998 resultados para District heat


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Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.


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The operation of power systems in a Smart Grid (SG) context brings new opportunities to consumers as active players, in order to fully reach the SG advantages. In this context, concepts as smart homes or smart buildings are promising approaches to perform the optimization of the consumption, while reducing the electricity costs. This paper proposes an intelligent methodology to support the consumption optimization of an industrial consumer, which has a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility. A SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system developed by the authors is used to support the implementation of the proposed methodology. An optimization algorithm implemented in the system in order to perform the determination of the optimal consumption and CHP levels in each instant, according to the Demand Response (DR) opportunities. The paper includes a case study with several scenarios of consumption and heat demand in the context of a DR event which specifies a maximum demand level for the consumer.


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Foram utilizados como elemento principal de estudo, os efluentes líquidos dos processos industriais da ENDUTEX, Tinturaria e Acabamento de Malhas, S. A. localizada no município de Caldas de Vizela, distrito de Braga. O estudo foi realizado na empresa devido ao interesse da mesma em poder reaproveitar o calor libertado nos efluentes para aquecimento de parte da água captada no rio de Vizela. O objectivo do trabalho consiste no dimensionamento de um permutador de calor que permita satisfazer o interesse da empresa, assim como, um estudo económico relativo aos custos envolventes. Com o intuito de concretizar os objectivos propostos foram realizadas visitas semanais à empresa para se proceder ao levantamento de dados e para a realização de amostragens do efluente para posterior caracterização. Depois de efectuado o dimensionamento do permutador de placas para diferentes caudais e temperaturas dos fluidos, frio (água do rio) e quente (efluentes), concluiu-se que as condições mais rentáveis correspondiam a um caudal de fluido frio de 17 m3/h em que a temperatura de entrada e de saída no permutador seria de 14 ºC e 48 ºC, respectivamente. O caudal de fluido quente seria de 20 m3/h, sendo a temperatura de entrada e de saída no permutador de 62 ºC e 33,1 ºC, respectivamente. Como resultado do dimensionamento obteve-se um permutador de placas com 167 placas em que o coeficiente global de transferência de calor (U) é de 726,9 W/m2ºC, a área projectada de 55,7 m2 e a queda de pressão de 0,904 KPa. Foi consultada a empresa ARSOPI-THERMAL para verificação das características dos permutadores existentes no mercado. No entanto, para as mesmas condições foi sugerido um permutador com 31 placas em que o coeficiente global de transferência de calor (U) é de 6267 W/m2ºC, a área projectada de 7,39 m2 e a queda de pressão de 76 KPa. A diferença verificada nos resultados apresentados pode ter origem na utilização de diferentes expressões no cálculo do coeficiente pelicular de transferência de calor (h) e pelo facto da ARSOPI desprezar o factor de sujamento no seu dimensionamento Na análise económica do projecto é de referir que para o arranque do projecto foi feito o levantamento das necessidades de investimento, situando-se este num valor total de 9640€, sendo o investimento financiado apenas por capitais próprios. O prazo de recuperação do investimento (Pay Back Period) é de cerca de 2 meses.


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This study aimed to carry out experimental work to obtain, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, heat transfer coefficients, at constant wall temperature as boundary condition, in fully developed laminar flow inside a helical coil. The Newtonian fluids studied were aqueous solutions of glycerol, 25%, 36%, 43%, 59% and 78% (w/w) and the non-Newtonian fluids aqueous solutions of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polymer, with concentrations 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% (w/w) and aqueous solutions of xanthan gum (XG), another polymer, with concentrations 0.1% and 0.2% (w/w). According to the rheological study performed, the polymer solutions had shear thinning behavior and different values of elasticity. The helical coil used has internal diameter, curvature ratio, length and pitch, respectively: 0.004575 m, 0.0263, 5.0 m and 11.34 mm. The Nusselt numbers for the CMC solutions are, on average, slightly higher than those for Newtonian fluids, for identical Prandtl and generalized Dean numbers. As outcome, the viscous component of the shear thinning polymer tends to potentiate the mixing effect of the Dean cells. The Nusselt numbers of the XG solutions are significant lower than those of the Newtonian solutions, for identical Prandtl and generalized Dean numbers. Therefore, the elastic component of the polymer tends to diminish the mixing effect of the Dean cells. A global correlation, for Nusselt number as a function of Péclet, generalized Dean and Weissenberg numbers for all Newtonian and non-Newtonian solutions studied, is presented.


