171 resultados para Digging


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This paper describes the design, tuning, and extensive field testing of an admittance-based Autonomous Loading Controller (ALC) for robotic excavation. Several iterations of the ALC were tuned and tested in fragmented rock piles—similar to those found in operating mines—by using both a robotic 1-tonne capacity Kubota R520S diesel-hydraulic surface loader and a 14-tonne capacity Atlas Copco ST14 underground load-haul-dump (LHD) machine. On the R520S loader, the ALC increased payload by 18 % with greater consistency, although with more energy expended and longer dig times when compared with digging at maximum actuator velocity. On the ST14 LHD, the ALC took 61 % less time to load 39 % more payload when compared to a single manual operator. The manual operator made 28 dig attempts by using three different digging strategies, and had one failed dig. The tuned ALC made 26 dig attempts at 10 and 11 MN target force levels. All 10 11 MN digs succeeded while 6 of the 16 10 MN digs failed. The results presented in this paper suggest that the admittance-based ALC is more productive and consistent than manual operators, but that care should be taken when detecting entry into the muck pile


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This paper presents a solution to part of the problem of making robotic or semi-robotic digging equipment less dependant on human supervision. A method is described for identifying rocks of a certain size that may affect digging efficiency or require special handling. The process involves three main steps. First, by using range and intensity data from a time-of-flight (TOF) camera, a feature descriptor is used to rank points and separate regions surrounding high scoring points. This allows a wide range of rocks to be recognized because features can represent a whole or just part of a rock. Second, these points are filtered to extract only points thought to belong to the large object. Finally, a check is carried out to verify that the resultant point cloud actually represents a rock. Results are presented from field testing on piles of fragmented rock. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an algorithm to identify large boulders in a pile of broken rock as a step towards an autonomous mining dig planner. In mining, piles of broken rock can contain large fragments that may need to be specially handled. To assess rock piles for excavation, we make use of a TOF camera that does not rely on external lighting to generate a point cloud of the rock pile. We then segment large boulders from its surface by using a novel feature descriptor and distinguish between real and false boulder candidates. Preliminary field experiments show promising results with the algorithm performing nearly as well as human test subjects.


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This picture shows the men of the Detroit Dredging Company hand digging lagoons for owner George A. Boeckling at Cedar Point. The lagoon network would be used for transportation so that visitors could reach the boat docks at the Hotel Breakers. They also made it possible to carry coal to the new electric power station. Visitors could also enjoy traveling the lagoons by themselves.


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Studies on soils of forest islands within the savanna domain are key for understanding processes of landscape formation and evolution. We characterized the morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils at four different forest fragments that occur in the savanna-forest mosaic of northeastern Roraima, north Amazonia. The methodology was based on transects crossing the entire island, from east-west and northsouth direction, digging up five soil profiles for sampling and classification. In addition, the neighboring savannas were also sampled following the same strategy, at 100 m long transects departing from the border, allowing comparisons to be made. Latosols were the dominant soil class in all four islands, followed by Ultisols and Plinthosols. All soils were dystric, with low CEC and acid. Better chemical and physical conditions were observed in forested soils compared with surrounding savannas, in a given soil class. Thus, in spite of no variation on soil class at different phytophysionomies at a given gradient, specific chemical and physical attributes were significantly varied, exerting a positive effect for the establishment of forest vegetation. Despite their occurrence side-by-side in the savanna-forest mosaic, the present-day climate agrees with the existence of savanna in the flat landforms, whereas forest islands are conditioned by subtle, yet significant, soil physico-chemical variations, with no need to invoke any paleoclimate for explaining this relationship. Further in depth studies may contribute for testing the hypothesis that Quaternary shifts of the expansion and contraction of forest may represent paleoclimate relicts isolated within the savanna domain.


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A Seguridade Social aprovada na Constituição Brasileira de 1988 não foi implementada conforme previsto na Carta Magna. As sucessivas reformas do Estado e, sobretudo, da previdência social,1 implementadas ao longo da década de 1990, justificadas sob a alegação de um suposto déficit entre receita e despesa, vêm contribuindo para descaracterizá-la enquanto sistema de proteção social, além de favorecer a fragmentação das políticas sociais que a integram: previdência, saúde e assistência. Ao tratar a previdência como seguro e não como política social, estas reformas tendem a minar e corroer as bases conceituais e financeiras da seguridade social, solapando a possibilidade de sua consolidação como propriedade social. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT