990 resultados para Curso 2013-2014
Material en valencià de l’assignatura Fonaments de les Bases de Dades.
El Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión comenzó a impartirse en la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2010-2011. Durante estos tres años los alumnos que han accedido a él, han sido, en su mayoría, Diplomados en Óptica y Optometría. Actualmente se está impartiendo el Grado de Óptica y Optometría, por lo que a partir del curso 2013-2014 los alumnos que accedan al Máster serán mayoritariamente graduados. Teniendo en cuenta que en el Grado de Óptica y Optometría se han añadido asignaturas (respecto a la Diplomatura), que incluyen temas coincidentes con asignaturas del Máster, es necesario modificar y reorientar algunas de las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster. En este sentido el objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas para actualizar y/o reorientar las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, evitando solapamientos con las asignaturas de 4º curso del Grado de Óptica y Optometría.
En esta memoria se describe el proyecto llevado para establecer los mecanismos y procedimientos para el seguimiento y control de calidad de las asignaturas del segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería Multimedia, curso 2013/2014. En concreto, los mecanismos de control se centran en la planificación de las sesiones docentes y las actividades de evaluación llevadas a cabo en cada una de dichas asignaturas.
Esta red inicia su andadura en el presente curso académico con la intención de mejorar la docencia en las asignaturas que la integran. En la presente edición la red se ha preocupado por actualizar y mejorar las actividades docentes y de evaluación continua en las asignaturas “Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa I” y “Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa II”, impartidas ambas en el tercer curso del grado en ADE y en el cuarto de DADE y TADE. La evolución desfavorable que ha supuesto el aumento considerable del número de alumnos por grupo, junto a otras circunstancias detectadas por los profesores de las asignaturas, han aconsejado eliminar la resolución y defensa de casos largos (método del caso), tanto en el desarrollo de las clases prácticas como en la evaluación continua. A partir del curso próximo, las clases prácticas se sustentarán, principalmente, en la resolución y discusión de casos breves. Este método, junto a la realización de un control escrito, constituirán las principales actividades de evaluación continua.
This paper considers the role of social model features in the economic performance of Italy and Spain during the run-up to the Eurozone crisis, as well as the consequences of that crisis, in turn, for the two countries social models. It takes issue with the prevailing view - what I refer to as the “competitiveness thesis” - which attributes the debtor status of the two countries to a lack of competitive capacity rooted in social model features. This competitiveness thesis has been key in justifying the “liberalization plus austerity” measures that European institutions have demanded in return for financial support for Italy and Spain at critical points during the crisis. The paper challenges this prevailing wisdom. First, it reviews the characteristics of the Italian and Spanish social models and their evolution in the period prior to the crisis, revealing a far more complex, dynamic and differentiated picture than is given in the political economy literature. Second, the paper considers various ways in which social model characteristics are said to have contributed to the Eurozone crisis, finding such explanations wanting. Italy and Spain ́s debtor status was primarily the result of much broader dynamics in the Euro- zone, including capital flows from richer to poorer countries that affected economic demand, with social model features playing, at most, an ancillary role. More aggressive reforms responding to EU demands in Spain may have increased the long term social and economic costs of the crisis, whereas the political stalemate that slowed such reforms in Italy may have paradoxically mitigated these costs. The comparison of the two countries thus suggests that, in the absence of broader macro-institutional reform of the Eurozone, compliance with EU dictates may have had perverse effects.
