895 resultados para Decision to Emigrate
ste trabalho objetiva identificar a percepção dos gestores de controladoria de indústrias sobre os aspectos estratégicos e econômicos da decisão de bonificação em quantidade de produto. A premissa é que os resultados econômicos gerados pela decisão de desconto no preço e de bonificação em quantidade de produto são iguais, considerando a mesma quantidade de produto entregue ao cliente. Com base no banco de dados da FIPECAFI- FEA-USP, analisaram-se 91 questionários encaminhados a controllers atuantes em diversos setores. Os resultados revelam: 1) um número muito significativo de empresas da amostra selecionada adota a bonificação em produtos; 2) a área comercial é a principal responsável por essa decisão; e 3) identificação da percepção dos controllers sobre aspectos decisórios de bonificação em quantidade de produtos.
The high variability in the reproductive biology of stingless bees makes them very amenable for comparative studies with other eusocial bee taxa. We investigated the structural organization of the ovaries of Melipona quadrifasciata queens and workers kept under different social conditions by analyzing their general histology, mitotic activity, and microfilament organization. The overall dynamics of ovarian activity were similar in the two castes, and at emergence their ovarioles contained a previtellogenic follicle. Stingless bees and honey bees differ in the structural organization in the lower germarium, but they have in common synchronized mitotic activity and putative germ line stem cells in the terminal filament. Unlike honey bees, stingless bee workers lay trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs. The overall similarities in oogenesis between the two taxa suggest that the decision to form trophic eggs should only occur in the late stages of oogenesis.
In Experiment 1, color-naming interference for target stimuli following associated primes was greater in a group making a lexical decision to the prime than in a group reading the prime silently. High-frequency targets were responded to more quickly than low-frequency targets. In Experiment 2, with subjects naming the prime, there was evidence of associative interference when the prime and the target were grouped temporally but not when the intertrial interval was comparable with the prime-target interval. Associative primes presented at a short (120-msec) prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony facilitated color naming in Experiment 3. Taken together, the results suggest that the effect of faster processing of the base word in a color-naming task is facilitatory and that color-naming priming interference arises when associative prime processing increases conflict between word and color responses by enhancing phonological or articulatory activation of the base word.
The Strength of Weak Parties The aim of this article is to fill some gaps in research on the Brazilian electoral arena. The current literature, by neglecting the study of party organization, ends up overlooking fundamental questions for understanding how the electoral process works. This study addressed two questions: How do Brazilian parties work? What is the impact of party organization on a party`s decision to launch or withhold a candidate in a given election? We intend to show that the parties have more life than many studies on our political system tend to show. This partisan life helps understand one of the central aspects of the electoral arena, that is, how pre-election coordination occurs.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is now well recognized as an independent risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality particularly when dialysis is needed. Although renal replacement therapy (RRT) has been used in AKI for more than five decades, there is no standard methodology to predict which AKI patients will need dialysis and who will recover renal function without requiring dialysis. The lack of consensus on what parameters should guide the decision to start dialysis has led to a wide variation in dialysis utilization. A contributing factor is the lack of studies in the modern era evaluating the relationship of timing of dialysis initiation and outcomes. Although listed as one of the top priorities in research on AKI, timing of dialysis initiation has not been included as a factor in large, randomized controlled trials in this area. In this review we will discuss the criteria that have been used to define early vs. late initiation in previous studies on dialysis initiation. In addition, we propose a patient-centered approach to define early and late initiation that could serve as framework for managing patients and for future studies in this area.
Background-Fetal atrioventricular (AV) block is an uncommon lesion with significant mortality. Because of the rarity of this disorder, the natural course, extensive evaluation of untreated fetuses, and late follow-up remain unclear. Methods and Results-Of the 116 consecutive cases of fetal AV block studied from 1988 to 2006, only 1 was terminated, and 75% were live births. Fifty-nine cases of AV block were associated with major structural heart disease, mainly left atrial isomerism (n = 40), with only 26% of neonatal survivors. Of the 57 fetuses with normal cardiac anatomy, 41 (72%) were positive for maternal antinuclear antibodies, and 32 of these seropositive mothers did not receive any treatment. This untreated group had live-birth and 1-year infant survival rates of 93% and 90%, respectively. Five fetuses from seronegative mothers showed regression to sinus rhythm during pregnancy. The presence of major structural heart disease, hydrops, an atrial rate <= 120 bpm, and a ventricular rate <= 55 bpm were identified as risk factors for mortality. Logistic regression analysis of the whole group showed that the presence of structural heart disease was the only independent predictor of death (P < 0.001). Conclusions-This long-term study confirms that fetal AV block has a poor outcome when associated with structural heart disease and that spontaneous regression of AV block is possible in seronegative forms. The survival rate of >90% of our untreated patients with isolated forms of AV block raises concerns about any decision to intervene with immunosuppressive agents.
1. The present brief review covers some novel aspects of integration between respiration and movement of the body. 2. There are potent viscerosomatic reflexes in animals involving small-diameter pulmonary afferents that, when excited, would limit exercise. However, recent studies using lobeline injections to excite pulmonary afferents in awake humans suggest that there is no evoked reflex motoneuronal inhibition. Instead, the noxious respiratory sensations generated by the vagal afferents may be crucial in the decision to stop exercise. 3. While respiratory movements may affect limb movements, the control of the trunk and limbs can involve interaction (and even interference) with key respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm. Recent studies have revealed that not only does the diaphragm receive feed-forward drive prior to some limb movements, but that it also contracts both phasically and tonically during repetitive limb movements. 4. Thus, challenges to posture can indirectly challenge ventilation, while coordinated diaphragm contraction may contribute to control of the trunk.
This study explored the relationship between coping, alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy in predicting drinking behaviour in both community and clinical samples. These variables were found to have differential effects in their association with frequency and volume of alcohol consumption across the two samples. Generally, drinking refusal self-efficacy was a more salient factor in relation to frequency and volume of community drinking, while coping and expectancies were more strongly associated with frequency of drinking sessions by problem drinkers. The interaction between expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy was related to volume of consumption in both groups, while coping and expectancies interacted in their association with frequency in the clinical group. The findings are discussed with regard to the different patterns of cognitive variables governing the decision to drink and the amount consumed in each drinking session, which may differentiate community and problem drinkers.
With evidence of increasing accident risk due to age-related declines in health and cognition affecting driver performance, there is a need for research promoting safe mobility of older people. The present study aimed to identify transport options and licensing issues for a group of older people in an Australian community. Ninety-five participants aged 75 and over were interviewed about their driving status and accident record and tested for cognitive ability. After stratification on cognitive level and driver status (current, ex-driver or non-driver), 30 were selected for further in-depth interviews concerning demographics, licence status and impact of change, travel options available and used, and travel characteristics. Considerable reliance on the motor vehicle as the mode of transport and the decision to cease driving were major quality-of-life issues. There was little evidence of planning and support in making the decision to stop driving. Some differences in transport decisions on the basis of cognitive level were evident; however, people with severely compromised cognitive ability (and, therefore, unable to give informed consent) had been excluded. The study suggested the need for resources to assist older people/carers/health professionals to plan for the transition from driver to non-driver and to manage alternative transport options more effectively
The first eighteen months of the Great War witnessed an unprecedented awakening of interest in the Polish Question, when worldwide attention was drawn to the prolonged devastation of the Polish territories. Thereafter, a steady increase in media comment and criticism, highlighting Poland's plight, fostered public indignation at the continual stalling of humanitarian relief efforts for Polish refugees. Such burgeoning popular sentiment focused wider political attention upon a growing movement for recognition of Polish claims to independence. This particularly proved to be the case for Woodrow Wilson and his administration's budding interest in Poland. Subsequently, nowhere did the Polish Question assume a greater role in diplomatic efforts to mediate for peace than in America, and at no time more than during the year preceding the President's hesitant decision to intervene in hostilities.
