955 resultados para Dual mode control


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho estuda a técnica de acionamento vetorial aplicado ao motor de indução trifásico (MIT), utilizando como estratégia de controle a combinação de controle fuzzy com controladores chaveados do tipo modo deslizante, em uma configuração aqui denominada de Controlador Fuzzy Modo Deslizante (FSMC – Do inglês: Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control). Um modelo dinâmico do MIT é desenvolvido em variáveis ‘d-q’ o que conduziu a um modelo eletromecânico em espaço de estados que exibe fortes não linearidades. A este modelo são aplicadas as condições de controle vetorial que permitem desacoplar o torque e o fluxo no MIT, de maneira que o seu comportamento dinâmico se assemelha àquele verificado em uma máquina de corrente contínua. Nesta condição, são implementados controladores do tipo proporcional e integral (PI) às malhas de controle de corrente e velocidade do motor, e são realizadas simulações computacionais para o rastreamento de velocidade e perturbação de carga, o que levam a resultados satisfatórios do ponto de vista dinâmico. Visando investigar o desempenho das estratégias não lineares nesta abordagem é apresentado o estudo da técnica de controle a estrutura chaveada do tipo modo deslizante. Um controlador modo deslizante convencional é implementado, onde se verifica que, a despeito do excelente desempenho dinâmico a ocorrência do fenômeno do “chettering” inviabiliza a aplicação desta estratégia em testes reais. Assim, é proposta a estratégia de controle FSMC, buscando associar o bom resultado dinâmico obtido com o controlador modo deslizante e a supressão do fenômeno do chettering, o que se atinge pela definição de uma camada de chaveamento do tipo Fuzzy. O controlador FSMC proposto é submetido aos mesmos testes computacionais que o controlador PI, conduzindo a resultados superiores a este último no transitório da resposta dinâmica, porém com a presença de erro em regime permanente. Para atacar este problema é implementada uma combinação Fuzzy das estratégias FSMC com a ação de controle PI, onde o primeiro busca atuar em regiões afastadas da superfície de chaveamento e o segundo busca introduzir o efeito da ação integral próximo à superfície. Os resultados obtidos mostram a viabilidade da estratégia em acionamento de velocidade variável que exigem elevado desempenho dinâmico.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents a novel single-phase high power factor PWM boost rectifier, featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero-current (ZCS). It incorporates the most desirable properties of the conventional PWM and the soft-switching resonant techniques. The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control, and continuous inductor current mode. This new PWM converter provides ZCS turn-on and turn-off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high power applications employing IGBTs. Principle of operation, theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400 Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and power factor were 96.2% and 0.99 respectively, with an input current THD equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.


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Gas separation membranes of high CO2 permeability and selectivity have great potential in both natural gas sweetening and carbon dioxide capture. Many modified PIM membranes results permselectivity above Robinson upper bound. The big problem that should be solved for these polymers to be commercialized is their aging through time. In high glassy polymeric membrane such as PIM-1 and its modifications, solubility selectivity has more contribution towards permselectivity than diffusivity selectivity. So in this thesis work pure and mixed gas sorption behavior of carbon dioxide and methane in three PIM-based membranes (PIM-1, TZPIM-1 and AO-PIM-1) and Polynonene membrane is rigorously studied. Sorption experiment is performed at different temperatures and molar fraction. Sorption isotherms found from the experiment shows that there is a decrease of solubility as the temperature of the experiment increases for both gases in all polymers. There is also a decrease of solubility due to the presence of the other gas in the system in the mixed gas experiments due to competitive sorption effect. Variation of solubility is more visible in methane sorption than carbon dioxide, which will make the mixed gas solubility selectivity higher than that of pure gas solubility selectivity. Modeling of the system using NELF and Dual mode sorption model estimates the experimental results correctly Sorption of gases in heat treated and untreated membranes show that the sorption isotherms don’t vary due to the application of heat treatment for both carbon dioxide and methane. But there is decrease in the diffusivity coefficient and permeability of pure gases due to heat treatment. Both diffusivity coefficient and permeability decreases with increasing of heat treatment temperature. Diffusivity coefficient calculated from transient sorption experiment and steady state permeability experiment is also compared in this thesis work. The results reveal that transient diffusivity coefficient is higher than steady state diffusivity selectivity.


