982 resultados para DNA-damaging activities


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The WAF1/CIP1 protein has been identified as a downstream mediator of the tumor suppressor p53 in regulating cell cycle progression through a G1-phase check-point. Recent work has implicated the functional status of p53 as a critical determinant in the apoptotic response of certain cell lines to DNA damaging agents. By using human T-cell leukemia virus type I-transformed lymphoid cell lines that differ in their level and function of wild-type p53, we investigated the induction of WAF1/CIP1 and apoptosis after exposure to Adriamycin, a genotoxic agent. We found that regardless of the p53 status in these cell lines, WAF1/CIP1 RNA was rapidly induced in response to Adriamycin treatment. An elevated level of WAF1/CIP1 protein was observed as well. Additionally, we demonstrated that apoptosis was induced in all cell lines analyzed despite some having functionally inactive p53 protein. Our data suggest that a p53-independent pathway may play a role in the apoptotic response observed in some cell lines after exposure to DNA damaging agents.


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The inducible SOS system increases the survival of bacteria exposed to DNA-damaging agents by increasing the capacity of error-free and error-prone DNA repair systems. The inducible mutator effect is expected to contribute to the adaptation of bacterial populations to these adverse life conditions by increasing their genetic variability. The evolutionary impact of the SOS system would be even greater if it was also induced under conditions common in nature, such as in resting bacterial populations. The results presented here show that SOS induction and mutagenesis do occur in bacteria in aging colonies on agar plates. The observed SOS induction and mutagenesis are controlled by the LexA repressor and are RecA- and cAMP-dependent.


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Agents that damage DNA in Escherichia coli or interfere with its replication induce DNA repair and mutagenesis via the SOS response. This well-known activity is regulated by the RecA protein and the LexA repressor. Following repair or bypass of the DNA lesion, the cell returns to its resting state by a largely unknown process. We found that 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase (4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase; EC is necessary for the recovery of respiration and that it is regulated by the SOS response. This protein was induced by DNA-damaging agents. Induction required RecA activation. When the LexA regulon was repressed, activation of RecA was not sufficient for induction, indicating the requirement for an additional protein under LexA control. Finally, a mutant in the corresponding hga gene was UV sensitive. 2-Keto-4-hydroxyglutarate aldolase also plays a role in respiratory metabolic pathways, which suggests a mechanism for respiration resumption during the termination of the SOS response.


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DNA repair is required by organisms to prevent the accumulation of mutations and to maintain the integrity of genetic information. Mammalian cells that have been treated with agents that damage DNA have an increase in p53 levels, a p53-dependent arrest at G1 in the cell cycle, and a p53-dependent apoptotic response. It has been hypothesized that this block in cell cycle progression is necessary to allow time for DNA repair or to direct the damaged cell to an apoptotic pathway. This hypothesis predicts that p53-deficient cells would have an abnormal apoptotic response and exhibit a "mutator" phenotype. Using a sensitive assay for the accumulation of point mutations, small deletions, and insertions, we have directly tested whether p53-deficient cells exhibit an increased frequency of mutation before and after exposure to DNA-damaging agents. We report that wild-type and p53-deficient fibroblasts, thymocytes, and tumor tissue have indistinguishable rates of point mutation accumulation in a transgenic lacI target gene. These results suggest that the role of p53 in G1 checkpoint control and tumor suppression does not affect the accumulation of point mutations.


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Transcription factor NF-E2 activity is thought to be crucial for the transcriptional regulation of many erythroid-specific genes. The three small Maf family proteins (MafF, MafG, and MafK) that are closely related to the c-Maf protooncoprotein constitute half of the NF-E2 activity by forming heterodimers with the large tissue-restricted subunit of NF-E2 called p45. We have established and characterized murine erythroleukemia cells that conditionally overexpress MafK from a metallothionein promoter. The conditional expression of MafK caused accumulation of hemoglobin, an indication of terminal differentiation along the erythroid pathway. Concomitantly, DNA binding activities containing MafK were induced within the MafK-overexpressing cells. These results demonstrate that MafK can promote the erythroid differentiation program in erythroleukemia cells and suggest that the small Maf family proteins are key regulatory molecules for erythroid differentiation.


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L’ubiquitination est une modification post-traductionnelle qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation d’une multitude de processus cellulaires. Dans cette thèse, je discuterai de la caractérisation de deux protéines, BRCA1 et BAP1, soit deux suppresseurs de tumeurs fonctionnellement reliés. BRCA1, une ubiquitine ligase qui catalyse la liaison de l’ubiquitine à une protéine cible, est mutée dans les cancers du sein et de l'ovaire. Il est bien établi que cette protéine aide à maintenir la stabilité génomique suite à un bris double brin de l’ADN (BDB), et ce, à l’aide d’un mécanisme de réparation bien caractérisé appelé recombinaison homologue. Cependant, les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 suite à des stresses génotoxiques n’impliquant pas directement un BDB ne sont pas pleinement élucidés. Nous avons démontré que BRCA1 est régulée par dégradation protéasomale suite à une exposition des cellules à deux agents génotoxiques reconnus pour ne pas directement générer des BDBs, soit les rayons UV, qui provoquent la distorsion de l’hélice d’ADN, et le méthyle méthanesulfonate (MMS), qui entraîne l’alkylation de l’ADN. La dégradation de BRCA1 est réversible et indépendante des kinases associées à la voie des PI3 kinase, soit ATM, ATR et DNA-PK, protéines qui sont rapidement activées par les dommages à l’ADN. Nous proposons que la dégradation de BRCA1 prévienne son recrutement intempestif, ainsi que celui des facteurs qui lui sont associés, à des sites de dommages d’ADN qui ne sont pas des BDBs, et que cette régulation coordonne la réparation de l’ADN. L’enzyme de déubiquitination BAP1 a initialement été identifiée comme une protéine capable d’interagir avec BRCA1 et de réguler sa fonction. Elle est également connue pour sa capacité à se lier avec les protéines du groupe Polycomb, ASXL1 et ASXL2. Cependant, l’importance de ces interactions n’a toujours pas été établie. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 forme deux complexes protéiques mutuellement exclusifs avec ASXL1 et ASXL2. Ces interactions sont critiques pour la liaison de BAP1 à l’ubiquitine ainsi que pour la stimulation de son activité enzymatique envers l’histone H2A. Nous avons également identifié des mutations de BAP1 dérivées de cancers qui empêchent à la fois son interaction avec ASXL1 et AXSL2, et son activité de déubiquitinase, ce qui fournit un lien mécanistique direct entre la déubiquitination de H2A et la tumorigenèse. Élucider les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 et BAP1 menera à une meilleure compréhension de leurs rôles de suppresseurs de tumeurs, permettant ainsi d’établir de nouvelles stratégies de diagnostic et traitement du cancer.


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The ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase is activated in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and activates downstream DNA-damage signaling pathways. Although the role of ATM in the cellular response to ionizing radiation has been well characterized, its role in response to other DNA-damaging agents is less well defined. We previously showed that genistein, a naturally occurring isoflavonoid, induced increased ATM protein kinase activity, ATM-dependent phosphorylation of p53 on serine 15 and activation of the DNA-binding properties of p53. Here. we show that genistein also induces phosphorylation of p53 at serines 6, 9, 20,46, and 392, and that genistein-induced accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 is reduced in two ATM-deficient human cell lines. Also, we show that genistein induces phosphorylation of ATM on serine 1981 and phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139. The related bioflavonoids, daidzein and biochanin A, did not induce either phosphorylation of p53 or ATM at these sites. Like genistein, quercetin induced phosphorylation of ATM on serine 198 1, and ATM-dependent phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139; however, p53 accumulation and phosphorylation on serines 6, 9, 15, 20, 46, and 392 occurred in ATM-deficient cells, indicating that ATM is not required for quercetin-induced phosphorylation of p53. Our data suggest that genistein and quercetin induce different DNA-damage induced signaling pathways that, in the case of genistein, are highly ATM-dependent but, in the case of quercetin, may be ATM-dependent only for some downstream targets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), the protein defective in ataxia-telangiectasia, plays a central role in DNA damage response and signaling to cell cycle checkpoints. We describe here a cell line from a patient with an ataxia-telangiectasia-like clinical phenotype defective in the p53 response to radiation but with normal ATM activation and efficient downstream phosphorylation of other ATM substrates. No mutations were detected in ATM cDNA. A normal level of interaction between p53 and peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase Pin1 suggests that posttranslational modification was intact in these cells but operating at reduced level. Defective p53 stabilization was accompanied by defective induction of p53 effector genes and failure to induce apoptosis in response to DNA-damaging agents. Continued association between p53 and murine double minute-2 (Mdm2) occurred in irradiated ATL2ABR cells in response to DNA damage, and incubation with Mdm2 antagonists, nutlins, increased the stabilization of p53 and its transcriptional activity but failed to induce apoptosis. These results suggest that ATM-dependent stabilization of p53 and induction of apoptosis by radiation involve an additional factor(s) that is defective in ATL2ABR cells.


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A number of proteins are activated by stress stimuli but none so spectacularly or with the degree of complexity as the tumour suppressor p53 (human p53 gene or protein). Once stabilized, p53 is responsible for the transcriptional activation of a series of proteins involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis and senescence. This protein is present at low levels in resting cells but after exposure to DNA-damaging agents and other stress stimuli it is stabilized and activated by a series of post-translational modifications that free it from MDM2 (mouse double minute 2 but used interchangeably to denote human also), a ubiquination ligase that ubiquitinates it prior to proteasome degradation. The stability of p53 is also influenced by a series of other interacting proteins. In this review, we discuss the post-translational modifications to p53 in response to different stresses and the consequences of these changes.


