998 resultados para Curvas algebraicas
La Criptografía Basada en la Identidad hace uso de curvas elípticas que satisfacen ciertas condiciones (pairingfriendly curves), en particular, el grado de inmersión de dichas curvas debe ser pequeño. En este trabajo se obtienen familias explicitas de curvas elípticas idóneas para este escenario. Dicha criptografía está basada en el cálculo de emparejamientos sobre curvas, cálculo factible gracias al algoritmo de Miller. Proponemos una versión más eficiente que la clásica de este algoritmo usando la representación de un número en forma no adyacente (NAF).
Las inundaciones son los desastres causados por fenómenos naturales que más daños provocan a diferentes sectores, como son los de la vivienda, comercial, agrícola, turístico e industrial. Este último es un sector que sufre importantes daños, pero que no ha sido estudiado ya que se le consideraba como poco vulnerable y con capacidad de adaptación ante desastres naturales. La implementación de una metodología para calcular los daños directos tangibles en función de la altura de lámina de agua alcanzada vs daños económicos, permite tener estimaciones de las pérdidas económicas causadas por inundaciones. Este trabajo muestra el estado del arte e identifica las investigaciones referentes al cálculo de daños provocados por inundación y su aplicación en países en desarrollo como lo es México.
Através de alguns exemplos práticos, pretende-se defender que o conhecimento geométrico e, em particular, o conhecimento das curvas cónicas e suas aplicações, pode potenciar o trabalho projetual dos designers, diminuir os custos de hardware e software no ensino e no trabalho profissional, diminuir a necessidade de recurso a meios sofisticados e caros, reduzir a necessidade de permanente atualização dos meios tecnológicos, e de utilização de software que implique formação especializada e, sobretudo, que necessite de longos períodos de formação. Temos em vista contribuir para o reconhecimento da importância do estudo destas curvas e das superfícies por elas geradas, em especial no ensino da Geometria em cursos de Design. De facto, a partir da sistematização do conhecimento existente em outras áreas, como, por exemplo, a arquitetura e as engenharias, pelo aprofundamento da adaptação de propriedades das cónicas e de conhecimentos de áreas, como a geometria analítica ou a projetiva para a linguagem dos traçados geométricos, e pela contribuição com a sugestão de novos traçados, pode desenvolver-se a capacidade dos designers e estudantes de design resolverem problemas, no âmbito do projeto, na representação técnica e na comunicação externa com não peritos.
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Obra publicada en el tomo xxii de las "Memorias de la Real Academía de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales de Madrid."
Analogous to sunspots and solar photospheric faculae, which visibility is modulated by stellar rotation, stellar active regions consist of cool spots and bright faculae caused by the magnetic field of the star. Such starspots are now well established as major tracers used to estimate the stellar rotation period, but their dynamic behavior may also be used to analyze other relevant phenomena such as the presence of magnetic activity and its cycles. To calculate the stellar rotation period, identify the presence of active regions and investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation, we apply two methods: a wavelet analysis and a spot model. The wavelet procedure is also applied here to study pulsation in order to identify specific signatures of this particular stellar variability for different types of pulsating variable stars. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool for treating several problems in astrophysics. In this work, we show that the time-frequency analysis of stellar light curves using the wavelet transform is a practical tool for identifying rotation, magnetic activity, and pulsation signatures. We present the wavelet spectral composition and multiscale variations of the time series for four classes of stars: targets dominated by magnetic activity, stars with transiting planets, those with binary transits, and pulsating stars. We applied the Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution. By applying the wavelet transform to the signal, we obtain the wavelet local and global power spectra. The first is interpreted as energy distribution of the signal in time-frequency space, and the second is obtained by time integration of the local map. Since the wavelet transform is a useful mathematical tool for nonstationary signals, this technique applied to Kepler and CoRoT light curves allows us to clearly identify particular signatures for different phenomena. In particular, patterns were identified for the temporal evolution of the rotation period and other periodicity due to active regions affecting these light curves. In addition, a beat-pattern vii signature in the local wavelet map of pulsating stars over the entire time span