952 resultados para Echo cancellation


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The development of an adaptive filter system, capable of reducing significantly the effect of siren noise within the cab of an emergency vehicle, is described. The system is capable of removing the siren noise picked up by the radio microphone inside the vehicle, without degrading the wanted voice signal, thus allowing the siren to be used at all times.


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Emergency vehicles use high-amplitude sirens to warn pedestrians and other road users of their presence. Unfortunately, the siren noise enters the vehicle and corrupts the intelligibility of two-way radio voice com-munications from the emergency vehicle to a control room. Often the siren has to be turned off to enable the control room to hear what is being said which subsequently endangers people's lives. A digital signal processing (DSP) based system for the cancellation of siren noise embedded within speech is presented. The system has been tested with the least mean square (LMS), normalised least mean square (NLMS) and affine projection algorithm (APA) using recordings from three common types of sirens (two-tone, wail and yelp) from actual test vehicles. It was found that the APA with a projection order of 2 gives comparably improved cancellation over the LMS and NLMS with only a moderate increase in algorithm complexity and code size. Therefore, this siren noise cancellation system using the APA offers an improvement in cancellation achieved by previous systems. The removal of the siren noise improves the response time for the emergency vehicle and thus the system can contribute to saving lives. The system also allows voice communication to take place even when the siren is on and as such the vehicle offers less risk of danger when moving at high speeds in heavy traffic.


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This paper investigates the robustness of a hybrid analog/digital feedback active noise cancellation (ANC) headset system. The digital ANC systems with the filtered-x least-mean-square (FXLMS) algorithm require accurate estimation of the secondary path for the stability and convergence of the algorithm. This demands a great challenge for the ANC headset design because the secondary path may fluctuate dramatically such as when the user adjusts the position of the ear-cup. In this paper, we analytically show that adding an analog feedback loop into the digital ANC systems can effectively reduce the plant fluctuation, thus achieving a more robust system. The method for designing the analog controller is highlighted. A practical hybrid analog/digital feedback ANC headset has been built and used to conduct experiments, and the experimental results show that the hybrid headset system is more robust under large plant fluctuation, and has achieved satisfactory noise cancellation for both narrowband and broadband noises.


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Instability is a serious problem for acoustic Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) headsets as a result of large errors in estimating the transfer function of the plant. Typically this occurs when, for example, a wearer adjusts the headset. In this paper, the instability problem of adaptive ANC headset is addressed. To ensure stability of the whole system, we propose a hybrid solution consisting of an analog feedback loop parallel to the digital loop, and the role of the analog loop in stabilizing the headset is analyzed theoretically. Finally the methodology of implementing such a hybrid ANC headset is described in detail. The experiments carried out on the headset prototype show that the headset is robust under considerable fluctuations of the plant transfer characteristics, and has very good noise cancellation performance both for narrow-band and wide-band disturbances.


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This paper proposes a novel interference cancellation algorithm for the two-path successive relay system using network coding. The two-path successive relay scheme was proposed recently to achieve full date rate transmission with half-duplex relays. Due to the simultaneous data transmission at the relay and source nodes, the two-path relay suffers from the so-called inter-relay interference (IRI) which may significantly degrade the system performance. In this paper, we propose to use the network coding to remove the IRI such that the interference is first encoded with the network coding at the relay nodes and later removed at the destination. The network coding has low complexity and can well suppress the IRI. Numerical simulations show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than existing approaches.


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Sirens’ used by police, fire and paramedic vehicles generate noise that propagates inside the vehicle cab that subsequently corrupts intelligibility of voice communications from the emergency vehicle to the control room. It is even common for the siren to be turned off to enable the control room to hear what is being said. Both fixed filter and adaptive filter systems have previously been developed to help cancel the transmission of the siren noise over the radio. Previous cancellation systems have only concentrated on the traditional 2-tone, wail and yelp sirens. This paper discusses an improvement to a previous adaptive filter system and presents the cancellation results to three new types of sirens; being chirp pulsar and localiser. A siren noise filter system has the capability to improve the response time for an emergency vehicle and thus help save lives. To date, this system has been tested using live recordings taken from a nonemergency situation with good results.


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This paper describes a novel adaptive noise cancellation system with fast tunable radial basis function (RBF). The weight coefficients of the RBF network are adapted by the multi-innovation recursive least square (MRLS) algorithm. If the RBF network performs poorly despite of the weight adaptation, an insignificant node with little contribution to the overall performance is replaced with a new node without changing the model size. Otherwise, the RBF network structure remains unchanged and only the weight vector is adapted. The simulation results show that the proposed approach can well cancel the noise in both stationary and nonstationary ANC systems.


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This article considers the BBC External Service's East German wing, which broadcast from 1949 on, focusing on the continuities in broadcast techniques between wartime anti-Nazi programming and slots such as 'Two Comrades' and 'The Bewildered Newspaper Reader', both of which replicated pre-1945 formats. The role of the Foreign Office, both as cold warrior in the 1940s and force for detente in the 1970s is included. The article also investigates the response from German listeners to the BBC's external service broadcasting in the 1950s and 1960s. The BBC paid special attention to its German listeners, and has preserved a large number of original letters at the Written Archive at Caversham, as well as conducting regular listener surveys. These considered whether Britain's democratic agenda was getting across in the late 1940s and 50s, but the author also considers to what extent German listeners were pressing for a harder stance in the Cold War or were urging caution on the great powers deciding their fate.


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ECHO is a new global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (GCM), consisting of the Hamburg version of the European Centre atmospheric GCM (ECHAM) and the Hamburg Primitive Equation ocean GCM (HOPE). We performed a 20-year integration with ECHO. Climate drift is significant, but typical annual mean errors in sea surface temperature (SST) do not exceed 2° in the open oceans. Near the boundaries, however, SST errors are considerably larger. The coupled model simulates an irregular ENSO cycle in the tropical Pacific, with spatial patterns similar to those observed. The variability, however, is somewhat weaker relative to observations. ECHO also simulates significant interannual variability in mid-latitudes. Consistent with observations, variability over the North Pacific can be partly attributed to remote forcing from the tropics. In contrast, the interannual variability over the North Atlantic appears to be generated locally.


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