911 resultados para EVALUATION PROCESS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O recente crecemento significativo do ensino de español no Brasil e a consecuente necesidade de formar profesores desta lingua ven demandando das institucións de Ensino Superior un coidado especial no proceso de formación de futuros docentes. Así, o obxecto de estudo desta tese céntrase na docencia, en súas múltiples dimensións pedagóxicas. O obxectivo xeral é o de analizar, segundo a perspectiva dos autores referenciados, as implicacións do traballo docente no desenvolvemento do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe nas disciplinas que tratan especificamente da Lingua e Cultura Hispanófona nos Graos en Letras-Español en dúas universidades Ŕ a Universidade Federal do Pará e a Universidade da Amazônia, situadas na cidade de Belém, no estado do Pará (Brasil). Derivadas deste obxectivo formuláronse preguntas, dirixidas a profesores e alumnos, que orientaron o desenvolvemento do estudo. A opción metodolóxica adoptada ten como fundamento os principios da abordaxe cuanticualitativa, considerando os presupostos do paradigma fenomenolóxico, con procedementos descriptivoanalíticos, na perspectiva da triangulación de métodos e suxeitos como unha forma de integrar os diferentes aspectos do estudo. Participaron como suxeitos da investigación profesores e alumnos das dúas institucións. Os dados foron recollidos vía análise documental, cuestionarios con preguntas abertas e pechadas e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As respostas ás preguntas pechadas dos cuestionarios foron traballadas con procedementos estatísticos descritivos e as respostas ás preguntas abertas e as entrevistas foron analizadas con procedementos específicos da análise de contido. Os resultados revelaron que as prácticas docentes presentan algúns puntos críticos, centrados principalmente na planificación, no proceso avaliador, na infraestrutura e no clima relacional. Sen embargo, estas dificultades non se constitúen en obstáculos insuperables, incluso porque outros aspectos foron valorados positivamente por profesores e alumnos, principalmente os relacionados co traballo co contido, os procedementos metodolóxicos e o uso dos recursos didácticos. De maneira xeral, existe unha manifesta opinión positiva en relación á práctica docente dos profesores das dúas institucións. Da análise destes resultados derívanse algunhas recomendacións que poderán contribuír para unha reflexión conxunta da comunidade implicada con vistas ó perfeccionamento da práctica docente nos Grados de Licenciatura en Letras-Español en Brasil.
O trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos de uma instituição acadêmica, num bairro periférico do município de Araraquara. A partir das observações realizadas pelos educadores, o fato de que o processo de ensino-aprendizagem desencadeia, além do progressivo domínio do código escrito e do processo lógico, alterações na vida cotidiana dos alunos e na construção de sua auto-estima, considerou-se a necessidade de rever os critérios adotados na avaliação da educação de jovens e adultos, tendo em vista que os dados centrados no processo de escolarização, strictu sensu, parecem desconsiderar outros processos importantes. Percebeu-se ainda que os próprios graduandos, na posição de educadores, experimentam o questionamento acerca de sua própria formação, concepções e aspirações, pois o contato com uma determinada realidade, que exige esforços de análise e ação, também produz efeitos em sua vida acadêmica e pessoal. Neste sentido, formulou-se a proposta de desenvolver os conteúdos escolares do ensino fundamental, a partir da escritura autobiográfica dos educandos/educadores participantes. Neste trabalho buscou-se detectar e integrar elementos, presentes no processo ensino-aprendizagem, de reconhecimento de si, da realidade histórica vivida e da invenção de si, numa perspectiva de mudança desta realidade. Para a fundamentação da pesquisa partimos do estudo sobre o conceito de ressentimento social, tal como formulado em Maria Rita Kehl (2004), para caracterizar o aspecto da baixa auto-estima e desmobilização política existente entre os educandos participantes, cujas condições, econômica e social, impõem determinantes na qualidade e dignidade de vida dos mesmos. A concepção de educação que norteia toda a investigação encontra-se em Paulo Freire, que sinteticamente denominamos educação para a emancipação e para a liberdade. Também para a fundamentação da abordagem pedagógica utilizamos os conceitos de memória e sociedade enunciados por Ecléa Bosi (1994). O mote será o trabalho com o código escrito literário, estímulo para o avivamento da memória que recupera a leitura pessoal e social e permite a re-construção das relações com os saberes escolares e do imaginário social. A escrita auto-biográfica, denotada pela atividade literária e epilinguística, torna-se a base para a exploração dos conteúdos das várias áreas do conhecimento, seja histórica, geográfica, lógica matemática, ciências físicas e biológicas.