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Lung cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the UK. Outcomes for patients with this disease remain poor and new strategies to treat this disease require investigation. One potential option is to combine novel agents with radiotherapy in clinical studies. Here we discuss some of the important issues to consider when combining novel agents with radiotherapy, together with potential solutions as discussed at a recent Clinical Translational Radiotherapy Group (CTRad) workshop.


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The xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) protein is involved in both DNA repair and transcription in human cells. It is a component of the transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and is responsible for DNA helicase activity during nucleotide (nt) excision repair (NER). Its high evolutionary conservation has allowed identification of homologous proteins in different organisms, including plants. In contrast to other organisms, Arabidopsis thaliana harbors a duplication of the XPB orthologue (AtXPB1 and AtXPB2), and the proteins encoded by the duplicated genes are very similar (95% amino acid identity). Complementation assays in yeast rad25 mutant strains suggest the involvement of AtXPB2 in DNA repair, as already shown for AtXPB1, indicating that these proteins may be functionally redundant in the removal of DNA lesions in A. thaliana. Although both genes are expressed in a constitutive manner during the plant life cycle, Northern blot analyses suggest that light modulates the expression level of both XPB copies, and transcript levels increase during early stages of development. Considering the high similarity between AtXPB1 and AtXPB2 and that both of predicted proteins may act in DNA repair, it is possible that this duplication may confer more flexibility and resistance to DNA damaging agents in thale cress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neocarzinostatin (NCS) a potent DNA-damaging, anti-tumor toxin extracted from Streptomyces carzinostaticus that recognizes double-stranded DNA bulge and induces DNA damage. 2 Fluoro (2F) Modified EpCAM RNA aptamer is a 23-mer that targets EpCAM protein, expressed on the surface of epithelial tumor cells. Understanding the interaction between NCS and the ligand is important for carrying out the targeted tumor therapy. In this study, we have investigated the biophysical interactions between NCS and 2-fluro Modified EpCAM RNA aptamer using Circular Dichroism (CD) and Infra-Red (IR) spectroscopy. The aromatic amino acid residues spanning the β sheets of NCS are found to participate in intermolecular interactions with 2 F Modified EpCAM RNA aptamer. In-silico modeling and simulation studies corroborate with CD spectra data. Furthermore, it reinforces the involvement of C and D1 strand of NCS in intermolecular interactions with EpCAM RNA aptamer. This the first report on interactions involved in the stabilization of NCS-EpCAM aptamer complex and will aid in the development of therapeutic modalities towards targeted cancer therapy.


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Topoisomerase II (topo II) is a dyadic enzyme found in all eukaryotic cells. Topo II is involved in a number of cellular processes related to DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, recombination and the maintenance of genomic stability. We discovered a correlation between the development of postnatal testis and increased binding of topo IIalpha to the chromatin fraction. We used this observation to characterize DNA-binding specificity and catalytic properties of purified testis topo IIalpha. The results indicate that topo IIalpha binds a substrate containing the preferred site with greater affinity and, consequently, catalyzes the conversion of form I to form IV DNA more efficiently in contrast to substrates lacking such a site. Interestingly, topo IIalpha displayed high-affinity and cooperativity in binding to the scaffold associated region. In contrast to the preferred site, however, high-affinity binding of topo IIalpha to the scaffold-associated region failed to result in enhanced catalytic activity. Intriguingly, competition assays involving scaffold-associated region revealed an additional DNA-binding site within the dyadic topo IIalpha. These results implicate a dual role for topo IIalpha in vivo consistent with the notion that its sequestration to the chromatin might play a role in chromosome condensation and decondensation during spermatogenesis.


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To gain insights into inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria, we compared homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions promoted by RecA protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to those of Escherichia coli RecA protein. The extent of single-stranded binding protein (SSB)-stimulated formation of joint molecules by MtRecA was similar to that of EcRecA over a wide range of pH values. In contrast, strand exchange promoted by MtRecA was inhibited around neutral pH due to the formation of DNA networks. At higher pH, MtRecA was able to overcome this constraint and, consequently, displayed optimal strand exchange activity. Order of addition experiments suggested that SSB, when added after MtRecA, was vital for strand exchange. Significantly, with shorter duplex DNA, MtRecA promoted efficient strand exchange without network formation in a pH-independent fashion. Increase in the length of duplex DNA led to incomplete strand exchange with concomitant rise in the formation of intermediates and networks in a pH-dependent manner. Treatment of purified networks with S1 nuclease liberated linear duplex DNA and products, consistent with a model in which the networks are formed by the invasion of hybrid DNA by the displaced linear single-stranded DNA. Titration of strand exchange reactions with ATP or salt distinguished a condition under which the formation of networks was blocked, but strand exchange was not significantly affected. We discuss how these results relate to inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria.