for at least 1 month before the sampling was also examined. All strains were also susceptible to chloramphenicol and motronidazole and the resistance rates to clindamycin and cefoxitin were 19.4% and 5.4% respectively. A few institutions, in Brazil, have monitored the antimicrobial susceptibility of B. fragilis group strains isolated from anaerobic infections. The resistance rates to cefoxitin and clindamycin and the variation in susceptibility patterns among the species isolated in this study emphasize the need for monitoring of susceptibility patterns of B. fragilis group organisms isolated, especially at our University Hospitals.


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The respiratory viruses are recognized as the most frequent lower respiratory tract pathogens for infants and young children in developed countries but less is known for developing populations. The authors conducted a prospective study to evaluate the occurrence, clinical patterns, and seasonal trends of viral infections among hospitalized children with lower respiratory tract disease (Group A). The presence of respiratory viruses in children's nasopharyngeal was assessed at admission in a pediatric ward. Cell cultures and immunofluorescence assays were used for viral identification. Complementary tests included blood and pleural cultures conducted for bacterial investigation. Clinical data and radiological exams were recorded at admission and throughout the hospitalization period. To better evaluate the results, a non- respiratory group of patients (Group B) was also constituted for comparison. Starting in February 1995, during a period of 18 months, 414 children were included- 239 in Group A and 175 in Group B. In Group A, 111 children (46.4%) had 114 viruses detected while only 5 children (2.9%) presented viruses in Group B. Respiratory Syncytial Virus was detected in 100 children from Group A (41.8%), Adenovirus in 11 (4.6%), Influenza A virus in 2 (0.8%), and Parainfluenza virus in one child (0.4%). In Group A, aerobic bacteria were found in 14 cases (5.8%). Respiratory Syncytial Virus was associated to other viruses and/or bacteria in six cases. There were two seasonal trends for Respiratory Syncytial Virus cases, which peaked in May and June. All children affected by the virus were younger than 3 years of age, mostly less than one year old. Episodic diffuse bronchial commitment and/or focal alveolar condensation were the clinical patterns more often associated to Respiratory Syncytial Virus cases. All children from Group A survived. In conclusion, it was observed that Respiratory Syncytial Virus was the most frequent pathogen found in hospitalized children admitted for severe respiratory diseases. Affected children were predominantly infants and boys presenting bronchiolitis and focal pneumonias. Similarly to what occurs in other subtropical regions, the virus outbreaks peak in the fall and their occurrence extends to the winter, which parallels an increase in hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of radiological manifestations of chest tuberculosis among the tuberculosis outpatients at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Hospital, and to correlate these radiological findings with the sputum bacilloscopy. SAMPLE AND METHODS: A review was made of the medical record cards and chest X-rays of all patients attended between January 1996 and December 1998. Patients with a diagnosis of tuberculosis who presented intrathoracic manifestations of the disease and negative anti-HIV serology were selected. RESULTS: The selection included 153 patients, with an average age of 37.5 years, who were predominantly male (60.8%) and white (56.9%). Pulmonary lesions were present in 121 (79.9%) and extrapulmonary lesions in 32 (20.1%). Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions appeared in 56 patients (36.6%), cavity lesions in 55 (36.0%), pleural effusion in 28 (18.3%), isolated nodules in 6 (3.9%), mediastinal enlargement in 4 (2.6%) and miliary pattern in 4 (2.6%). Cavities were present in 45.5% of the patients with pulmonary lesions, generally in association with the parenchymal-infiltrate lesions. Parenchymal infiltrate was present in 86.8% of the patients with pulmonary lesions. There was significant presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacillus in the sputum of patients with cavities (76.4%), in comparison with those without cavities (50%) (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Parenchymal-infiltrate lesions are the most frequent radiological manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis, and they are generally associated with cavities. There is a relationship between the presence of acid fast bacilli in sputum and pulmonary cavity lesions.


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Apresentamos o caso clínico de um doente de vinte e um anos, sexo masculino, raça branca, toxicodependente, que se queixou, no Serviço de Urgência, de febre, emagrecimento, dor abdominal e diarreia. Foi excluído o diagnóstico inicial de apendicite. Baseados nos estudos radiológicos e endoscópicos, foi feito o diagnóstico de doença de Crohn ileo-cecal e iniciado tratamento com ácido 5-aminosalicílico e corticosteroides. Dada a má resposta clínica, foi adicionada 5-mercaptopurina. Seis semanas mais tarde, o doente ficou neutropénico e a febre reapareceu. Os radiogramas e tomografia computorizada (TC) revelaram um derrame pleural direito e uma lesão cavitada nodular no segmento posterior do lobo superior do pulmão direito. Foi realizada uma biópsia pleural e foram identificados bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR). Foi iniciado tratamento específico para a tuberculose e as imagens pulmonares desapareceram, mas a febre e as dores abdominais persistiram.