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Research has shown repeatedly that the “feeling better” effect of exercise is far more moderate than generally claimed. Examinations of subgroups in secondary analyses also indicate that numerous further variables influence this relationship. One reason for inconsistencies in this research field is the lack of adequate theoretical analyses. Well-being output variables frequently possess no construct definition, and little attention is paid to moderating and mediating variables. This article integrates the main models in an overview and analyzes how secondary analyses define well-being and which areas of the construct they focus on. It then applies a moderator and/or mediator framework to examine which person and environmental variables can be found in the existing explanatory approaches in sport science and how they specify the influence of these moderating and mediating variables. Results show that the broad understanding of well-being in many secondary analyses makes findings difficult to interpret. Moreover, physiological explanatory approaches focus more on affective changes in well-being, whereas psychological approaches also include cognitive changes. The approaches focus mostly on either physical or psychological person variables and rarely combine the two, as in, for example, the dual-mode model. Whereas environmental variables specifying the treatment more closely (e.g., its intensity) are comparatively frequent, only the social support model formulates variables such as the framework in which exercise is presented. The majority of explanatory approaches use simple moderator and/or mediator models such as the basic mediated (e.g., distraction hypothesis) or multiple mediated (e.g., monoamine hypotheses) model. The discussion draws conclusions for future research.


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Positive Effekte sportlicher Aktivität auf das aktuelle Befinden sind meta-analytisch gut dokumentiert. Eine Generalisierung der Befunde wird dadurch eingeschränkt, dass zunehmend eine hohe interindividuelle Variabilität beobachtet wird und Prozesse während der Aktivität defizitär berücksichtigt wurden. Dieser Beitrag geht den Fragen nach, wie groß das Ausmaß interindividueller Variabilität affektiver Reaktionen im Verlauf von gruppenbasierten Freizeit- und Gesundheitssportaktivitäten ist und welchen Einfluss personale Voraussetzungen (Fitnesszustand) und Faktoren der Auseinandersetzung mit der Aktivität (Beanspruchungserleben, Kompetenzwahrnehmung, positives Gruppenerleben) nehmen. Speziell interessiert, inwieweit affektive Reaktionen in Abhängigkeit vom Zeitpunkt sowie in Abhängigkeit der Intensität von unterschiedlichen Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Dazu wurden 110 Universitätsangestellte (M = 49.5 Jahre) wiederholt im Rahmen von mehrwöchigen Programmen befragt. An insgesamt sechs Terminen wurden Handheld-PC-Befragungen vor, zweimal während und nach der Kursstunde durchgeführt, mit denen das aktuelle Befinden und mögliche Einflussfaktoren erfasst wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Variabilität affektiver Reaktionen im ersten Abschnitt der Sportprogramme am größten ist, während die Reaktionen am Ende der Kursstunde insgesamt positiver und homogener ausfallen. Im ersten Abschnitt sind personale Voraussetzungen noch wichtige Einflussfaktoren, während die Bedeutung der wahrgenommenen Kompetenz und des positiven Gruppenerlebens im Verlauf der Sportaktivität größer wird. Im Einklang mit der Dual Mode Theory weist die Kompetenzwahrnehmung bei anstrengender Intensität im Vergleich zu moderater Intensität einen größeren Zusammenhang mit dem Befinden auf.


