977 resultados para Creation (Literary, Artistic, etc.)
This dissertation is an exploration of how a small but important group of Romantic critics, finding fault in the ideal of three unities developed by neoclassical Academicians and wrongly attributed to Aristotle, turned to the terminology and practices of the fine arts to emphasize their conception of organic unity in literature. The Romantic analogy to painting in particular enables a philosophical criticism of literature to present the aesthetic semblance of painting, the comprehension of a multitude of details in a harmonious whole that is a natural unity to its medium, as a paradigm of modern-romantic poetry and its aspirations to similar complexity, particularity, and imaginative colour. Further, in extension of the French Querelle des anciens et des modernes of the seventeenth century, the division of ancient and romantic art by Romantic critics like August Schlegel, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Hazlitt not only establishes an ethnological and historical difference between the artistic productions of these two cultural periods but also allows, unlike the neoclassical unities, a non-anachronistic philosophical vocabulary of whole and parts or of the general and particular in the criticism of poetry, which involution provides a “rule” more consonant with the laws of the imagination rather than with the rhetorical and absolutist dicta that were thither available in the literary canon.
Relatório de estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.
The village of Óbidos was recognized in 2015 as a creative city in the area of literature, becoming a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. The attribution of the title depends on the fulfillment of a number of criteria the regions have to integrate. In addition to Óbidos, UNESCO attributed the same title in the same year to other European cities, including Barcelona, Nottingham, Ljubljana, Tartu and Lviv. This article intends to co nduct a case study to the cultural and artistic offer, as well as the cultural and literary legacy that different cities provide to be able to inquire the innovation of the proposals. The study aims to assess how much Óbidos, compared to other cities with the same title, is creative. Knowing that the concept of creative city (Landry and Bianchini, 1995) results from the emergence of new technologies and a new type of economy based on creativity and innovation and that creativity implies removing economic or social value of the creative work or talent, the study aims to determine to what extent the processes generated gave rise to new ideas (creativity) and what processes led to its implementation (innovation). Being innovation in the creative industries asso ciated with product, process, positioning, paradigmatic and social innovation (Storsul and Krumsvik, 2013), it is concluded that, in Óbidos, the entrepreneurship initiatives are more focused on tourists who occasionally visit the village and the business o pportunities that are generated there. New innovative and creative spaces were created, promoting literature and adding value and quality to urban space. This urban intervention resulted in the attraction of individuals who streamlined new habits of being and acting in the village
This work aims to investigate the historical narratives in which the graphic designer Alexandre Wollner assembled about the development of its own profession in Brazil, focusing the ways in which his discourse points relations among design (with greater emphasis in graphic design) and visual arts, the industrial development and notions about technology. Firstly, the theoretical setup searched for dialogues with design historians, with Mikhail Bakhtin, specially his concepts about “ideology” and “discourse’, and the theory of Field Autonomy by Pierre Bourdieu applied in the artistic practice. Following, the relation between Wollner’s own journey and the Brazilian industrial development is shown, and, at last, three of his historical texts are studied, which are written in different moments (1964; 1983; 1998), being those in which the analyzed author wished to point out the origens, events and names that are more remarkable. Throughout the work, it is pointed the importance of Wollner’s contact with the modernist european ideologies that share an abstract and rationalist matrix found at Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG Ulm), the german design school from the city of Ulm, in the 1950s. Such modernist discourse understood the practice of design as a method with scientific character, being then different of some other more recurring artistic professional practices in some productive sectors. Wollner aimed to apply such ideals in his professional practice, being the foundation of the paulista office forminform, in 1958, one of his first expressions of such posture, and in his academic practice, helping the foundation of the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), in Rio de Janeiro, in 1963. Such modernist ideals went along with moments of the Brazilian industrial development during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956–1961) and the “Economical Miracle” from the military government (1968–1973). Wollner argued about the need for the development of national design as a technological and productive differential that would help the growth of national industry, based on Ulm’s project model concept. It is defended that Wollner’s professional and intelectual path, in his efforts of thinking a history of Brazilian design through the choice of pioneers in the area, was founded on an “ideal model” of design, leaving aside the modernist experiences from the 1950s. Such posture would indicate a search for validation of his own profession that was beginning to become more evident in Brazilian productive means, aiming the creation of a differential space in comparison with pre-established practices, usually link to graphic artists from the time.