The high hopes for rapid convergence of Eastern and Southern EU member states are increasingly being disappointed. With the onset of the Eurocrisis convergence has given way to divergence in the southern members, and many Eastern members have made little headway in closing the development gap. The EU´s performance compares unfavourably with East Asian success cases as well as with Western Europe´s own rapid catch-up to the USA after 1945. Historical experience indicates that successful catch up requires that less-developed economies to some extent are allowed to free-ride on an open international economic order. However, the EU´s model is based on the principle of a level-playing field, which militates against such a form of economic integration. The EU´s developmental model thus contrasts with the various strategies that have enabled successful catch up of industrial latecomers. Instead the EU´s current approach is more and more reminiscent of the relations between the pre-1945 European empires and their dependent territories. One reason for this unfortunate historical continuity is that the EU appears to have become entangled in its own myths. In the EU´s own interpretation, European integration is a peace project designed to overcome the almost continuous warfare that characterised the Westphalian system. As the sovereign state is identified as the root cause of all evil, any project to curtail its room of manoeuvre must ultimately benefit the common good. Yet, the existence of a Westphalian system of nation states is a myth. Empires and not states were the dominant actors in the international system for at least the last three centuries. If anything, the dawn of the age of the sovereign state in Western Europe occurred after 1945 with the disintegration of the colonial empires and thus historically coincided with the birth of European integration.
This paper sets out to explain why Spain experienced a full-fledged sovereign debt crisis and had to resort to euroarea financial assistance for its banks, whereas Italy did not. It undertakes a structured comparison, dissecting the sovereign debt crisis into a banking crisis and a balance of payments crisis. It argues that the distinctive features of bank business models and of national banking systems in Italy and Spain have considerable analytical leverage in explaining the different scenarios of the crises in each country. This ‘bank-based’ analysis contributes to the flourishing literature that examines changes in banking with a view to account for the differentiated impact of the global banking crisis first and the sovereign debt crisis in the euroarea later.
In this paper we argue that patterns of civil society in post-authoritarian democracies are the result of divergent pathways to democracy. Through a comparison of contemporary Portugal (social revolution) and Spain (reform), we show that revolutionary pathways to democracy have a positive impact on the self-organizing abilities of popular groups, thus also contributing to a higher quality of democracy. There are three mechanisms in social revolutionary processes that contribute to this. The first stems from the fact that the masses are the key actor in the revolutionary transformation process, with the power to shape (at least partially) the new rules and institutions of the emerging democratic regime. This results in greater legal recognition and institutional embeddedness between civil society organizations and the state, making it easier, in turn, for resources to be transferred to those organizations. Secondly, as a result of changes to the social and economic structure, revolutions engender more egalitarian societies. Likewise, citizens are given more resources and capacities for collective action. Finally, revolutions tend to crystalize a political culture between elites and the masses in which the principles of egalitarian participation and social change through the action of the people are accepted. This all leads to greater opportunities, resources and legitimacy for the civic action of the common people during the subsequent democratic regime.
Absztakt: Ez a műhelytanulmány a 2013-2014-ben lezajlott Nemzetközi Termelési Stratégia Kutatás (International Manufacturing Strategy Survey) hazai eredményeit foglalja össze az első elemzések alapján. Az eredményeket összevetettük a kutatás nemzetközi adatbázisával is, ezért a kutatásban részt vevő vállalatok és más érdeklődők a hazai vállalatok nemzetközi versenyképességéről is képet kaphatnak a termelés területén ______ This study summarizes the first Hungarian results of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey that took place in 2013-2014. Hungarian data are compared to the international database of the research, as well. Thus participating companies and other interesting readers can get a picture about the international competitiveness of Hungarian companies at the field of production.
The Digital Commons Annual Report is a document that interested parties may use as a means of monitoring the yearly progress of Florida International University Libraries’ institutional repository. The report includes download and page hit statistics for all collections held in FIU Digital Commons.