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Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt das Sportengagement ab. Wichtig für eine langfristige Sportteilnahme sind positive affektive Reaktionen beim Sporttreiben. Fehlende Studien zur Untersuchung affektiver Reaktionen auf Sportaktivitäten im höheren Erwachsenenalter stellen ein Forschungsdefizit dar. Daher untersucht dieser Beitrag die Wirkung sportlicher Aktivitäten auf die aktuelle Befindlichkeit im Verlauf von Sportprogrammen im höheren Erwachsenenalter. Hierfür wurden 108 Personen (≥ 65 Jahre) in acht Sportprogrammen zu Beginn zu ihren sportbezogenen Zielen schriftlich befragt. Bei einem zweiten Kursbesuch wurde die Befindlichkeit vor, während und nach, die Belastungsintensität während und das Kompetenzerleben nach der Sportaktivität schriftlich erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine überwiegend positive Wirkung der Sportaktivitäten auf die aktuelle Befindlichkeit sowohl auf Gruppenebene als auch auf individueller Ebene. Im Einklang mit der Dual Mode Theorie stellt sich das Kompetenzerleben als Prädiktor für das aktuelle Befinden während moderaten Sportaktivitäten heraus. Die sportbezogenen Ziele beeinflussen das Befinden nur, wenn die Belastung differenzierter untersucht wird (niedrig vs. mittel). Die Ergebnisse deuten mehrheitlich darauf hin, dass eine weitere Differenzierung der Dual Mode Theorie in niedrige und mittlere Intensität für Sportaktivitäten im höheren Erwachsenenalter angebracht ist.


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Injection drug use is the third most frequent risk factor for new HIV infections in the United States. A dual mode of exposure: unsafe drug using practices and risky sexual behaviors underlies injection drug users' (IDUs) risk for HIV infection. This research study aims to characterize patterns of drug use and sexual behaviors and to examine the social contexts associated with risk behaviors among a sample of injection drug users. ^ This cross-sectional study includes 523 eligible injection drug users from Houston, Texas, recruited into the 2009 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance project. Three separate set of analyses were carried out. First, using latent class analysis (LCA) and maximum likelihood we identified classes of behavior describing levels of HIV risk, from nine drug and sexual behaviors. Second, eight separate multivariable regression models were built to examine the odds of reporting a given risk behavior. We constructed the most parsimonious multivariable model using a manual backward stepwise process. Third, we examined whether HIV serostatus knowledge (self-reported positive, negative, or unknown serostatus) is associated with drug use and sexual HIV risk behaviors. ^ Participants were mostly male, older, and non-Hispanic Black. Forty-two percent of our sample had behaviors putting them at high risk, 25% at moderate risk, and 33% at low risk for HIV infection. Individuals in the High-risk group had the highest probability of risky behaviors, categorized as almost always sharing needles (0.93), seldom using condoms (0.10), reporting recent exchange sex partners (0.90), and practicing anal sex (0.34). We observed that unsafe injecting practices were associated with high risk sexual behaviors. IDUs who shared needles had higher odds of having anal sex (OR=2.89, 95%CI: 1.69-4.92) and unprotected sex (OR=2.66, 95%CI: 1.38-5.10) at last sex. Additionally, homelessness was associated with needle sharing (OR=2.24, 95% CI: 1.34-3.76) and cocaine use was associated with multiple sex partners (OR=1.82, 95% CI: 1.07-3.11). Furthermore, twenty-one percent of the sample was unaware of their HIV serostatus. The three groups were not different from each other in terms of drug-use behaviors: always using a new sterile needle, or in sharing needles or drug preparation equipment. However, IDUs unaware of their HIV serostatus were 33% more likely to report having more than three sexual partners in the past 12 months; 45% more likely to report to have unprotected sex and 85% more likely to use drug and or alcohol during or before at last sex compared to HIV-positive IDUs. ^ This analysis underscores the merit of LCA approach to empirically categorize injection drug users into distinct classes and identify their risk pattern using multiple indicators and our results show considerable overlap of high risk sexual and drug use behaviors among the high-risk class members. The observed clustering pattern of drug and sexual risk behavior among this population confirms that injection drug users do not represent a homogeneous population in terms of HIV risk. These findings will help develop tailored prevention programs.^


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This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The additional energy path, as presented here, is introduced with the Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) based on the Controlled Current Source (CCS). The OICC is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency.