929 resultados para Democratic Party (Pa.)


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A dialogue between a Democrat and a Whig.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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The focus of this thesis is the evolution of programmatic polarization in the post-authoritarian Chilean party system at the elite level. It shows the distance/proximity between parties located along the left-right ideological continuum on three sets of issues. The paper demonstrates that important changes have taken place in the meaning of the right and, especially, left poles. This implies convergence on socio-economic issues between parties, but persistence of differences on religious-value issues, and on issues related to the authoritarian/democratic cleavage. Distance between the poles has been reduced, and as a result the center has lost its own political space. In addition, the paper shows that the pattern followed by programmatic polarization at the elite level is explained by the authoritarian experience, the institutional framework, and socio-economic transformations. Together with this factors, the degree of negotiability of the issues and the cross-cutting nature of the cleavages have also shaped polarization.


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This paper analyzes the different compositions of the catalan governing coalitions during the current democratic period, and offers some predictions about the coalitions that can be expected in the future. During this period, in catalan politics, there have been two main political issues over which the different parties have taken positions: rightist versus leftist with respect to economic policy, and sovereign versus centralist with respect to the power distribution within the state. I find that for any allocation of parliament seats there is a key party: a party that has a clear advantage in terms of being able to decide the composition of the governing coalition. I show the features that allow a party to become the key party and those that affect the size of the advantage of the key party.


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The gradual implementation of new, more participatory and thus, more democratic mechanisms of intra-party decision-making has been pointed out by several party politics scholars. This phenomenon has been studied as the party elite’s reactions to a widespread trend in Western countries: the party membership decline. Spain is still a deviant case in both the party membership decline trend, and with regards to the introduction of more participatory and democratic decision-making mechanisms. However, the paper point out that support for intra-party democracy is quite widespread within Spanish party middle elites (party delegates). That is why the aim of this paper is to explain which factors are underpinning the supports for intra-party democracy amongst Spanish party delegates. After conducting a multivariate analysis, the results show that ideology, the involvement in intra-party experiences and the degree of pragmatism, amongst others, are factors strongly associated with the support for intraparty democracy in Spanish party middle elites.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the conditions under which referendum campaigns have an impact on voting choices. Based on a model of opinion formation that integrates both campaign effects and partisan effects, we argue that campaign effects vary according to the context of the popular vote (size and type of conflict among the party elite and intensity and direction of the referendum campaign). We test our hypotheses with two-step estimations for hierarchical models on data covering 25 popular votes on foreign, European and immigration policy in Switzerland. Our results show strong campaign effects and they suggest that their strength and nature are indeed highly conditional on the context of the vote: the type of party coalition pre-structures the patterns of individual voting choices, campaign effects are higher when the campaign is highly intense and they are more symmetric when it is balanced.


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Les inégalités économiques se traduisent-elles dans des inégalités politiques à travers le processus de représentation électorale? Telle est la question centrale de cette thèse qui s'attache, par ailleurs, à investiguer les mécanismes qui tendent à produire une représentation biaisée des préférences politiques des citoyens en fonction de leur statut économique. Focalisé sur le cas de la Suisse et faisant usage des données de l'enquête postélectorale Selects de 2007, ce travail démontre que sur les rares sujets qui divisent les citoyens selon des clivages économiques - la redistribution des richesses et la sécurité sociale en particulier - les élus à l'Assemblée fédérale ont des préférences qui reflètent mieux les opinions des citoyens les plus riches. Cette sous-représentation des opinions des citoyens modestes et de ceux faisant partie du centre de la distribution des revenus peut en partie être attribuée à des différences dans les taux de participation et de connaissance politiques entre ces groupes de citoyens. La thèse met également en évidence le rôle joué par la représentation descriptive - autrement dit, la similitude en termes de statut économique entre les représentants et les représentés - dans la représentation des opinions et intérêts des citoyens. Par ailleurs, la structure du système partisan en Suisse ne reflétant pas la multidimensionnalité des préférences politiques des citoyens, les électeurs ne parviennent pas à traduire la complexité de leurs préférences politiques dans un choix de vote, ce qui, dans la configuration actuelle des forces politiques, tend à favoriser l'élection de représentants aux opinions proches de la droite sur les questions économiques. Enfin, une analyse de la représentation politique au niveau cantonal tend à soutenir la thèse selon laquelle le manque de régulation en matière de financement des partis en Suisse pourrait partiellement expliquer les inégalités dans la représentation des opinions politiques des citoyens aux revenus distincts. - Do economic inequalities translate into political inequalities through electoral representation? This is the central research question of this thesis, which also investigates the mechanisms that lead to potential economically based inequalities in the representation of citizens' policy preferences. Focusing on the case of Switzerland and making use of data provided by the post- electoral survey Selects 2007, this research demonstrates that regarding the rare policy domains in which the preferences of citizens are clearly linked to economic cleavages - redistribution and social security in particular - members of the Federal Assembly have policy preferences that best reflect the policy preferences of richer citizens. The under-representation of the opinions of relatively poor citizens and of those being the in the middle of the income distribution can be to some extent be explained by differences in political participation and political information across income groups. The thesis also puts forward the role played by descriptive representation - the similarity between representatives and represented in terms of their socioeconomic status - for the representation of citizens' preferences and interests. In addition, the structure of the party system in Switzerland does not reflect the multidimensionality of policy preferences among citizens who, as a result, have a hard time translating their complex preferences into a vote choice. Given the configuration of political actors, this tends to favour the election of representatives from the right who do not represent the preferences of their voters on economic issues. Finally, an analysis of representation at the cantonal level tends to confirm that the lack of party finance regulations in Switzerland may partially explain inequalities in the representation of citizens with different levels of income.


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This article employs a unique data set - covering 25 popular votes on foreign, European and immigration/asylum policy held between 1992 and 2006 in Switzerland - in order to examine the conditional impact of context upon utilitarian, cultural, political and cognitive determinants of individual attitudes toward international openness. Our results reveal clear patterns of cross-level interactions between individual determinants and the project-related context of the vote. Thus, although party cues and political competence have a strong impact on individuals' support for international openness, this impact is substantially mediated by the type of coalition that is operating within the party elite. Similarly, subjective utilitarian and cultural considerations influence the voters' decision in interaction with the content of the proposal submitted to the voters as well as with the framing of the voting campaign.


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Essa dissertação reflete sobre o papel que os conselhos de educação têm adquirido na gestão do setor educacional como uma alternativa de ampliação da participação da sociedade civil, buscando compreender os limites e as possibilidades que este espaço apresenta e se a relação contribui para a efetivação e ampliação dos direitos de cidadania. Procurou-se sistematizar as experiências de um conselho municipal de educação instituído por um governo progressista, e que se envolveu em um processo gradual de debates, embates e disputas entre a sociedade civil e o poder público que demandaram muitos desafios, entraves e possibilidades de se efetivar, no município de Belém, políticas públicas educacionais que, alicerçados em um movimento mais amplo de superação da cultura hegemônica imposta, propuseram e criaram ações alternativas, em contrapartida à política educacional implementada através do Ministério da Educação no governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1993 a 2002).Assim, procuramos investigar neste estudo, o Conselho Municipal de Educação de Belém/PA, considerando, a participação e o controle social na construção do espaço público nas relações entre o poder público e a sociedade civil, visando compreender as possibilidades e os limites deste no processo de consolidação de ações institucionais inovadoras na gestão pública. Tomamos como pressuposto a idéia de que os Conselhos, na intermediação entre Estado e sociedade, traduzem idéias e concepções mais amplas de educação e de sociedade que, em cada momento histórico, influenciam a dinâmica das políticas educacionais em pauta. Desse modo, justifica-se a preocupação relacionada às possibilidades dos conselhos ampliarem o debate de forma mais democrática, acerca do conjunto de mudanças a que vem se submetendo os diversos segmentos sociais, principalmente os mais subalternizados, objetivando contribuir para uma interlocução cada vez maior com os usuários das políticas sociais públicas. A dimensão política da representatividade foi também objeto de reflexão, seja pela necessidade de se avaliar a sua legitimidade e a direção dada às discussões, bem como os limites da representação delegada.


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Tomando-se como referência as condições políticas e pedagógicas em que se realizam as políticas educacionais para a educação básica, este estudo analisou a concepção de qualidade social da educação, assumida pela Escola Cabana, no município de Belém/PA, no período de 1997 a 2004. Explicita os fatores e elementos necessários à educação de qualidade, bem como, analisa as contribuições e limites do Projeto Escola Cabana para construção do conceito de Qualidade Social da Educação como política pública. Realizou-se por meio de análise documental, assumindo a abordagem crítico-dialética como referencial teóricometodológico. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se, inicialmente, com um levantamento na produção bibliográfica existente das concepções de qualidade evidenciadas nas políticas educacionais, assim como das investigações realizadas sobre a Escola Cabana. A análise documental incidiu sobre os documentos oficiais produzidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação – SEMEC, sendo considerados como fontes primárias do estudo os planos de governo, os cadernos dos fóruns e conferências, os cadernos de educação e a proposta preliminar e final do Plano Municipal de Educação. Ao analisar tal política é possível apontar algumas considerações que indicam a referência da Qualidade Social da Educação, em um primeiro momento, como uma estratégia pela qual se alcançaria a inclusão social na escola, com sua ação centrada no processo de reorientação curricular, o qual envolve a organização do trabalho pedagógico por meio da resignificação do tempo para aprendizagem, da formação voltada para a cidadania e democracia, da instituição de processos democráticos de avaliação da aprendizagem, assim como, da organização do ensino por meio do trabalho coletivo e interdisciplinar com vistas à permanência com sucesso do aluno na escola. Em um segundo momento observa-se uma elaboração mais ampla e avançada para formulação da Qualidade Social da Educação como política pública, tendo em vista, o importante vínculo construído entre a organização educativa escolar e a garantia de condições estruturais e financeiras como responsabilidade do poder público na oferta da educação como direito público subjetivo.