996 resultados para Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The effects, over periods from 3 days to 9 months of administration, of diets containing di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate are very similar to those observed in rats administered diets containing hypolipidemic drugs such as clofibrate. Changes occur in a characteristic order commencing with alterations in the distribution of lipid within the liver, quickly followed by proliferation of hepatic peroxisomes and induction of the specialized P-450 isoenzyme(s) catalyzing omega oxidation of fatty acids. There follows a phase of mild liver damage indicated by induction of glucose-6-phosphatase activity and a loss of glycogen, eventually leading to the formation of enlarged lysosomes through autophagy and the accumulation of lipofuscin. Associated changes are found in the kidney and thyroid. The renal changes are limited to the proximal convoluted tubules and are generally similar to changes found in the liver. The effects on the thyroid are more marked. Although the levels of thyroxine in plasma fail to about half normal values, serum triiodothyronine remains close to normal values while the appearance of the thyroid varies, very marked hyperactivity being noted 7 days after commencement of treatment, this is less marked at 14 days, but even after 9 months treatment there is clear cut evidence for hyperactivity with colloid changes which indicate this has persisted for some time. Straight chain analogs of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, di-n-hexyl phthalate and di-n-oxtyl phthalate differ entirely in their short-term effects on the liver and kidney but have similar effects on the thyroid. The short-term in vivo hepatic effects of the three phthalate esters can be reproduced in hepatocytes in tissue culture. All three phthalate esters, as well as clofibrate, have early marked effects on the metabolism of fatty acids in isolated hepatocytes. The nature of these changes is such as to increase storage of lipid in the liver. A hypothesis is presented to explain the progress from these initial metabolic effects to the final formation of liver tumors.


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We discuss the possibility of implementing a universal quantum XOR gate by using two coupled quantum dots subject to external magnetic fields that are parallel and slightly different. We consider this system in two different field configurations. In the first case, parallel external fields with the intensity difference at each spin being proportional to the time-dependent interaction between the spins. A general exact solution describing this system is presented and analyzed to adjust field parameters. Then we consider parallel fields with intensity difference at each spin being constant and the interaction between the spins switching on and off adiabatically. In both cases we adjust characteristics of the external fields (their intensities and duration) in order to have the parallel pulse adequate for constructing the XOR gate. In order to provide a complete theoretical description of all the cases, we derive relations between the spin interaction, the inter-dot distance, and the external field. (C) 2008 WILEYNCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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The serum protein concentration of newborn Holstein calves determined by means of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) was studied. Blood samples from 40 healthy newborn calves were obtained 48 hours after birth. Calves had been given 3 liters of colostrum within 2 hours after birth, following by dose corresponding by 15% of animal weight each 24 hours. The results showed three different proteinograms: 19 calves had 14 proteins with molecular weights (MW) ranging from 28,000 D to 170,000D (proteinogram 1); 11 calves had 14 proteins with MW ranging from 18,000 to 170,000 D (proteinogram 1); and 10 calves had 12 proteins with MW ranging from 28,000 D to 170,000 D (proteinogram 3). The three groups presented similar IgG levels. The highest serum concentration of ceruloplasmin were verified in proteinogram 3, which had the lowest serum level of protein with MW 58,000D. It was verified a1-antitrypsin only in proteinogram 2, which had no proteins with MW of 42,000 D and 37,000D. The highest serum concentrations of IgA and protein with MW 58,000 D, and the lowest serum levels of transferrin, haptoglobin, and acid glycoprotein were verified in proteinogram 3. Measurement of serum protein concentrations by SDS-PAGE may be useful in monitoring the occurrence of hypogammaglobulinemia and the neonatal disease in calves.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quassia amara é arbusto de 3 a 6 metros de altura, tendo sido retirado indiscriminadamente das florestas para extrair do caule as quassinas usadas na indústria farmacêutica e como inseticida em agricultura orgânica. Não se tem muita informação técnica acerca do crescimento desta espécie para subsidiar estratégias de manejo sustentado. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o crescimento de Q. amara L. em cultivo agroecológico na Costa Rica. O trabalho consistiu em realizar avaliações do desenvolvimento de indivíduos de Q. amara em parcelas permanentes de medições, instaladas em meio às plantações desta espécie em consórcio com essências arbóreas. Foram efetuadas medições de diâmetro do caule a 10 cm do solo e altura total. Foi observado que em função das taxas de crescimento vegetal e incrementos médio e corrente anuais (IMA e ICA), mesmo após cinco anos de plantio, a madeira de Quassia amara para extração de quassinas não está pronta para colheita.


