994 resultados para ELECTRON-EMISSION


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We present photoluminescence and decay of photo excited conductivity data for sol-gel SnO(2) thin films doped with rare earth ions Eu(3+) and Er(3+), a material with nanoscopic crystallites. Photoluminescence spectra are obtained under excitation with several monochromatic light sources, such as Kr(+) and Ar(+) lasers, Xe lamp plus a selective monochromator with UV grating, and the fourth harmonic of a Nd: YAG laser (4.65eV), which assures band-to-band transition and energy transfer to the ion located at matrix sites, substitutional to Sn(4+). The luminescence structure is rather different depending on the location of the rare-earth doping, at lattice symmetric sites or segregated at grain boundary layer, where it is placed in asymmetric sites. The decay of photo-excited conductivity also shows different trapping rate depending on the rare-earth concentration. For Er-doped films, above the saturation limit, the evaluated capture energy is higher than for films with concentration below the limit, in good agreement with the different behaviour obtained from luminescence data. For Eu-doped films, the difference between capture energy and grain boundary barrier is not so evident, even though the luminescence spectra are rather distinct.


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In this paper, a new cruciform donor–acceptor molecule 2,2'-((5,5'-(3,7-dicyano-2,6-bis(dihexylamino)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']difuran-4,8-diyl)bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis (methanylylidene))dimalononitrile (BDFTM) is reported. The compound exhibits both remarkable solid-state red emission and p-type semiconducting behavior. The dual functions of BDFTM are ascribed to its unique crystal structure, in which there are no intermolecular face-to-face π–π interactions, but the molecules are associated by intermolecular CN…π and H-bonding interactions. Firstly, BDFTM exhibits aggregation-induced emission; that is, in solution, it is almost non-emissive but becomes significantly fluorescent after aggregation. The emission quantum yield and average lifetime are measured to be 0.16 and 2.02 ns, respectively. Crystalline microrods and microplates of BDFTM show typical optical waveguiding behaviors with a rather low optical loss coefficient. Moreover, microplates of BDFTM can function as planar optical microcavities which can confine the emitted photons by the reflection at the crystal edges. Thin films show an air-stable p-type semiconducting property with a hole mobility up to 0.0015 cm2V−1s−1. Notably, an OFET with a thin film of BDFTM is successfully utilized for highly sensitive and selective detection of H2S gas (down to ppb levels).


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When respiring rat liver mitochondria are incubated in the presence of Fe(III) gluconate, their DNA (mtDNA) relaxes from the supercoiled to the open circular form dependent on the iron dose. Anaerobiosis or antioxidants fail to completely inhibit the unwinding. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy imaging, in concert with backscattered electron detection, pinpoints nanometer-range iron colloids bound to mtDNA isolated from iron-exposed mitochondria. High-resolution field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron detection imaging permits simultaneous detailed visual analysis of DNA topology, iron dose-dependent mtDNA unwinding, and assessment of iron colloid formation on mtDNA strands.


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Much of what we currently understand about the structure and energetics of multiply charged anions in the gas phase is derived from the measurement of photoelectron spectra of simple dicarboxylate dianions. Here we have employed a modified linear ion-trap mass spectrometer to undertake complementary investigations of the ionic products resulting from laser-initiated electron photodetachment of two model dianions. Electron photodetachment (ePD) of the \[M-2H](2-) dianions formed from glutaric and adipic acid were found to result in a significant loss of ion signal overall, which is consistent with photoelectron studies that report the emission of slow secondary electrons (Xing et al., 2010 \[201). The ePD mass spectra reveal no signals corresponding to the intact \[M-2H](center dot-) radical anions, but rather \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) ions are identified as the only abundant ionic products indicating that spontaneous decarboxylation follows ejection of the first electron. Interestingly however, investigations of the structure and energetics of the \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) photoproducts by ion-molecule reaction and electronic structure calculation indicate that (i) these ions are stable with respect to secondary electron detachment and (ii) most of the ion population retains a distonic radical anion structure where the radical remains localised at the position of the departed carboxylate moiety. These observations lead to the conclusion that the mechanism for loss of ion signal involves unimolecular rearrangement reactions of the nascent \[M-2H](center dot-) carbonyloxyl radical anions that compete favourably with direct decarboxylation. Several possible rearrangement pathways that facilitate electron detachment from the radical anion are identified and are computed to be energetically accessible. Such pathways provide an explanation for prior observations of slow secondary electron features in the photoelectron spectra of the same dicaboxylate dianions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article presents the results on the diagnostics and numerical modeling of low-frequency (∼460 KHz) inductively coupled plasmas generated in a cylindrical metal chamber by an external flat spiral coil. Experimental data on the electron number densities and temperatures, electron energy distribution functions, and optical emission intensities of the abundant plasma species in low/intermediate pressure argon discharges are included. The spatial profiles of the plasma density, electron temperature, and excited argon species are computed, for different rf powers and working gas pressures, using the two-dimensional fluid approach. The model allows one to achieve a reasonable agreement between the computed and experimental data. The effect of the neutral gas temperature on the plasma parameters is also investigated. It is shown that neutral gas heating (at rf powers≥0.55kW) is one of the key factors that control the electron number density and temperature. The dependence of the average rf power loss, per electron-ion pair created, on the working gas pressure shows that the electron heat flux to the walls appears to be a critical factor in the total power loss in the discharge.


