984 resultados para Curve of accumulation
NGC 6908, an S0 galaxy situated in the direction of NGC 6907, was only recently recognized as a distinct galaxy, instead of only a part of NGC 6907. We present 21-cm radio synthesis observations obtained with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and optical images and spectroscopy obtained with the Gemini-North telescope of this pair of interacting galaxies. From the radio observations, we obtained the velocity field and the H I column density map of the whole region containing the NGC 6907/8 pair, and by means of the Gemini multi-object spectroscopy we obtained high-quality photometric images and 5 angstrom resolution spectra sampling the two galaxies. By comparing the rotation curve of NGC 6907 obtained from the two opposite sides around the main kinematic axis, we were able to distinguish the normal rotational velocity field from the velocity components produced by the interaction between the two galaxies. Taking into account the rotational velocity of NGC 6907 and the velocity derived from the absorption lines for NGC 6908, we verified that the relative velocity between these systems is lower than 60 km s(-1). The emission lines observed in the direction of NGC 6908, not typical of S0 galaxies, have the same velocity expected for the NGC 6907 rotation curve. Some emission lines are superimposed on a broader absorption profile, which suggests that they were not formed in NGC 6908. Finally, the H I profile exhibits details of the interaction, showing three components: one for NGC 6908, another for the excited gas in the NGC 6907 disc and a last one for the gas with higher relative velocities left behind NGC 6908 by dynamical friction, used to estimate the time when the interaction started in (3.4 +/- 0.6) x 10(7) yr ago.
So Paulo is the most developed state in Brazil and contains few fragments of native ecosystems, generally surrounded by intensive agriculture lands. Despite this, some areas still shelter large native animals. We aimed at understanding how medium and large carnivores use a mosaic landscape of forest/savanna and agroecosystems, and how the species respond to different landscape parameters (percentage of landcover and edge density), in a multi-scale perspective. The response variables were: species richness, carnivore frequency and frequency for the three most recorded species (Puma concolor, Chrysocyon brachyurus and Leopardus pardalis). We compared 11 competing models using Akaike`s information criterion (AIC) and assessed model support using weight of AIC. Concurrent models were combinations of landcover types (native vegetation, ""cerrado"" formations, ""cerrado"" and eucalypt plantation), landscape feature (percentage of landcover and edge density) and spatial scale. Herein, spatial scale refers to the radius around a sampling point defining a circular landscape. The scales analyzed were 250 (fine), 1,000 (medium) and 2,000 m (coarse). The shape of curves for response variables (linear, exponential and power) was also assessed. Our results indicate that species with high mobility, P. concolor and C. brachyurus, were best explained by edge density of the native vegetation at a coarse scale (2,000 m). The relationship between P. concolor and C. brachyurus frequency had a negative power-shaped response to explanatory variables. This general trend was also observed for species richness and carnivore frequency. Species richness and P. concolor frequency were also well explained by a second concurrent model: edge density of cerrado at the fine (250 m) scale. A different response was recorded for L. pardalis, as the frequency was best explained for the amount of cerrado at the fine (250 m) scale. The curve of response was linearly positive. The contrasting results (P. concolor and C. brachyurus vs L. pardalis) may be due to the much higher mobility of the two first species, in comparison with the third. Still, L. pardalis requires habitat with higher quality when compared with other two species. This study highlights the importance of considering multiple spatial scales when evaluating species responses to different habitats. An important and new finding was the prevalence of edge density over the habitat extension to explain overall carnivore distribution, a key information for planning and management of protected areas.
Purpose: The interference of electric fields (EF) with biological processes is an issue of considerable interest. No studies have as yet been reported on the combined effect of EF plus ionising radiation. Here we report studies on this combined effect using the prokaryote Microcystis panniformis, the eukaryote Candida albicans and human cells. Materials and methods: Cultures of Microcystis panniformis (Cyanobacteria) in glass tubes were irradiated with doses in the interval 0.5-5kGy, using a 60Co gamma source facility. Samples irradiated with 3kGy were exposed for 2h to a 20Vcm-1 static electric field and viable cells were enumerated. Cultures of Candida albicans were incubated at 36C for 20h, gamma-irradiated with doses from 1-4kGy, and submitted to an electric field of 180Vcm-1. Samples were examined under a fluorescence microscope and the number of unviable (red) and viable (apple green fluorescence) cells was determined. For crossing-check purposes, MRC5 strain of lung cells were irradiated with 2 Gy, exposed to an electric field of 1250 V/cm, incubated overnight with the anti-body anti-phospho-histone H2AX and examined under a fluorescence microscope to quantify nuclei with -H2AX foci. Results: In cells exposed to EF, death increased substantially compared to irradiation alone. In C. albicans we observed suppression of the DNA repair shoulder. The effect of EF in growth of M. panniformis was substantial; the number of surviving cells on day-2 after irradiation was 12 times greater than when an EF was applied. By the action of a static electric field on the irradiated MRC5 cells the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci increased 40%, approximately. Conclusions: Application of an EF following irradiation greatly increases cell death. The observation that the DNA repair shoulder in the survival curve of C. albicans is suppressed when cells are exposed to irradiation+EF suggests that EF likely inactivate cellular recovering processes. The result for the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci in MRC5 cells indicates that an EF interferes mostly in the DNA repair mechanisms. A molecular ad-hoc model is proposed.
The aim of this paper is to report the sensitization of the TL peak appearing at 270 degrees C in the glow curve of natural quartz by using the combined effect of heat-treatments and irradiation with high gamma doses. For this, thirty discs with 6 x 1 mm(2) were prepared from plates parallell to a rhombolledral crystal face. The specimens were separated into four lots according to its TL read out between 160 and 320 degrees C. One lot was submitted to gamma doses of Co-60 radiation starting at 2 kGy and going up until a cumulative dose of 25 kGy. The other three lots were initially heal-treated at 500, 800 and 1000 degrees C and then irradiated with a single dose of 25kGy. The TL response of each lot was determined as a function of test-doses ranging from 0.1 to 30 mGy. As a result, it was observed that heat-treatments themselves did not produce the strong peak at 270 degrees C that was observed after the administration of high gamma doses. This peak is associated with the optical absorption band appearing at 470 rim which is due to the formation of [AlO4]degrees acting as electron-hole recombination centers. The formation of the 270 degrees C peak was preliminary analyzed in relation to aluminum- and oxygen-vacancy-related centers found in crystalline quartz. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Natural silicate mineral of zoisite, Ca(2)Al(3)(SiO(4))(Si(2)O(7))O(OH), has been investigated concerning gamma-radiation, UV-radiation and high temperature annealing effects on thermoluminescence (TL). X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement confirmed zoisite structure and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis revealed besides Si, Al and Ca that are the main crystal components, other oxides of Fe, Mg, Cr, Na, K, Sr, Ti, Ba and Mn which are present in more than 0.05 wt%. The TL glow curve of natural sample contains (130-150), (340-370) and (435-475)degrees C peaks. Their shapes indicated a possibility that they are result of composition of two or more peaks strongly superposed, a fact confirmed by deconvolution method. Once pre-annealed at 600 degrees C for 1 h, the shape of the glow curves change and the zoisite acquires high sensitivity. Several peaks between 100 and 400 degrees C appear superposed, and the high temperature peak around 435 degrees C cannot be seen. The ultraviolet radiation, on the other hand, produces one TL peak around 130 degrees C and the second one around 200 degrees C and no more. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Optical spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique with potential applications for diagnosis of oral dysplasia and early cancer. In this study, we evaluated the diagnostic performance of a depth-sensitive optical spectroscopy (DSOS) system for distinguishing dysplasia and carcinoma from non-neoplastic oral mucosa. METHODS: Patients with oral lesions and volunteers without any oral abnormalities were recruited to participate. Autofluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra of selected oral sites were measured using the DSOS system. A total of 424 oral sites in 124 subjects were measured and analyzed, including 154 sites in 60 patients with oral lesions and 270 sites in 64 normal volunteers. Measured optical spectra were used to develop computer-based algorithms to identify the presence of dysplasia or cancer. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using a gold standard of histopathology for patient sites and clinical impression for normal volunteer sites. RESULTS: Differences in oral spectra were observed in: (1) neoplastic versus nonneoplastic sites, (2) keratinized versus nonkeratinized tissue, and (3) shallow versus deep depths within oral tissue. Algorithms based on spectra from 310 nonkeratinized anatomic sites (buccal, tongue, floor of mouth, and lip) yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.96 in the training set and 0.93 in the validation set. CONCLUSIONS: The ability to selectively target epithelial and shallow stromal depth regions appeared to be diagnostically useful. For nonkeratinized oral sites, the sensitivity and specificity of this objective diagnostic technique were comparable to that of clinical diagnosis by expert observers. Thus, DSOS has potential to augment oral cancer screening efforts in community settings. Cancer 2009;115:1669-79. (C) 2009 American Cancer Society.
We investigated the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) outcome when combining three laser systems that produce light in three different wavelengths (600, 630, and 660 nm). Cooperative as well as independent effects can be observed. We compared the results of the combined wavelengths of light with the effect of single laser for the excitation of the photosensitizer. In the current experiment, the used photosensitizer was Photogem (R) (1.5 mg/kg). Combining two wavelengths for PDT, their cumulative dose and different penetrability may change the overall effect of the fluence of light, which can be effective for increasing the depth of necrosis. This evaluation was performed by comparing the depth and specific aspect of necrosis obtained by using single and dual wavelengths for irradiation of healthy liver of male Wistar rats. We used 15 animals and divided them in five groups of three animals. First, Photogem (R) was administered; follow by measurement of the fluorescence spectrum of the liver before PDT to confirm the level of accumulation of photosensitizer in the tissue. After that, an area of 1 cm(2) of the liver was illuminated using different laser combinations. Qualitative analysis of the necrosis was carried out through histological and morphological study. [GRAPHICS] (a) - microscopic images of rat liver cells, (b) - superficial necrosis caused by PDT using dual-wavelength illumination, (c) - neutrophilic infiltration around the vessel inside the necrosis, and (d) - neutrophilic infiltration around the vessel between necrosis and live tissue (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of dune deposits is difficult, especially when age datings are not available. A better understanding of the controls on texture and composition of eolian sands is necessary to interpret ancient eolian sediments. The Imbituba-Jaguaruna coastal zone (Southern Brazil, 28 degrees-29 degrees S) stands out due to its four well-preserved Late Pleistocene (eolian generation 1) to Holocene eolian units (eolian generations 2, 3, and 4). In this study, we evaluate the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of the Imbituba-Jaguartma eolian units through statistical analysis of hundreds of sediment samples. Grain-size parameters and heavy-mineral content allow us to distinguish the Pleistocene from the Holocene units. The grain size displays a pattern of fining and better sorting from generation 1 (older) to 4 (younger), whereas the content of mechanically stable (dense and hard) heavy minerals decreases from eolian generation 1 to 4. The variation in grain size and heavy-mineral content records shifts in the origin and balance (input versus output) of eolian sediment supply attributable mainly to relative sea-level changes. Dunefields submitted to relative sea-level lowstand conditions (eolian generation 1) are characterized by lower accumulation rates and intense post-depositional dissection by fluvial incision. Low accumulation rates favor deflation in the eolian system, which promotes concentration of denser and stable heavy minerals (increase of ZTR index) as well as coarsening of eolian sands. Dissection involves the selective removal of finer sediments and less dense heavy minerals to the coastal source area. Under a high rate of relative sea-level rise and transgression (eolian generation 2), coastal erosion prevents deflation through high input of sediments to the coastal eolian source. This condition favors dunefield growth. Coastal erosion feeds sand from local sources to the eolian system. including sands from previous dunefields (eolian generation 1) and from drowned incised valleys. Therefore, dunefields corresponding to transgressive phases inherit the grain-size and heavy-mineral characteristics of previous dunefields, leading to selective enrichment of finer sands and lighter minerals. Eolian generations 3 and 4 developed during a regressive-progradational phase (Holocene relative sea level highstand). The high rate of sediment supply during the highstand phase prevents deflation. The lack of coastal erosion favors sediment supply from distal sources (fluvial sediments rich in unstable heavy minerals). Thus, dunefields of transgressive and highstand systems tracts may be distinguished from dunefields of the lowstand systems tract through high rates of accumulation (low deflation) in the former. The sediment source of the transgressive dunefields (high input of previously deposited coastal sands) differs from that of the highstand dunefields (high input of fluvial distal sands). Based on this case study, we propose a general framework for the relation between relative sea level, sediment supply and the texture and mineralogy of eolian sediments deposited in siliciclastic wet coastal zones similar to the Imbituba-Jaguaruna coast (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mitochondria contain their own genome, a small circular molecule of around 16.5 kbases. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes for only 13 polypeptides, but its integrity is essential for mitochondrial function, as all 13 proteins are regulatory subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Nonetheless, the mtDNA is physically associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, where the majority of the cellular reactive oxygen species are generated. In fact, the mitochondrial DNA accumulates high levels of oxidized lesions, which have been associated with several pathological and degenerative processes. The cellular responses to nuclear DNA damage have been extensively studied, but so far little is known about the functional outcome and cellular responses to mtDNA damage. In this review we will discuss the mechanisms that lead to damage accumulation and the in vitro models we are establishing to dissect the cellular responses to oxidative damage in the mtDNA and to sort out the differential cellular consequences of accumulation of damage in each cellular genome, the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome.
A challenge for the clinical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is the emergence of fluctuations in motor performance, which represents a significant source of disability during activities of daily living of the patients. There is a lack of objective measurement of treatment effects for in-clinic and at-home use that can provide an overview of the treatment response. The objective of this paper was to develop a method for objective quantification of advanced PD motor symptoms related to off episodes and peak dose dyskinesia, using spiral data gathered by a touch screen telemetry device. More specifically, the aim was to objectively characterize motor symptoms (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Digitized upper limb movement data of 65 advanced PD patients and 10 healthy (HE) subjects were recorded as they performed spiral drawing tasks on a touch screen device in their home environment settings. Several spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series and used as inputs to machine learning methods. The methods were validated against ratings on animated spirals scored by four movement disorder specialists who visually assessed a set of kinematic features and the motor symptom. The ability of the method to discriminate between PD patients and HE subjects and the test-retest reliability of the computed scores were also evaluated. Computed scores correlated well with mean visual ratings of individual kinematic features. The best performing classifier (Multilayer Perceptron) classified the motor symptom (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) with an accuracy of 84% and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.86 in relation to visual classifications of the raters. In addition, the method provided high discriminating power when distinguishing between PD patients and HE subjects as well as had good test-retest reliability. This study demonstrated the potential of using digital spiral analysis for objective quantification of PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o acúmulo e exportação de macronutrientes pela cultura da melancia, híbrido Tide. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Borborema - SP. As amostragens de plantas foram realizadas aos 15, 30, 45, 60 e 75 dias após transplantio (DAT), para determinação da massa seca e do acúmulo e exportação dos nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S). O acúmulo de massa seca foi lento até os 30 DAT, intensificando-se a partir deste período e atingindo, no final do ciclo, a contribuição média da parte vegetativa de 31% e dos frutos de 69%. Até 30 DAT, o acúmulo de nutrientes também foi pequeno, não ultrapassando 2% do total. Com a frutificação, houve forte incremento na quantidade de nutrientes acumulados. O período de maior demanda para N, Ca e Mg foi de 45 a 60 DAT e para P, K e S de 60 a 75 DAT. do total acumulado, a parte vegetativa foi responsável por 29,6% e os frutos com 70,4%. A ordem decrescente dos nutrientes acumulados pela cultura foi: K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S. Para a produtividade alcançada de 40 t ha-1 observou-se a seguinte exportação de nutrientes pelos frutos: 106,4 kg ha-1 de N, 11,1 kg ha-1 de P, 118,0 kg ha-1 de K, 4,3 kg ha-1 de Ca, 6,8 kg ha-1 de Mg e 6,0 kg ha-1 de S.
Prata Ana is the most planted banana cultivar in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is however susceptible to several pathogens. This study was carried out to evaluate the disease severity of banana leaf spot in the Prata Ana cv. in the first and second cycle under six different planting systems. The randomized block experimental design was used with six treatments and four replications. lit an evaluation of the severity of banana leaf spot, no disease symptoms were found on Thap Maeo and Caipira. The evolution curve of the disease indicated seasonal effects in the first and second cycles. The severity, of banana leaf spot was highest soon after the regional rainy period from November to March. A comparison of the means of the evaluations indicated a reduction in disease severity from the first to the second cycle.
Aiming to evaluate the curve of growth and dry matter accumulation in cauliflower cv. Verona in commercial substrate for vegetables Plantmax (R), an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six treatments, five replicates, each plot had a plan. The treatments consisted of sampling times (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days after transplantation). Evaluations of plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area, dry matter of shoot, root and whole plant, and fresh weight of the inflorescence. Furthermore, calculated the relative growth rate (RGR) of leaves, stems, roots, flowers and whole plant, presented in g day(-1) plant(-1). The hybrid of cauliflower 'Verona' shows initial slow growth, stepping up from 30 days after transplantation. The maximum accumulation of dry matter per plant was 87g at 70 DAT, with the participation of sheets of 53.8%, stem 9.9%, 30.7% of inflorescence and root 6.5%. The cultivation cauliflower Verona in substrate showed high accumulation of dry Inflorescence.
Objetivou-se determinar a curva de crescimento da massa do fruto e diâmetros externos longitudinal e transversal, bem como os acúmulos do albúmen sólido (polpa) e albúmen líquido (água-de-coco) e sua caracterização sensorial em diferentes estádios. Frutos de coqueiro-anão-verde (Cocos nucifera L.) foram avaliados em 26 épocas, durante o período de sua formação, em intervalos quinzenais, de abril de 2004 a maio de 2005, no município de Bebedouro - SP. Foram aplicados aos dados modelos de regressão logística e logística combinada com exponencial quadrática, obtendo-se elevados graus de ajustes. O diâmetro externo longitudinal alcançou a média máxima de 20,12 cm aos 375 dias após a abertura da inflorescência (d.a.a.i.), enquanto o diâmetro externo transversal alcançou 14,57 cm, aos 345 (d.a.a.i.). Os frutos apresentaram maior massa no período entre 255 e 315 (d.a.a.i.), não havendo diferença estatística significativa neste período. O albúmen sólido teve início de formação aos 225 (d.a.a.i.), chegando aos 375 dias com a massa média de 214,78 gramas. O maior volume médio de albúmen líquido foi verificado em frutos com 8,5 meses de idade com adequado sabor. Esses dados são importantes indicativos do ponto ideal de colheita dos frutos de coqueiro-anão-verde, na região de Bebedouro - SP, para o consumo in natura da água-de-coco.