"ASTIA document no. AD 217 079."
"November 1975."
Bibliography: p. 6.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Soil Conservation Service and Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station."
Mode of access: Internet.
Accurate estimates of body mass in fossil taxa are fundamental to paleobiological reconstruction. Predictive equations derived from correlation with craniodental and body mass data in extant taxa are the most commonly used, but they can be unreliable for species whose morphology departs widely from that of living relatives. Estimates based on proximal limb-bone circumference data are more accurate but are inapplicable where postcranial remains are unknown. In this study we assess the efficacy of predicting body mass in Australian fossil marsupials by using an alternative correlate, endocranial volume. Body mass estimates for a species with highly unusual craniodental anatomy, the Pleistocene marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex), fall within the range determined on the basis of proximal limb-bone circumference data, whereas estimates based on dental data are highly dubious. For all marsupial taxa considered, allometric relationships have small confidence intervals, and percent prediction errors are comparable to those of the best predictors using craniodental data. Although application is limited in some respects, this method may provide a useful means of estimating body mass for species with atypical craniodental or postcranial morphologies and taxa unrepresented by postcranial remains. A trend toward increased encephalization may constrain the method's predictive power with respect to many, but not all, placental clades.
Purpose: This study was conducted to devise a new individual calibration method to enhance MTI accelerometer estimation of free-living level walking speed. Method: Five female and five male middle-aged adults walked 400 m at 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 km(.)h(-1), and 800 in at 6.5 km(.)h(-1) on an outdoor track, following a continuous protocol. Lap speed was controlled by a global positioning system (GPS) monitor. MTI counts-to-speed calibration equations were derived for each trial, for each subject for four such trials with each of four MTI, for each subject for the average MTI. and for the pooled data. Standard errors of the estimate (SEE) with and without individual calibration were compared. To assess accuracy of prediction of free-living walking speed, subjects also completed a self-paced, brisk 3-km walk wearing one of the four MTI, and differences between actual and predicted walking speed with and without individual calibration were examined. Results: Correlations between MTI counts and walking speed were 0.90 without individual calibration, 0.98 with individual calibration for the average MTI. and 0.99 with individual calibration for a specific MTI. The SEE (mean +/- SD) was 0.58 +/- 0.30 km(.)h(-1) without individual calibration, 0.19 +/- 0.09 km h(-1) with individual calibration for the average MTI monitor, and 0.16 +/- 0.08 km(.)h(-1) with individual calibration for a specific MTI monitor. The difference between actual and predicted walking speed on the brisk 3-km walk was 0.06 +/- 0.25 km(.)h(-1) using individual calibration and 0.28 +/- 0.63 km(.)h(-1) without individual calibration (for specific accelerometers). Conclusion: MTI accuracy in predicting walking speed without individual calibration might be sufficient for population-based studies but not for intervention trials. This individual calibration method will substantially increase precision of walking speed predicted from MTI counts.
A Cauchy problem for general elliptic second-order linear partial differential equations in which the Dirichlet data in H½(?1 ? ?3) is assumed available on a larger part of the boundary ? of the bounded domain O than the boundary portion ?1 on which the Neumann data is prescribed, is investigated using a conjugate gradient method. We obtain an approximation to the solution of the Cauchy problem by minimizing a certain discrete functional and interpolating using the finite diference or boundary element method. The minimization involves solving equations obtained by discretising mixed boundary value problems for the same operator and its adjoint. It is proved that the solution of the discretised optimization problem converges to the continuous one, as the mesh size tends to zero. Numerical results are presented and discussed.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
In this paper a new method which is a generalization of the Ehrlich-Kjurkchiev method is developed. The method allows to find simultaneously all roots of the algebraic equation in the case when the roots are supposed to be multiple with known multiplicities. The offered generalization does not demand calculation of derivatives of order higher than first simultaneously keeping quaternary rate of convergence which makes this method suitable for application from practical point of view.
The present paper investigates the existence of integral manifolds for impulsive differential equations with variable perturbations. By means of piecewise continuous functions which are generalizations of the classical Lyapunov’s functions, sufficient conditions for the existence of integral manifolds of such equations are found.
The article presents a new method to estimating usability of a user interface based on its model. The principal features of the method are: creation of an expandable knowledge base of usability defects, detection defects based on the interface model, within the design phase, and information to the developer not only about existence of defects but also advice on their elimination.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 31B10