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Nanoparticle manipulation by various plasma forces in near-substrate areas of the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility (IPANF) is investigated. In the IPANF, high-density plasmas of low-temperature rf glow discharges are sustained. The model near-substrate area includes a variable-length pre-sheath, where a negatively charged nanoparticle is accelerated, and a self-consistent collisionless sheath with a repulsive electrostatic potential. Conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive barrier and deposit onto the substrate are investigated numerically and experimentally. Under certain conditions the momentum gained by the nanoparticle in the pre-sheath area appears to be sufficient for the driving ion drag force to outbalance the repulsive electrostatic and thermophoretic forces. Numerical results are applied for the explanation of size-selective nanoparticle deposition in the Ar+H2+CH4 plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructure patterns for electron field emitters and are cross-referenced by the field emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the temperature gradient-controlled thermophoretic force. Experimentally, the temperature gradients in the near-substrate areas are measured in situ by means of the temperature gradient probe and related to the nanofilm fabrication conditions. The results are relevant to plasma-assisted synthesis of numerous nanofilms employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, including but not limited to nanofabrication of ordered single-crystalline carbon nanotip arrays for electron field emission applications.


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We report the Heck coupling of 2-vinyl-4,5-dicyanoimidazole (vinazene) with selected di- and trihalo aromatics in an effort to prepare linear and branched electron-accepting conjugated materials for application in organic electronics. By selecting the suitable halo-aromatic moiety, it is possible to tune the HOMO - LUMO energy levels, absorption, and emission properties for a specific application. In this regard, materials with strong photoluminescence from blue → green → red are reported that may have potential application in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Furthermore, derivatives with strong absorption in the visible spectrum, coupled with favorable HOMO-LUMO levels, have been used to prepare promising organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) when combined with commercially available semiconducting donor polymers.


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4-Hexylbithienopyridine has been prepared as a novel electron-accepting monomer for conjugated polymers. To test its electronic properties, alternating copolymers with fluorene and indenofluorene polymers have been prepared. The copolymers displayed reduction potentials about 0.5 V lower than for the corresponding fluorene and indenofluorene homopolymers, indicating much improved electron-accepting properties. Analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin films of the copolymers by AFM shows that they lack the extensive supramolecular order seen with the homopolymers, which is attributed to the bithienopyridine units disrupting the π-stacking. LEDs using these polymers as the emitting layer produce blue-green emission with low turn-on voltages with aluminum electrodes confirming their improved electron affinity. The indenofluorene copolymer displayed an irreversible red shift in emission at high voltages, which is attributed to oxidation of the indenofluorene units. This red shift occurred at higher potentials than for indenofluorene homopolymers in LEDs, suggesting that the heterocyclic moieties offer some protection against electrically promoted oxidation.


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Fluctuation of field emission current from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) poses certain difficulties for their use in nanobiomedical X-ray devices and imaging probes. This problem arises due to deformation of the CNTs due to electrodynamic force field and electron-phonon interaction. It is of great importance to have precise control of emitted electron beams very near the CNT tips. In this paper, a new array configuration with stacked array of CNTs is analysed and it is shown that the current density distribution is greatly localised at the middle of the array, that the scatter due to electrodynamic force field is minimised and that the temperature transients are much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution.


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Employing photo-emission and Auger electron spectroscopy, it is shown that La, ,Sr&uO,contains 0:- -typespeciesandCu'+ ions, proportionsof these speciesincrease with decreasing temperature. These species may play an important role in the high-temperature superconductivity of this oxide.


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The blue emission of polyfluorene (PF)-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is known to degrade due to a low-energy green emission, which hitherto has been attributed to oxidative defects. By studying the electroluminescence (EL) from ethyl-hexyl substituted PF LEDs in the presence of oxygen and in an inert atmosphere, and by using trace quantities of paramagnetic impurities (PM) in the polymer, we show that the triplet states play a major role in the low-energy emission mechanism. Our time-dependent many-body studies show a large cross-section for the triplet formation in the EL process in the presence of PM, primarily due to electron-hole recombination processes.