966 resultados para Curso de Letras


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Esse trabalho analisa as refrações do discurso pedagógico que, em diálogo com outros discursos, como os da mídia e da linguística, reflete-os, além de ressignificá-los. Mais especificamente, trata-se da ressignificação que os discursos pedagógicos, postos em diálogo com os discursos da mídia, fazem de conceitos da lingüística; para essa análise tem-se como foco os conceitos de coesão e coerência, esses conceitos são critérios de avaliação dos textos. Quando retirados de suas enunciações e reutilizados nos dias de hoje, esses conceitos são ressignificados de forma a se adaptarem a novas enunciações. Como abordagem metodológica para a realização deste trabalho, tem-se uma análise qualitativa dialógica do livro de Thaís Nicoleti de Camargo, Redação linha a linha (2010) (corpus desse trabalho, que representa o discurso pedagógico). No diálogo proposto sobre os conceitos de coesão e coerência textuais pode-se perceber a ressignificação causada pela nova enunciação em que esses enunciados são reutilizados. Esse trabalho, por valer-se da análise do discurso bakhtiniana, estará sempre voltado ao conceito de diálogo, colocando os discursos em contato; partindo desse ponto, busca-se entender quais discursos dialogam com a produção do discurso pedagógico no livro analisado. Pode-se perceber, na análise dos conceitos de coesão e coerência textuais, que alguns discursos que dialogam com esses enunciados são os discursos de normatização e padronização. É possível dizer que a enunciação em que esses enunciados se produzem remete aos discursos do capitalismo, dos vestibulares, da atribuição de notas


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In the area of Phonetics, current studies are mainly geared toward acoustic analysis of the speech. The technology of personal computers and available software made these analyses easier to be carried out. The following work used the software called PRAAT. Besides showing how it helps the researcher, the aim of this work is to bring new data for future consultation in this field, allowing comparisons and discussions about this subject. At FONAC, a place where a Project of Departmental Traineeship is run, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Cagliari and aimed at training on Acoustic Phonetics for undergraduates and graduates, there is a good quality recording, in which a speaker of the paulista dialect reads an excerpt of Michael Ende and Annegert Fuchshuber’s book named ‘The Dream-eater’ twice. The data obtained through it were analyzed directly or by statistic procedures. Tables and charts, created from these data, helped to visualize the similarities and differences between the vowels allowing an easier comprehension of the articulatory phenomenon. With the formants, specifically, prototypical values for the vowels of Portuguese and the dialect in study were obtained


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The phenomenon of the World Wide Web, the Internet, has revolutionized the way we live in a contemporary relevance. The relationships among people have changed since the media also changed: the cyberspace has been established as an important vehicle of communication in which different languages, cultures and peoples coexist. Within the virtual space there are several fica possibilities for communication, interaction, fun, knowledge etc. Everything happens extremely quickly. An interesting example of that are blogs that, to survive virtuality, require constant updating. It has become interesting to notice the factor of personal expressiveness taking a new shape in the context of network, before being seen in elements such as diaries, poetry, artistic production or debate. The chances and, thus, the need to find people to interact and to share interests has taken a gigantic proportion, and, in this way, sources of audiovisual and reading activities are always in vogue, being shared every second. Blogging can be about different subjects, but what is perceived on all blogs is the strong trace of written text is always presented. Twitter has established itself as a microblogging network for the expression of dynamism, information sharing and interaction. Thus, it was interesting to approach the manner language is expressed in these microblogs thinking about the way that literary discourse is constructed when is seen, on quotations, in the context of this social network: Twitter. Being able to attest the great increase on the occurrences of quotes from different literary genres, it was useful to pay attention to this fact. In Brazil, Twitter has thousands of users, fans and readers, that rewrite and quote authors. The number of quotations is so abundant that it has popularized several Brazilian writers, such as: Clarice Lispector and Caio Fernando Abreu; authors that are frequetenly quoted. So, we made usage of semiotic studies of the French line. In...


