808 resultados para DISAPPEARANCE


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Long-term trends in the elasmobranch assemblage of Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California, were analyzed by documenting species composition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) from 55 sport fishing derbies that occurred during May, June, and July, from 1951 until 1995. The most abundant species (bat ray, Myliobatis californica; shovelnose guitarfish, Rhinobatos productus; and leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata) were also analyzed for size-weight relationships, trends in size class distribution, stage of maturity, and sex ratios. Changes in species composition over the course of the derbies included the near complete disappearance of shovelnose guitarfish by the 1970’s and a slight increase in the abundance of minor species (mainly smoothhounds, Mustelus spp., and thornback, Platyrhinoidis triseriata) starting in the mid 1960’s. The relative abundance of bat rays in the catch steadily increased over the years while the relative abundance of leopard sharks declined during the last two decades. However the average number of bat rays and leopard sharks caught per derby declined during the last two decades. Fishing effort appeared to increase over the course of the derbies. There were no dramatic shifts in the size class distribution data for bat rays, leopard sharks, or shovelnose guitarfish. The catch of bat rays and leopard sharks was consistently dominated by immature individuals, while the catch of shovelnose guitarfish was heavily dominated by adults. There was evidence of sexual segregation in either immature or mature fish in all the species. Female bat rays and shovelnose guitarfish were larger than their male counterparts and outnumbered males nearly 2:1. Female and male leopard sharks were more nearly equal in size and sex ratio. Changes in species composition are likely due to fishing pressure, shifts in the prevailing oceanographic conditions, and habitat alteration in Elkhorn Slough. The sex ratios, stage of maturity, and size class distributions provide further evidence for the theory that Elkhorn Slough functions as a nursery habitat for bat rays and leopard sha


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O fio condutor deste trabalho é a abordagem das representações do velho, da velhice e do envelhecimento, tendo como material de análise matérias da revista Veja, de 1968 a 2003. O estudo foi centrado nas imagens, sentidos e significados destas três categorias, destacandose a preponderância, permanência ou o desaparecimento de algumas representações observadas ao longo dos anos analisados. Sobressaiu das análises o crescimento da visibilidade do tema nas revistas, bem como a utilização do discurso de especialistas corroborando as visões prevalentes, conferindo legitimidade a padrões de saúde, de comportamento e de estética. Lidando com as imagens disponíveis nas publicações, margeando as representações-chave para um dado momento, foi possível observar outras tantas, as quais flexibilizaram uma primeira leitura do material que, a princípio, conferia ao mesmo menor variabilidade de representações do que aquela que, de fato, foi observada.


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Esta tese trata do fenômeno do desaparecimento, considerando as suas diversas características, motivações e contextos históricos. As trajetórias das mulheres familiares de desaparecidos são privilegiadas, como aquelas que sofrem diretamente a falta, a dor e as incertezas que perpassam o desaparecimento. O trabalho também analisa a forma como o estado registra os casos de desaparecimento oficialmente encaminhados e como atua em relação a eles, usando como fontes os dados existentes na Polícia Civil e entrevistas com agentes encarregados das investigações. No processo de (sobre)vivência após o desaparecimento, analisam-se os caminhos percorridos pelas mulheres, as dificuldades e as decisões de tornar público o seu caso ou, alternativamente, optar por uma perspectiva mais individual. Realiza-se também uma breve discussão sobre o processo de construção da memória e a sua relação com os caminhos percorridos após o desaparecimento.


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The development of mechanized fishing in India is traced to point out the harmful effects of trawling by way of disturbing the ecological balance of the ecosystem, of which the fish stocks are a part. It may cause the disappearance of some demersal species from the catches as brought out poignantly in the case of a marine catfish namely, Arius tenuispinis. History of trawling has been the same all over the world showing that depletion of demersal fish stocks is not only due to excessive harvesting but also due to the damage done to the ecological balance of the trawling grounds. The need for ecological monitoring of the trawling grounds is pointed out.


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The development of the optomotor reaction (OMR) in milkfish (Chanos chanos), from the larval, through the metamorphic, to the juvenile stage was observed. The period from the appearance of the pelvic fins until the complete disappearance of the finfold was named ”metamorphic stage”. While the larvae showed strong rheotactic responses, their OMR was somewhat weak. It was clear that the OMR underwent a big change through the metamorphic stage, and became strong and almost perfect in the juveniles.