O tema da loucura na obra pessoana tem sido objecto de várias aproximações interpretativas, decorrentes da multiplicidade de textos que fazem eco do fenómeno e da sua persistência enquanto topos ao longo de praticamente toda a sua produção. Na sua acepção literal, manteve constantes interferências com a dimensão empírica do autor sobretudo quando sustentadas na contingência de certos textos basilares, os quais têm vindo a ser questionados quanto ao seu valor estritamente testemunhal. Como fenómeno desde cedo relacionado com a criação artística, a loucura surge neste estudo não apenas na representatividade da condição distintiva do sujeito criador mas ainda como figuração da contingência que envolve qualquer acto criativo que tome a linguagem na sua dimensão essencialmente metafórica e ambígua. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho pretende a abertura de várias vias de leitura do fenómeno através da análise crítica dos vocabulários relativos a diferentes âmbitos e concepções de loucura e a sua relação com o génio (capítulos I e II), focando o seu interesse no que diz respeito a alguma produção pessoana pré-heteronímica, nomeadamente Charles Robert Anon, Alexander Search (capítulo III) e Jean Seul de Méluret (capítulo IV), a que acrescentaremos o Primeiro Fausto (capítulo IV), de modo a conseguirmos estabelecer uma possível relação entre as primeiras experiências de alterização e a descoberta simultânea da irredutibilidade do discurso literário face a tentativas de literalização e de racionalização da linguagem, defendidas por outros modelos (paradigma biologista). A identificação da ambiguidade e da ironia nas suas mais variadas acepções como componentes essenciais da aprendizagem do valor contingente do processo de criação contribuirá tanto para a definição da autonomização da literatura como para a redescrição moderna do sujeito criador, paradoxalmente investido do pathos criativo anunciado no Romantismo e confrontando-se com os seus limites, que corresponderão aos da própria linguagem, situação de crise de que a figuração do louco lúcido será um dos tópicos mais produtivos. ABSTRACT: The theme of madness in the Pessoa work has been the subject of several interpretive approaches, from the multiplicity of texts that echo the phenomenon and its persistence as a topos priority over virtually all its production. ln its physiological sense, remained constant interference with the empirical dimension of the author when sustained in the contingency of certain basic texts that have been questioned as to their strictly testimonial value. As early phenomenon associated with artistic creation, the madness in this study is not only representative in the distinctive condition of the subject creator but also as the contingency figuration involving any creative act to take the language mainly in its essential metaphorical and ambiguous dimension. Accordingly, this work intends to open several analysis manners of the phenomenon through critical analysis of vocabularies for different areas and concepts of madness and its special relationship with the genius (Chapters I and II), focusing its interest in respect to some of the previous-heteronomy Pessoa production, including Charles Robert Anon, Alexander Search (Chapter III) and Jean Seul de Méluret (Chapter IV), and the Primeiro Fausto (Chapter IV), among others, to establish a possible relationship between changing early experiences and the discovery simultaneous literary discourse of irreducibility in the face of the attempts of literacy and the rationalization of language defended by other models (biologist paradigm). The identification of the ambiguity and irony in its many different meanings as essential components of learning the contingent value of the creation process which will contribute to the definition of empowerment in the literature as to the redescription of the modem subject creator that paradoxically had the creative pathos announced in Romanticism and from the confrontation with its limits, which will correspond to the language itself, the crisis situation from which the mad-lucid figuration will be one of the most productive topics.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.
The year 2013 saw the passing of Miguel Narros, one of the most outstanding men of theatre of recent decades, and a creator to whom we remain in debt today. His extensive legacy deserves a special place in our memory and stands as a subject of study of the keenest interest, in view of the increasing amount of research being done on the discipline of stage direction. The objective of the thesis being presented is to provide an overview of Narros’ work, so as to draw conclusions related to the situation of theatre in Spain throughout the second half of the twentieth century and in the early twenty-first century and to elucidate the director’s poetic conception and a theory of his stage practice. The thesis has focused on the director’s biography —in which work and personal life are closely intertwined—, the artistic and technical credits and dates of his stage productions, the compiling and summarising of a number of reviews in the press, the classification and discussion of the different historical and literary periods dealt with by the director, as well as the poetics of his theatre (his points of reference, his conception as stage director —form and content— and his position on the elements that make up a stage production). Also attached is a selection of photographs of more than half of his stagings (in addition to some of the director himself) which are testimony to his creation and a reflection of a number of the characteristics of his theatre. The study —based on information from the written press, public and private archives (which provided everything from photographs to handbills) and a number of personal interviews, among other sources— reveals a professional whose work transformed, enriched and consolidated the Spanish stage. Indeed, Spanish theatre simply cannot be understood without taking into account Miguel Narros. Narros worked as an actor and immersed himself in the teachings of the figures that populated the theatre world of the mid-twentieth century, such as Jardiel Poncela, Elvira Noriega, José María Rodero, Carmen Seco and, above all, Luis Escobar...
