973 resultados para DIALYSIS PATIENTS


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Several studies with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents claim that maintenance therapy of renal anaemia may be possible at extended dosing intervals; however, few studies were randomized, results varied, and comparisons between agents were absent. We report results of a multi-national, randomized, prospective trial comparing haemoglobin maintenance with methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta and darbepoetin alfa administered once monthly.


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Introduction: The prevalence of 13 comorbid conditions and smoking status at the time of starting renal replacement therapy (RRT) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are described. Methods: Adult patients starting RRT between 2002 and 2007 in centres reporting to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) and with data on comorbidity (n¼13,293) were included. The association of comorbidity with patient demographics, treatment modality, haemoglobin, renal function at start of RRT and subsequent listing for kidney transplantation were studied. Association between comorbidities and mortality at 90 days and one year after 90 days from start of RRT was explored using Cox regression. Results: Completeness of data on comorbidity returned to the UKRR remained poor. Of patients with data, 52% had one or more comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease were the most common conditions seen in 28.9% and 22.5% of patients respectively. Comorbidities became more common with increasing age (up to the 65–74 age group), were more common amongst Whites and were associated with a lower likelihood of pre-emptive transplantation, a greater likelihood of starting on haemodialysis (rather than peritoneal dialysis) and a lower likelihood of being listed for kidney transplantation. In multivariable survival analysis, malignancy and ischaemic/neuropathic ulcers were the strongest predictors of poor survival at 1 year after 90 days from start of RRT. Conclusions: The majority of patients had at least one comorbid condition and comorbidity is an important predictor of early mortality on RRT.


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To determine if levels of coated-platelets, which are potentially pro-thrombotic, are increased in end-stage renal disease patients on haemodialysis, a condition associated with high cardiovascular disease risk.


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on dialysis are prone to vitamin D insufficiency despite oral vitamin D supplementation. Here, we studied whether narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) exposures improve vitamin D balance.

Methods: 14 haemodialysis patients and 15 healthy subjects receiving oral cholecalciferol 20 µg daily got nine NB-UVB exposures on the entire body. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) was measured by radioimmunoassay. Cutaneous mRNA expression levels of CYP27A1 and CYP27B1, two enzymes required for hydroxylation of vitamin D into its active metabolite, were also measured.

Results: The baseline serum 25(OH)D concentration was 57.6 ± 18.2 nmol/l in the CKD patients and 74.3 ± 14.8 nmol/l in the healthy subjects. The NB-UVB course increased serum 25(OH)D by 14.0 nmol/l (95% CI 8.7-19.5) and 17.0 nmol/l (CI 13.7-20.2), respectively. At baseline the CKD patients showed significantly increased CYP27B1 levels compared to the healthy subjects.

Conclusions: A short NB-UVB course is an efficient way to improve vitamin D balance in CKD patients on dialysis who are receiving oral vitamin D supplementation. The increased cutaneous CYP27B1 levels in the CKD patients suggest that the loss of renal activity of this enzyme is at least partially compensated for by the skin.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are especially prone to vitamin D insufficiency. Narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) treatment increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in dermatological patients, and we studied whether it also improves vitamin D balance in CKD patients on haemodialysis.


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BACKGROUND: The number of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease opting for conservative management rather than dialysis is unknown but likely to be growing as increasingly frail patients with advanced renal disease present to renal services. Conservative kidney management includes ongoing medical input and support from a multidisciplinary team. There is limited evidence concerning patient and carer experience of this choice. This study will explore quality of life, symptoms, cognition, frailty, performance decision making, costs and impact on carers in people with advanced chronic kidney disease managed without dialysis and is funded by the National Institute of Health Research in the UK.

METHODS: In this prospective, multicentre, longitudinal study, patients will be recruited in the UK, by renal research nurses, once they have made the decision not to embark on dialysis. Carers will be asked to 'opt-in' with consent from patients. The approach includes longitudinal quantitative surveys of quality of life, symptoms, decision making and costs for patients and quality of life and costs for carers, with questionnaires administered quarterly over 12 months. Additionally, the decision making process will be explored via qualitative interviews with renal physicians/clinical nurse specialists.

DISCUSSION: The study is designed to capture patient and carer profiles when conservative kidney management is implemented, and understand trajectories of care-receiving and care-giving with the aim of optimising palliative care for this population. It will explore the interactions that lead to clinical care decisions and the impact of these decisions on informal carers with the intention of improving clinical outcomes for patients and the experiences of care givers.


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BACKGROUND: Previous observations found a high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the hemodialysis population, but the best diagnostic approach remains undefined. We assessed OSA prevalence and performance of available screening tools to propose a specific diagnostic algorithm. METHODS: 104 patients from 6 Swiss hemodialysis centers underwent polygraphy and completed 3 OSA screening scores: STOP-BANG, Berlin's Questionnaire, and Adjusted Neck Circumference. The OSA predictors were identified on a derivation population and used to develop the diagnostic algorithm, which was validated on an independent population. RESULTS: We found 56% OSA prevalence (AHI ≥ 15/h), which was largely underdiagnosed. Screening scores showed poor performance for OSA screening (ROC areas 0.538 [SE 0.093] to 0.655 [SE 0.083]). Age, neck circumference, and time on renal replacement therapy were the best predictors of OSA and were used to develop a screening algorithm, with higher discriminatory performance than classical screening tools (ROC area 0.831 [0.066]). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms the high OSA prevalence and highlights the low diagnosis rate of this treatable cardiovascular risk factor in the hemodialysis population. Considering the poor performance of OSA screening tools, we propose and validate a specific algorithm to identify hemodialysis patients at risk for OSA for whom further sleep investigations should be considered.


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La dialyse péritonéale (DP) est une thérapie d’épuration extra-rénale qui peut se réaliser à domicile par l’entremise d’une technologie. Elle exige, du patient certaines aptitudes, (motivation et compétence) et de l’équipe de soins, une organisation particulière pour arriver à une autonomie d’exécution de l’épuration. Dans un contexte de thérapie à domicile, comme celui de la dialyse péritonéale, le niveau d’autonomie des patients ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés n’ont pas été examinés auparavant. C’est l’objet de cette thèse. En se fondant sur la théorie de l’autodétermination et sur une revue de la littérature, un cadre conceptuel a été développé et fait l’hypothèse que trois types de facteurs essentiels pourraient influencer l’autonomie. Il s’agit de facteurs individuels, technologiques et organisationnels. Pour tester ces hypothèses, un devis mixte séquentiel, composé de deux volets, a été réalisé. Un premier volet qualitatif - opérationnalisé par des entrevues auprès de 12 patients et de 11 infirmières - a permis, d’une part, d’explorer et de mieux définir les dimensions de l’autonomie pertinente dans le cadre de la DP; d’autre part de bonifier le développement d’un questionnaire. Après validation, ce dernier a servi à la collecte de données lors du deuxième volet quantitatif et alors a permis d’obtenir des résultats auprès d’un échantillon probabiliste (n =98), tiré de la population des dialysés péritonéaux du Québec (N=700). L’objectif de ce deuxième volet était de mesurer le degré d’autonomie des patients, d’examiner les associations entre les facteurs technologiques, organisationnels ainsi qu’individuels et les différentes dimensions de l’autonomie. Des analyses univariées et multivariées ont été réalisées à cet effet. Les résultats obtenus montrent que quatre dimensions d’autonomie sont essentielles à atteindre en dialyse à domicile. Il s’agit de l’autonomie, sur le plan clinique, technique, fonctionnel (liberté journalière) et organisationnel (indépendance par rapport à l’institution de soins). Pour ces quatre types d’autonomie, les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes, un résultat qui se reflète dans les scores obtenus sur une échelle de 1 à 5 : l’autonomie clinique (4,1), l’autonomie technique (4,8), l’autonomie fonctionnelle (4,1) et l’autonomie organisationnelle (4,5). Chacun de ces types d’autonomie est associé à des degrés variables aux trois facteurs du modèle conceptuel : facteurs individuels (motivation et compétence), technologique (convivialité) et organisationnels (soutien clinique, technique et familial). Plus spécifiquement, la motivation serait associée à l’autonomie fonctionnelle. La convivialité serait associée à l’autonomie clinique, alors que la myopathie pourrait la compromettre. La convivialité de la technologie et la compétence du patient contribueraient à une meilleure autonomie organisationnelle. Quant à l’autonomie sur le plan technique, tous les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes en ce qui concerne la manipulation de la technologie. Ce résultat s’expliquerait par une formation adéquate mise à la disposition des patients en prédialyse, par le suivi continu et par la manipulation quotidienne pendant des années d’utilisation. Bien que dans cette thèse la technologie d’application soit la dialyse péritonéale, nous retenons que lorsqu’on transfère la maîtrise d’une technologie thérapeutique à domicile pour traiter une maladie chronique, il est primordial d’organiser ce transfert de telle façon que les trois facteurs techniques (convivialité), individuels (motivation, formation et compétence), et organisationnels (soutien de l’aidant) soient mis en place pour garantir une autonomie aux quatre niveaux, technique, clinique, fonctionnel et organisationnel.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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Introduction: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary renal disease in humans. Objective: To examine the prevalence, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with polycystic kidneys and relate disease manifestations by gender. Methods: This was an observational and retrospective study. All the medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th regional health Paraná (Brazil), were analyzed. Results: The study included 48 patients with polycystic kidneys, the primary cause of stage 5 CKD. Disease prevalence was one in 10,912 people. The average age of dialysis initiation was 50.7 years and the follow-up time on dialysis until transplantation (36.5 months) was lower among men. Hypertension was the most frequent diagnosis in 73% of patients, predominantly in women (51.4%). The liver cyst was the most frequent extrarenal manifestations in men (60.0%). The death occurred in 10.4% of patients using hemodialysis, and 60% of men. The class of antihypertensive drug used was that acts on the renin-angiotensin system with higher frequency of use among women (53.3%). The post-dialysis urea was significantly higher in men. Conclusion: The prevalence of the disease is low among hemodialysis patients in southern Brazil. The differences observed between genders, with the exception of the post-dialysis urea, were not significant. The findings are different from those reported in North America and Europe.


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Possible impairments of memory in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, in which stimulus words were presented visually, participants were tested on conceptual or perceptual memory tasks, with retrieval being either explicit or implicit. Compared with healthy controls, ESRD patients were impaired when memory required conceptual but not when it required perceptual processing, regardless of whether retrieval was explicit or implicit. An impairment of conceptual implicit memory (priming) in the ESRD group represented a previously unreported deficit compared to healthy aging. There were no significant differences between pre- and immediate post-dialysis memory performance in ESRD patients on any of the tasks. In Experiment 2, in which presentation was auditory, patients again performed worse than controls on an explicit conceptual memory task. We conclude that the type of processing required by the task (conceptual vs. perceptual) is more important than the type of retrieval (explicit vs. implicit) in memory failures in ESRD patients, perhaps because temporal brain regions are more susceptible to the effects of the illness than are posterior regions.


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Background and objectives: There have been few studies investigating acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients infected with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the factors associated with AKI in H1N1-infected patients. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: This was a study of 47 consecutive critically ill adult patients with reverse transcriptase-PCR-confirmed H1N1 infection in Brazil. Outcome measures were AKI (as defined by the Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage renal failure [RIFLE] criteria) and in-hospital death. Results: AKI was identified in 25 (53%) of the 47 H1N1-infected patients. AKI was associated with vasopressor use, mechanical ventilation, high Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores, and severe acidosis as well as with higher levels of C-reactive protein and lactic dehydrogenase upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A nephrology consultation was requested for 16 patients (64%), and 8 (50%) required dialysis. At ICU admission, 7 (15%) of the 25 AKI patients had not yet progressed to AKI. However, by 72 hours after ICU admission, no difference in RIFLE score was found between AKI survivors and nonsurvivors. Of the 47 patients, 9 (19%) died, all with AKI. Mortality was associated with mechanical ventilation, vasopressor use, dialysis, high APACHE II score, high bilirubin levels, and a low RIFLE score at ICU admission. Conclusions: Among critically ill H1N1-infected patients, the incidence of AKI is high. In such patients, AKI is mainly attributable to shock. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1916-1921, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.00840110


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This paper explores, on the one hand, the requirements of the technologies and practices that have been developed for a particular type of renal patient and health network in Australia. On the other, we examine the cultural and practical specificities entailed in the performance of these technologies and practices in the Indigenous Australian context. The praxiographic orientation of the actor-network approach – which has been called 'the politics of what' (Mol 2002) – enabled us to understand the difficulties involved in translating renal healthcare networks across cultural contexts in Australia; to understand the dynamic and contested nature of these networks; and to suggest possible strategies that make use of the tensions between these two disparate networks in ways that might ensure better healthcare for Indigenous renal patients.


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People with chronic kidney disease are ageing and have increasing co-morbidities. The current delivery of renal replacement therapy, dialysis and transplantation, needs to adjust to changing patient needs. This paper proposes a potential future service delivery model featuring a dialysis residential care facility and a care coordination focus. The residential care facility would be composed of four levels of care; high, hostel, independent and outpatient. The paper argues that this model may result in decreased morbidity, improved patient quality of life and may prove cost effective. Patients' nutritional status, medication adherence and transport efficiency may be improved. We propose this model to stimulate further debate in order to meet the needs of current and future chronic kidney disease patients.