This work, entitled Websislapam: People Rating System Based on Web Technologies, allows the creation of questionnaires, and the organization of entities and people who participate in evaluations. Entities collect data from people with the help of resources that reduce typing mistakes. The Websislapam maintains a database and provides graphical reporting, which enable the analysis of those tested. Developed using Web technologies such as PHP, Javascript, CSS, and others. Developed with the paradigm of object-oriented programming and the MySQL DBMS. For the theoretical basis, research in the areas of System Database, Web Technologies and Web Engineering were performed. It was determined the evaluation process, systems and Web-based applications, Web and System Engineering Database. Technologies applied in the implementation of Websislapam been described. In a separate chapter presented the main features and artifacts used in the development of Websislapam. A case study demonstrates the practical use of the system
The study takes as its object the evaluation process of a graduation discipline at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo (USP), developed through the methodology of Problem Based Learning (PBL). We consider three distinct and complementary aspects: procedural review (partial and final) student peer assessment and self-assessment. The sample consisted of 17 students from the undergraduate courses. Data collection occurred in two stages through questionnaires with open and closed questions. The qualitativeinterpretative analysis allowed two comparisons: cross (intra-step) and longitudinal (inter-steps). The results point to a trend of students evaluating objective aspects of the work as well as to overcome some difficulties in the development of the project.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Identidade das Ciências Humanas e métricas de avaliação: qualis periódicos e classificação de livros
This article aims to discuss the evaluation metrics adopted by Capes in the evaluation process of national graduate programs in the field of the Human Sciences, especially with respect to the classifications of scientific journals and books.
Considering the importance of food and nutritional surveillance as part of a community's basic health care, our objective was to expose and discuss the educational experience of eleven municipalities of the state of São Paulo geared to build an attitude of nutritional security. The accounts were made in the form of workshops with the contribution of basic health care workers of each municipality, based on daily field worksheets and followed by an evaluation process, which used a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were classified into four categories. The methodology, based on the actual participation in the workshops was considered adequate, although some exposure and removal of personal inhibitions were necessary. These barriers were left behind with the aid of group dynamic exercises. Among the themes treated, anthropometry was highlighted because of insufficient technical know-how and standardization. An attitude towards nutritional surveillance was recognized by the health-care professionals as an important basis for the nutritional practice in order to attain food and nutritional security.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
From the concept of Environmental Education proposed by I.U.C.N. in the 1970’s and considering some of the main teaching methodologies adopted in activities regarding Environmental Education, this paper aims to analyze the methodology named Pedagogy of the Project and presenting some alterations of this method, especially in relation to considered study unity: the watershed. Some teaching techniques are also presented, as well as didactic resources and considerations regarding the questions that can be developed for the students within the teaching or evaluation process. This purpose is complementary to others already existents and can be applied in many environmental or socioeconomics situations.
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software for mechanical engineers. In addition, evaluate the software: Inventor 2015, Creo 3.0 and Solid Edge ST8, developed by consolidate companies in the market. In order to accomplish those goals, software application and its advantages will be demonstrated for the industry and for the academia. The evaluation process consists in modeling two mechanical assemblies, in order to compare functional aspects among the software. At the end, it is concluded that the learning of CADD software is of great importance also is the basis for using Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) tools. Furthermore, it is suggested that Inventor and Solid Edge are more likely to be used in the academia
Handball is a team sport invasion, much practiced in Brazilian schools. There are different teaching methods of team sport, and with them different evaluation methods, this study aims to analyze the shared evaluation process of building course with students of a handball design of a municipal school in Bauru in sports initiation and at the end submit an evaluation process. For this study students of a municipal school participants handball classes in the opposite time of curricular classes underwent an interview, besides having been recorded them playing a handball game with number of small participants at the beginning of the post holiday classes July and another three months later as a form of evaluation. After reviewing the videos and interviews, it was concluded that some students had a game performance improves when they were part of the attack, and also had a behavioral improvement, both from actions taken in the game, as respect to the next, thus interpreted by the students themselves. Although it is a difficult task to analyze and quantify the performance of students in Physical Ed classes can complete some improvements, moreover is valid Professor hear the views of students to understand the vision that students have of themselves during the game
Registration is a necessarily sophisticated evaluation process applied to vertebrate pesticide products. Although conducted to minimize any potential impacts upon public health, the environment and food production, the all-encompassing process of registration can stifle innovation. Vertebrate pesticides are rarely used to control pest animals in food crops. In contrast to agrochemicals, relatively small amounts of vertebrate pesticides are used (50.1%), usually in solid or paste baits, and generally by discrete application methods rather than by broad-scale spray applications. We present a hierarchy or sliding scale of typical data requirements relative to application techniques, to help clarify an evolving science-based approach which focuses on requiring data to address key scientific questions while allowing waivers where additional data have minor value. Such an approach will facilitate the development and delivery of increasingly humane, species-targeted, low residue pesticides in the New World, along with the phasing out of less desirable chemicals that continue to be used due to a lack of alternatives.