Risk taking behaviour has been identified as an important host-related determinant of injury in young adults. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the two key elements of risk taking behaviour - ie, risk assessment and risk acceptance - in participants of a high risk sporting activity. Skydivers registered with the Australian Parachute Federation were sampled at several jump meetings held at three 'drop-zones' in North Eastern Australia. A cross sectional survey of 215 skydivers ascertained each subject's risk assessment of each of nine hypothetical sky diving scenes and whether or not they would jump in the described conditions. Variables which independently predicted an individual's risk assessment were age group (p < 0.05), gender (p < 0.05) and scene details (p < 0.001). Risk assessment was found to be a statistically significant predictor of the decision to jump, with a 22% decrease in the odds of jumping with every unit increase in risk assessment (OR = 0.78: 95% Cl; 0.76, 0.80). Gender was also found to be a statistically significant predictor of the decision to jump, with males being 19% more likely to jump than females, after controlling for age, experience, currency and risk assessment (OR = 1.19: 95% CI; 1.04, 1.38). The importance of these results is that, by quantifying the relationship between two key elements of risk taking behaviour and several important host factor determinants, they facilitate more informed discussion about the possible role of risk taking behaviour in the causation of injury.
The European Union's (EU) decision to include aviation into the Emissions Trade Scheme was heatedly contested. Countries around the world, but mainly the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa group (BRICS) and the US, denounced the EU's initiate as illegal and unilateral. Following a decade of frustrated negotiations at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this paper interrogates why such measure, in principle climate-friendly, inspired so much global resentment. I argue that concerns with competitiveness and risks of legal inconsistency are important, but insufficient elements to explain the core of the conflict. The paper suggests that the EU was strongly criticized because third countries perceived this action as an imposed solution, which fostered an environment of distrust. Therefore, I claim that the problem has more to do with a normative divide than with a substantive divergence on what should be done regarding aviation emissions. My analysis is informed by the present literature on the links between trade and climate change, but gives particular weight to first-hand information through interviews with key stakeholders. The paper is divided in three parts. First, it presents the scope of the EU directive in historical perspective. Second, it explores the EU's measure through three different angles: legal, economical and political. The final part explores some possible solutions to overcome these divergences.
Abstract In 1975, Brazil voted in favor of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 3379 (XXX), equating Zionism with a form of racism. Focusing on the decision-making process of president Ernesto Geisel's (1974-1979) foreign policy, "responsible pragmatism", this article discusses how the ultimate decision to vote in favor of resolution was taken taking into account mainly US-Brazil relationship.
Companies’ decision to pay dividends to its shareholders is a topic that has received increasing attention in business finance. This paper provides an additional contribution to the development of this topic focusing on the analysis of the determinants of dividend policy by issuing companies in the Portuguese capital market. For this purpose, we use a set of financial and economic information specific to each firm to explain its dividend per share. The sample used in the empirical study contains 54 firms and it refers to the 2005-2009 period. Results suggest that net income, dividends per share paid in the previous financial year and return on assets all present a positive and statistically significant effect on dividends per share paid in a given financial year. Moreover, results show that Lintner’s (1956) model appears to be valid in explaining dividend policy by issuing companies in Euronext Lisbon.
The purpose of this investigation is to explore and understand the justifications given by students to the existence of dishonest behavior and understanding the extent to which the justifications given might influence denouncing and cheating behavior. 1277 undergraduate students of two Portuguese Public Universities were surveyed about their own cheating behavior, their propensity to denounce and the ―neutralizing attitudes‖. As predicted, ―neutralizing attitudes‖ was negatively correlated with self cheating behavior and positively correlated with reporting. The likelihood of copying is greater when the purpose is ―helping a friend‖, ―when the courses are more difficult‖, ―to get higher marks/grades‖, and because ―peers accept and tend to see copying practices as normal‖. Results support the notion that context emerges as a very important influence in the decision to cheating. The environment-peer pressure and the normalized attitudes towards academic dishonesty are the main influences on the propensity to cheating.