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Ce travail a le but de quantifier les formes les plus courantes d’adjetifs en portuguais brésilien, il s’agit d’un travail qui porte sur les usages synchroniques de la langue. Notre objetif c’est d’indentifier les formations lexicales propres aux adjetifs et de quantifier les usages de ces fomations pour en découvrir les tendances synchroniques de ces usages en portuguais brésilien. Le corpus est de base écrite, composé des lettres des lecteurs de magazine, ce qui permet plus de stabilité pour l’analyse. Vu qu’il s’agit d’un suport d’expression populaire le corpus nous a possibilité de faire un approche au langage plus informelle dont la façon d’expression permet la formation de vocabulaires les plus insolites et les plus récentes, tandis que l’écrite formelle résiste plus aux changements. La recheche des formes nous a donné des résultats quantitatifs des formes déjà connues, les plus nouvelles aussi et des usages des mots appartenants à d’autres classes gramaticales qui avaient une valeur d’adjetive dans quelques contextes spécifiques, en expressions typiques de langage informel. Ce travail, donc, contribue comme um petit portrait de la réalité lexicale brésilienne dans l’usage dynamique de la langue


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This paper proposes a discursive analysis of teachers‘s blogs , particularly those accessible from the MEC site : http://portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br/links.html . The aim is to analyze , dialogically, based on Bakhtinian discourse studies the speech of Portuguese language teachers on the internet , and to investigate aspects of the discourse genre blog , this specialized sphere of circulation :whether it is a means of exposing themselves, whether they are professional media extent , reflect about how to produce the identity of the Portuguese language teachers in such discourse . The axes of reflection on identity , in this case , are four: the subject‘sthe discourse about themselvesand their peers , how the subject shows itself tothe analyst - researcher in dialogue with others in history ( teachers , students , interested in issues of language , official documents ), how it can be seen by the analyst - researcher considering using resources ( videos , photos , literary genres, etc. ), how it is seen by those who comment your say


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Giorgio Bassani in his book Una lapide in via Mazzin seeks to show to the readers all the sufferings passed by Italians during the Second World War and emphasized those persists until today. Aiming to make an unprecedented translation of this tale, it is expected that the text provides us great experiences in the language and we could see the actual difficulties and differences with the Portuguese language, despite being considered these languages closed ones. The objective of this work is to produce a translation that allows us to transmit all anxieties and reflections suffered by the main character of the tale. After the war, the survivor of the concentration camp can go back to your city. He appears exactly at the moment is being placed a headstone on the synagogue wall in homage to Jews deported and killed in the camps. Given the gaunt figure of the man with his striped pajamas, the population is driven to rethink their own indifference and , in a way, its share of blame. Thus, the return should be celebrated is rejected and the figure of the survivor becomes a nuisance. The function of the headstone is actually and literally put a stone on the story. To achieve the proposed objective for this work, we analyzed all the chapters of the story Una lapide in via Mazzini and tried to find equivalents in Portuguese. However, we not ignored the traces of meaning that Giorgio Bassani invested in his work. Therefore, it was necessary to use both printed and virtual dictionaries. With the advancement of the translation work, we realized the difficulty of finding appropriate solutions to achieve the desired effect . The fidelity proposed by the author became increasingly difficult as our work progressed. In the course of all the discussions, it was concluded that , in fact , when it comes to translation, maintaining fidelity to the original text in a foreign language is a difficult and laborious process


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This paper analyzes voicing occurrences on the coda of Portuguese and English words pronounced by Brazilian speakers. The aim of this kind of analysis is to describe how voicing occurrences affect the realization and perception of foreign words. It was noted that there is a recurrence on the use of unvoiced coda in Portuguese, which was assumed to happen also in English when Brazilian Portuguese speakers uses it as a second language. The recordings were analyzed through Praat, software that generates waveforms and spectrograms, allowing segments to be divided and phonetically transcribed. The analysis proved the assumption to be true, concluding that speakers who had their speeches recorded produced unvoiced codas in fact. Conclusions concerning this take into consideration that, considering how minimal pairs in English can be produced based on coda voicing, there is a possible communication difficulty Brazilians may face due to this fact. But it goes by unnoticed, because this process sounds so natural it hardly is taken as a problem source


