855 resultados para Ecological speciation


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Introduction We analyzed the vertical and monthly distributions of culicid species in the gallery forest of Brasília National Park, with an emphasis on the potential vectors of yellow fever (YF). Methods Between September 2010 and August 2011, mosquitoes were captured on the ground and in the canopy of the forest for five consecutive days per month, from nine to 15 hours. The mosquitoes were examined to verify natural infection with flaviviruses by isolation in Aedes albopictus Skuse, 1864 cells followed by indirect immunofluorescence. Results We identified 2,677 culicids distributed in 29 species. Most of the mosquitoes were captured at ground level (69%) during the rainy season (86%). The most abundant species were Sabethes (Sabethes) albiprivus Theobald, 1903; Limatus durhamii Theobald, 1901; Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus Dyar & Shannon, 1924; Haemagogus (Haemagogus) janthinomys Dyar, 1921; Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis Rondani, 1848; Psorophora (Janthinosoma) ferox Von Humboldt, 1819; and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) serratus Theobald, 1901. Limatus durhamii, Limatus durhamii, Psorophora ferox, Aedes scapularis and Aedes serratus showed significant differences (p<0.05) in their habitat use. Limatus durhamii was found more often in the canopy, unlike the other species. During the rainy season, the most abundant species were Sa. albiprivus, Haemagogus leucocelaenus and Limatus durhamii. During the dry season, the potential YF vectors exhibited a very low frequency and abundance, except Aedes scapularis and Aedes serratus. No flavivirus was detected in the 2,677 examined mosquitoes. Conclusions We recommend continued and systematic entomological monitoring in areas vulnerable to the transmission of YF in the Federal District of Brazil.


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IntroductionRecently, pathogen ecology has been recognized as an important epidemiological determinant of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important agents known to cause HAIs. It is widespread in healthcare settings and exhibits seasonal variations in incidence. Little is known about the impact of competition with other hospital pathogens on the incidence of A. baumannii infection.MethodsWe conducted an ecological study, enrolling patients who presented with healthcare-associated bloodstream infections (HA-BSIs) from 2005 to 2010 at a 450-bed teaching hospital in Brazil. HA-BSIs were said to be present when bacteria or fungi were recovered from blood cultures collected at least three days after admission. Monthly incidence rates were calculated for all HA-BSIs (overall or caused by specific pathogens or groups of pathogens). Multivariate Poisson regression models were used to identify the impacts of the incidence of several pathogens on the incidence of A. baumannii.ResultsThe overall incidence rate of HA-BSI caused by A. baumannii was 2.5 per 10,000 patient-days. In the multivariate analysis, the incidence of HA-BSI caused by A. baumanniiwas negatively associated with the incidence rates of HA-BSI due to Staphylococcus aureus (rate ratio [RR]=0.88; 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.80-0.97), Enterobacter spp. (RR=0.84; 95%CI=0.74-0.94) and a pool of less common gram-negative pathogens.ConclusionsOur results suggest that competition between pathogens influences the etiology of HA-BSIs. It would be beneficial to take these findings into account in infection control policies.


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Introduction This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the incidence of severe dengue during the 2008 epidemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and socioeconomic indicators, as well as indicators of health service availability and previous circulation of the dengue virus serotype-3 (DENV-3). Methods In this ecological study, the units of analysis were the districts of Rio de Janeiro. The data were incorporated into generalized linear models, and the incidence of severe dengue in each district was the outcome variable. Results The districts with more cases of dengue fever in the 2001 epidemic and a higher percentage of residents who declared their skin color or race as black had higher incidence rates of severe dengue in the 2008 epidemic [incidence rate ratio (IRR)= 1.21; 95% confidence interval (95%CI)= 1.05-1.40 and IRR= 1.34; 95%CI= 1.16-1.54, respectively]. In contrast, the districts with Family Health Strategy (FHS) clinics were more likely to have lower incidence rates of severe dengue in the 2008 epidemic (IRR= 0.81; 95%CI= 0.70-0.93). Conclusions At the ecological level, our findings suggest the persistence of health inequalities in this region of Brazil that are possibly due to greater social vulnerability among the self-declared black population. Additionally, the protective effect of FHS clinics may be due to the ease of access to other levels of care in the health system or to a reduced vulnerability to dengue transmission that is afforded by local practices to promote health.


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The interest in chromium (Cr) arises from the widespread use of this heavy metal in various industrial processes that cause its release as liquid, solid and gaseous waste into the environment. The impact of Cr on the environment and living organisms primarily depends on its chemical form, since Cr(III) is an essential micronutrient for humans, other animals and plants, and Cr(VI) is highly toxic and a known human carcinogen. This study aimed to evaluate if the electrodialytic process (ED) is an appropriate treatment for Cr removal, through a critical overview of Cr speciation, before and after the ED experiments, to assess possible Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions during the treatment. ED was the treatment technique applied to two types of matrices containing Cr: chromate copper arsenate (CCA) contaminated soil and municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. In order to study Cr remediation, three EDR set-ups were used: a new set-up, the combined cell (2/3C or 3/2C), with three compartments, alternating current between two anodes and different initial experimental conditions, one set-up with three compartments (3C cell) and the other set-up with two compartments (2C cell). The Cr removal rates obtained in this study were between 10-36% for the soil, and 1-13% for the fly ash. The highest Cr removal rates were achieved in the 26 days experiments: 36% for the soil, 13% for the fly ash. Regarding the 13 days experiments, the highest Cr removal rates were attained with the 2/3C set-up: 24% for the soil, 5% for the fly ash. The analysis of Cr(VI) was performed before and after ED experiments to evaluate eventual changes in Cr speciation during the treatment. This analysis was conducted by two methods: USEPA Method 3060A, for the extraction of Cr(VI); and Hach Company Method 8023, for the detection of Cr(VI). Despite the differences in Cr total concentration, both matrices presented a similar speciation, with Cr(III) being the main species found and Cr(VI) less than 3% of Cr total, before and after the treatment. For fly ash, Cr(VI) was initially below the detection limit of the method and remained that way after the treatment. For soil, Cr(VI) decreased after the treatment. Oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) did not occur during the ED process since there was no increase in Cr(VI) in the matrices after the treatment. Hence, the results of this study indicate that ED is an appropriate technique to remediate matrices containing Cr because it contributes to Cr removal, without causing Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions.


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Polygonanthus amazonicus Ducke já foi incorporada em oito famílias diferentes, mas era conhecida de apenas uma árvore desde a primeira coletada em 1929. Uma excursão do projeto Flora Amazônica comprovou sua área de ocorrência, que é de pelo menos 17.500 km2 na região compreendida entre Maués e Borba no Estado do Amazonas. Seu habitat e provável meio de dispersão são descritos. o caso desta e de muitas outras espécies com escassa representação nos herbários demonstra a necessidade de se manter um intenso programa de coleta botânica para se manter uma base mais realista da distribuição de muitas espécies.


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This article takes an ecological approach to the genetic diversity of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) in a central Amazonian terra firme forest north of Manaus. Planted Rosewood setting, under partial shaded canopy, were assessed in terms of fruiting production, frugivory, and seed dispersal. Using RAPD molecular analysis procedures, the influence of the spatial distribution of adult trees on the genetic diversity (polymorphism) of saplings was assessed with genetic samples from 34 reproductive trees and 60 saplings. The density and distribution patterns the reproductive trees did not modify the sapling"s diversity (1.86%, AMOVA). Two types of adult tree dispersion were identified; i) clumped and ii) more widely dispersed. Polymorphism (77.5%) and gene flow were high between these. Although more sapling genetic variability in areas with a higher density of mature plants was not as high as expected, density did not affect the genetic diversity of samplings, indicating a high incidence of gene flow amongst trees. In planted Rosewood population (surrounded by low disturbed forest), fruiting trees experienced a high level of removal of seeds by toucans (Rhamphastidae), about of 50%. The high gene flow found among native trees suggested that toucans, promoting seed rain at short and long distances from maternal trees, actively contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity within wild rosewood populations.


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The recent focus on the cystic fibrosis (CF) complex microbiome has led to the recognition that the microbes can interact between them and with the host immune system, affecting the disease progression and treatment routes. Although the main focus remains on the interactions between traditional pathogens, growing evidence supports the contribution and the role of emergent species. Understanding the mechanisms and the biological effects involved in polymicrobial interactions may be the key to improve effective therapies and also to define new strategies for disease control. This review focuses on the interactions between microbe-microbe and host-microbe, from an ecological point of view, discussing their impact on CF disease progression. There are increasing indications that these interactions impact the success of antimicrobial therapy. Consequently, a new approach where therapy is personalized to patients by taking into account their individual CF microbiome is suggested.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ecology


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Las áreas montanas brindan numerosos bienes y servicios a la humanidad cómo la provisión de agua. Asimismo, albergan una biota muy diversa y existe en ellas una actividad económica de considerable importancia centrada en la ganadería. En algunos casos las actividades asociadas a la ganadería pueden modificar los ecosistemas montanos y los bienes y servicios que brindan de forma drástica. Esto se debe a los cambios en la vegetación, y la pérdida y compactación de los suelos, que tiene repercusiones en la cantidad de agua captada, evapotranspirada y almacenada. También tiene repercusiones sobre la biodiversidad, tanto positivas como negativas. Aquí nos propusimos investigar cómo los cambios en la cobertura vegetal producidos por cuatro siglos de uso ganadero en el piso superior de las Sierras de Córdoba (Centro Argentino) han afectado a atributos del ecosistema como la diversidad vegetal, la integridad de los suelos y la capacidad de proveer agua a la población humana. A su vez, nos propusimos estudiar en detalle cómo las distintas opciones actuales de manejo pueden afectar a la cobertura vegetal y por ende a los atributos del ecosistema. De este modo, esperamos: (1) poder desarrollar un modelo espacialmente explícito que permita predecir la evolución del ecosistema ante distintos escenarios de manejo. (2) Más a largo plazo determinar los costos y los beneficios de los distintos manejos, en términos de la conservación de la biodiversidad, los suelos y la provisión de agua. El área de estudio cuenta un Sistema de Información Geográfica muy completo que incluye numerosas capas de información (vegetación, topografía, casas y caminos y otras). Además, existe en el área un Parque Nacional, con potreros bajo distintos manejos ganaderos (exclusión, cargas ganaderas moderadas continuas y estacionales), y una zona con herbivoría nativa de guanacos, que fueron reintroducidos recientemente en el Parque. Fuera del Parque, hay establecimientos con ganadería tradicional, con cargas ganaderas altas; así como un área donde se ha realizado una restauración modelo mediante reforestación y revegetación de zonas erosionadas. Estos escenarios representan una oportunidad muy especial para realizar estudios comparativos de la evolución de la fisonomía, composición florística, diversidad vegetal, integridad del suelo (erosión, tasa de infiltración, contenido de agua a lo largo del año) y el caudal de los arroyos en la estación seca. En este proyecto proponemos seguir con mediciones de la evolución de la vegetación bajo los distintos escenarios y seguir averiguando métodos de restauración de la vegetación. Además, proponemos empezar a realizar mediciones relacionadas al valor de los distintos tipos de cobertura vegetal, resultado de cuatro siglos de historia de disturbio, sobre la diversidad y los recursos hídricos. Por otro lado, realizaremos mediciones ecofisiológicas en las especies dominantes, para comprender sus efectos sobre el ciclo del agua.


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Los caracteres de historia de vida son sensibles a la variación histórica o actual de los factores ambientales. Estudiar dicha variabilidad mediante la realización de estudios comparativos permite obtener evidencias sobre las causas de la evolución de ciertos caracteres. Los lagartos son excelentes modelos para el estudio de selección sexual y evolución del comportamiento social y reproductivo debido a que su relativa baja dispersión podría tener consecuencias evolutivas profundas en el desarrollo de distintas estrategias, ya que las poblaciones, al encontrarse más aisladas, podrían verse influenciadas por las fuerzas selectivas locales, mostrando una alta heterogeneidad espacial y temporal. Por eso nos propusimos realizar este trabajo para evaluar si existen diferentes estrategias reproductivas en los lagartos del género Tupinambis en distintos contextos ecológicos de la provincia de Córdoba. Para ello analizaremos distintas características de la historia de vida en poblaciones de estas especies tales como estructura de tamaño, sexo operativo, frecuencia reproductiva, tamaño de camada, condición corporal reproductiva, tamaño de madurez sexual, características espermáticas, elección de sitios de nidificación, etc. Además analizaremos la estructura genética de las poblaciones para inferir procesos demográficos históricos y patrones actuales de flujo génico y conectividad. The life history traits are sensitive to historical or current variation of environmental factors. Studying this variability by performing comparative studies allows obtaining evidence on the causes of the evolution of certain characters. Lizards are excellent models for studying sexual selection and evolution of social and reproductive behavior because their relatively low dispersal capabilities could have profound evolutionary consequences in the development of different strategies, since isolated populations may be stronger influenced by local selective forces, showing a high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. We decided to perform this study to assess whether there are different reproductive strategies in lizards of the genus Tupinambis in different ecological contexts of the Cordoba province. We will analyze different life history traits in populations of these species such as size structure, operational sex ratio, reproductive frequency, litter size, body condition, size at sexual maturity, sperm characteristics, choice of nesting sites, etc.. We also analyzed the genetic structure of populations to infer historical demographic processes and current patterns of gene flow and connectivity.


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The vast network of hedges in Ireland provide habitats of great importance to the wildlife of the country, yet surprisingly enough, only very limited survey work has been carried out on our hedgerows in the past. Now with the implementation of the new Rural Environmental Protection Scheme, farmers will be paid to manage their hedgerows in such a way as to make them into increasingly attractive wildlife habitats. However, hedgerow management expertise seems to be somewhat lacking in Ireland and we must draw upon the knowledge of our neighbours in the E.U. where quite an amount of research has been carried out on this subject. The aim of this study is to present the relevant aspects of the research for the benefit of the people who will be involved in the administration of the Rural Environmental Protection Scheme and to anyone else involved in hedgerow management.


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This thesis details the findings of a study into the spatial distribution and speciation of 238U, 226Ra and 228Ra in the soils of the Cronamuck valley, County Donegal . The region lies on the north-eastern edge of the Barnesmore granite and has been the subject of uranium prospecting efforts in the past. The results of the project provide information on the practicability of geostatistical techniques as a means of estimating the spatial distribution of natural radionuclides and provide insight into the behaviour of these nuclides and their modes of occurrence and enrichment in an upland bog environment. The results of the geostatistical survey conducted on the area indicate that the primary control over the levels of the studied nuclides in the soil of the valley is the underlying geology. Isopleth maps of nuclide levels in the valley indicate a predominance of elevated nuclide levels in the samples drawn from the granite region, statistical analysis of the data indicating that levels of the nuclides in samples drawn from the granite are greater than levels drawn from the non-granite region by up to a factor of 4.6 for 238U and 4.9 for 226Ra. Redistribution of the nuclides occurs via drainage systems within the valley, this process being responsible for transport of nuclides away from the granite region resulting in enrichment of nuclides in soils not underlain by the granite. Distribution of the nuclides within the valley is erratic, the effect of drainage f lows on the nuclides resulting in localized enriched areas within the valley. Speciation of the nuclides within one of the enriched areas encountered in the study indicates that enrichment is as a result of saturation of the soil with drainage water containing trace amounts of radionuclides. 238U is primarily held within the labile fractions (exchangeable cat ions + easily oxidisable organics + amorphous iron oxides ) of the soil , 226Ra being associated with the non- labile fractions, most probably the resistant organic material. 228Ra displays a significant occurrence in both the labile and non- labile fractions. The ability of the soil to retain uranium appears to be affected largely by the redox status of the soil, samples drawn from oxidizing environments tending to have little or no uranium in the easily oxidisable and amorphous iron oxide fractions. This loss of uranium from oxidised soil samples is responsible for the elevated 226Ra /238U disequilibrium encountered in the enriched areas of the valley. Analysis of the data indicates that samples displaying elevated 226Ra/238U ratios also exhibit elevated 228Ra/238U ratios indicating a loss of uranium from the samples as opposed to an enrichment of 226Ra.