919 resultados para Denaturation and aggregation
El cisplatí, PtCl2(NH3)2, ha estat una de les drogues més utilitzades en la quimioteràpia del càncer des del descobriment de la seva activitat. Però degut a la seva alta toxicitat i greus efectes secundaris, s'han sintetitzat nous compostos amb la finalitat de reduir aquests inconvenients. En aquest sentit, el treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat la síntesi i caracterització de tretze complexos de Pt(II) amb la finalitat d'estudiar llur activitat antitumoral. Aquests complexos presenten unes característiques estructurals comunes: geometria cis, dos lligands làbils de tipus clorur i un lligand diaminoquelatant derivat dels àcids d,l-2,3-diaminopropiònic (Hdap) i d,l-2,4-diaminobutíric (Hdab). S'han dissenyat unes estratègies sintètiques a partir de les quals els lligands han estat funcionalitzats amb diferents grups de tipus éster, aminoàcid i peptídic: Etdap·2HCl, Etdab·2HCl, [(dap-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Metala)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-phe)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dab-Mettrp)·2CF3COOH], [(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2)·2CF3COOH], essent Metala= éster metílic de L-alanina, phe= L-fenilalanina, Mettrp= éster metílic del L-triptofà. Aquests lligands diaminoquelatants s'han utilitzat per sintetitzar els corresponents complexos de Pt(II): PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dab-phe), PtCl2(dap-Mettrp), PtCl2(dab-Mettrp), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2). A través de diferents tècniques i assaigs biològics (dicroisme circular, electroforesi en gel d'agarosa, microscopia de forces atòmiques, citometria de flux, assaigs de proliferació cel·lular) s'ha pogut demostrar l'activitat antitumoral d'aquests compostos. A través de la tècnica de dicroisme circular (DC) s'ha pogut demostrar que els lligands lliures no interaccionen covalentment amb el DNA de Calf Thymus i no modifiquen l'estructura secundària de la doble hèlix. En canvi, els respectius complexos han demostrat tenir capacitat per interaccionar amb el DNA i modificar la seva estructura secundària. Els complexos PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab) i PtCl2(dab-phe) mostren un comportament similar al cisplatí, generant adductes cis-bifuncionals que distorcionen la doble hèlix de forma no desnaturalitzant amb obertura de la doble cadena. Els complexos PtCl2(Etdap), PtCl2(Etdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-Metala), PtCl2(dab-Metala), PtCl2(dap-phe), PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) quan interaccionen amb el DNA generen un canvi en la conformació del DNA de la forma B a la forma C, produint-se un augment de la curvatura de l'hèlix per rotació de les bases nitrogenades. En aquests estudis s'ha comprovat que l'estructura del complex influeix en l'efecte generat sobre l'estructura secundària de l'àcid nucleic. En primer lloc, existeix una diferència en el comportament en funció del tamany del lligand diaminoquelatant, de manera que els complexos amb el lligand (dab) provoquen un efecte més remarcable. També s'observa aquest canvi de comportament al passar dels complexos que tenen el grup funcional esterificat als que el tenen protonat. D'aquesta manera, s'observa un major efecte sobre l'estructura secundària del DNA en aquells complexos que tenen el lligand diaminoquelatant de tres metilens (dab) i amb el grup carboxilat terminal protonat. Per tal de modelitzar la interacció d'aquests complexos amb el DNA, s'ha estudiat la interacció d'aquests compostos de Pt(II) amb 5'-GMP a través de RMN-1H, observant la variació dels senyals corresponents al H8 de 5'-GMP. Així s'ha pogut demostrar que aquests compostos interaccionen amb la 5'-GMP a través d'un enllaç covalent Pt-N7, de la mateixa manera a com interacciona el cisplatí. A través d'electroforesi en gel d'agarosa i microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM) s'ha pogut determinar l'efecte que generen els lligands lliures i els respectius complexos de Pt(II) sobre l'estructura terciària del plasmidi pBR322. Els lligands provoquen un augment de l'agregació de les molècules de DNA i un lleuger augment de la compactació de l'estructura terciària. Aquests resultats s'atribueixen a la capacitat d'aquests compostos a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb el DNA. Els corresponents complexos de Pt(II) provoquen un augment de l'agregació i una important compactació, degut per una banda a la capacitat de l'àtom de Pt a interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA, i per altra banda, a la capacitat del lligand a interaccionar per pont d'hidrogen amb l'àcid nucleic. Finalment s'ha estudiat l'activitat citotòxica