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This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson


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Este trabalho objetiva estudar o fenômeno da posposição do sujeito com relação ao verbo em distintos tipos e gêneros do jornal: O Araraquarense do início do século XX, e verificar se há alguma diferença entre eles, quanto à posição do sujeito na frase. A escolha de um corpus jornalístico é devida ao fato de seu texto ser muito propício para analisar os processos de implementação de uma possível mudança no português brasileiro; por se tratar de um texto público, o qual atua sobre os elementos da situação sócio-histórica em que está inserido e por sofrer influências dessa situação. Foram analisados dados coletados de artigos de opinião e notas sociais, levando em conta os tipos textuais: descrição, dissertação, injunção e narração (TRAVAGLIA, 2003, p.103). Constatou-se que os tipos (dissertativo e narrativo) foram predominantes nos artigos de opinião, e que somente o tipo narrativo esteve presente nas notas sociais. A posição do sujeito foi analisada em função dos seguintes grupos de fatores: tipo sintático do verbo, tipo morfológico do sujeito, padrão de construção e tipo textual. Como principais resultados, constatou-se: (i) um índice de posposição de 47% em notas sociais e de 19,2% em artigos de opinião; (ii) tipo do verbo (transitivo direto) 21,7% em artigos de opinião e 44,7% em notas sociais; neste mesmo gênero os verbos (inacusativo, bitransitivo, intransitivo e verbo de ligação) apresentaram, respectivamente, 71%, 45%, 37% e 37,9%; (iii) tipo morfológico do sujeito (sintagma nominal) em artigo de opinião 16,5% e 41,4% em notas sociais, 28,2% de (pronome pessoal) em artigo de opinião e 68,3% de (nome próprio) em notas sociais; (iiii) tipo textual (narrativo) 47,6% em notas sociais e em artigo de opinião 18,8% (dissertativo) e 27,8% (injuntivo)


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According to data published on the World Drug Report 2012 by Unodc - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -, the world consumes nowadays the same amount of illicit drugs that it has always consumed. Contrary to this stable consumption, discussions surrounding the issue of drugs have intensified. The greatest controversies and the largest repercussion in the Brazilian media relate to marijuana use. This paper was developed in the context of polemic issues and its general goal is to analyze the conflict of ideologies present in the discourses about drugs on printed articles released by the Brazilian media, represented here by the magazines Veja, Carta Capital and Galileu. This study is carried out based on a dialogic approach, supported by the Bakhtinian researches on discourse


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The comparison between linguistic change and biologic evolution is a subject that has caused and still causes much controversy among linguists and other academics that see, in this parallel, problems related to similar attempts in the nineteenth century by Social Darwinism, which approached the biological evolution with social and cultural development of a people. However, this paper aims to show that today this parallel is not built in the same way as was done before. Names like William Labov, Salikoko Mufwene, Jonathan West and Hildo Honorio do Couto in linguistics; Charles Darwin in biology; and Tom Ingold and Clifford Geertz in anthropology, showed that areas of Humanities, such as linguistics and anthropology, and of Biological Sciences, as phylogeny and genetics, are likely to be worked together by the great similarities between processes that compose them. Thus, based on the writings of these authors and some others, this paper presents this theme’s controversy; it shows the similarities between characteristics of languages and species; it seeks through the concepts MA Mental, MA Social and MA Natural of the languages (coined by Couto on Linguística, ecologia e ecolinguística: contato de línguas) to develop ideas of how it is possible to think the language change in the light of Darwin's concept, Natural Selection; and finally, it shows that the parallel theme is rather productive, based on the texts and discussions presented in the whole paper, and that the controversy has been being dissolved with more and more people working on the parallel between language and species


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This paper is result of an analysis of the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, made based on the perspective of discursive semiotics. For both, the elements of the generative course of meaning were applied, particularly those in works of Barros (2001) and Fiorin (2000). In view of that each of the three levels (elementary, narrative and discourse) of semiotics approach are considered capable of independent descriptions, we sought through the (re) construction of meaning of specific parts of the work and also the relationship of its thematic route with the time it was composed, found that, as a result of this work, the relationships between fiction and reality and thus the relevance of the work of Aldous Huxley


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This paper presents the development of a scientific investigation that addresses the Latin text using theoretical concepts of Linguistic, Literary Poetic and Semiotic in order to focus mainly on aspects of the figurative expression. Therefore, the meaning effects raised by the perception through the reading of text were taken as baseline data to investigate the particular arrangement of language, responsible for expression of these effects. As a result of this investigation, a metalinguistic discourse was produced about the basic features of the poetic figurativity of the text. This analysis and description had a focus mainly on the first step of the procedures of figurativization, i.e., the figuration of the discourse, when a theme is coated by semiotic figures. In addition, reference notes were drafted to accompany the selected translation of support, with general comments about the culture (mythology, history, geography, philosophy, etc.), necessary data to an more comprehensive understanding of the text (these notes shall provide basic subsidies for reading the original Latin)


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The modernist poet Emílio Moura (1902-1971) incorporates a strictly modern language regarding the imagistic suggesting a mainly poetry metalinguistic. That way, from the works Canto da hora amarga (1932) and Cancioneiro (1944) we attest, through the poetic analysis, that modernity Moura’s poetry takes place in confluences with ideas ranging from biblical tradition and come to the depersonalization of the modern I and questing. We objectify, therefore, demonstrate and explore the metalinguistic and intertextual character that results in the personification of poetry, as clarified muse. To achieve this, this same poetry undergoes a dualistic and pessimistic sentiment, baroque, the I that is divided into life and death, light and shadow; goes through a romantic feeling of anguish and desolation and reaches the multiplicity of the poetic speaker, which promotes a constant struggle with the language. More than draw a correlation between classical and modern ideas (in the sense that the poet creates depersonalization and appropriates of free, short prose or verse, typical of modernism), intend to supply, at least in part, the dearth of studies on the miner poet who has found fertile ground to question and analyze internally the role of poetry in the multiplicity of man and modern society to therefore conclude that universalism the Emílio Moura becomes distinctive and mature. Thus, we will check how poetic inflows corroborate both works for reevaluation and critical insertion of poetic the Emílio Moura in the context of modern/Modernist Brazilian literature


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This work consists of a semiotic analysis of the animation motion picture The Lion King (1994), by the Walt Disney Animation Studios, describing its intertextual relation with Hamlet, by Shakespeare, considering Disney’s individuality, its style. In order to study style in texts, we use discursive semiotics theory, highlighting Discini’s work (2013) and the concept of discursive settings. Hence, a deep discussion about The Lion King’s style, compared to the Shakespeare’s play, is established. The movie, once a syncretic text, requires advanced studies on Expression Plane, its plastic, musical and verbal/phonic aspects. We find these studies in the work of José Luiz Fiorin (2009), Lúcia Teixeira (2009), Ana Claúdia de Oliveira (2009), Jean-Marie Floch (2009) and Antônio Vicente Pietroforte (2008). We note how a syncretic text makes the discursive settings more complex by assembling plastic and sonorous materials in semissimbolic relation. Once defined The Lion King’s style, we analyze the way it justifies the intense popularity of this kind of animation features. Finally, it is important to understand how Disney uses in its style not only discursive settings, but also passional settings, revealing its own way to stir emotions on the spectator