999 resultados para ELECTRODE POSITION


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The electrochemical reduction of Cu(II)-CyDTA (CyDTA — trans 1,2-cyclohexanediamine N, N, N′, N′ tetraacetic acid) by impedance method reveals the unusual behaviour of complex plane polarograms owing to potential dependence of double layer capacitance. The impedance plane plots by frequency variation method indicates the quasi-reversible nature of the system. From these plots the chargetransfer resistance at various potentials was evaluated. The standard rate constant was evaluated which complements the prediction of impedance plots for the quasireversible behaviour of the system.


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The study of electrochemical reduction of Cu(II)-EDTA system by phase sensitive a.c. impedance method at dropping mercury electrode reveals several interesting features. The complex plane polarograms exhibit loop like shape in contrast to the classical zinc ion reduction where crest like shape is found. Again, the relative placement of peaks of in-phase and quadrature components, and the relative placement of portions before and after the peaks of complex plane polarograms are different from that of zinc ion reduction. The complex plane plots suggest that electrochemical reduction of Cu-EDTA is charge transfer controlled.


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This paper presents a laboratory study of the discharge radio noise generated by ceramic insulator strings under normal conditions. In the course of study, a comparison on the performance of two types of insulator strings under two different conditions was studied namely (a) normal disc insulators in a string and (b) disc insulators integrated with a newly developed field reduction electrode fixed to the disc insulator at the pin junction. The results obtained during the study are discussed and presented.


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Numerical control (NC) for contouring operations requires precise control of position and feed rate for approximating the contour by linear moves of the cutter. A control scheme, for generating linear moves with desired slopes for the cutter, is described. This scheme provides for nine successive linear moves, and may be either expanded or implemented in succession, for approximating a contour.


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Previous research has been inconclusive regarding the impact of those who invest in entrepreneurs. Consider for a moment how potentially important they are to entrepreneurs. They for example decide who deserves funding, how much time they contribute to their portfolio firms, how they grant entrepreneurs access to their networks, and help entrepreneurs acquire additional funding. In sum, investors potentially have a great impact on the success of entrepreneurs. It is therefore important that we better understand the environment, relationships and context in which parties operate. This thesis contains five articles that explore investors’ and entrepreneurs’ relationships from various viewpoints, in theoretical frameworks, and use a variety of data and research methods. The first article is a literature review that summarises what we know of venture capital, business angel and corporate venture capital funding. The second article studies the entrepreneurs’ investor selection process, its consequences, and identifies key factors that influence the process. Earlier, the common approach has been to concentrate research on the investors’ selection policy, not the entrepreneurs’. The data and conclusions are based on multiple case studies. The article analyses how entrepreneurs can ensure that they get the best possible investor, when it is possible for an entrepreneur to select an investor, and what are the consequences of investor selection. The third article employs power constructs (dependency, power balance/imbalance, power sources) and analyses their applicability in the investor-entrepreneur relationship. Power constructs are extensively studied and utilised in the management and organisation literature. In entrepreneur investor relationships, power aspects are rarely analysed. However, having the ability to “get others to do things they would not otherwise do” is a very common factor in the investor-entrepreneur relationship. Therefore, employing and analysing the applicability of power constructs in this setting is well founded. The article is based on a single case study but suggests that power constructs could be applicable and consequently provide additional insights into the investor-entrepreneur relationship. The fourth article studies the role of advisors in the venture capital investment process and analyses implications for research and practice, particularly from the entrepreneurs’ perspective. The common entrepreneurial finance literature describes the entrepreneur-investor relationship as linear and bilateral. However, it was discovered that advisors may influence the relationship. In this article, the role of advisors, operating procedures and advisors’ impact on different parties is analysed. The fifth article concentrates on investors’ certification effect. The article measures and demonstrates that venture capital investment is likely to increase the credibility (in terms of media attention) of early stage firms, those that most often need additional credibility. Understanding investor certification can affect how entrepreneurs evaluate investment offers and how investors can make their offers appear more lucrative.


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In the present study, titanium nitride which shows exceptional stability, extreme corrosion resistance, good electronic conductivity and adhesion behaviour is used to support platinum particles and then used for methanol oxidation in an alkaline medium. The catalyst shows very good CO tolerance for the electrochemical oxidation of methanol. In situ infrared spectroelectrochemical data show the remarkable ability of TiN to decompose water at low over potentials leading to -OH type functional groups on its surface which in turn help in alleviating the carbon monoxide poisoning associated with methanol oxidation. TiN supported catalysts are found to be very good in terms of long term stability, exchange current density and stable currents at low over voltages. Supporting evidence from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic data and cyclic voltammetry clearly demonstrates the usefulness of TiN supported Pt catalysts for efficient methanol oxidation in alkaline media.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Bolivialaisten naisvankien (alkuperäisväestön) ja globaalin huumesodan ("War on Drugs") välistä yhteyttä. Keskustelu sijoitetaan laajemmin kokan viljelyn politiikkaan ja alkuperäisväestön kulttuuriin. Kokaa viljeleviä köyhiä maalaisia, joista huomattava osa on naisia, on vangittu Boliviassa kiihtyvää tahtia viime vuosikymmeninä. Moni naisista on kokan tuotannossa ja kaupassa mukana, sillä se on monesti ainoa keino taloudelliseen selviämiseen. Yleisesti ottaen naisvangit ja naisrikolliset ovat marginaalinen ilmiö. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna naisvankien suhteellinen osuus koko vankilaväestöstä on noin 5,2 % (keskiarvo). Boliviassa osuus on vaihdellut 6,1 %:n ja 17,1 %:n välillä vuosina 2000-2008. Naisvankien määrä yleisesti ottaen on ollut rajussa kasvussa, suurin syy naisten vangitsemiseen on huumausaineisiin liittyvät rikokset. Näyttää myös siltä että vähemmistöt ja etnisen taustan omaavat henkilöt ovat yliedustettuina vankilaväestössä. Bolivia seuraa tätä kansainvälistä trendiä. Tämä tutkielma on rajattu kysymyksiin Bolivian intiaaniperäisten naisten osuudesta maan huumerikollisuudessa, sekä heidän suhteellisen korkeaa vangitsemisastetta selittäviin yhteiskunnallisiin tekijöihin. Kysymykset sukupuolesta, etnisyydestä ja kokan viljelyn politiikasta ovat keskiössä. Yleisiä kriminologisia teorioita peilataan kriittisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja Bolivian kontekstiin. Huumesodan ja Bolivian ankaran huumelainsäädännön seurauksista keskustellaan kriittisesti, sekä pohditaan köyhän alkuperäisväestön massavangitsemisen tarpeellisuutta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: mitkä tekijät selittävät kohtuullisen korkean intiaaniperäisten naisvankien määrän Boliviassa, ja mikä on heidän asemansa globaalissa huumesodassa? Tutkielmassa on analysoitu kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista aineistoa. Päälähteenä on ollut Bolivian tilastokeskuksen tuottamat rikostilastot. Tutkielman tärkeimpänä löydöksenä voidaan pitää havaintoa, että vastoin tiettyjä olettamuksia, intiaaniperäiset naiset ovat hyvinkin aktiivisia perinteisesti miehisiksi käsitetyillä aloilla kuten rikollisuudessa ja politiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan myös, että pidätysten määrät ovat moninkertaistuneet muutamassa vuosikymmenessä. Koska kokan viljelyssä on kyse pääasiallisesti taloudellisesta toimeentulosta, tämä tutkielma kysyy, onko hengissä pysyminen rikos?


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The impedance of sealed nickel/cadmium cells around a cell e.m.f. of 0.0 V was measured at five different temperatures between � 10 and +30 °C. The results show that the behaviour is similar at all temperatures. Based on the experimental results, the relation between charge-transfer resistance (Rct) and temperature (T) has been established for the Volmer reaction. Further, the value of cathodic transfer coefficient (?) has been estimated.


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This paper deals with the direct position kinematics problem of a general 6-6 Stewart platform, the complete solution of which is not reported in the literature until now and even establishing the number of possible solutions for the general case has remained an unsolved problem for a long period. Here a canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 Stewart platform is presented. The kinematic equations are expressed as a system of six quadratic and three linear equations in nine unknowns, which has a maximum of 64 solutions. Thus, it is established that the mechanism, in general, can have up to 64 closures. Further reduction of the system is shown arriving at a set of three quartic equations in three unknowns, the solution of which will yield the assembly configurations of the general Stewart platform with far less computational effort compared to earlier models.


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This paper presents laboratory investigations on the visible corona and discharge radio noise. Experimental investigations are carried on various types of normal and anti-fog types of ceramic disc insulator at the recently established artificial pollution experimental facility. The results obtained from the experimental investigations show better performance for the disc insulators fitted with field reduction electrodes. In addition to the corona and radio noise investigations the comparisons are also made for the experimental results of the potential distribution across the insulator string (with and without filed reduction electrode) with the simulation results obtained by using Surface Charge Simulation Method.


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We have developed a theory for an electrochemical way of measuring the statistical properties of a nonfractally rough electrode. We obtained the expression for the current transient on a rough electrode which shows three times regions: short and long time limits and the transition region between them. The expressions for these time ranges are exploited to extract morphological information about the surface roughness. In the short and long time regimes, we extract information regarding various morphological features like the roughness factor, average roughness, curvature, correlation length, dimensionality of roughness, and polynomial approximation for the correlation function. The formulas for the surface structure factors (the measure of surface roughness) of rough surfaces in terms of measured reversible and diffusion-limited current transients are also obtained. Finally, we explore the feasibility of making such measurements.


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Hydrotalcite-like compounds of formula Ni1-xAl(x)(OH)2(CO3)x/2 . nH2O (x = 0.1 to 0.25), having the same structure as that of alpha-Ni(OH)2, have been synthesized by substituting nickel hydroxide with aluminum. Of these, the compounds of compositions x greater-than-or-equal-to 0.2 are found to have prolonged stability in strong alkaline medium. The electrodes comprising stabilized alpha-Ni(OH)2 of x = 0.2 composition are rechargeable with discharge-capacity values of 240 (+/- 15) mAh-g-1 and are attractive for applications in various alkaline secondary cells employing nickel-positive electrodes.


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An electrochemically impregnated sintered-nickel porous electrode with a capacity of 225 +/- 10 mAh per g of active material has been developed. This capacity is comparable with any state-of-the-art nickel hydroxide electrode reported in the literature, such as the stabilized alpha-nickel hydroxides that contain aluminium, iron and other trivalent cations. A technical update on various types of nickel positive electrodes is given.


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Anatase titania nanotubes (TNTs) have been synthesized from P25 TiO2 powder by alkali hydrothermal method followed by post annealing. The microstructure analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of anatase nanotubes with a diameter of 9-10 nm. These NTs are used to make photo anode in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Layer by layer deposition with curing of each layer at 350 C is employed to realize films of desired thickness. The performance of these cells is studied using photovoltaic measurements. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used to quantitatively analyze the effect of thickness on the performance of these cells. These studies revealed that the thickness of TiO2 has a pronounced impact on the cell performance and the optimum thickness lies in the range of 10-14 mu m. In comparison to dye solar cells made of P25, TNTs based cells exhibit an improved open circuit voltage and fill factor (FF) due to an increased electron lifetime, as revealed by EIS analysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.