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O tratamento de sementes com micronutrientes, como o molibdênio, garante uma maior uniformidade de aplicação, sendo que, a quantidade a ser aplicada desse elemento nas sementes deve ser suficiente para provir à exigência para o desenvolvimento e produção da cultura. Assim, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho tratadas com molibdênio. A qualidade das sementes foi avaliada por meio da determinação do teor de água, do teste de germinação, da primeira contagem de germinação e da emissão de raízes primárias. Os tratamentos testados consistiram de cinco híbridos (DOW CO32; DOW 2B587; DOW 2B688; PIONEER 30F35 e PIONEER 30K73) e cinco doses de molibdênio aplicadas via semente (0; 7,5; 22,5; 67,5; 202,5 g ha-1 de molibdênio). A fonte de molibdênio utilizada foi o molibdato de sódio dihidratado (39% de molibdênio), sendo que a aplicação do molibdênio foi efetuada por meio da mistura com o fungicida líquido de suspensão concentrada carboxina+thiram sobre as sementes. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milho é influenciada negativamente por doses crescentes de molibdênio aplicadas. O híbrido de milho DOW 2B587 obteve melhor resposta à aplicação da maior dose de molibdênio em relação aos demais híbridos estudados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O maracujá é um fruto de ampla aceitação dada a qualidade de seu suco, sendo o maracujazeiro-amarelo o mais cultivado no Brasil. Nos últimos anos, cresceu o interesse pelo maracujazeiro doce, em função de alcançar bons preços no mercado in natura. Assim, informações técnicas por parte dos agricultores têm se intensificado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e a qualidade dos frutos desta espécie, cultivada sob poda e irrigação em diferentes sistemas de condução. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em faixas, contendo 12 tratamentos (plantas com e sem irrigação, com e sem poda e três sistemas de condução) e 3 repetições. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir: a) o sistema de condução e a poda não afetaram o tamanho dos frutos; b) o sistema de condução não afetou a massa dos frutos, porém as plantas podadas produziram frutos com maior massa; c) a poda diminuiu o número de frutos por planta e o rendimento por área, nos sistemas de condução em T normal e espaldeira vertical com um fio de arame; d) a poda não alterou o número de frutos por planta e o rendimento por área, no sistema de condução em espaldeira vertical com dois fios de arame.


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BACKGROUND: The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist ketamine and its active enantiomer, S(+)-ketamine, have been injected in the epidural and subarachnoid spaces to treat acute postoperative pain and relieve neuropathic pain syndrome. In this study we evaluated the effects of a single dose of preservative-free S(+)-ketamine, in doses usually used in clinical practice, in the spinal cord and meninges of dogs.METHODS: Under anesthesia (IV etomidate (2 mg/kg) and fentanyl (0.005 mg/kg), 16 dogs (6 to 15 kg) were randomized to receive a lumbar intrathecal injection (L5/6) of saline solution of 0.9% (control group) or S(+)-ketamine 1 mg/kg(-1) (ketamine group). All doses were administered in a volume of 1 mL over a 10-second interval. Accordingly, injection solution ranged from 0.6% to 1.5%. After 21 days of clinical observation, the animals were killed; spinal cord, cauda equine root, and meninges were removed for histological examination with light microscopy. Tissues were examined for demyelination (Masson trichrome), neuronal death (hematoxylin and eosin) and astrocyte activation (glial fibrillary acidic protein).RESULTS: No clinical or histological alterations of spinal tissue or meninges were found in animals from either control or ketamine groups.CONCLUSION: A single intrathecal injection of preservative-free S(+)-ketamine, at 1 mg/kg-1 dosage, over a concentration range of 6 to 15 mg/mL injected in the subarachnoid space in a single puncture, did not produce histological alterations in this experimental model. (Anesth Analg 2012;114:450-55)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii that can infect a large variety of animals, including humans. The present study aimed to evaluate the frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies in dogs from a peripheral district of Botucatu and to establish the association among some epidemiological variables in order to evaluate risk factors for toxoplasmosis infection. Serum samples from dogs were screened using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. Anti-T. gondii antibody prevalence was 56%. The highest titer was 1024 (1.79%) and the most frequent titers were 16 (57.14%) and 64 (33.93%). The chi-square (X-2) test revealed significant association among variables such as dog access to street, ingestion of raw meat and presence of synantropic animals in the domestic environment. These results demonstrate that toxoplasmosis is present in dogs from Jardim Santa Elisa district.


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The authors report a rare case of bilateral Leydig cell tumor in a noncryptorchid stallion, describing the gross. and microscopic findings. An 8-year-old Appaloosa stallion was examined for a unilateral enlargement of the testis associated with discomfort during palpation and signs of colic. General health conditions were good. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis provided the diagnosis of bilateral Leydig cell tumor. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed and the testes were submitted to histopathologic examination that confirmed the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor.


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A double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) was developed and employed for simultaneous direct detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) from bursal samples and to measure the humoral response, using the same basic immunoreagents, the purified and non-purified antigen, capture antibody and chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared, and standardized for this purpose, the DAS-ELISA was applied to both 80 bursal suspensions and 224 corresponding serum samples from vaccinated and non-vaccinated commercial hocks, Bursae samples were collected at 2 weeks of age, and submitted to histological examination, virus isolation in specific pathogen-free chickens embryos, and the DAS-ELISA technique, Serum titres obtained in indirect ELISA and serum neutralization test were compared with those in DAS-ELISA, the agreement was 80% between DAS-ELISA, and the conventional techniques, with high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (90%).