Nous proposons, dans ce mémoire, d’explorer les possibilités pratiques et pédagogiques d’une approche autopoïétique de la création sonore au cinéma. Notre principal souci sera de saisir les modalités de l’ascèse propre aux artistes qui se livrent à une telle activité, comprise comme un « apprentissage de soi par soi » (Foucault), afin de faire celui qui peut faire l’œuvre (processus de subjectivation), et le rôle descriptif et opératoire de cet exercice - en tant qu’effort pour penser de façon critique son propre savoir-faire -, dans le faire-œuvre et l’invention de possibles dans l’écriture audio-visuelle cinématographique. Pour ce faire, d’une part, nous étudierons, à partir de témoignages autopoïétiques, le rapport réflexif de trois créateurs sonores à leur pratique et leur effort pour penser (et mettre en place) les conditions d’une pratique et d’une esthétique du son filmique comme forme d’art sonore dans un contexte audio-visuel, alors qu’ils travaillent dans un cadre normalisant : Randy Thom, Walter Murch et Franck Warner. D’autre part, nous recourrons à différentes considérations théoriques (la théorie de l’art chez Deleuze et Guattari, la « surécoute » chez Szendy, l’histoire de la poïétique à partir de Valéry, etc.) et pratiques (la recherche musicale chez Schaeffer, la relation maître-apprenti, les rapports entre automatisme et pensée dans le cinéma moderne chez Artaud et Godard, etc.), afin de contextualiser et d’analyser ces expériences de création, avec l’objectif de problématiser la figure de l’artiste-poïéticien sur un plan éthique dans le sillage de la théorie des techniques de soi chez Foucault.
Nous proposons, dans ce mémoire, d’explorer les possibilités pratiques et pédagogiques d’une approche autopoïétique de la création sonore au cinéma. Notre principal souci sera de saisir les modalités de l’ascèse propre aux artistes qui se livrent à une telle activité, comprise comme un « apprentissage de soi par soi » (Foucault), afin de faire celui qui peut faire l’œuvre (processus de subjectivation), et le rôle descriptif et opératoire de cet exercice - en tant qu’effort pour penser de façon critique son propre savoir-faire -, dans le faire-œuvre et l’invention de possibles dans l’écriture audio-visuelle cinématographique. Pour ce faire, d’une part, nous étudierons, à partir de témoignages autopoïétiques, le rapport réflexif de trois créateurs sonores à leur pratique et leur effort pour penser (et mettre en place) les conditions d’une pratique et d’une esthétique du son filmique comme forme d’art sonore dans un contexte audio-visuel, alors qu’ils travaillent dans un cadre normalisant : Randy Thom, Walter Murch et Franck Warner. D’autre part, nous recourrons à différentes considérations théoriques (la théorie de l’art chez Deleuze et Guattari, la « surécoute » chez Szendy, l’histoire de la poïétique à partir de Valéry, etc.) et pratiques (la recherche musicale chez Schaeffer, la relation maître-apprenti, les rapports entre automatisme et pensée dans le cinéma moderne chez Artaud et Godard, etc.), afin de contextualiser et d’analyser ces expériences de création, avec l’objectif de problématiser la figure de l’artiste-poïéticien sur un plan éthique dans le sillage de la théorie des techniques de soi chez Foucault.
Metadata that is associated with either an information system or an information object for purposes of description, administration, legal requirements, technical functionality, use and usage, and preservation, plays a critical role in ensuring the creation, management, preservation and use and re-use of trustworthymaterials, including records. Recordkeeping1 metadata, of which one key type is archival description, plays a particularly important role in documenting the reliability and authenticity of records and recordkeeping systemsas well as the various contexts (legal-administrative, provenancial, procedural, documentary, and technical) within which records are created and kept as they move across space and time. In the digital environment, metadata is also the means by which it is possible to identify how record components – those constituent aspects of a digital record that may be managed, stored and used separately by the creator or the preserver – can be reassembled to generate an authentic copy of a record or reformulated per a user’s request as a customized output package.Issues relating to the creation, capture, management and preservation of adequate metadata are, therefore, integral to any research study addressing the reliability and authenticity of digital entities, regardless of the community, sector or institution within which they are being created. The InterPARES 2 Description Cross-Domain Group (DCD) examined the conceptualization, definitions, roles, and current functionality of metadata and archival description in terms of requirements generated by InterPARES 12. Because of the needs to communicate the work of InterPARES in a meaningful way across not only other disciplines, but also different archival traditions; to interface with, evaluate and inform existing standards, practices and other research projects; and to ensure interoperability across the three focus areas of InterPARES2, the Description Cross-Domain also addressed its research goals with reference to wider thinking about and developments in recordkeeping and metadata. InterPARES2 addressed not only records, however, but a range of digital information objects (referred to as “entities” by InterPARES 2, but not to be confused with the term “entities” as used in metadata and database applications) that are the products and by-products of government, scientific and artistic activities that are carried out using dynamic, interactive or experiential digital systems. The nature of these entities was determined through a diplomatic analysis undertaken as part of extensive case studies of digital systems that were conducted by the InterPARES 2 Focus Groups. This diplomatic analysis established whether the entities identified during the case studies were records, non-records that nevertheless raised important concerns relating to reliability and authenticity, or “potential records.” To be determined to be records, the entities had to meet the criteria outlined by archival theory – they had to have a fixed documentary format and stable content. It was not sufficient that they be considered to be or treated as records by the creator. “Potential records” is a new construct that indicates that a digital system has the potential to create records upon demand, but does not actually fix and set aside records in the normal course of business. The work of the Description Cross-Domain Group, therefore, addresses the metadata needs for all three categories of entities.Finally, since “metadata” as a term is used today so ubiquitously and in so many different ways by different communities, that it is in peril of losing any specificity, part of the work of the DCD sought to name and type categories of metadata. It also addressed incentives for creators to generate appropriate metadata, as well as issues associated with the retention, maintenance and eventual disposition of the metadata that aggregates around digital entities over time.
