980 resultados para Electric Power Transmission
L’objecte del present informe és la descripció dels treballs duts a terme en l’Activitat 2 del projecte E-MAN-RES: models de simulació i càlcul per optimització i anàlisi de sensibilitat de la gestió de la demanda, per part de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella energiansiirtoketjun kokonaisenergiatehokkuutta, alkaen polttoaineesta ja päättyen sähköenergian loppukäyttäjään. Tarkasteltava energiansiirtoketju alkaa polttoaineen tuotannosta ja siirrosta. Tämän jälkeen tulee sähköenergian tuottaminen, siirtäminen, jakelu ja loppukäyttö. Sähköntuotannon osalta tarkasteltiin myös vesivoimaa ja tuulivoimaa, jolloin energiansiirtoketjusta jää polttoaineen tuotannon ja siirron häviöt pois. Työn pääpaino kohdistui sähköenergian tuotannon, siirron, jakelun ja loppukäytön energiatehokkuuksien tarkastelemiseen. Työssä selvitettiin myös tulevaisuuden näkymiä, miten hyötysuhteita saataisiin parannettua eri osa-alueilla uusilla tekniikoilla ja käyttötottumuksilla. Loppukäyttäjä saa polttoaineen energiasta hyödyksi noin neljänneksen. Suurimmat häviöt syntyvät sähköenergian tuotannossa, lukuun ottamatta vesivoimalaitoksia, joiden hyötysuhde on erittäin korkea.
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) have attracted very much attention during the latest years. Increasing environmental concern and an increase in fuel prices are key factors for the growing interest towards the HEV. In a hybrid electric vehicle the power train consists of both a mechanical power system and an electric power transmission system. The major subsystems in the mechanical power system are the internal combustion engine which powers the vehicle; electric power transmission including an energy storage, power electronic inverter, hybrid control system; the electric motor drive that runs either in the generating mode or in the motoring mode to process the power flow between the energy storage and the electrical machine. This research includes two advanced electric motors for a parallel hybrid: induction machine and permanent magnets synchronous machine. In the thesis an induction motor and a permanent magnet motor are compared as propulsion motors. Electric energy storages are also studied.
Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa on tarkoituksena selvittää Baltian maiden sähkömarkkinoi- den kehittymistä ja avautumista kilpailulle. Baltian maiden sähkömarkkinoiden kehittymis- tä on vauhdittanut EU:n energiapolitiikka, jolla pyritään edistämään toimivien yhteiseu- rooppalaisten sähkömarkkinoiden kehittymistä. Baltian maista tullaankin lähitulevaisuu- dessa rakentamaan lisäsiirtoyhteyksiä Pohjoismaihin ja Eurooppaan. Työssä tutkitaan myös Baltian maiden sähköntuotantorakenteen muodostumista ja sähkönsiirtoverkon ra- kennetta. Suomen ja Venäjän välisessä sähkökaupassa on tapahtunut merkittäviä muutok- sia syksyn 2011 jälkeen. Tutkitaan myös Venäjän ja Baltian maiden välistä sähkönsiirtoa.
A statistical method for classification of sags their origin downstream or upstream from the recording point is proposed in this work. The goal is to obtain a statistical model using the sag waveforms useful to characterise one type of sags and to discriminate them from the other type. This model is built on the basis of multi-way principal component analysis an later used to project the available registers in a new space with lower dimension. Thus, a case base of diagnosed sags is built in the projection space. Finally classification is done by comparing new sags against the existing in the case base. Similarity is defined in the projection space using a combination of distances to recover the nearest neighbours to the new sag. Finally the method assigns the origin of the new sag according to the origin of their neighbours
La calidad de energía eléctrica incluye la calidad del suministro y la calidad de la atención al cliente. La calidad del suministro a su vez se considera que la conforman dos partes, la forma de onda y la continuidad. En esta tesis se aborda la continuidad del suministro a través de la localización de faltas. Este problema se encuentra relativamente resuelto en los sistemas de transmisión, donde por las características homogéneas de la línea, la medición en ambos terminales y la disponibilidad de diversos equipos, se puede localizar el sitio de falta con una precisión relativamente alta. En sistemas de distribución, sin embargo, la localización de faltas es un problema complejo y aún no resuelto. La complejidad es debida principalmente a la presencia de conductores no homogéneos, cargas intermedias, derivaciones laterales y desbalances en el sistema y la carga. Además, normalmente, en estos sistemas sólo se cuenta con medidas en la subestación, y un modelo simplificado del circuito. Los principales esfuerzos en la localización han estado orientados al desarrollo de métodos que utilicen el fundamental de la tensión y de la corriente en la subestación, para estimar la reactancia hasta la falta. Como la obtención de la reactancia permite cuantificar la distancia al sitio de falta a partir del uso del modelo, el Método se considera Basado en el Modelo (MBM). Sin embargo, algunas de sus desventajas están asociadas a la necesidad de un buen modelo del sistema y a la posibilidad de localizar varios sitios donde puede haber ocurrido la falta, esto es, se puede presentar múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. Como aporte, en esta tesis se presenta un análisis y prueba comparativa entre varios de los MBM frecuentemente referenciados. Adicionalmente se complementa la solución con métodos que utilizan otro tipo de información, como la obtenida de las bases históricas de faltas con registros de tensión y corriente medidos en la subestación (no se limita solamente al fundamental). Como herramienta de extracción de información de estos registros, se utilizan y prueban dos técnicas de clasificación (LAMDA y SVM). Éstas relacionan las características obtenidas de la señal, con la zona bajo falta y se denominan en este documento como Métodos de Clasificación Basados en el Conocimiento (MCBC). La información que usan los MCBC se obtiene de los registros de tensión y de corriente medidos en la subestación de distribución, antes, durante y después de la falta. Los registros se procesan para obtener los siguientes descriptores: a) la magnitud de la variación de tensión ( dV ), b) la variación de la magnitud de corriente ( dI ), c) la variación de la potencia ( dS ), d) la reactancia de falta ( Xf ), e) la frecuencia del transitorio ( f ), y f) el valor propio máximo de la matriz de correlación de corrientes (Sv), cada uno de los cuales ha sido seleccionado por facilitar la localización de la falta. A partir de estos descriptores, se proponen diferentes conjuntos de entrenamiento y validación de los MCBC, y mediante una metodología que muestra la posibilidad de hallar relaciones entre estos conjuntos y las zonas en las cuales se presenta la falta, se seleccionan los de mejor comportamiento. Los resultados de aplicación, demuestran que con la combinación de los MCBC con los MBM, se puede reducir el problema de la múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. El MCBC determina la zona de falta, mientras que el MBM encuentra la distancia desde el punto de medida hasta la falta, la integración en un esquema híbrido toma las mejores características de cada método. En este documento, lo que se conoce como híbrido es la combinación de los MBM y los MCBC, de una forma complementaria. Finalmente y para comprobar los aportes de esta tesis, se propone y prueba un esquema de integración híbrida para localización de faltas en dos sistemas de distribución diferentes. Tanto los métodos que usan los parámetros del sistema y se fundamentan en la estimación de la impedancia (MBM), como aquellos que usan como información los descriptores y se fundamentan en técnicas de clasificación (MCBC), muestran su validez para resolver el problema de localización de faltas. Ambas metodologías propuestas tienen ventajas y desventajas, pero según la teoría de integración de métodos presentada, se alcanza una alta complementariedad, que permite la formulación de híbridos que mejoran los resultados, reduciendo o evitando el problema de la múltiple estimación de la falta.
Starting from the deregulated process of the Electric Sector, there was the need to attribute responsibilities to several agents and to elaborate appropriate forms of remuneration of the services rendered by the same. One of the services of great importance within this new electric sector is the Ancillary Services. Among the various types of Ancillary Services, Spinning Reserve is a service necessary for maintaining the integrity of the transmission system from either generation interruptions or load variations. This paper uses the application of the Economic Dispatch theory with the objective of quantifies the availability of Spinning Reserve supply in hydroelectric plants. The proposed methodology utilizes the generating units as well as their efficiencies so as to attend the total demand with the minimum water discharge. The proposed methodology was tested through the data provided by the Água Vermelha Hydroelectric Power Plant. These tests permitted the opportunity cost valuation to the Spinning Reserve supply in hydroelectric plants. © 2005 IEEE.
This work involved the development of a smart system dedicated to surface burning detection in the grinding process through constant monitoring of the process by acoustic emission and electrical power signals. A program in Visual Basic® for Windows® was developed, which collects the signals through an analog-digital converter and further processes them using burning detection algorithms already known. Three other parameters are proposed here and a comparative study carried out. When burning occurs, the newly developed software program sends a control signal warning the operator or interrupting the process, and delivers process information via the Internet. Parallel to this, the user can also interfere in the process via Internet, changing parameters and/or monitoring the grinding process. The findings of a comparative study of the various parameters are also discussed here. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.
The main objective involved with this paper consists of presenting the results obtained from the application of artificial neural networks and statistical tools in the automatic identification and classification process of faults in electric power distribution systems. The developed techniques to treat the proposed problem have used, in an integrated way, several approaches that can contribute to the successful detection process of faults, aiming that it is carried out in a reliable and safe way. The compilations of the results obtained from practical experiments accomplished in a pilot radial distribution feeder have demonstrated that the developed techniques provide accurate results, identifying and classifying efficiently the several occurrences of faults observed in the feeder.
The objective of this paper is to show an alternative representation in time domain of a non-transposed three-phase transmission line decomposed in its exact modes by using two transformation matrices. The first matrix is Clarke's matrix that is real, frequency independent, easily represented in computational transient programs (EMTP) and separates the line into Quasi-modes α, β and zero. After that, Quasi-modes a and zero are decomposed into their exact modes by using a modal transformation matrix whose elements can be synthesized in time domain through standard curve-fitting techniques. The main advantage of this alternative representation is to reduce the processing time because a frequency dependent modal transformation matrix of a three-phase line has nine elements to be represented in time domain while a modal transformation matrix of a two-phase line has only four elements. This paper shows modal decomposition process and eigenvectors of a non-transposed three-phase line with a vertical symmetry plane whose nominal voltage is 440 kV and line length is 500 km. ©2006 IEEE.
Regulatory authorities in many countries, in order to maintain an acceptable balance between appropriate customer service qualities and costs, are introducing a performance-based regulation. These regulations impose penalties, and in some cases rewards, which introduce a component of financial risk to an electric power utility due to the uncertainty associated with preserving a specific level of system reliability. In Brazil, for instance, one of the reliability indices receiving special attention by the utilities is the Maximum Continuous Interruption Duration per customer (MCID). This paper describes a chronological Monte Carlo simulation approach to evaluate probability distributions of reliability indices, including the MCID, and the corresponding penalties. In order to get the desired efficiency, modern computational techniques are used for modeling (UML -Unified Modeling Language) as well as for programming (Object- Oriented Programming). Case studies on a simple distribution network and on real Brazilian distribution systems are presented and discussed. © Copyright KTH 2006.
This paper explains why the reliability assessment of energy limited systems requires more detailed models for primary generating resources availability, internal and external generating dispatch and customer demand than the ones commonly used for large power systems and presents a methodology based on the full sequential Montecarlo simulation technique with AC power flow for their long term reliability assessment which can properly include these detailed models. By means of a real example, it is shown how the simplified modeling traditionally used for large power systems leads to pessimistic predictions if it is applied to an energy limited system and also that it cannot predict all the load point adequacy problems. © 2006 IEEE.
The main objective of this work is to analyze the ability of FACTS devices like TCSC and UPFC to damp low frequency oscillations and a POD controller is also included. A comparative study of damping effect of those devices IS carried out. The Power Sensitivity Model (PSM) is used to the representation of the electric power system. Sensibility analysis using the residue method shows the best place for the installation of FACTS and the procedure to determine POD parameters. ©2008 IEEE.
This paper deals with results of a research and development (R&D) project in cooperation with Electric Power Distribution Company in São Paulo (Brazil) regarding the development and experimental analysis of a new concept of power drive system suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors, which can be powered by urban DC or AC distribution networks. The proposed front-end structure is composed by five boost power cells in interleaving connection, operating in discontinuous conduction mode as AC-DC converter, or as DC-DC converter, in order to provide the proper DC output voltage range required by DC or AC adjustable speed drivers. Therefore, when supplied by single-phase AC distribution networks, and operating as AC-DC converter, it is capable to provide high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC 61000-3-4 standards resulting in significant improvements for the trolleybuses systems efficiency and for the urban distribution network costs. Considering the compliance with input current restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standards, two digital control strategies were evaluated. The digital controller has been implemented using a low cost FPGA (XC3S200) and developed totally using a hardware description language VHDL and fixed point arithmetic. Experimental results from a 15 kW low power scale prototype operating in DC and AC conditions are presented, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed system. © 2009 IEEE.
This paper presents a new methodology for solving the optimal VAr planning problem in multi-area electric power systems, using the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. The original multi-area problem is decomposed into subproblems (one for each area) and a master problem (coordinator). The solution of the VAr planning problem in each area is based on the application of successive linear programming, and the coordination scheme is based on the reactive power marginal costs in the border bus. The aim of the model is to provide coordinated mechanisms to carry out the VAr planning studies maximizing autonomy and confidentiality for each area, assuring global economy to the whole system. Using the mathematical model and computational implementation of the proposed methodology, numerical results are presented for two interconnected systems, each of them composed of three equal subsystems formed by IEEE30 and IEEE118 test systems. © 2011 IEEE.