was also detected. The second method is based on starspots detection during transits of an extrasolar planet orbiting its host star. As a planet eclipses its parent star, we can detect physical phenomena on the surface of the star. If a dark spot on the disk of the star is partially or totally eclipsed, the integrated stellar luminosity will increase slightly. By analyzing the transit light curve it is possible to infer the physical properties of starspots, such as size, intensity, position and temperature. By detecting the same spot on consecutive transits, it is possible to obtain additional information such as the stellar rotation period in the planetary transit latitude, differential rotation, and magnetic activity cycles. Transit observations of CoRoT-18 and Kepler-17 were used to implement this model.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
El clima es uno de los factores más e studiados a n ivel mundial y el más utilizado para la elaboración de planes de conservación de suelos y agua , construcción de obras hidráulicas que den un mejor uso y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales. La construcción de C urvas de Intensidad – Duración – Frecuen cia como herramienta para la toma de decisión en el manejo, control y aprovechamiento del exceso de la precipitación es relevante para las zonas productivas y de escases de agua. El Objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el comportamiento de la s curvas IDF en la Cuenca N°68 con diferentes períodos de retorno de 5, 10, 15, 20 y 30 años con duraciones de 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 y 1 20 minutos. Se compararon dos modelos estadísticos Gumbel Tipo I y Aparicio 1997, ambos métodos permitieron es timar la intensidad de precipitación para los diferentes períodos de retorno. Para la selección de las estaciones pluviográficas se tomó como criterio las estaciones que proporcionaran la información necesaria para el periodo analizado 1975 - 1989 (Estación Aeropuerto Augusto C esa Sandino, Estación Tola, Estación Nandaime, Estación Masatepe Campos Azules). Al generar las curvas se presentaron algunos inconvenientes en la E stación Masatepe Campos A zules , esto fue ocasionado por posibles fallas en las estaciones pluviográficas como por ejemplo faltan de tinta en el pluviógrafo , cambio de operador, etc . El método de Gumbel Tipo I es el que nos brinda información más ajusta das a las condiciones del área de estudio ya que la prueba ajuste de bondad ajusto perfectamente los datos al mod elo estadístico mejorando los índices de probabilidad, en cambio el modelo estadístico Aparicio, 1997 sobre estima los valores de intensidad en los diferentes períodos de retornos, esto se observa al comparar los datos analizados con los datos calculados, los cuales presentan porcentaj es de sobrestimación del 7-54 %.
Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) is used as an artificial lift technique. However, pumping viscous oil is generally associated with low Reynolds number flows. This condition leads to a performance degradation respect to the performance expected from the regular operation with water that most of the centrifugal pumps are originally designed for. These issues are considered in this investigation through a numerical study of the flow in two different multistage, semi-axial type ESPs. This investigation is carried out numerically using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package, where the transient RANS equations are solved numerically. The turbulence is modeled using the SST model. Head curves for several operating conditions are compared with manufacturer’s curves and experimental data for a three-stage ESP, showing good agreement for a wide range of fluid viscosities and rotational speeds. Dimensionless numbers (n, n, n e Re) are used to investigate performance degradation of the ESPs. In addition, flow phenomena through the impellers of the ESPs are investigated using flow field from numerical results. Results show that performance degradation is directly related to rotational Reynolds number, Re. In addition, it was verified that performance degradation occurs for constant normalized specific speedn, which shows that performance degradation occurs similarly for different centrifugal pumps. Moreover, experimental data and numerical results agreed with a correlation from literature between head and flow correction factors proposed by Stepanoff (1967). A definition of modified Reynolds number was proposed and relates the head correction factor to viscosity. A correlation between head correction factor and the modified Reynolds number was proposed, which agreed well with numerical and experimental data. Then, a method to predict performance degradation based on the previous correlations was proposed. This method was compared with others from literature. In general, results and conclusions from this work can also be useful to bring more information about the flow of highly viscous fluids in pumps, especially in semi-axial, multistage ESPs.
Diversos estudos propõem a avaliação da trabalhabilidade de misturas betuminosas utilizando as curvas de compactação obtidas em laboratório. Utilizou-se um compactador giratório para produzir provetes de duas misturas, uma densa do tipo AC, e uma de granulometria descontínua, do tipo SMA. Foram determinados diversos parâmetros provenientes da modelação das curvas de compactação. Os resultados indicam uma adequação dos diversos parâmetros na caracterização das misturas, embora apresentem limitações na comparação de misturas de diferentes tipologias. Os resultados mostram que estes índices podem ser úteis em aplicações onde estas propriedades sejam importantes.
Se desarrolla un estudio de todas las herramientas necesarias para llegar al teorema de los ceros de Hilbert el cual luego se demuestra en sus formas débil y fuerte. Se introducen los conceptos básicos relacionados con los anillos noetherianos y las variedades algebraicas afines que son fundamentales para el estudio del teorema de los ceros de Hilbert. Es por ello que estudiamos detenidamente el concepto de ideal primo e ideal primario, como también las distintas operaciones entre ideales, en particular la descomposición primaria de ideales. En seguida se desarrollan las demostraciones de algunos de los teoremas importantes de los anillos noetherianos, haciendo uso de la descomposición primaria de un ideal y un resultado fundamental: el teorema de la base de Hilbert. Además se desarrollan las definiciones, proposiciones, teoremas de una variedad algebraica afín y el ideal asociado a una variedad, así como también el ideal de una variedad y lo más interesante es la descomposición de ideales en variedades algebraicas afines, como la condición de cadena descendente de variedades. También se hace la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos en los capítulos anteriores, para demostrar el teorema de los ceros de Hilbert en su forma dedil así como en la forma fuerte. Finalmente adoptamos una Topología que es muy débil pero sorprendentemente útil ocupando los resultados anteriores, probando propiedades que cumple esta topología como la cerradura topológica y compacidad.
Esta tesis versa sobre el an álisis de la forma de objetos 2D. En visión articial existen numerosos aspectos de los que se pueden extraer información. Uno de los más usados es la forma o el contorno de esos objetos. Esta característica visual de los objetos nos permite, mediante el procesamiento adecuado, extraer información de los objetos, analizar escenas, etc. No obstante el contorno o silueta de los objetos contiene información redundante. Este exceso de datos que no aporta nuevo conocimiento debe ser eliminado, con el objeto de agilizar el procesamiento posterior o de minimizar el tamaño de la representación de ese contorno, para su almacenamiento o transmisión. Esta reducción de datos debe realizarse sin que se produzca una pérdida de información importante para representación del contorno original. Se puede obtener una versión reducida de un contorno eliminando puntos intermedios y uniendo los puntos restantes mediante segmentos. Esta representación reducida de un contorno se conoce como aproximación poligonal. Estas aproximaciones poligonales de contornos representan, por tanto, una versión comprimida de la información original. El principal uso de las mismas es la reducción del volumen de información necesario para representar el contorno de un objeto. No obstante, en los últimos años estas aproximaciones han sido usadas para el reconocimiento de objetos. Para ello los algoritmos de aproximaci ón poligonal se han usado directamente para la extracci ón de los vectores de caracter ísticas empleados en la fase de aprendizaje. Las contribuciones realizadas por tanto en esta tesis se han centrado en diversos aspectos de las aproximaciones poligonales. En la primera contribución se han mejorado varios algoritmos de aproximaciones poligonales, mediante el uso de una fase de preprocesado que acelera estos algoritmos permitiendo incluso mejorar la calidad de las soluciones en un menor tiempo. En la segunda contribución se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo de aproximaciones poligonales que obtiene soluciones optimas en un menor espacio de tiempo que el resto de métodos que aparecen en la literatura. En la tercera contribución se ha propuesto un algoritmo de aproximaciones que es capaz de obtener la solución óptima en pocas iteraciones en la mayor parte de los casos. Por último, se ha propuesto una versi ón mejorada del algoritmo óptimo para obtener aproximaciones poligonales que soluciona otro problema de optimización alternativo.