1000 resultados para Deloche, Maximin (1817-1900) -- Portraits
Durante a terceira excursão realizada pela Seção de Helmintologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, à localidade de Arraial do Cabo, em Cabo Frio, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em junho de 1963, tivemos a oportunidade de encontrar ao amanhecer do dia 22 um exemplar fêmea de Diomodea melanophris Temm. (Albatroz), pousado no chão, nas proximidades da praia, provàvelmente levado para lá pela forte ventania que ocorrera durante a noite. Ao necropsiarmos essa ave encontramos, localizados mo estômago, alguns nematódeos dos quais um macho e quatro fêmeas pertencentes ao gênero Seuratia Skrjabin, 1916 e devido à sua raridade nas costas brasileiras e ao achado dos parasitos, resolvemos efetuar o reestudo dêsses helmintos, descritos por Stossich, e rever o gênero proposto por Skrjabin.
A taxonomical and ecological study was made on 264 samples of 12 species of ectoparasite ixodides collected on wild mammals from several natural regions of Paraná state, Brazil. These species of ticks as their hosts are listed by their identified evolutive forms and capture locations. A review of the early studies on the Ixodida from South Brazil is made considering the frequency of the parasite species on each host concerning the geographic distribution of such species. This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the Ixodidae ectoparasites species of wild mammals in Brazil.
A description is given of the shell, radula, renal region, reproductive system and egg capsules of topotypic specimens of limnaea peregrina Clessin, 1882. This investigation intends contributing to define the specific identity of that nominal species. A close anatomical comparison with Lymnaea columella Say, 1817 from Michigan, USA, shows that both forms are indistinguishable, giving support to previous inferences from some authors. Data on egg hatching are presented.
El text que es mostra a continuació resumeix el treball realitzat en la primera fase de recerca del projecte titulat provisionalment "Del teatre líric a la cançó popular: construcció social a partir de la música en València (1900-1959)". Aquest treball ha tingut una durada de set mesos entre febrer i agost de 2009. El projecte pretén dibuixar les línies que uneixen teatre líric i cançó popular fent especial èmfasi en els mecanismes de creació d'identitat de gènere, que va envoltar tot aquest procés. Per aquests motius, la recerca está construïda sobre dos eixos: entrevistes amb les fonts orals i buidatge dels principals fons bibliogrífics per a l'estudi de les fonts primàries i secundàries del primer període analitzat (1931-1959), focalitzat en els pobles que envolten la ciutat de València. Les conclusions apunten cap a una clara vinculació entre teatre líric i cançó popular, així com la utilització dels esdeveniments musicals amb finalitats conformadores de rols socials per part de les institucions sociopolítiques. Les diferències entre fonts primàries i fonts orals assenyalen una naturalització de la desigualtat de gènere a través de la música que han arribat fins als nostres dies, per la qual cosa és necessari l'estudi i anàlisi de la memòria musical.
The tegument of the adult form of Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton, 1900) (Trematoda, Bucephalidae) from the intestine of Pomatomus saltator (L.) from the Atlantic coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The tegument consists of two layers: an external, constituted by a syncytium, containing spines, unicilliated papillae, inclusion bodies and mitochondria and an internal, consisting of a muscular layer and mononucleated tegumental cells.
The role of public health has been a central topic on the classical debate about the historical mortality decline in Europe. One of these health initiatives were the Milk Depots. Spain set up those centres from the late 19th century until the beginning of the Civil War. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the effect of this health intervention on the infant mortality decline during this period. This study works out three kinds of sources: Statistical Yearbooks, Official documents and local records produced by the same Milk Depot. It analyses data available for all the country and one local case such as the Barcelona’s Milk Depot (1904-1935). The main methodological issue deals with the measurement of the effect of the Milk Depot activities on the pattern of changes of infant mortality. Results suggest that Milk Depots have a positive but quite moderate effect on the improving of overall levels of child survival.
Cet ouvrage en propose une image différente des vallées latérales du Valais qui aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles participent aux grands mouvements qui agitent l'Europe et parfois même les anticipent. Les grandes questions religieuses, politiques et culturelles - rôle de l'Église, éducation, libertés, droits individuels et collectifs... - passionnent et divisent les communautés locales. L'étude révèle enfin un aspect insoupçonné : dans les luttes pour le pouvoir et pour des valeurs sociales et culturelles, les attitudes et les comportements sexuels jouent un rôle central et jusqu'à présent négligé.
The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Lymnaea columella, collected in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was reared in our laboratory. The aim of the current study was to standardize a rearing and maintenance technique. Two kinds of diet were tested: fresh lettuce (A) and rodent ration + 10% CaCO3 plus fresh lettuce (B). The age for the beginning of oviposition ranged from 27 to 57 days. Ten days after oviposition at 24.7°C, 100% eclosion occurred. The complete life cycle varied from 37 to 67 days. The average numbers of eggs per egg mass were 26.3 and 31.1 with diets (A) and (B), respectively. The lettuce and ration fed snails presented a increased growth although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mortality rate varied from 40 to 64% after 90 days. The maximum longevity was 183 days, 21.5 mm length and 11 mm wide. The methodology to mass breed and maintain these snails was found to be suitable in the laboratory
Vingt-six portraits par vingt-six exégètes. Tel est le défi proposé et assumé pour un parcours surprenant de lectures et d'interprétations multiples d'un Dieu unique et en même temps complexe. Quelle cohérence entre le Dieu fracassant de l'Exode et le Dieu crucifié de l'apôtre Paul ? Quelle continuité entre le Dieu de Gédéon et celui de Jésus : " Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné ? " (Mc 15,34) ? Le Dieu de l'entrée en Canaan ressemble-t-il vraiment à l'Agneau immolé de l'Apocalypse ? Mais déjà, au sein de la Bible hébraïque, les trompettes de Jéricho côtoient le Serviteur souffrant d'Isaïe. Comment comprendre aujourd'hui cette diversité de la présence de Dieu dans la Bible, si ce n'est par la diversité des regards d'exégètes dont la lecture croisée des textes bibliques nous invite à renouveler notre compréhension de Dieu ?