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A reduction in native fish stocks and the need to increase fish production for food, recreation, ornamental purposes and to control disease vectors and weeds have often justified and led to introduction of non-native fishes. Some of these introductions have been followed by benefitial and others by undesirable consequences. For instance introduction of the Nile perch Lates niloticus L. and several tilapiine species into lakes Victoria and Kyoga, and the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon into lakes Kariba and Kivu have resulted in increases in the quantity of fish available to the people around them. Predation by Nile perch and competition with introduced tilapiine species in lakes victoria and Kyoga have caused a severe decline and in some cases total disappearance of many of the native fish species.therefore the concern about fish introductions arises


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This report presents the results of the second (in 1975) fisheries resource survey for Lake Wamala conducted from 10th to 16th July 1975. The first similar survey covered the period 14th to 20th May 1975. The areas sampled consisted of the river-month areas, the papyrus-fringed inshore waters and the open dee offshore waters. In an effort to find the possible major causes of the decline in catch and seasonal disappearance of fish-hence a solution to the problem(s)-a second fisheries resource survey using multifilament nylon gillnets was conducted on Lake Kijanebalola during the period 17th to 21st July 1975. The first survey was similar and covered the period 21st to 27th May 1975.


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In this paper, we present the results of purification and characterization of an arginine/lysine amidase from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (OhS1). It was purified by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. It is a protein of about 43,000, consisting of a single polypeptide chain. It is a minor component in the venom. The purified enzyme was capable of hydrolysing several tripeptidyl-p-nitroanilide substrates having either arginine or lysine as the C-terminal residue. We studied the kinetic parameters of OhS1 on six these chromogenic substrates. OhS1 did not clot fibrinogen. Electrophoresis of fibrinogen degraded with OhS1 revealed the disappearance of the alpha- and beta-chains and the appearance of lower mel. wt fragments. OhS1 had no hemorrhagic activity. It did not hydrolyse casein, nor did it act on blood coagulation factor X, prothrombin and plasminogen. The activity of OhS1 was completely inhibited by NPGB, PMSF, DFP, benzamidine and soybean trypsin inhibitor, suggesting it is a serine protease. Metal chelator (EDTA) had no effect on it.


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We report optically induced phase transtions occurring in two different host ferroelectric liquid crystals; SCE13 a multicomponentmixture optimised for room temperature performance, and CE8 a single component liquid crystal. These act as host liquid crystals for a novel guest azo dye, which can be made to photoisomerise using low power density U.V. illumination, resulting in dramatic changes in sample properties. We have shown that the magnitude of spontaneous polarisation of systems can be isothermally and reversibly induced or reduced, with the consequent appearance or disappearance of optical switching hysteresis. We discuss the parameters controlling the behaviour of the systems under U.V. illumination and suggest mechansims by which the transitions may occur. © 1993, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


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Fish introduction, eutrophication and disappearance of aquatic vegetation are important disturbances of aquatic ecosystems, especially in plateau lakes, which are generally considered to be very vulnerable. Fish were introduced to Lake Dianchi, a eutrophic plateau lake in southwest China, in the late 1950s and 1970s. After the introduction, invasive fish became the dominant species, and the total fish yield increased. Meanwhile, the trophic level of Lake Dianchi had a tendency to increase in the past decades because of the increases in human activities in the watershed area. In addition, the area of aquatic vegetation decreased from more than 90 to 1.8% of the lake area from the 1950s to 2000. This study investigated the effects of fish introduction, eutrophication and aquatic vegetation on the diatom community of Lake Dianchi by examining the changes of microfossil diatom assemblage and abundance. Results showed that the absolute abundance and diatom assemblages changed after fish were introduced. The endemic species, Cyclotella rohomboideo-elliptica, disappeared with the introduction of fish and increasing trophic levels after 1958. Fragilaria crotonensis entered into the lake with the introduction of fish and gradually thrived in the lake after 1958. Diatom species numbers also decreased gradually from 21 to 9 from the past to present. Epiphytic diatoms disappeared with the decrease of aquatic vegetation after 1985. Our study indicated that eutrophication was the most important process determining diatom abundance, and fish introduction was a secondary process determining diatom abundance, while aquatic vegetation had a more important role in structuring the diatom community in this eutrophic plateau lake.


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In China, especially in Three-Gorges Reservoir, our knowledge of the algal growth potential and nutrient limitation was still limited. In the spring of 2006, the water column ratios of total nitrogen/total phosphorus were investigated and algal bioassays performed to determine algal growth potential of waters and nutrient limitation of mainstream and Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir. The results showed sampling sites in mainstream were co-limited by N and P or P-limited alone, and sites in Xiangxi Bay were N-limited alone. Fe likely played an important role in determining the appearance and disappearance of algal blooms of Three-Gorges Reservoir. Native algae, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Cyclotella meneghiniana, had high growth potential in Three-Gorges Reservoir.


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The phytoplankton community in Lake Dianchi (Yunnan Province, Southwestern China) is dominated in April by a bloom of Aphanizomenon, that disappears Suddenly and is displaced by a Microcystis bloom in May. The reasons for the rapid bloom disappearance phenomenon and the temporal variability in the composition of phytoplankton assemblages are poorly understood. Cell growth, ultrastructure and physiological changes were examined in cultures of Aphanizomenon sp. DC01 isolated from Lake Dianchi exposed to different closes of rnicrocystin-RR (MC-RR) produced by the Microcystis bloom. MC-RR concentrations above 100 mu g L-1 markedly inhibited the pigment (chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin) synthesis and caused an increase of soluble carbohydrate and protein contents and nitrate reductase activity of toxin-treated blue-green algae. A drastic. reduction in photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) was also found. Morphological examinationn showed that the Aphanizomenon filaments disintegrated and file cells lysed gradually after 48 h Of toxin exposure. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that cellular inclusions of stressed cells almost leaked out completely and the cell membranes were grossly damaged. These findings demonstrate the allelopathic activity of Microcystis aeruginosa inducing physiological stress and cell death of Aphanizomenon sp. DC01 Although the active concentrations of microcystin were rather high, we propose that microcystin may function as allelopathic Substance due to inhomogeneous toxin concentrations close to Microcystis cells. Hence, it may play a role in species Succession of Aphanizomenon and Microcystis in Lake Dianchi.


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The Yangtze River dolphin or baiji ( Lipotes vexillifer), an obligate freshwater odontocete known only from the middle-lower Yangtze River system and neighbouring Qiantang River in eastern China, has long been recognized as one of the world's rarest and most threatened mammal species. The status of the baiji has not been investigated since the late 1990s, when the surviving population was estimated to be as low as 13 individuals. An intensive six-week multivessel visual and acoustic survey carried out in November-December 2006, covering the entire historical range of the baiji in the main Yangtze channel, failed to find any evidence that the species survives. We are forced to conclude that the baiji is now likely to be extinct, probably due to unsustainable by-catch in local fisheries. This represents the first global extinction of a large vertebrate for over 50 years, only the fourth disappearance of an entire mammal family since AD 1500, and the first cetacean species to be driven to extinction by human activity. Immediate and extreme measures may be necessary to prevent the extinction of other endangered cetaceans, including the sympatric Yangtze finless porpoise ( Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis).


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Experimental and field studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of NH4+ enrichment on growth and distribution of the submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria natans L, in lakes of the Yangtze River in China, based on the balance between free amino acids (FAA) and soluble carbohydrates (SC) in the plant tissue. Increase of NH4+ rather than NO3- concentrations in the water column caused FAA accumulation and SC depletion of the plant. The plant showed a unimodal pattern of biomass distribution along both FAA/SC ratios and external NH4+ concentrations, indicating that a moderate NH4-N concentration (< 0.3 mg L-1) benefited the plant, whereas the high NH4-N concentration (> 0.56 mg L-1) eliminated the plant completely. Therefore, 0.56 mg NH4-N mg L-1 in the water column was taken as the upper limit for V. natans in lakes of the Yangtze River basin. The mesocosm experiment showed that at a high external NH4-N (0.81 mg L-1), V. natans failed to propagate with a loss of half SC content (5 mg g(-1) DW) in the rhizomes, indicating that the consumption of carbohydrates for detoxification of excess NH4+ into non-toxic FAA significantly diminished carbohydrate supply to the rhizomes. This might consequently inhibit the vegetative reproduction of the plant, and also might be an important cause for the decline and disappearance of the plant with eutrophication. The present study for the first time reports substantial ecophysiological evidences for NH4+ stress to submersed macrophytes, and indicates that NH4+ toxicity arising from eutrophication probably plays a key role in the deterioration of submersed macrophytes like V. natans.


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Many experimental studies have documented the impact of microcystins (MC) on fish based on either intraperitoneal injection, or oral gavaging via the diet, but few experiments were conducted by MC exposure through natural food uptake in lakes. In this study, the phytoplanktivorous silver carp were stocked in a large pen set in Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake where toxic Microcystis blooms occurred in the warm seasons. Fish samples were collected monthly and MC concentrations in liver and kidney of the fish were determined by LC-MS. The maximum MC concentrations in liver and kidney were present in July when damages in ultrastructures of the liver and kidney were revealed by electron microscope. In comparison with previous studies on common carp, silver carp showed less damage and presence of lysosome proliferation in liver and kidney. Silver carp might eliminate or lessen cell damage caused by MC through lysosome activation. Recovery in the ultrastructures of liver and kidney after Microcystis blooms was companied with a significant decrease or even disappearance of MC. Catalase and glutathione S-transferase in liver and kidney of silver carp during Microcystis blooms were significantly higher than before and after Microcystis blooms. The high glutathione pool in liver and kidney of silver carp suggests their high resistance to MC exposure. The efficient antioxidant defence may be an important mechanism of phytoplanktivorous fish like silver carp to counteract toxic Microcystis blooms. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.