950 resultados para Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum)
This research was undertaken during 2003-2004 growing season to evaluate the effects of type [forage sorghum hybrid Cober Exp (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense), forage millet (Pennisetum americanum var. BN2), finger millet (Eleusine coracana), and St Lucia grass (Brachiaria brizantha)] and amount of straw cover (5.5 and 3.0 t ha(-1)) upon the emergence of Bidens pilosa, Chamaesyce spp., Amaranthus spp., and Commelina benghalensis, under field conditions of the Brazilian Cerrado, in the region of Uberlandia-MG. The control consisted additional treatment lacking the straw cover. Emergence of weed depended on the type and amount of straw cover, as well as the weed species. The lowest number of B. pilosa seedlings was found in the presence of forage sorghum straw; Chamaesyce spp. in the lack of straw; Amaranthus spp. in the presence of higher amount of forage sorghum and forage millet, and lower amounts of forage millet and Finger Millet. All the types and amounts of straw reduced the emergency of C. benghalensis, except at the lowest level of St Lucia grass and the lack of straw.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated mixture clomazone and hexazinone applied in soil or combined with sugarcane mulch, after different periods of permanence without the occurrence of rain. The experiment was carried out in vases under greenhouse conditions in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The weeds Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia and Euphorbia heterophylla were sown and covered or not with sugarcane mulch. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with four repetitions. The treatments were displaced in a 3x6 factorial scheme, with the factors being six periods without rain (0, 3, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days) and three modes of herbicide application(on the soil without sugarcane mulch, on and under sugarcane mulch). Control evaluations were carried out at 10, 21, 35 and 42 days after the occurrence of rain. The clomazone + hexazinone mixture promoted an excellent weed control for all the species studied when applied on, under, or without sugarcane mulch. However, the control levels tended to reduce for periods over 60 days without rain.
Embryological studies indicate Eupatorium laevigatum to have Antennaria type diplospory with precocious embryony. The embryo sac is of the Polygonum type and the polar nuclei fuse before anthesis (maturation of the stamens). Endosperm development is autonomous and the central cell divides only after the initial stages of embryo formation. It is estimated that about 10% of the florets in anthesis contain an undivided egg which can be used for sexual reproduction. The study of microsporogenesis revealed abnormalities in chromosome pairing which result in the formation of univalents, bivalents, trivalents and higher polyvalents, with the consequent production of lagging chromosomes, unbalanced nuclei, micronuclei and sterile pollen. We found that, as represented by the material studied, E. laevigatum is an autohexaploid (2n = 6x = 60) in which each chromosome of a basic set of ten chromosomes is repeated six times and that E. laevigatum is an essentialy obligate apomictic.
A diversidade morfológica da superfície foliar existente entre as espécies de plantas e a presença de estruturas foliares como tricomas, estômatos, cutícula e ceras podem exercer grande influência na aderência e deposição das gotas de pulverização, assim como na absorção do herbicida. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar, em quatro espécies de plantas daninhas aquáticas (Enhydra anagallis, Eichhornia crassipes, Heteranthera reniformis e Typha subulata), a área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização nas superfícies foliares adaxial e abaxial, bem como o pH foliar. O experimento foi realizado em Botucatu-SP. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas d'água sob condições de campo, e quando atingiram seu pleno desenvolvimento (antes do florescimento), foram realizadas as avaliações de pH foliar e da área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização. As tensões superficiais das gotas aplicadas (0,5 mL), apresentadas pelas soluções de glyphosate aplicado isolado a 5,0% v v-1 (Rodeo 480 g L-1 e.a. produto comercial), glyphosate + Aterbane BR (5,0% + 0,5% v v-1), glyphosate + Silwet L-77 (5,0% + 0,05% v v-1), além das soluções com os adjuvantes isolados, Aterbane BR (0,5% v v-1) e Silwet L-77 (0,05% v v-1) foram respectivamente 72,1; 28,7; 23,3; 37,3 e 22,1 mN m-1. As médias obtidas de pH foliar variaram entre 5,50 e 7,50, destacando-se a espécie E. anagallis com valores de 6,68 e 7,02 para as faces adaxial e abaxial, respectivamente. Dentre as plantas daninhas aquáticas avaliadas T. subulata foi a espécie que apresentou as maiores médias de área de molhamento nas faces adaxial e abaxial da folha, proporcionada pelas as soluções de glyphosate + Aterbane BR, glyphosate + Silwet L-77 e Silwet L-77, com valores de 12,99-7,03; 20,04-17,95 e 31,81-25,91 mm², respectivamente.
The germination of seeds of Bidens pilosa L. colected at different places was analyzed by dose-response curves for induction and reversion of germination in seeds pre-incubated at 25 degrees C or 36 degrees C during 24 hours. Our results indicate that phytochrome is responsible for the control of seed germination id Bidens pilosa and the level of pre-existing active form of phytochrome (Pfr) above the threshold switch the seed to germinate in darkness.
Recently, a notable shift in weed patterns has occurred in some soybean growing regions, as a result of tillage system change and herbicide use. The weed communities are very diversified and strongly interfere with soybean growth and productivity, especially when the shading of superior leaves of the canopy occurs. Some changes to certain agricultural practices, such as cultivars, row spacing and sowing density, were studied and were considered suitable for the establishment of an integrated weed management system under Brazilian conditions. -from Author
This paper proposes a fuzzy classification system for the risk of infestation by weeds in agricultural zones considering the variability of weeds. The inputs of the system are features of the infestation extracted from estimated maps by kriging for the weed seed production and weed coverage, and from the competitiveness, inferred from narrow and broad-leaved weeds. Furthermore, a Bayesian network classifier is used to extract rules from data which are compared to the fuzzy rule set obtained on the base of specialist knowledge. Results for the risk inference in a maize crop field are presented and evaluated by the estimated yield loss. © 2009 IEEE.
The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.
The weed presence on ornamental beds is a main aspect that interferes with the garden maintenance, especially in tropical countries, as it causes an unpleasant effect and competes with the ornamentals. The use of herbicides is not always economically viable, besides, it causes phytotoxic effects on the ornamental plants, so the alternative to minimize this problem is the use of mulch; however, there is little information on the literature about it. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of rice straw mulching on the weed management of Salvia splendens beds. There were four treatments (0, 4, 6 and 8 t ha-1 of rice straw) and five replications. Brachiaria decumbens (200 plants m-2) and Amaranthus viridis (50 plants m-2) were sown in each plot in order to ensure the weed presence. The evaluation of the weed community was performed 60 days after sowing. The weeds on the plots of 0.48 m2 were identified and removed by hand and then dried in a chamber of forced air ventilation (under 703C) for the dry matter determination which later helped to calculate the phytosociological indexes like the Relative Density, Relative Frequency, Relative Dominance and the Importance Value Index. Nineteen species of weeds were identified. Among them, B. decumbens and A. viridis presented the highest Relative Importance level and the use of 8 t ha-1 of rice straw mulching helped to minimize the Relative Importance of these plants; however, the weed management with the use of rice straw was not effective.
O Eupatorium ayapana Vent., da família Asteraceae, conhecida popularmente como japana é utilizada em infusões, decocção, banhos e chá, com ação sedativa, febrífuga, estimulante e tônica, utilizada também no combate à insônia, dor de cabeça, dor de garganta, diarréia, etc., sendo muito utilizada pela população amazônica. Este estudo avaliou a ação de diferentes doses do extrato hidroalcoólico de Eupatorium ayapana Vent (EHAEA) sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar, na faixa etária de 2 meses. Foram utilizados 8 grupos de ratos machos (n= 7-10), divididos em controle, droga padrão de ação ansiolítica (diazepam), droga padrão de ação antidepressiva (fluoxetina) e 5 doses do extrato (100, 200, 400, 600, 800 mg/Kg), que foram solubilizados com tween 80 a 1%. A administração do extrato foi realizada de forma aguda por gavagem. No teste de toxicidade oral realizado, verificou-se que o extrato não é tóxico. Os testes comportamentais utilizados foram: o campo aberto, o Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (LCE) e o nado forçado. Após os testes comportamentais foi realizada a coleta de sangue na região do plexo retroorbital dos ratos, para avaliação dos níveis de estresse oxidativo como: Capacidade Antioxidante Total, malondialdeído (MDA) e NO, e também a ação antioxidante total do EHAEA. Os resultados obtidos no teste do campo aberto demonstraram atividade do tipo ansiolítica, resultado confirmado com o teste do LCE. No teste do Nado Forçado, o EHAEA demonstrou ação do tipo antidepressiva. Nos testes de nocicepção, o qual se utilizou camundongos, ocorreu atividade antinociceptiva no teste de contorção abdominal induzido, nas doses de 200, 400, 600 e 800 mg/Kg. Na avaliação da bioquímica oxidativa, observou-se que não ocorreu dano oxidativo nos grupos tratados com o EHAEA, os níveis de NO permaneceram inalterados nas doses de 200, 400 e 600 mg, e a capacidade antioxidante total mostrou-se aumentada. Com estes resultados apresentados, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com futuros trabalhos, haja vista, serem escassos os trabalhos na área comportamental, de nocicepção e estresse oxidativo com esta espécie vegetal, e que estudos posteriores possam reforçar o uso do extrato da japana na medicina popular.
A produção da seringueira é reduzida pelas plantas daninhas que competem por recursos ambientais; portanto, a época e duração do controle de plantas daninhas influencia a interferência das plantas daninhas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o crescimento de plantas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), determinar o período crítico para controle das plantas daninhas e avaliar a recuperação do crescimento das seringueiras que conviveram com plantas daninhas por diferentes períodos de tempo após o plantio. Dois grupos de tratamentos foram estabelecidos em condições de campo, no primeiro ano de investigação: um grupo conteve períodos crescentes de infestação de plantas daninhas, enquanto o outro conteve períodos crescentes de controle das plantas daninhas, também incluindo uma testemunha livre de plantas daninhas e uma testemunha com infestação total de plantas daninhas. No segundo ano da investigação, as plantas daninhas foram totalmente controladas. Urochloa decumbens foi a planta daninha dominante (mais de 90% de cobertura). O crescimento da cultura foi grandemente reduzido devido à interferência de plantas daninhas. A altura de plantas decresceu mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica. Altura de planta, massa seca de folhas e área foliar decresceram em 99%, 97% e 96%, respectivamente, e foram as características mais reduzidas. A altura de plantas também se recuperou mais rapidamente que qualquer outra característica quando o período de controle das plantas daninhas foi entendido. Contudo, a massa seca do caule aumentou em 750%, fazendo desta a característica mais recuperada. O período crítico para o controle de plantas daninhas foi entre 4 e 9½ meses após o plantio, no primeiro ano; contudo, as seringueiras mostraram expressiva recuperação do crescimento quando as plantas daninhas foram controladas ao longo do segundo ano.