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This paper presents a computational tool (PHEx) developed in Excel VBA for solving sizing and rating design problems involving Chevron type plate heat exchangers (PHE) with 1-pass-1-pass configuration. The rating methodology procedure used in the program is outlined, and a case study is presented with the purpose to show how the program can be used to develop sensitivity analysis to several dimensional parameters of PHE and to observe their effect on transferred heat and pressure drop.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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The differentiation of non-integer order has its origin in the seventeenth century, but only in the last two decades appeared the first applications in the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated namely the fractional PID and the Smith predictor. Extensive simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.


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Background: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in whole body metabolism and could potentially mediate weight gain and insulin sensitivity. Although some imaging techniques allow BAT detection, there are currently no viable methods for continuous acquisition of BAT energy expenditure. We present a non-invasive technique for long term monitoring of BAT metabolism using microwave radiometry. Methods: A multilayer 3D computational model was created in HFSS™ with 1.5 mm skin, 3-10 mm subcutaneous fat, 200 mm muscle and a BAT region (2-6 cm3) located between fat and muscle. Based on this model, a log-spiral antenna was designed and optimized to maximize reception of thermal emissions from the target (BAT). The power absorption patterns calculated in HFSS™ were combined with simulated thermal distributions computed in COMSOL® to predict radiometric signal measured from an ultra-low-noise microwave radiometer. The power received by the antenna was characterized as a function of different levels of BAT metabolism under cold and noradrenergic stimulation. Results: The optimized frequency band was 1.5-2.2 GHz, with averaged antenna efficiency of 19%. The simulated power received by the radiometric antenna increased 2-9 mdBm (noradrenergic stimulus) and 4-15 mdBm (cold stimulus) corresponding to increased 15-fold BAT metabolism. Conclusions: Results demonstrated the ability to detect thermal radiation from small volumes (2-6 cm3) of BAT located up to 12 mm deep and to monitor small changes (0.5°C) in BAT metabolism. As such, the developed miniature radiometric antenna sensor appears suitable for non-invasive long term monitoring of BAT metabolism.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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The concept of differentiation and integration to non-integer order has its origins in the seventeen century. However, only in the second-half of the twenty century appeared the first applications related to the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated and compared. Simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.


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Immune response against hepatitis B vaccine (CLB 3mg) was evaluated in 59 hemodialysis patients and 20 occupational risk personnel. Seroconversion was induced in 52.5% and 70.0% respectively. Twelve months after the first dose, 37.5% of patients and 60.0% of occupational risk personnel had detectable anti-HBs level. Antibody level was expressed in sample ratio units (SRU). Considering only the responders, in the patients group 38.7% had a low anti-HBs response (2.1-9.9 SRU) 32.3% a medium response (10-99.9 SRU) and 29.0% a high response (>100 SRU) while in occupational risk personnel these values were 14.3%, 64.3% and 21.4% respectively. The authors suggest the use of HBV vaccines with more elevated HBsAg concentration or a reinforced immunization schedule to improve the anti-HBs response not only for patients but also for healthy persons.


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The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.


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Pultrusion is an industrial process used to produce glass fibers reinforced polymers profiles. These materials are worldwide used when performing characteristics, such as great electrical and magnetic insulation, high strength to weight ratio, corrosion and weather resistance, long service life and minimal maintenance are required. In this study, we present the results of the modelling and simulation of heat flow through a pultrusion die by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The numerical simulation was calibrated based on temperature profiles computed from thermographic measurements carried out during pultrusion manufacturing process. Obtained results have shown a maximum deviation of 7%, which is considered to be acceptable for this type of analysis, and is below to the 10% value, previously specified as maximum deviation. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Backgroud: O International Panel on Climate Change prevê que o aumento da temperatura média global, até ao ano de 2100, varie entre 1,4 e 5,8ºC desconhecendo-se a evolução da adaptação da população a esta subida da temperatura. Em Portugal morre-se mais no Inverno que no Verão. Mas existem evidências de repercussões na mortalidade atribuíveis ao calor extremo. Este estudo procura conhecer os grupos etários e/ou populacionais que parecem revelar vulnerabilidade acrescida à exposição a temperaturas extremas e identificar indicadores de saúde apropriados para revelar esses mesmos efeitos. Métodos: Foram analisados dados de internamentos hospitalar e mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares, respiratórias, renais, efeitos directos do frio e do calor, na população com 75 e mais anos de idade, nos distritos de Beja, Bragança e Faro, nos meses de Janeiro e Junho. Para os dados de morbilidade o período de análise foi 2002 a 2005 e para os de mortalidade de 2002 a 2004. Os dados meteorológicos analisados corresponderam aos valores da temperatura máxima e percentis da temperatura máxima, nos meses de Janeiro (P10) e Junho (P90). Os excessos de internamentos hospitalares, definidos como os dias em que ocorreram internamentos acima do valor da média mais 2 desvio padrão, foram relacionados com a distribuição das temperaturas extremas (frias abaixo do P10, quentes acima do P90.Os dias com óbitos acima do valor da média foram relacionados com a distribuição das temperaturas extremas (frias abaixo do P10, quentes acima do P90). Os indicadores propostos foram baseados em Odds Ratios e intervalos de confiança que sugeriam as estimativas mais precisas. Resultados: O grupo que revelou maior vulnerabilidade às temperaturas extremas foi o grupo dos 75 e mais anos, com doenças cardiovasculares quando exposto a temperaturas extremas, nos 3 distritos observados.O nº de dias de excesso de óbitos por doenças cardiovasculares relacionados com temperaturas extremas foi o mais elevado comparado com as restantes causas de morte. O grupo etário dos 75 e mais anos com de doenças respiratórias também é vulnerável, às temperaturas extremas frias, nos 3 distritos. Verificaram-se dias de excessos de internamentos hospitalares e óbitos por esta causa de morte, relacionados com a exposição às temperaturas extremas frias. Em Junho, não se verificou excesso de mortalidade associado à exposição a temperaturas extremas por esta causa, em qualquer dos distritos analisados. Apenas se verificou a associação entre os dias de ocorrência de internamentos hospitalares por doenças renais e o calor extremo, em Bragança. Conclusões: Foram encontradas associações estatísticas significativas entre dias de excesso de ocorrência de internamentos hospitalares ou óbitos por causa e exposição a temperaturas extremas frias e quentes possibilitando a identificação de um conjunto de indicadores de saúde ambiental apropriados para monitorizar a evolução dos padrões de morbilidade, mortalidade e susceptibilidade das populações ao longo do tempo.-------------------- Backgroud: International Panel on Climate Change estimates that the rise of mean global temperature varies between 1,4 e 5,8ºC until 2100, with unknowing evolution adaptation of populations. In Portugal we die more in Winter than in Summer time. But there are several evidences of mortality attributable to extreme eat. The proposal of this study is to know the age and/or populations groups that reveal more vulnerability to exposure to extreme temperature and identifying proper health indicators to reveal those effects. Methods: Data from hospital admissions and mortality caused by cardiovascular, respiratory, renal diseases and direct effects from direct exposure to extreme cold and heat, in population with 75 and more years, in Beja, Bragança and Faro districts, during January and June, were analysed. Analysis period for morbidity data was from 2002 to 2005 and form mortality was 2002 to 2004. Meteorological data analysed were maximum temperature and percentile of maximum temperature, from January (P10) and June (P90. Relationship between excess of hospital admission, defined as the days that occurred hospital admissions above mean value more 2 standards desviation and distribution of extreme temperatures were established (cold under P10 and heat above P90. Proposal indicators were based on Odds Ratios and confidence intervals, suggesting the most precises estimatives. Results: The most vulnerable group to extreme temperature were people with 75 or more years older with cardiovascular diseases, observed in the 3 districts. Number of days caused by excess cardiovascular mortality and extreme temperature were the most number of days between the other causes. The group with 75 or more years old with respiratory diseases is vulnerable too, especially to cold extreme temperature, in all the 3 districts. There were excess of days of hospital admissions and days with deaths, for this cause relating to extreme cold temperature. In June, does not funded excess of mortality associated to extreme temperature by this cause in any district of the in observation. Just was found relationship between days of hospital admissions caused by renal diseases in Bragança in days with extreme heat. Conclusions: Were found statistically significant associations between days of excess of hospital admissions or deaths and exposure to extreme cold and heat temperatures giving the possibility of identifying a core of environmental indicators proper to monitoring patterns and trends evolutions on morbidity, mortality and susceptibly of populations for a long time.