979 resultados para DTI DWI ADC FA rene policistico RM diffusione
Sur le calendrier ecclésiastique et le calcul des fêtes.Par divers Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus, non énumérés ; extraits par un lettré de Wu lin ; date de la dynastie des Ming.15 feuillets.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL, 2014.
La thérapie génique représente l'un des défis de la médecine des prochaines décennies dont la réussite dépend de la capacité d'acheminer l'ADN thérapeutique jusqu'à sa cible. Des structures non virales ont été envisagées, dont le chitosane, polymère cationique qui se combine facilement à l’ADN. Une fois le complexe formé, l’ADN est protégé des nucléases qui le dégradent. Le premier objectif de l'étude est de synthétiser et ensuite évaluer différentes nanoparticules de chitosane et choisir la mieux adaptée pour une efficacité de transfection sélective in vitro dans les cellules carcinomes épidermoïdes (KB). Le deuxième objectif de l'étude est d'examiner in vivo les effets protecteurs du gène de l'IL-1Ra (bloqueur naturel de la cytokine inflammatoire, l’Interleukine-1β) complexé aux nanoparticules de chitosane sélectionnées dans un modèle d'arthrite induite par un adjuvant (AIA) chez le rat. Les nanoparticules varient par le poids moléculaire du chitosane (5, 25 et 50 kDa), et la présence ou l’absence de l’acide folique (FA). Des mesures macroscopiques de l’inflammation seront évaluées ainsi que des mesures de concentrations de l’Interleukine-1β, Prostaglandine E2 et IL-1Ra humaine secrétés dans le sérum. Les nanoparticules Chitosane-ADN en présence de l’acide folique et avec du chitosane de poids moléculaire de 25 kDa, permettent une meilleure transfection in vitro. Les effets protecteurs des nanoparticules contenant le gène thérapeutique étaient évidents suite à la détection de l’IL-1Ra dans le sérum, la baisse d'expressions des facteurs inflammatoires, l’Interleukine-1 et la Prostaglandine-E2 ainsi que la diminution macroscopique de l’inflammation. Le but de cette étude est de développer notre méthode de thérapie génique non virale pour des applications cliniques pour traiter l’arthrite rhumatoïde et d’autres maladies humaines.
Analog-to digital Converters (ADC) have an important impact on the overall performance of signal processing system. This research is to explore efficient techniques for the design of sigma-delta ADC,specially for multi-standard wireless tranceivers. In particular, the aim is to develop novel models and algorithms to address this problem and to implement software tools which are avle to assist the designer's decisions in the system-level exploration phase. To this end, this thesis presents a framework of techniques to design sigma-delta analog to digital converters.A2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator is proposed which can meet the design specifications of the three wireless communication standards namely GSM,WCDMA and WLAN. A sigma-delta modulator design tool is developed using the Graphical User Interface Development Environment (GUIDE) In MATLAB.Genetic Algorithm(GA) based search method is introduced to find the optimum value of the scaling coefficients and to maximize the dynamic range in a sigma-delta modulator.
The thesis focuses on efficient design methods and reconfiguration architectures suitable for higher performance wireless communication .The work presented in this thesis describes the development of compact,inexpensive and low power communication devices that are robust,testable and capable of handling multiple communication standards.A new multistandard Decimation Filter Design Toolbox is developed in MATLAB GUIDE environment.RNS based dual-mode decimation filters reconfigurable for WCDMA/WiMAX and WCDMA/WLANa standards are designed and implemented.It offers high speed operation with lesser area requirement and lower dynamic power dissipation.A novel sigma-delta based direct analog-to-residue converter that reduces the complexity of RNS conversion circuitry is presented.The performance of an OFDM communication system with a new RRNS-convolutional concatenated coding is analysed and improved BER performance is obtained under different channel conditions. Easily testable MAC units for filters are presented using Reed-Muller logic for realization.
This work presents a wideband low-distortion sigmadelta analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The modulator employs a 2-2 cascaded sigma-delta modulator with feedforward path with a single-bit quantizer in the first stage and 4-bit in the second stage. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8V supply voltage. Simulation results show that, a peak SNDR of 57dB and a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of 66dB is obtained for a 10MHz signal bandwidth, and an oversampling ratio of 8.
The demand for new telecommunication services requiring higher capacities, data rates and different operating modes have motivated the development of new generation multi-standard wireless transceivers. In multistandard design, sigma-delta based ADC is one of the most popular choices. To this end, in this paper we present cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is used to achieve a peak SNDR of 88dB with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz and for WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB peak SNDR with over-sampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz. Finally, a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with 4-bit in the last stage is proposed to achieve a peak SNDR of 58dB for WLAN for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be made inactive to achieve low power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage