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DBP (albumin D-site-binding protein), HLF (hepatic leukemia factor), and TEF (thyrotroph embryonic factor) are the three members of the PAR bZip (proline and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper) transcription factor family. All three of these transcriptional regulatory proteins accumulate with robust circadian rhythms in tissues with high amplitudes of clock gene expression, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the liver. However, they are expressed at nearly invariable levels in most brain regions, in which clock gene expression only cycles with low amplitude. Here we show that mice deficient for all three PAR bZip proteins are highly susceptible to generalized spontaneous and audiogenic epilepsies that frequently are lethal. Transcriptome profiling revealed pyridoxal kinase (Pdxk) as a target gene of PAR bZip proteins in both liver and brain. Pyridoxal kinase converts vitamin B6 derivatives into pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), the coenzyme of many enzymes involved in amino acid and neurotransmitter metabolism. PAR bZip-deficient mice show decreased brain levels of PLP, serotonin, and dopamine, and such changes have previously been reported to cause epilepsies in other systems. Hence, the expression of some clock-controlled genes, such as Pdxk, may have to remain within narrow limits in the brain. This could explain why the circadian oscillator has evolved to generate only low-amplitude cycles in most brain regions.
Current levels of endangerment and historical trends of species and habitats are the main criteria used to direct conservation efforts globally. Estimates of future declines, which might indicate different priorities than past declines, have been limited by the lack of appropriate data and models. Given that much of conservation is about anticipating and responding to future threats, our inability to look forward at a global scale has been a major constraint on effective action. Here, we assess the geography and extent of projected future changes in suitable habitat for terrestrial mammals within their present ranges. We used a global earth-system model, IMAGE, coupled with fine-scale habitat suitability models and parametrized according to four global scenarios of human development. We identified the most affected countries by 2050 for each scenario, assuming that no additional conservation actions other than those described in the scenarios take place. We found that, with some exceptions, most of the countries with the largest predicted losses of suitable habitat for mammals are in Africa and the Americas. African and North American countries were also predicted to host the most species with large proportional global declines. Most of the countries we identified as future hotspots of terrestrial mammal loss have little or no overlap with the present global conservation priorities, thus confirming the need for forward-looking analyses in conservation priority setting. The expected growth in human populations and consumption in hotspots of future mammal loss mean that local conservation actions such as protected areas might not be sufficient to mitigate losses. Other policies, directed towards the root causes of biodiversity loss, are required, both in Africa and other parts of the world.
INTRODUCTION: HIV-infected pregnant women are very likely to engage in HIV medical care to prevent transmission of HIV to their newborn. After delivery, however, childcare and competing commitments might lead to disengagement from HIV care. The aim of this study was to quantify loss to follow-up (LTFU) from HIV care after delivery and to identify risk factors for LTFU. METHODS: We used data on 719 pregnancies within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study from 1996 to 2012 and with information on follow-up visits available. Two LTFU events were defined: no clinical visit for >180 days and no visit for >360 days in the year after delivery. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for a LTFU event after delivery. RESULTS: Median maternal age at delivery was 32 years (IQR 28-36), 357 (49%) women were black, 280 (39%) white, 56 (8%) Asian and 4% other ethnicities. One hundred and seven (15%) women reported any history of IDU. The majority (524, 73%) of women received their HIV diagnosis before pregnancy, most of those (413, 79%) had lived with diagnosed HIV longer than three years and two-thirds (342, 65%) were already on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at time of conception. Of the 181 women diagnosed during pregnancy by a screening test, 80 (44%) were diagnosed in the first trimester, 67 (37%) in the second and 34 (19%) in the third trimester. Of 357 (69%) women who had been seen in HIV medical care during three months before conception, 93% achieved an undetectable HIV viral load (VL) at delivery. Of 62 (12%) women with the last medical visit more than six months before conception, only 72% achieved an undetectable VL (p=0.001). Overall, 247 (34%) women were LTFU over 180 days in the year after delivery and 86 (12%) women were LTFU over 360 days with 43 (50%) of those women returning. Being LTFU for 180 days was significantly associated with history of intravenous drug use (aOR 1.73, 95% CI 1.09-2.77, p=0.021) and not achieving an undetectable VL at delivery (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.03-3.11, p=0.040) after adjusting for maternal age, ethnicity, time of HIV diagnosis and being on ART at conception. CONCLUSIONS: Women with a history of IDU and women with a detectable VL at delivery were more likely to be LTFU after delivery. This is of concern regarding their own health, as well as risk for sexual partners and subsequent pregnancies. Further strategies should be developed to enhance retention in medical care beyond pregnancy.
Bone loss secondary to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is largely explained by activated T cells producing cytokines that trigger osteoclastogenesis and accelerate bone resorptionwhile inhibiting bone formation. In IBD, elevated expression of interleukin (IL)-15, a T cell growth factor, plays a central role in T cell activation, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and the development of colitis. We previously reported that IL-15 enhances RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and that an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, prevents weight and bone loss in a mousemodel of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis.We hypothesized that inhibition of IL-15 signalingmight prevent bone loss in IL-10 deficient (IL10−/−) mice, that develop spontaneous bowel inflammation associatedwith osteopeniawhen they are no longer raised under germ-free conditions.Mice received anIL-15 antagonist (CRB-15, 5 μg/day, n=5) or IgG2a (5 μg/day, n=4) fromweek 10 to 14 of age. The severity of colitis was assessed by histology and bowel cytokine gene expression by real time PCR. Bone mass and architecturewere evaluated by ex vivo DXA on femur and micro-computed tomography on femur and vertebra. Bodyweight gainwas similar in the two groups. After 4 weeks, colonwas 29% shorter in CRB-15 treatedmice (p<0.006), a sign of reduced inflammation. Histological analysis indicated a transmural infiltration of inflammatory cells, lymphoepithelial lesions and increased size of villi (histological score=4/6) in IgG2a treated mice, whereas colon from CRB-15 treated mice exhibited mild infiltration of inflammatory cells of the lamina propria, no mucosal damages and a minimal increased size of villi (histological score=1.6/6). Levels of TNFα, IL-17 and IL-6 mRNA in the colon were significantly reduced in CRB-15 treated mice (p<0.04 vs IgG2), indicating a decrease in colon inflammation. CRB-15 improved femur BMD (+10.6% vs IgG2a, p<0.002), vertebral trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, +19.7% vs IgG2a, p<0.05) and thickness (+11.6% vs IgG2a, p<0.02). A modest but not significant increase in trabecular BV/TV was observed at the distal femur. Cortical thicknesswas also higher at themidshaft femur in CRB-15 treatedmice (+8.3% vs IgG2a, p<0.02). In conclusion, we confirm and extend our results about the effects of CRB-15 in colitis. Antagonizing IL-15 may exert favorable effects on intestinal inflammation and prevent bone loss and microarchitecture alterations induced by colitis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ECTS 2011. Disclosure of interest: B. Brounais-Le Royer Grant / Research Support from Novartis Consumer Health Foundation, S. Ferrari-Lacraz: none declared, D. Velin: none declared, X. Zheng: none declared, S. Ferrari: none declared, D. Pierroz: none declared.
We have previously demonstrated that clock genes contribute to the homeostatic aspect of sleep regulation. Indeed, mutations in some clock genes modify the markers of sleep homeostasis and an increase in homeostatic sleep drive alters clock gene expression in the forebrain. Here, we investigate a possible mechanism by which sleep deprivation (SD) could alter clock gene expression by quantifying DNA-binding of the core-clock transcription factors CLOCK, NPAS2, and BMAL1 to the cis-regulatory sequences of target clock genes in mice. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), we first showed that, as reported for the liver, DNA-binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to target clock genes changes in function of time-of-day in the cerebral cortex. Tissue extracts were collected at ZT0 (light onset), -6, -12, and -18, and DNA enrichment of E-box or E'-box containing sequences was measured by qPCR. CLOCK and BMAL1 binding to Cry1, Dbp, Per1, and Per2 depended on time-of-day, with maximum values reached at around ZT6. We then observed that SD, performed between ZT0 and -6, significantly decreased DNA-binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to Dbp, consistent with the observed decrease in Dbp mRNA levels after SD. The DNA-binding of NPAS2 and BMAL1 to Per2 was also decreased by SD, although SD is known to increase Per2 expression in the cortex. DNA-binding to Per1 and Cry1 was not affected by SD. Our results show that the sleep-wake history can affect the clock molecular machinery directly at the level of chromatin binding thereby altering the cortical expression of Dbp and Per2 and likely other targets. Although the precise dynamics of the relationship between DNA-binding and mRNA expression, especially for Per2, remains elusive, the results also suggest that part of the reported circadian changes in DNA-binding of core clock components in tissues peripheral to the suprachiasmatic nuclei could, in fact, be sleep-wake driven.
The prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE.
Purpose: the prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Design: systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE. Study selection: we included studies with participants�۪ mean age 60 years and mean body mass index 30 kg/m2, with outcomes at a minimum of 1 year. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and differences resolved by consensus. Data extraction: nine eligible trials were included. Study interventions targeted diet, physical activity and mixed approaches. Populations included patients with coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. Results: meta-analysis (seven studies) demonstrated a modest but significant weight loss of 3.0 kg [95% confidence interval (CI) 5.1���0.9] at 1 year. Total cholesterol (four studies) did not show a significant change: ���0.36 mmol/l (95% CI ���0.75 to 0.04). There was no significant change in high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein or triglycerides. In one study, recurrence of hypertension or cardiovascular events was significantly reduced (hazard ratio 0.65, 95% CI 0.50���0.85). Six-minute walk test did not significantly change in one study. Health-related quality of life significantly improved in one study but did not improve in a second study. Conclusions: although modest weight reductions were observed, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss programmes in older people. ��Keywords: obesity, older, weight loss, meta-analysis, elderly, systematic review
Purpose: In the Rd1 and Rd10 mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa, a mutation in the Pde6ß gene leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors. As in several neurodegenerative diseases, Rd1 and Rd10 photoreceptors re-express cell cycle proteins prior to death. Bmi1 regulates cell cycle progression through inhibition of CDK inhibitors, and its deletion efficiently rescues the Rd1 retinal degeneration. The present study evaluates the effects of Bmi1 loss in photoreceptors and Müller glia, since in lower vertebrates, these cells respond to retinal injury through dedifferentiation and regeneration of retinal cells. Methods: Cell death and Müller cell activation were analyzed by immunostaining of wild-type, Rd1 and Rd1;Bmi1-/- eye sections during retinal degeneration, between P10 and P20. Lineage tracing experiments use the GFAP-Cre mouse (JAX) to target Müller cells. Results: In Rd1 retinal explants, inhibition of CDKs reduces the amount of dying cells. In vivo, Bmi1 deletion reduces CDK4 expression and cell death in the P15 Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina, although cGMP accumulation and TUNEL staining are detected at the onset of retinal degeneration (P12). This suggests that another process acts in parallel to overcome the initial loss of Rd1;Bmi1-/- photoreceptors. We demonstrate here that Bmi1 loss in the Rd1 retina enhances the activation of Müller glia by downregulation of p27Kip1, that these cells migrate toward the ONL, and that some cells express the retinal progenitor marker Pax6 at the inner part of the ONL. These events are also observed, but to a lesser extent, in Rd1 and Rd10 retinas. At P12, EdU incorporation shows proliferating cells with atypical elongated nuclei at the inner border of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL. Lineage tracing targeting Müller cells is in process and will determine the implication of this cell population in the maintenance of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL thickness and whether downregulation of Bmi1 in Rd10 Müller cells equally stimulates their activation. Conclusions: Our results show a dual role of Bmi1 deletion in the rescue of photoreceptors in the Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina. Indeed, the loss of Bmi1 reduces Rd1 retinal degeneration, and as well, enhances the Müller glia activation. In addition, the emergence of cells expressing a retinal progenitor marker in the ONL suggests Bmi1 as a blockade to the regeneration of retinal cells in mammals.
Purpose: the prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Design: systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE. Study selection: we included studies with participants�۪ mean age 60 years and mean body mass index 30 kg/m2, with outcomes at a minimum of 1 year. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and differences resolved by consensus. Data extraction: nine eligible trials were included. Study interventions targeted diet, physical activity and mixed approaches. Populations included patients with coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. Results: meta-analysis (seven studies) demonstrated a modest but significant weight loss of 3.0 kg [95% confidence interval (CI) 5.1���0.9] at 1 year. Total cholesterol (four studies) did not show a significant change: ���0.36 mmol/l (95% CI ���0.75 to 0.04). There was no significant change in high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein or triglycerides. In one study, recurrence of hypertension or cardiovascular events was significantly reduced (hazard ratio 0.65, 95% CI 0.50���0.85). Six-minute walk test did not significantly change in one study. Health-related quality of life significantly improved in one study but did not improve in a second study. Conclusions: although modest weight reductions were observed, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss programmes in older people. ��Keywords: obesity, older, weight loss, meta-analysis, elderly, systematic review��
Mutations in the GJB2 gene encoding the gap junction protein connexin 26 are responsible for up to 30% of all cases of autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (HI) with prelingual onset in most populations. The corresponding locus DFNB1, located on chromosome 13q11-q12, is also affected by three distinct deletions. These deletions extended distally to GJB2, which remains intact. We report a novel large deletion in DFNB1 observed in a patient presenting profound prelingual HI. This deletion was observed in trans to a GJB2 mutated allele carrying the p.Val84Met (V84M) mutation and was shown to be associated with hearing loss. The deletion caused a false homozygosity of V84M in the proband. Quantification of alleles by quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR (QFM-PCR) enabled us to study the breakpoints of the deletion. The deleted segment extended through at least 920kb and removed the three connexin genes GJA3, GJB2 and GJB6. The distal breakpoint inside intron 2 of CRYL1 gene differed from the breakpoints of the known DFNB1 deletions. This case highlights the importance of screening for large deletions in molecular studies of GJB2.
Measuring antibiotic-induced killing relies on time-consuming biological tests. The firefly luciferase gene (luc) was successfully used as a reporter gene to assess antibiotic efficacy rapidly in slow-growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We tested whether luc expression could also provide a rapid evaluation of bactericidal drugs in Streptococcus gordonii. The suicide vectors pFW5luc and a modified version of pJDC9 carrying a promoterless luc gene were used to construct transcriptional-fusion mutants. One mutant susceptible to penicillin-induced killing (LMI2) and three penicillin-tolerant derivatives (LMI103, LMI104, and LMI105) producing luciferase under independent streptococcal promoters were tested. The correlation between antibiotic-induced killing and luminescence was determined with mechanistically unrelated drugs. Chloramphenicol (20 times the MIC) inhibited bacterial growth. In parallel, luciferase stopped increasing and remained stable, as determined by luminescence and Western blots. Ciprofloxacin (200 times the MIC) rapidly killed 1.5 log10 CFU/ml in 2-4 hr. Luminescence decreased simultaneously by 10-fold. In contrast, penicillin (200 times the MIC) gave discordant results. Although killing was slow (< or = 0.5 log10 CFU/ml in 2 hr), luminescence dropped abruptly by 50-100-times in the same time. Inactivating penicillin with penicillinase restored luminescence, irrespective of viable counts. This was not due to altered luciferase expression or stability, suggesting some kind of post-translational modification. Luciferase shares homology with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and acyl-CoA ligase, which might be regulated by macromolecule synthesis and hence affected in penicillin-inhibited cells. Because of resemblance, luciferase might be down-regulated simultaneously. Luminescence cannot be universally used to predict antibiotic-induced killing. Thus, introducing reporter enzymes sharing mechanistic similarities with normal metabolic reactions might reveal other effects than those expected.
Objective:We investigated to what extent changes in metabolic rate and composition of weight loss explained the less-than-expected weight loss in obese men and women during a diet-plus-exercise intervention.Design:In all, 16 obese men and women (41±9 years; body mass index (BMI) 39±6 kg m(-2)) were investigated in energy balance before, after and twice during a 12-week very-low-energy diet(565-650 kcal per day) plus exercise (aerobic plus resistance training) intervention. The relative energy deficit (EDef) from baseline requirements was severe (74%-87%). Body composition was measured by deuterium dilution and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured by indirect calorimetry. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) were converted into energy equivalents using constants 9.45 kcal per g FM and 1.13 kcal per g FFM. Predicted weight loss was calculated from the EDef using the '7700 kcal kg(-1) rule'.Results:Changes in weight (-18.6±5.0 kg), FM (-15.5±4.3 kg) and FFM (-3.1±1.9 kg) did not differ between genders. Measured weight loss was on average 67% of the predicted value, but ranged from 39% to 94%. Relative EDef was correlated with the decrease in RMR (R=0.70, P<0.01), and the decrease in RMR correlated with the difference between actual and expected weight loss (R=0.51, P<0.01). Changes in metabolic rate explained on average 67% of the less-than-expected weight loss, and variability in the proportion of weight lost as FM accounted for a further 5%. On average, after adjustment for changes in metabolic rate and body composition of weight lost, actual weight loss reached 90% of the predicted values.Conclusion:Although weight loss was 33% lower than predicted at baseline from standard energy equivalents, the majority of this differential was explained by physiological variables. Although lower-than-expected weight loss is often attributed to incomplete adherence to prescribed interventions, the influence of baseline calculation errors and metabolic downregulation should not be discounted.
Hearing loss in Meniere's disease (MD) is associated with loss of spiral ganglion neurons and hair cells. In a guinea pig model of endolymphatic hydrops, nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and oxidative stress mediate loss of spiral ganglion neurons. To test the hypothesis that functional variants of NOS1 and NOS2A are associated with MD, wed genotyped three functional variants of NOS1 (rs41279104,rs2682826, and a cytosine-adenosine microsatellite repeat in exon 1f) and the CCTTT repeat in the promoter of NOS2A gene (rs3833912) in two independent MD sets(273 patients in total) and 550 controls. A third cohort of American patients was genotyped as replication cohort for the CCTTT repeat. Neither allele nor genotype frequencies of rs41279104 and rs2682826 were associated with MD, although longer alleles of the cytosine-adenosine microsatellite repeat were marginally significant (corrected p = 0.05) in the Mediterranean cohort but not in a second Galicia cohort. Shorter numbers of the CCTTT repeat in NOS2A were significantly more frequent in Galicia controls (OR = 0.37 [CI, 0.18-0.76], corrected p =0.04), but this finding could not be replicated in Mediterranean or American case-control populations. Meta-analysis did not support an association between CCTTT repeats and risk for MD. Severe hearing loss (>75 dB) was also not associated with any functional variants studied. Functional variants of NOS1 and and NOS2A do not confer susceptibility for MD.
BACKGROUND The inability of cancer cells to present antigen on the cell surface via MHC class I molecules is one of the mechanisms by which tumor cells evade anti-tumor immunity. Alterations of Jak-STAT components of interferon (IFN)-mediated signaling can contribute to the mechanism of cell resistance to IFN, leading to lack of MHC class I inducibility. Hence, the identification of IFN-gamma-resistant tumors may have prognostic and/or therapeutic relevance. In the present study, we investigated a mechanism of MHC class I inducibility in response to IFN-gamma treatment in human melanoma cell lines. METHODS Basal and IFN-induced expression of HLA class I antigens was analyzed by means of indirect immunofluorescence flow cytometry, Western Blot, RT-PCR, and quantitative real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan(R) Gene Expression Assays). In demethylation studies cells were cultured with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) was used to assay whether IRF-1 promoter binding activity is induced in IFN-gamma-treated cells. RESULTS Altered IFN-gamma mediated HLA-class I induction was observed in two melanoma cells lines (ESTDAB-004 and ESTDAB-159) out of 57 studied, while treatment of these two cell lines with IFN-alpha led to normal induction of HLA class I antigen expression. Examination of STAT-1 in ESTDAB-004 after IFN-gamma treatment demonstrated that the STAT-1 protein was expressed but not phosphorylated. Interestingly, IFN-alpha treatment induced normal STAT-1 phosphorylation and HLA class I expression. In contrast, the absence of response to IFN-gamma in ESTDAB-159 was found to be associated with alterations in downstream components of the IFN-gamma signaling pathway. CONCLUSION We observed two distinct mechanisms of loss of IFN-gamma inducibility of HLA class I antigens in two melanoma cell lines. Our findings suggest that loss of HLA class I induction in ESTDAB-004 cells results from a defect in the earliest steps of the IFN-gamma signaling pathway due to absence of STAT-1 tyrosine-phosphorylation, while absence of IFN-gamma-mediated HLA class I expression in ESTDAB-159 cells is due to epigenetic blocking of IFN-regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1) transactivation.