Dengue is an acute infectious disease, usually transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The etiologic agents belong to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and occur as four antigenically related but distinct serotypes designated DENV-1, 2, 3, and 4. In Brazil, the disease represents a national public health problem. The purpose of the present study was to describe epidemiological aspects of dengue in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2013 to 2014. A total of 483 blood or serum samples, collected from January 2013 to December 2014, were studied by RT-PCR for viral detection and typing. The infection was confirmed in 36.44% (176/483) of the cases studied. This study detected the circulation of three serotypes of dengue virus in Rio Grande do Norte, DENV-1, 2, and 4. The predominant serotype in 2013-2014 was the DENV-4, representing 83.51% (81/97) and 68.35% (54/79) of the positive cases, respectively. Regarding the spatial distribution, most of the cases occurred in Natal and Caicó, with 9.28% (9/97) and 18.99% (15/79), respectively. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN were March 2013 and May 2014. The female gender was the most affected, representing 69.07% (67/97) in 2013 and 54.43% (43/79) in 2014. The most affected age groups were 21-30 years (2013) and 11-20 years (2014) with 25.77% (25/97) and 20.25% (16/79) positive cases, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that genotype V (DENV-1) and genotype II (DENV-4) circulated in the State. Our results provide information about the dynamics of DENV in the Rio Grande do Norte, important for the development of disease control strategies.
Introdução: Uma grande parte de todas as consultas de medicina dentária realizadas em Portugal ocorre em prestadores de natureza privada, consequentemente a acessibilidade, principalmente entre os estatutos socioeconomicamente mais desfavorecido é dificultada. As crianças e os jovens são um grupo especial da população que necessita de particular atenção e proteção por parte dos serviços governamentais, investir na sua saúde e no seu bem‐estar garante ganhos de saúde ao longo das suas vidas. Tendo isto em conta, foi criado o Programa Nacional de Promoção de Saúde Oral (PNPSO). Os objetivos principais deste programa consistem na redução da incidência de doenças orais, melhoria dos conhecimentos e comportamentos sobre saúde oral e a promoção da equidade na prestação de cuidados de saúde oral. Desta forma são emitidos cheques-dentista para determinados grupos populacionais, sendo eles crianças e jovens com idade inferior a 16 anos, gravidas a ser seguidas no SNS, beneficiários do complemento solidário para idosos, portadores de Sida/VIH, e consultas no âmbito da prevenção do cancro oral. Participantes e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal onde a população em análise foi constituída pelos responsáveis dos alunos de 10 e 13 anos abrangidos pelo PNPSO que no ano letivo 2013/2014 frequentaram o Colégio de Vizela e o Instituto Silva Monteiro. A recolha de dados foi feita através de um inquérito realizado por escrito com questões relativas à utilização dos documentos no âmbito do PNPSO. Em ambas as situações esteve presente o consentimento informado e garantiu-se a total confidencialidade dos dados. Os dados recolhidos neste estudo foram submetidos a uma análise estatística recorrendo ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v22. Resultados: Na população analisada quando questionados “O seu educando já tinha tido alguma consulta de medicina dentária?” 88,5% responderam “sim”, desses a maioria referiu que o médico dentista onde essas consultas foram realizadas estava incluído no programa (81,5%). Uma grande parte dos inquiridos referiu a escola como fator que lhes deu a conhecer o programa (sendo que 90,2% incluíram essa opção nas suas respostas). Quando questionados se fizeram tratamentos fora do programa 54,9% responderam que não. Em relação à utilização do(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito, 86,1% dos beneficiários referiu ter utilizado, desses, 67,6% mencionou a conclusão dos tratamentos com as consultas no âmbito do programa. Quando questionados o que os levou a escolher o consultório onde os tratamentos incluídos no PNPSO foram realizados, 57,9% do total de respostas foram para o “conhecimento prévio do médico dentista”. Na opinião de grande parte dos inquiridos (97,5%), o cheque-dentista é um incentivo para cuidados de saúde oral. No futuro, 99,2% dos beneficiários referiram que irão realizar os tratamentos a que tenham direito com o PNPSO. Conclusão: Com este estudo foi possível observar que grande parte dos beneficiários analisados utilizou o(s) cheque(s)-dentista a que tiveram direito. É possível observar que a maioria dos utentes referiram ter beneficiado com o programa, e afirmam que este constitui um meio de promoção e prevenção de doenças orais futuras e um incentivo para os cuidados de saúde oral. O processo de divulgação do PNPSO foi na sua maioria realizado pelas escolas, em que ambas se revelaram competentes a dar a conhecer o programa aos beneficiários.