994 resultados para Crucé, Emeric, 1590?-1648.


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Three analytical double-parameter criteria based on a bending model and a two-dimensional finite element analysis model are presented for the modeling of ductile thin film undergoing a nonlinear peeling process. The bending model is based on different governing parameters: (1) the interfacial fracture toughness and the separation strength, (2) the interfacial fracture toughness and the crack tip slope angle, and (3) the interfacial fracture toughness and the critical Mises effective strain of the delaminated thin film at the crack tip. Thin film nonlinear peeling under steady-state condition is solved with the different governing parameters. In addition, the peeling test problem is simulated by using the elastic-plastic finite element analysis model. A critical assessment of the three analytical bending models is made by comparison of the bending model solutions with the finite element analysis model solutions. Furthermore, through analyses and comparisons for solutions based on both the bending model and the finite element analysis model, some connections between the bending model and the finite element analysis model are developed. Moreover, in the present research, the effect of different selections for cohesive zone shape on the ductile film peeling solutions is discussed.


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In this paper the microstructure characteristic of the cold-rolled deformed nanocrystalline Nickel metal has been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that there were step structures near by grain boundary (GB), and the contrast of stress field in front of the step corresponds to the step in the shape. It indicates that the interaction between twins and dislocations is not a necessary condition to realizing the deformation. In the later stage of the deformation when the grain size became about 100 nm, the deformation occurs only depend upon the moving of the boundary of the stack faults (SFs) which result from the imperfection dislocations emitted from GBs. In the other word, the movement of the boundary dislocations of SFs results to growing-up of the size of the SFs, therefore realizes deformation. However, when the size of stack faults grows up, the local internal stress which is in front of the step gradually becomes higher. When this stress reach a critical value stopping the gliding of the partial dislocations, the SFs will stop growing up and leave a step structure behind.


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In order to find a link between results obtained from a laboratory erosion tester and tests carried out on a pneumatic conveyor, a comparison has been made between weight loss from bends on an industrial-scale pneumatic conveyor and erosion rates obtained in a small centrifugal erosion tester, for the same materials. Identical test conditions have been applied to both experiments so that comparable test results have been obtained. The erosion rate of mild steel commonly used as the wall material of conveyor pipes and pipe bends was determined individually on both test rigs. A relationship between weight loss from the bends and erosion rate determined from the tester has been developed. A discussion based on the results and their applicability to the prediction of wear in pneumatic conveyors concludes the paper. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Con el objetivo de verificar la presencia del hongo causante de la enfermedad de las cerezas verdes también conocida como coffea berry disease (CBD), se recolectaron nuestras en siete fincas de Coffea arabica L en la IV y VI Región de Nicaragua, ubicadas a diferentes pisos altitudinales y manejo agronómico. El estudio de las cepas obtenidas se realizó en el laboratorio de Fitopatología de la Escuela de Sanidad Vegetal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) durante el período comprendido de Agosto de 1991-Agosto 1992. Se encontraron cuatro grupos asociadas al sistema: Colletotrichum coffeanum Noack y Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes Penz con tres formas conocidas como cca. ccm v Vermeulen. Colletotrichum coffeanum variedad virulans Noack causante del coffee berry disease (CBD) o enfermedad de las cerezas verdes en África no fue reconocido en las zonas de estudio. Cada grupo, presentó diferentes características ecológicas, patogénicas y monoculturales que son cualitativamente similares a los grupos de Kenia (África), referidas por Gibbs (1969), Hindorf (1970; 1972) y Muthappa (1976), pero no idénticos. El hongo fue encontrado parasitando las cerezas verdes y maduras del cafeto, y aunque sus características in vitro no fueron similares a las del hongo causante del CBD, sus cepas desarrollaron patogenicidad en ridículas, y plántulas de café con dos hojas cotiledonales (variedad Catuaí amarillo). Se desconocen los factores que están induciendo a la selectividad del patógeno, y pensamos que deben realizarse más estudios de manera integral, acerca de todos los elementos que influyen en el sistema, como la fertilización del cultivo, la conservación de suelos, el uso de fungicidas, etc. Para evitar a tiempo cualquier explosión epidémica de la antracnosis en que los costos de producción se elevarían, y las pérdidas serían cuantiosas debido a que el área sembrado sería reducido.


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El presente estudio se realizó en el ingenio AGROINSA, de junio de 1994 a febrero de 1995. Se evaluó el rendimiento agro­ industrial en caña de azúcar . Se plantó la variedad L 68-40. El diseño experimental utilizado fue el de Bloques Completamente Azarizado (BCA), las variables analizadas fueron brotación, ahijamiento, diámetro, población, altura, peso promedio de tallos, rendimiento agrícola, rendimiento industrial y rendimiento agro-industrial. Los datos que se obtuvieron se sometieron al análisis de varianza y de regresión, además se realizó la separación de medias según Duncan a un 5 % de margen de error. En todas las variables evaluadas se observó diferencia significativa a excepción del diámetro y el rendimiento industrial, siendo el nitrógeno el elemento que presentó mayor influencia positiva, no encontrándose ningún efecto para el fósforo y el potasio. Las mejores dosis de nitrógeno para producir el 90 por ciento del rendimiento máximo agrícola y agro-industrial, obtenida a través del modelo matemático cuadrático fueron 58 y 55 kg/ha de N, respectivamente.


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The slurry erosion-corrosion behaviour of aluminium in aqueous silica slurries containing 0.5 M NaCl, acetic acid and 0.1 M Na2CO3 at open circuit has been investigated using a modified slurry erosion rig. The erosion rates of aluminium in the NaCl and acetic acid slurries were much higher than those in an aqueous slurry without electrolyte additives even though the pure corrosion component was very small. Eroded specimens were examined by scanning electron and optical microscopy. In pure aqueous slurry erosion, the basic mechanism leading to mass loss was the ductile fracture of flakes formed on the eroded surface. In corrosive slurries, however, the mass loss was enhanced by cracking of the flakes induced by stress and corrosion. © 1995.


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Surface coatings and treatments have been used to reduce material loss of components in bubbling fluidized bed combustors (FBCs). The performance of protective coatings in FBC boilers and laboratory simulations is reviewed. Important coating properties to minimize wastage appear to be high hardness, low oxidation rate, low porosity, high adhesion and sufficient thickness to maintain protection for a long period. Economic considerations and criteria for choosing a suitable coating or treatment are discussed for the different types of bubbling FBC. © 1995.


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Thinning of heat-exchanger tubes by erosion-corrosion has been a problem in fluidized bed combustors (FBCs), particularly at lower metal temperatures where thicker, mechanically protective oxide scales are unable to form. Many laboratory-scale tests have shown a decrease in material loss at higher temperatures, in a similar manner to FBC boilers, but also show a decrease in wastage at low temperatures (e.g. 200°C) which has not been detected in boilers. It has been suggested that this difference is due to laboratory tests being carried out isothermally whereas in a FBC boiler the fluidized bed is considerably hotter than the metal heat exchanger tubing. In this laboratory study the simulation was therefore improved by internally cooling one of the two low carbon steel specimens. These were rotated in a horizontal plane within a lightly fluidized bed with relative particle velocities of 1.3-2.5 m s-1. Tests were carried out over a range of bed temperatures (200-500°C) and cooled specimen surface temperatures (115-500°C), with a maximum temperature difference between the two of 320°C. Although specimens exposed isothermally still showed maximum wastage at intermediate temperatures (about 350°C), those which were cooled showed high levels of wastage at temperatures as low as 200°C in a similar manner to FBC boilers. Cooling may modify the isothermal erosion-corrosion curve, causing it to broaden and the maximum wastage rate to shift to lower temperatures. © 1995.


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The wastage behaviour of four low alloy steels, suitable for use as evaporator tubing in industrial atmospheric fluidized bed combustors (AFBCs), was examined in a laboratory-scale test rig. Specimens exposed in the test apparatus experienced a high flux of impacts at low particle velocities similar to conditions in a FBC boiler. The influence of time, velocity and temperature on the wastage behaviour was examined and incubation times and velocity exponents were determined and their values discussed. Since high-temperature oxidation played an important role in this process, the short-term oxidation rate of each of the steels was measured. The mechanisms of material loss across the temperature range were discussed and the behaviour of the low alloy steels in the current work was compared with that of high alloy and stainless steels in earlier studies. © 1995.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.


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Un estudio de los clupeidos de las colecciones del Museo de La Plata y revisión de las especies del género Clupea en ambientes lénticos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Determinación de una nueva subespecie. (PDF tiene 14 paginas.)


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Jerônimo Corte Real, poeta, músico e pintor português, nasceu nos Açores, por volta de 1530, e morreu em Évora, em 1590. Distinguiu-se graças à poesia, sendo chamado docto por Lope de Veja em oposição à classificação de divino, atribuído a Camões. Sucesso do segundo cerco de Div, publicado em 1574, é um poema épico que, segundo Aubrey Bell, é “uma excelente prosa”. Composto por vinte e dois cantos em hendecassílabos brancos, celebra a defesa de Diu, na Índia, por D. João de Mascarenhas e a libertação da praça, em 1546, por D. João de Castro. Os cantos XX e XXII descrevem as façanhas de antigos capitães e profetizam os sucesso futuros do reinado de D. Sebastião. Segundo Brunet, esta é uma edição muito rara, que foi reimpressa em Lisboa, em 1784, por Bento José de Souza Farinha. Uma tradução em língua espanhola por Pedro Padilha foi impressa em Alcalá, em 1597.