d'aquests complexos de Pt(II) en diferents línies cel·lulars: A431 (línia de carcinoma epidermoide), HeLa (línia de carcinoma de coll d'úter) i HL-60 (línia promielocítica de leucèmia). Els complexos moderadament solubles en aigua, PtCl2(Hdap), PtCl2(Hdab), PtCl2(dap-ala), PtCl2(dab-ala), PtCl2(dap-phe) i PtCl2(dab-phe), han demostrat ser actius. L'activitat depèn de la concentració de complex, del temps d'incubació i de la línia cel·lular. Per temps d'incubació alts i concentracions de complex elevades s'observa la màxima activitat. Els complexos de l'alanina, PtCl2(dap-ala) i PtCl2(dab-ala), són els que mostren més activitat, mentre que els compostos de la fenilalanina són els menys actius, degut probablement a la voluminositat del lligand, la qual pot impedir o dificultar el transport del compost a través de la membrana cel·lular. L'activitat citotòxica dels complexos insolubles en aigua, PtCl2(Etdap) i PtCl2(Etdab), queda bloquejada per l'elevada concentració de DMSO (12%) necessària per solubilitzar els compostos. Aquests resultats permeten deduir que la presència d'un 12% de DMSO anul·la l'activitat d'aquests complexos, ja que el DMSO pot coordinar-se amb el Pt ocupant les posicions làbils del complex i evitant que es pugui coordinar amb el DNA. Els assaigs de proliferació cel·lular del complex PtCl2(dap-ASTTTNYT-NH2) i del pèptid lliure ASTTTNYT-NH2 han demostrat que ambdós compostos són actius. Tot i això, l'activitat del complex és superior a la del pèptid lliure, ja que el Pt pot interaccionar covalentment amb el DNA i augmentar l'efecte citotòxic. Per tant, el complex presenta un lligand portador biològicament actiu que pot transportar el metall a través de la membrana cel·lular i facilitar així la seva interacció amb el DNA. A través de la tècnica de citometria de flux s'ha comprovat que en tots els casos la mort cel·lular produïda pels complexos ha estat per apoptosi. Per últim, s'ha sintetitzat i caracteritzat un complex trinuclear de Pt(II), {[Pt(Me2Bpy)2][PtCl2(Me2Bpy)]2}, essent Me2Bpy= 4,4'-dimetil-2,2'-dipiridil. La resolució de la seva estructura per difracció de Raig-X ha permès determinar l'existència d'una interacció intramolecular Pt-Pt de 3.474 Å.
Three series of water-soluble cationic copolymers have been synthesised by free-radical copolymerisation of [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]-trimethylammonium chloride (MADQUAT) with methyl acrylate (MA), butyl acrylate (BA) and butyl methacrylate (BMA). The interactions between these copolymers and porcine stomach mucin have been studied in aqueous solutions using dynamic light scattering, zeta-potential measurements, turbidimetric titration and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was demonstrated that mixing aqueous dispersions of mucin with solutions of the cationic copolymers results in significant changes in size distribution and zeta-potential of its particles. It was found that an increase in the content of hydrophobic groups in copolymers leads to more efficient adsorption of macromolecules on the surface of mucin particles, which evidences the importance of hydrophobic effects in mucoadhesion. The efficiency of mucoadhesive interactions was found to be significantly dependent on pH, which affects the surface charge and aggregation stability of mucin. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The thiol isomerase enzymes protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) and endoplasmic reticulum protein 5 (ERp5) are released by resting and activated platelets. These re-associate with the cell surface where they modulate a range of platelet responses including adhesion, secretion and aggregation. Recent studies suggest the existence of yet uncharacterised platelet thiol isomerase proteins. This study aimed to identify which other thiol isomerase enzymes are present in human platelets. Through the use of immunoblotting, flow cytometry, cell-surface biotinylation and gene array analysis, we report the presence of five additional thiol isomerases in human and mouse platelets and megakaryocytes, namely; ERp57, ERp72, ERp44, ERp29 and TMX3. ERp72, ERp57, ERp44 and ERp29 are released by platelets and relocate to the cell surface following platelet activation. The transmembrane thiol isomerase TMX3 was also detected on the platelet surface but does not increase following activation. Extracellular PDI is also implicated in the regulation of coagulation by the modulation of tissue factor activity. ERp57 was identified within platelet-derived microparticle fractions, suggesting that ERp57 may also be involved in the regulation of coagulation as well as platelet function. These data collectively implicate the expanding family of platelet-surface thiol isomerases in the regulation of haemostasis.
Platelets play a vital role in maintaining haemostasis. Human platelet activation depends on Ca2+ release, leading to cell activation, granule secretion and aggregation. NAADP (nicotinic acid-adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is a Ca2+-releasing second messenger that acts on acidic Ca2+ stores and is used by a number of mammalian systems. In human platelets, NAADP has been shown to release Ca2+ in permeabilized human platelets and contribute to thrombin-mediated platelet activation. In the present study, we have further characterized NAADP-mediated Ca2+ release in human platelets in response to both thrombin and the GPVI (glycoprotein VI)-specific agonist CRP (collagen-related peptide). Using a radioligand-binding assay, we reveal an NAADP-binding site in human platelets, indicative of a platelet NAADP receptor. We also found that NAADP releases loaded 45Ca2+ from intracellular stores and that total platelet Ca2+ release is inhibited by the proton ionophore nigericin. Ned-19, a novel cell-permeant NAADP receptor antagonist, competes for the NAADP-binding site in platelets and can inhibit both thrombin- and CRP-induced Ca2+ release in human platelets. Ned-19 has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, secretion and spreading. In addition, Ned-19 extends the clotting time in whole-blood samples. We conclude that NAADP plays an important role in human platelet function. Furthermore, the development of Ned-19 as an NAADP receptor antagonist provides a potential avenue for platelet-targeted therapy and the regulation of thrombosis.
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is a critical component of the signaling pathways that control the activation of platelets. Here we have examined the regulation of protein kinase B (PKB), a downstream effector of PI3K, by the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein (GP) VI and thrombin receptors. Stimulation of platelets with collagen or convulxin (a selective GPVI agonist) resulted in PI3K-dependent, and aggregation independent, Ser(473) and Thr(308) phosphorylation of PKBalpha, which results in PKB activation. This was accompanied by translocation of PKB to cell membranes. The phosphoinositide-dependent kinase PDK1 is known to phosphorylate PKBalpha on Thr(308), although the identity of the kinase responsible for Ser(473) phosphorylation is less clear. One candidate that has been implicated as being responsible for Ser(473) phosphorylation, either directly or indirectly, is the integrin-linked kinase (ILK). In this study we have examined the interactions of PKB, PDK1, and ILK in resting and stimulated platelets. We demonstrate that in platelets PKB is physically associated with PDK1 and ILK. Furthermore, the association of PDK1 and ILK increases upon platelet stimulation. It would therefore appear that formation of a tertiary complex between PDK1, ILK, and PKB may be necessary for phosphorylation of PKB. These observations indicate that PKB participates in cell signaling downstream of the platelet collagen receptor GPVI. The role of PKB in collagen- and thrombin-stimulated platelets remains to be determined.
Stimulation of platelets by the extracellular matrix protein collagen leads to activation of a tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanism resulting in secretion and aggregation. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2 are early events in collagen-induced activation. We recently proposed that collagen-signaling in platelets involves a receptor or a receptor-associated protein containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) enabling interaction with Syk. In this report we show that collagen stimulation of platelets causes rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAM containing Fc receptor gamma-chain and that this is precipitated by the tandem Src homology 2 (SH2) domains of Syk expressed as a fusion protein. In addition we demonstrate an association between the Fc receptor gamma-chain with endogenous Syk in collagen-stimulated platelets. The Fc receptor gamma-chain undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in platelets stimulated by a collagen-related peptide which does not bind the integrin alpha2beta1 and by the lectin wheat germ agglutinin. In contrast, cross-linking of the platelet low affinity receptor for immune complexes, FcgammaRIIA, or stimulation by thrombin does not induce phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain. The present results provide a molecular basis for collagen activation of platelets which is independent of the integrin alpha2beta1 and involves phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain, its association with Syk and subsequent phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2. Collagen is the first example of a nonimmune receptor stimulus to signal through a pathway closely related to signaling by immune receptors.
Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive, is the hydrolysis product of glucoraphanin, the main glucosinolate in broccoli. The hydrolysis requires myrosinase isoenzyme to be present in sufficient activity; however processing leads to its denaturation and hence reduced hydrolysis. In this study, the effect of adding mustard seeds, which has a more resilient isoform of myrosinase, to processed broccoli was investigated with a view to intensify the formation of sulforaphane. Thermal inactivation of myrosinase from both broccoli and mustard seeds was studied. Thermal degradation of broccoli glucoraphanin was investigated in addition to the effects of thermal processing on the formation of sulforaphane and sulforaphane nitrile. Limited thermal degradation of glucoraphanin (less than 12 %) was observed when broccoli was placed in vacuum sealed bag (sous vide) and cooked in a water bath at 100 ºC for 8 and 12 min. Boiling broccoli in water prevented the formation of any significant levels of sulforaphane due to inactivated myrosinase. However, addition of powdered mustard seeds to the heat processed broccoli significantly increased the formation of sulforaphane.
The interfacial behavior of the model amyloid peptide octamer YYKLVFFC (peptide 1) and two other amyloid peptides YEVHHQKLVFF (peptide 2) and KKLVFFA (peptide 3) at the metal|aqueous solution interface was studied by voltammetric and constant current chronopotentiometric stripping (CPS). All three peptides are adsorbed in a wide potential range and exhibit different interfacial organizations depending on the electrode potential. At the least negative potentials, chemisorption of peptide 1 occurs through the formation of a metal sulfur bond. This bond is broken close to −0.6 V. The peptide undergoes self-association at more negative potentials, leading to the formation of a “pit” characteristic of a 2D condensed film. Under the same conditions the other peptides do not produce such a pit. Formation of the 2D condensed layer in peptide 1 is supported by the time, potential and temperature dependences of the interfacial capacity and it is shown that presence of the 2D layer is reflected by the peptide CPS signals due to the catalytic hydrogen evolution. The ability of peptide 1 to form the potential-dependent 2D condensed layer has been reported neither for any other peptide nor for any protein molecule. This ability might be related to the well-known oligomerization and aggregation of Alzheimer amyloid peptides.
Using molecular dynamics simulations, we find a reversible transition between the dispersion and aggregation states of solute molecules in aqueous solutions confined in nanoscale geometry, which is not observed in macroscopic systems. The nanoscale confinement also leads to a significant increase of the critical aggregation concentration (CAC). A theoretical model based on Gibbs free energy calculation is developed to describe the simulation results. It indicates that the reversible state transition is attributed to the low free energy barrier (of order kBT) in between two energy minima corresponding to the dispersion and aggregation states, and the enhancement of the CAC results from the fact that at lower concentrations the number of solute molecules is not large enough to allow the formation of a stable cluster in the confined systems.
There is an on-going debate on the environmental effects of genetically modified crops to which this paper aims to contribute. First, data on environmental impacts of genetically modified (GM) and conventional crops are collected from peer-reviewed journals, and secondly an analysis is conducted in order to examine which crop type is less harmful for the environment. Published data on environmental impacts are measured using an array of indicators, and their analysis requires their normalisation and aggregation. Taking advantage of composite indicators literature, this paper builds composite indicators to measure the impact of GM and conventional crops in three dimensions: (1) non-target key species richness, (2) pesticide use, and (3) aggregated environmental impact. The comparison between the three composite indicators for both crop types allows us to establish not only a ranking to elucidate which crop is more convenient for the environment but the probability that one crop type outperforms the other from an environmental perspective. Results show that GM crops tend to cause lower environmental impacts than conventional crops for the analysed indicators.
The oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans expresses a surface protein, P1, which interacts with the salivary pellicle on the tooth surface or with fluid-phase saliva, resulting in bacterial adhesion or aggregation, respectively. P1 is a target of protective immunity. Its N-terminal region has been associated with adhesion and aggregation functions and contains epitopes recognized by efficacious antibodies. In this study, we used Bacillus subtilis, a gram-positive expression host, to produce a recombinant N-terminal polypeptide of P1 (P1(39-512)) derived from the S. mutans strain UA159. Purified P1(39-512) reacted with an anti-full-length P1 antiserum as well as one raised against intact S. mutans cells, indicating preserved antigenicity. Immunization of mice with soluble and heat-denatured P1(39-512) induced antibodies that reacted specifically with native P1 on the surface of S. mutans cells. The anti-P1(39-512) antiserum was as effective at blocking saliva-mediated aggregation of S. mutans cells and better at blocking bacterial adhesion to saliva-coated plastic surfaces compared with the anti-full-length P1 antiserum. In addition, adsorption of the anti-P1 antiserum with P1(39-512) eliminated its ability to block the adhesion of S. mutans cells to abiotic surfaces. The present results indicate that P1(39-512), expressed and purified from a recombinant B. subtilis strain, maintains important immunological features of the native protein and represents an additional tool for the development of anticaries vaccines.
Chitosan (alpha alpha-(1-4)-amino-2-deoxy-beta beta-D-glucan) is a deacetylated form of chitin, a polysaccharide from crustacean shells. Its unique characteristics, such as positive charge, biodegradability, biocompatibility, nontoxicity, and rigid structure, make this macromolecule ideal for an oral vaccine delivery system. We prepared reverse-phase evaporation vesicles (REVs) sandwiched by chitosan (Chi) and polyvinylic alcohol (PVA). However, in this method, there are still some problems to be circumvented related to protein stabilization. During the inverted micelle phase of protein nanoencapsulation, hydrophobic interfaces are expanded, leading to interfacial adsorption, followed by protein unfolding and aggregation. Here, spectroscopic and immunological techniques were used to ascertain the effects of the Hoffmeister series ions on diphtheria toxoid (Dtxd) stability during the inverted micelle phase. A correlation was established between the salts used in aqueous solutions and the changes in Dtxd solubility and conformation. Dtxd alpha alpha-helical content was quite stable, which led us to conclude that encapsulation occurred without protein aggregation or without exposition of hydrophobic residues. Dtxd aggregation was 98% avoided by the kosmotropic, PO
Microelectrode cyclic voltammetry (MV) has been employed to investigate the micellar properties of solutions of homologous alkyltrimethylammonium bromides, RMe(3)ABr, R = C(10), C(12), and C(14), in water and in the presence of added NaBr. The micellar self-diffusion coefficient was calculated from the limiting current for the reversible electron transfer of micelle-bound ferrocene. From the values of this property, other parameters were calculated, including the micellar hydrodynamic radius, RH, and aggregation number, N(agg); the latter was also theoretically calculated. We determined the values of the diffusion coefficient as a function of various experimental variables and observed the following trends: The diffusion coefficient decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration (no additional electrolyte added); it decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration at fixed NaBr concentration; and it shows a complex dependence (increase then decrease) on the NaBr concentration at a fixed RMe(3)ABr concentration. The value of the intermicellar interaction parameter decreases and then increases as a function of increasing NaBr concentration. These results are discussed in terms of intermicellar,interactions and the effect of NaBr on the micellar surface charge density and sphere-to-rod geometry change. The NaBr concentration required to induce the latter change increases rapidly as a function of decreasing the length of R: no geometry change was detected for C(10)Me(3)ABr. Values of N(agg) increase as I function of increasing the length of R and are in good agreement with both literature values and values that were calculated theoretically. Thus, MV is a convenient and simple technique for obtaining fundamental properties of surfactant solutions, including additive-induced changes of micellar parameters (N(agg)) and morphology changes.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho a obtenção de padrões de infestação de plantas daninhas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar com histórico de colheita mecanizada sem queima prévia da palha. Foram realizadas amostragens em 28 talhões na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP; em cada talhão foram demarcadas unidades de avaliação e coleta, na proporção de duas por hectare, que consistiram de áreas (quatro linhas de 4 metros de comprimento) mantidas sem controle de plantas daninhas e onde foram realizadas as amostragens de plantas emergidas. As amostragens foram realizadas aos 120 dias após o corte, com quadrados vazados (0,5 x 0,5 m) lançados aleatoriamente duas vezes em cada uma das unidades de avaliação e coleta. Com os dados obtidos, calculou-se a importância relativa e o índice de agregação das espécies ou grupo de espécies. Esses índices foram usados no processamento da análise de agrupamento hierárquica, utilizando como medida de semelhança a distância euclidiana e como estratégia de agrupamento o método UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method using arithmetic Averages). Foi possível distinguir quatro grupos em função da importância relativa e cinco grupos de talhões em função do índice de agregação; dentro de alguns grupos houve formação de subgrupos.
O monitoramento da qualidade do solo pelos atributos físicos é importante para a avaliação e manutenção da sustentabilidade dos sistemas agrícolas. Um atributo indicador da qualidade do solo deve ser sensível às variações do manejo ao qual está sendo submetido. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o parâmetro S como indicador da qualidade física do solo e a agregação de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, submetido a sistemas de manejo sem ou com a inclusão de plantas de cobertura em pré-safra durante 11 anos. Os tratamentos foram: sistema convencional (SC) e sistemas conservacionistas compostos por plantas de cobertura, crotalária (SDC), milheto (SDM) e lablabe (SDL). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições; as camadas constituíram-se nas parcelas subdivididas. Os sistemas conservacionistas SDC, SDM e SDL apresentaram maior teor de matéria orgânica em relação ao SC nas camadas de 0 a 0,05 m. Maiores valores de diâmetro médio ponderado e geométrico dos agregados foram observados nos sistemas conservacionistas. O solo apresentou boa qualidade física determinada pelo índice S, com valores todos superiores a 0,035.