842 resultados para Emotional dimension
Differences in personality factors between individuals may manifest themselves with different patterns of neural activity while individuals process stimuli with emotional content. We attempted to verify this hypothesis by investigating emotional susceptibility (ES), a specific emotional trait of the human personality defined as the tendency to "experience feelings of discomfort, helplessness, inadequacy and vulnerability" after exposure to stimuli with emotional valence. By administering a questionnaire evaluating the individuals' ES, we selected two groups of participants with high and low ES respectively. Then, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate differences between the groups in the neural activity involved while they were processing emotional stimuli in an explicit (focusing on the content of the stimuli) or an incidental (focusing on spatial features of the stimuli, irrespectively of their content) way. The results showed a selective difference in brain activity between groups only in the explicit processing of the emotional stimuli: bilateral activity of the anterior insula was present in subjects with high ES but not in subjects with low ES. This difference in neural activity within the anterior insula proved to be purely functional since no brain morphological differences were found between groups, as assessed by a voxel-based morphometry analysis. Although the role of the anterior insula in the processing of contexts perceived as emotionally salient is well established, the present study provides the first evidence of a modulation of the insular activity depending on the individuals' ES trait of personality.
The present study evaluated the socio-emotional development of very preterm born infants at 12 months corrected age. Forty-one infants born very preterm (<29 weeks of gestation) were compared to 22 infants born full term on a standardized behavioral assessment and a parental temperament questionnaire, both measuring emotional reactivity to joy, anger and fear, as well as sustained attention. The behavioral assessment showed that very preterm infants exhibited as much joy as full term infants during a joy-eliciting episode. However, they expressed a significantly higher reactivity in anger-eliciting situations and a reduced reactivity toward fear-eliciting situations. For all three emotion-eliciting situations, the preterm infants reacted with a higher level of motor activity. The preterm infants also exhibited a distinct attention pattern with a significantly higher initial attention level which declined rapidly throughout the episode. The questionnaire did not show any group differences. The clinical relevance of these results in terms of preliminary hallmarks of later behavioral difficulties such attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are discussed as well as the inconsistencies observed between the questionnaire and the behavioral assessment.
Gaussian estimates for the density of the non-linear stochastic heat equation in any space dimension
In this paper, we establish lower and upper Gaussian bounds for the probability density of the mild solution to the stochastic heat equation with multiplicative noise and in any space dimension. The driving perturbation is a Gaussian noise which is white in time with some spatially homogeneous covariance. These estimates are obtained using tools of the Malliavin calculus. The most challenging part is the lower bound, which is obtained by adapting a general method developed by Kohatsu-Higa to the underlying spatially homogeneous Gaussian setting. Both lower and upper estimates have the same form: a Gaussian density with a variance which is equal to that of the mild solution of the corresponding linear equation with additive noise.
OBJECTIVE: To study emotional behaviors in an acute stroke population. BACKGROUND: Alterations in emotional behavior after stroke have been recently recognized, but little attention has been paid to these changes in the very acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Adult patients presenting with acute stroke were prospectively recruited and studied. We validated the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI), a 38-item scale designed to evaluate behavioral aspects of sadness, aggressiveness, disinhibition, adaptation, passivity, indifference, and denial. Clinical, historical, and imaging (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging) data were obtained on each subject through our Stroke Registry. Statistical analysis was performed with both univariate and multivariate tests. RESULTS: Of the 254 patients, 40% showed sadness, 49% passivity, 17% aggressiveness, 53% indifference, 76% disinhibition, 18% lack of adaptation, and 44% denial reactions. Several significant correlations were identified. Sadness was correlated with a personal history of alcohol abuse (r = P < 0.037), female gender (r = P < 0.028), and hemorrhagic nature of the stroke (r = P < 0.063). Aggressiveness was correlated with a personal history of depression (r = P < 0.046) and hemorrhage (r = P < 0.06). Denial was correlated with male gender (r = P < 0.035) and hemorrhagic lesions (r = P < 0.05). Emotional behavior did not correlate with either neurologic impairment or lesion localization, but there was an association between hemorrhage and aggressive behavior (P < 0.001), lack of adaptation (r = P < 0.015), indifference (r = P < 0.018), and denial (r = P < 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Systematic observations of acute emotional behaviors after stroke suggest that emotional alterations are independent of mood and physical status and should be considered as a separate consequence of stroke.
En els darrers anys, ha augmentat l’interès per l’estudi de la prevenció i la protecció de la delinqüència juvenil. En aquest context els conceptes vinculats són els de desistiment i resiliència. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és aprofundir en el concepte de desistiment i els factors de protecció, primer en el pla teòric i després en l’àmbit empíric. L’estudi consta de dues parts: la primera descriptiu el perfil del menor desistent a la Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil, i la segona mostra enquestes en què s’avaluen les dimensions de la competència emocional en un grup d’adolescents infractors. A partir d’una mostra de 288 adolescents infractors, 86 reincidents i 202 desistents, de les comarques del Baix Llobregat, Garraf, Alt Penedès i d’alguns municipis de l’Anoia, s’analitzen les diferències sociodemogràfiques, criminològiques i de recorregut educatiu fet a la Direcció General de Justícia Juvenil. A continuació, participen de l’estudi per enquesta una mostra accidental de 101 adolescents, 45 reincidents i 56 desistents, procedents dels programes de mediació, medi obert i internament. Els adolescents desistents en el delicte obtenen puntuacions superiors als reincidents, diferències que són estadísticament significatives en la dimensió de competència social i en la puntuació total de competència emocional.
These standards will apply to all organisations providing mental & emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention services which are funded by the PHA.
Chronic pain in elderly people requires to take into account somatic co-morbidities as well as its psychosocial dimensions. Chronic pain often represents a distress signal addressed to the environment and the care providers. Psychological suffering or mood disorders can be presented in the form of somatic complaints often associated with functional impairments, sometimes severe. Therapeutic care has to address functionality through an image-enhancing approach aiming to summon the patients' resources. The treatment of a concomitant depressive state necessitates a true commitment from the therapist. Its benefits are documented in elderly patients. Analgesic treatment as a whole will seek in particular to restore feelings of self-esteem and help the patient recover a good quality of life.
This guidance is for all those who have a responsibility for the social and emotional wellbeing of young people in secondary education. This includes teachers, support staff, governors and professionals with public health as part of their remit working in education (including the independent sector), local authorities, the NHS and the wider public, voluntary and community sectors. It focuses on interventions to support all young people aged 11-19 who attend any education establishment. Social and emotional wellbeing includes being happy, confident and in control, with the ability to solve and cope with problems and have good relationships with other people. The six recommendations cover: strategy, the key principles and conditions, working in partnership with parents, families and young people, the curriculum, and training and professional development. They include: â?¢ Secondary education establishments should have access to the specialist skills, advice and support they require. â?¢ Practitioners should have the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to develop young peopleâ?Ts social and emotional wellbeing. â?¢ Secondary education establishments should provide a safe environment which nurtures and encourages young peopleâ?Ts sense of self-worth, reduces the threat of bullying and violence and promotes positive behaviour. â?¢ Social and emotional skills education should be tailored to the developmental needs of young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Résumé : Objectif: Etudier les comportements émotionnels chez les patients ayant souffert d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) Contexte: Les modifications du comportement émotionnel après un AVC sont actuellement bien reconnues mais ont été très peu étudiées dans la phase aigüe de l'AVC. Méthode: Tous les patients présentant un AVC datant de moins de 24 heures ont été inclus prospectivement. Nous avons validé une échelle (the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI)), comprenant 38 qualificatifs, représentant la tristesse, l'agressivité, la désinhibition, l'adaptation, la passivité, l'indifférence et le déni. Les informations cliniques et radiologiques (CT et IRM) ont été obtenues par le biais de notre Registre des AVC. L'analyse statistique a été faite au moyen de tests uni- et multi-variés Résultats: Des 254 patients inclus, 40% présentaient de la tristesse, 49% de la passivité, 17% de l'agressivité, 53% de l'indifférence, 76% de la désinhibition, 18% un manque d'adaptation et 44% une réaction de déni. Plusieurs interactions statistiquement significatives ont été mises en évidence. En effet, la tristesse semble corréler à des antécédents d'alcoolisme (r = p< 0.037), au sexe féminin (r = p<0.028) et à la nature hémorragique de l'AVC (r = p<0.063). L'agressivité corrèle à des antécédents de troubles dépressifs (r = p<0.046) et à la nature hémorragique de l'AVC (r = p<0.06). Le déni corrèle plutôt au sexe masculin (r = p<0.035) et aux lésions hémorragiques (r = p<0.05). Le comportement émotionnel ne corrèle ni au degré et type d'atteinte neurologique, ni à la localisation de l'AVC mais une association entre Les lésions hémorragiques et un comportement agressif a été mis en évidence (p<0.001) de même qu'avec un manque d'adaptation (r = p<0.015), une certaine indifférence (r = p<0.018) et une réaction de déni (r = p<0.045). Conclusion: L'observation systématique des modifications du comportement émotionnel après un AVC suggère que les altérations émotionnelles sont indépendantes de la thymie et de l'atteinte physique et représentent donc probablement des séquelles à part entière de l'AVC. Abstract: Objective: To study emotional behaviors in an acute stroke population. Background: Alterations in emotional behavior after stroke have been recently recognized, but little attention has been paid to these changes in the very acute phase of stroke. Methods: Adult patients presenting with acute stroke were prospectively recruited and studied. We validated the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI), a 38-item scale designed to evaluate behavioral aspects of sadness, aggressiveness, disinhibition, adaptation, passivity, indifference, and denial. Clinical, historical, and imaging (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging) data were obtained on each subject through our Stroke Registry. Statistical analysis was performed with both univariate and multivariate tests. Results: Of the 254 patients, 40% showed sadness, 49% passivity, 17% aggressiveness, 53% indifference, 76% disinhibition, 18% lack of adaptation, and 44% denial reactions. Several significant correlations were identified. Sadness was correlated with a personal history of alcohol abuse (r = P < 0.037), female gender (r = P < 0.028), and hemorrhagic nature of the stroke (r = P < 0.063). Aggressiveness was correlated with a personal history of depression (r = P < 0.046) and hemorrhage (r = P < 0.06). Denial was correlated with male gender (r= P < 0.035) and hemorrhagic lesions (r = P < 0.05). Emotional behavior did not correlate with either neurologic impairment or lesion localization, but there was an association between hemorrhage and aggressive behavior (P < 0.001), lack of adaptation (r = P < 0.015), indifference (r = P < 0.018), and denial (r = P < 0.045). Conclusions: Systematic observations of acute emotional behaviors after stroke suggest that emotional alterations are independent of mood and physical status and should be considered as a separate consequence of stroke.
These five directories list the names, numbers and web addresses (where applicable) of organisations that offer services to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing. Where possible, additional information has also been provided, such as email addresses and contact details within each Health and Social Care Trust area.
OBJECTIVE: Spirituality and religiousness have been shown to be highly prevalent among patients with schizophrenia. However, clinicians are rarely aware of the importance of religion and understand little of the value or difficulties it presents to treatment. This study aimed to assess the role of religion as a mediating variable in the process of coping with psychotic illness. METHOD: Semistructured interviews about religious coping were conducted with a sample of 115 outpatients with psychotic illness. RESULTS: For some patients, religion instilled hope, purpose, and meaning in their lives (71%), whereas for others, it induced spiritual despair (14%). Patients also reported that religion lessened (54%) or increased (10%) psychotic and general symptoms. Religion was also reported to increase social integration (28%) or social isolation (3%). It may reduce (33%) or increase (10%) the risk of suicide attempts, reduce (14%) or increase (3%) substance use, and foster adherence to (16%) or be in opposition to (15%) psychiatric treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the clinical significance of religion in the care of patients with schizophrenia. Religion is neither a strictly personal matter nor a strictly cultural one. Spirituality should be integrated into the psychosocial dimension of care. Our results suggest that the complexity of the relationship between religion and illness requires a highly sensitive approach to each unique story.