Les Homélies et les Reconnaissances du Pseudo-Clément, aussi appelées Pseudo-Clémentines, sont des témoins privilégiés du foisonnement intellectuel et théologique des premiers siècles chrétiens. Alors que la recherche moderne a longtemps tenté de déterminer les différentes étapes de leur constitution (ne posant pour seule conclusion certaine que l’existence d’un « Écrit de base » à leur origine), le présent mémoire offre une enquête littéraire qui permettra de situer l’état final des Pseudo-Clémentines dans leur contexte rédaction, en établissant comment elles dialoguent avec les principaux groupes religieux de leur milieu (chrétiens, judéo-chrétiens, juifs, gnostiques et païens). Dans ce cadre, cette étude définit le dualisme pseudo-clémentin selon ses quatre aspects : la règle de syzygies ou des couples antagonistes, qui veut que tout, dans la création, soit organisé par Dieu en couples opposés ; les prophéties masculine et féminine, dont la première apporte la vérité alors que la seconde apporte le mensonge ; la doctrine des deux rois, dont l’un, qui est bon, gouverne le royaume du monde à venir, alors que l’autre, qui est mauvais, règne sur le monde présent ; la doctrine des deux voies, dont l’une mène au salut et l’autre à la perdition. Après une analyse de ces thèmes au sein des Pseudo-Clémentines, qui révèle les différences qui existent entre les deux textes, ces mêmes motifs sont recherchés dans la littérature apparentée, en particulier dans les textes gnostiques de la bibliothèque de Nag Hammadi, les textes découverts à Qumrân et la littérature judéo-chrétienne. Les conclusions dégagées permettent de définir précisément le dualisme des Homélies et celui des Reconnaissances, d’identifier des fonctions polémiques et rhétoriques de ce dualisme et de cerner des groupes religieux possiblement alliés et ennemis des Pseudo-Clémentines.
The literary-musical production of Elomar Figueira Mello is marked by the ubiquity of the theme of backland. The analysis of the letters of the songs from the album Na quadrada das águas perdidas, disc recorded by Elomar in 1978, allows us to distinguish, in such compositions, three meanings, or three “levels” of backland: a “classic” or “ideal” backland, which is based in Elomar’s conviction of the existence, in a indeterminate past, of an interior territory inhabited by people who guided his actions based on feelings of justice, dignity, honor, nobility and courage; a “historical-geographical hinterland”, that emerges from the references made by the composer to places and characters – singers, drovers, men of the hinterland – of the Sertão da Ressaca, southwest of Bahia region; and, at last, a “deep backland” or “internal backland”, the backland resulting of artistic creation, hinterland that is constructed by the specific aesthetic and poetic work of the composer. This paper seeks to address, in more detailed form, through examination of the letter of song Canto de guerreiro mongoió, the Elomar’s representations of historical and geographical hinterland where the composer is included as an individual and as an artist - the Sertão da Ressaca.
Regarding the importance the reader takes on in studies about reading and literary genres, this paper presents reflections about the reader’s role in the constitution of the literary genres as esthetics conventions which the writer dialogues, as well as, about the literary genres theory issues, important to literary analysis, and allow to an useful understanding, and consequently, the esthetical experience in reading literary texts. This paper focuses particularly, in a reflection about the reading concepts and esthetical conventions of the fantastic genre, from the theoretical assumptions of Tzvetan Torodov and Vincent Jouve. From reflections developed related to reception theories, about the reading processing and the reader’s contribution in the creation of the fantastic genre, was possible propose an approach and establish analogies between the referential from de Todorov and Jouve Both authors recognize the importance of the reader’s role to the literary text completeness and suggest the text to present features and conventions, as textual strategies of stylistic, linguistic and formal order which conduct the reader to the achievement of the text meanings.
The text reflects on the process of creating and adapting literary works to film. What is the point of view of theorists, writers, screenwriters and filmmakers about these processes? As a case study, analyzes the film Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton