422 resultados para Creatine.
Avaliaram-se as alterações clínico-laboratoriais de seis bezerros Nelore, de ambos os sexos, inoculados experimentalmente com 10(7) organismos viáveis de Trypanosoma vivax, isolados de bovinos da região de Poconé, Estado de Mato Grosso. Os animais foram observados diariamente, durante 30 dias, quanto aos parâmetros de temperatura retal, volume globular (VG), parasitemia, produção de anticorpos, coloração de mucosas, comportamento e apetite. Determinaram-se os níveis séricos de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT), creatina kinase (CK), colesterol, uréia, creatinina, cálcio, fósforo e o perfil eletroforético das proteínas séricas aos 4, 8, 12, 16, 23 e 30 dias pós-inoculação (DPI). Durante os 6 meses seguintes, os animais foram observados semanalmente, avaliando-se a temperatura retal, o VG e a parasitemia. T. vivax foi evidenciado a partir do terceiro e quarto DPI em todos os bezerros e persistiu até o 30° DPI em cinco dos seis animais em estudo. Ocorreu um decréscimo significativo (p<0,05) do valor médio do VG (25%) aos dez DPI. Os animais não apresentaram qualquer alteração no quadro clínico, bem como na avaliação da bioquímica sérica durante o período experimental. A soroconversão ocorreu aos 6 e 8 DPI, permanecendo todos os animais soropositivos nos 30 dias experimentais. Bovinos nelores jovens, infectados experimentalmente com T. vivax, foram capazes de estabelecer um equilíbrio na relação hospedeiro-parasita.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O crescente interesse de crianças e adolescentes por esportes competitivos induz a uma maior preocupação em prescrever treinamentos adequados a essa população específica. O conhecimento do impacto da intensidade de treinamento físico competitivo sobre a saúde de adolescentes são ainda incipientes na literatura científica. Este estudo objetivou investigar as respostas agudas do lactato sanguíneo (Lac) e da creatinofosfoquinase (CPK) após uma sessão de treinamento físico em atletas jovens treinados em diferentes modalidades esportivas. Participaram 43 adolescentes do sexo masculino entre 9 e 17 anos, distribuídos em três grupos: nadadores, tenistas, jogadores de futebol de salão. Os protocolos para cada modalidade seguiram o planejamento normal de uma sessão específica. A dieta no dia anterior à coleta foi padronizada e as 24 horas que precediam a avaliação foram dedicadas ao repouso dos atletas. Foram coletados 5ml de sangue da veia antecubital imediatamente antes da realização da sessão de treinamento, repetindo coleta idêntica, imediatamente após a sessão. Foi obtida a idade óssea para a avaliação da maturação esquelética pelo método de Greulich & Pyle. Análise de variância Kruskal-Wallis e teste U-de Mann-Whitney foram utilizados para comparações entre os grupos. Valores de p < 0,05 foram considerados significantes. em todas as modalidades esportivas estudadas os valores prévios do Lac e da CPK foram inferiores aos valores pós-sessão. Com relação aos três grupos de faixas etárias, tanto para o Lac como para a CPK, os valores na pré-sessão foram inferiores aos obtidos na pós-sessão, assinalando que para o grupo de 9 aos 11 anos, tanto na situação pré como na pós, os valores foram inferiores aos observados nos grupos de idade superior. Os resultados indicaram que a magnitude de aumento da CPK e do Lac foram similares aos valores encontrados na literatura e demonstraram um aumento em função da faixa etária, indicando ser maturação biológica dependente.
The unfavorable evolution of a young ovine during hyperimmunization process with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom was investigated in order to differentiate its origin between ophidic envenomation and copper toxicosis. Clinical, laboratory, necroscopic and histological exams as well as evaluation and measurement of heavy metals (copper) in the kidneys and in the liver were carried out. Blood counts revealed anemia and serological tests showed high levels of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin; which indicates liver, kidney and skeletal muscle damages. At necropsy, the animal presented hepatopathy and nephropathy. Histological examination revealed renal and hepatic features that may imply copper intoxication. Copper levels were 237.8 mu g/g in the liver and 51.2 mu g/g in the kidneys. Although the amount of metal found in both organs was below the level that can cause death, according to the literature, anatomopathological signs were suggestive of copper intoxication. Therefore, the hypothesis of metal toxicosis during the hyperimmunization process became more consistent than the crotalic envenomation one.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crotalic envenomation represents the highest number of deaths when compared to other snakebite envenomations of medical interest. Crotalic venom has important characteristics such as neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and clotting and hemolytic action. We evaluated the clinical and laboratory aspects of Crotalus durissus terrificus experimental envenomation in Wistar rats treated with antivenom and the aqueous extract of the plant mikania glomerata. The animals were divided into three groups: Group C (control); Group VS-venom and antivenom; Group VSM-venom, antivenom and aqueous extract of M glomerata. Crotalic poison caused clinical and laboratory alterations in Wistar mice. Significant clinical alterations were: temperature decrease, edema in the venom inoculated member, sedation and a locomotion decrease in groups VS and VSM when compared with group C. A faster recovery from sedation was observed only for animals of group VSM when compared to VS. There was an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and creatine kinase in the VS and VSM groups, compared to group C. Wistar rats showed a high resistance to crotalic venom. Additional studies with different doses, time of treatment, different administration methods and histopathological and immunological studies are necessary to understand the action of M glomerata in crotalic accidents. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4): 929-937. Epub 2009 December 01.
As evidências atuais apontam benefícios da dieta vegetariana para a saúde humana. Contudo, a partir da adoção de práticas vegetarianas mais restritivas, confirmam-se os riscos à saúde. As dietas vegetarianas são caracterizadas pelo elevado consumo de carboidratos, fibras, magnésio, potássio, folato e antioxidantes, podendo apresentar deficiências em aminoácidos e ácidos graxos essenciais, cálcio, zinco, ferro e cobalamina. Pesquisas experimentais em humanos indicam que vegetarianos e não-vegetarianos apresentam capacidade aeróbica semelhante. em relação ao desempenho em atividades de força e potência muscular, as pesquisas são escassas, mas as existentes não apontam diferenças significativas. Situações de risco cardiovascular têm sido confirmadas, devido ao provável quadro de hiperhomocisteinemia, em decorrência da baixa ingestão de cobalamina. As dietas vegetarianas são isentas de creatina, o que resulta em estoques musculares mais baixos nessa população. Possivelmente ocorrem alterações hormonais e metabólicas em resposta às dietas vegetarianas, como baixos níveis de testosterona e androstenediona. A função imune parece não ser prejudicada. Dessa forma, a prática de dietas vegetarianas apresenta-se compatível com a prática esportiva cotidiana, desde que bem planejada para evitar deficiências nutricionais.
The establishment of reference values is extremely important for successful diagnosis and treatament. Considering that in most species the serum chemistry profile is influenced by race, climate and management, we decided to determine the values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), uric acid, creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), phosphatase alkaline (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total protein (TP) and albumin of Dekalb hens in the region of Aracatuba - SP. All samples were processed soon after harvesting in an automatic biochemical analyzer calibrated and monitored with control serum levels I and II. The following confidence intervals were obtained: 44-65,5 U / L (AST); 18,4-21,2 U / L (ALT), 2.1-2.5 mg / dL (uric acid); 1.7 to 5.7 U / L (CK); CI 1.2-2.2 mg / dL (creatinine), 1276-1506 U / L (FA); 18-23,4 U / L (GGT); 27.12 to 29 g / L (PT), from 11.4 to 12.16 g / L (albumin).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective-To establish reference intervals for cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, whole blood, and plasma in calves with congenital umbilical hernias (CUHs) before and after herniorrhaphy and to assess whether those variables in calves with CUHs were altered, compared with findings in clinically normal calves.Animals-20 Holstein calves with or without a CUH.Procedures-10 calves with CUHs underwent herniorrhaphy. Blood and peritoneal fluid samples from all 20 calves were collected for cytologic and biochemical analyses on days 0 (before surgery), 1, 3, 5, 7, and 15. Data from the 2 groups were compared.Results-Reference intervals for the variables of interest were established for each group, Before surgery, calves with CUHs had significantly greater plasma total protein concentration and creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase activities and peritoneal fluid specific gravity values, compared with values for calves without CUHs. At various time points after surgery, peritoneal fluid total protein concentration; fibrinogen concentration; nucleated cell, polymorphonuclear cell, and lymphocyte counts; specific gravity; and lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and CK activities in calves with CUHs were significantly different from values in calves without CUHs. Some plasma and blood variables leg, total protein concentration, neutrophil count, and CK activity were significantly different between the 2 groups.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Values of certain cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, blood, and plasma were different between calves with and without CUHs. Thus, determination of reference intervals for these variables is important for interpreting diagnostic test results in calves with CUHs. (Am J Vet Res 2009;70:423-432)
The activities of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), creatine kinase (CK), amylase (AMS) and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) have been used to assess the toxic effects of xenobiotics that have hypoglycaemic action in hepatic, pancreatic, renal and muscle tissue. Using a validated experimental model of diabetes mellitus in rats, we ascertained whether this syndrome itself affected the serum activities of these enzymes over a 53-day period. Levels of hepatic enzymes AST, ALT and ALP were higher in the streptozotocin (STZ)diabetic rats (group D), but were controlled by insulin therapy (group DI). AMS was reduced in group D and unchanged in group DI rats. Proteinuria was detected 1 day after STZ administation and partially controlled by insulin (group DI); its early presence in group D rats, and the lack of any change in serum ACE in this group, indicates that proteinuria is the better marker for microangiopathy. Microscopic examination of liver, kidney, heart and skeletal muscles (soleus and extensor digitorum longus) revealed various alterations in group D rat tissues, which were less pronounced in group DI. The liver, pancreas and kidney tissue-damage was consistent with the altered serum levels of AST, ALT, ALP and AMS and proteinuria. We conclude that: (i) rigorous control is required when these serum-enzyme levels are used as indicators of tissue toxicity in experimental diabetes, and (ii) LD, CK and bilirubin serum levels, which are unaffected by diabetes, can be used when testing effects of xenobiotics on tissues.
BnSP-7, a Lys49 myotoxic phospholipase A, homologue from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom, was structurally and functionally characterized. Several biological activities were assayed and compared with those of the chemically modified toxin involving specific amino acid residues, the cDNA produced from the total RNA by RT-PCR contained approximately 400 bp which codified its 121 amino acid residues with a calculated pi and molecular weight of 8.9 and 13,727, respectively. Its amino acid sequence showed strong similarities with several Lys49 phospholipase A, homologues from other Bothrops sp, venoms. By affinity chromatography and gel diffusion, it was demonstrated that heparin formed a complex with BnSP-7, held at least in part by electrostatic interactions. BnSP-7 displayed bactericidal activity and promoted the blockage of the neuromuscular contraction of the chick, biventer cervicis muscle. In addition to its in vivo myotoxic and edema-inducing activity, it disrupted artificial membranes, Both BnSP-7 and the crude venom released creatine kinase from the mouse gastrocnemius muscle and induced the development of a dose-dependent edema. His, Tyr, and Lys residues of the toxin were chemically modified by 4-bromophhenacyl bromide (BPB), 2-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride (NBSF), and acetic anhydride (AA), respectively. Cleavage of its N-terminal octapeptide was achieved with cyanogen bromide (CNBr), the bactericidal action of BnSP-7 on Escherichia coli was almost completely abolished by acetylation or cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide, the neuromuscular effect induced by BnSP-7 was completely inhibited by heparin, BPB, acetylation, and CNBr treatment. The creatine kinase releasing and edema-inducing effects were partially inhibited by heparin or modification by BPB and almost completely abolished by acetylation or cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide, the rupture of liposomes by BnSP-7 and crude venom was dose and temperature dependent. Incubation of BnSP-7 with EDTA did not change this effect, suggesting a Ca2+-independent membrane lytic activity. BnSP-7 cross-reacted with antibodies raised against B. moojeni (MjTX-II), B. jararacussu (BthTX-I), and B. asper (Basp-II) myotoxins as well as against the C-terminal peptide (residues 115-129) from Basp-II. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Characterization of the peptide content of venoms has a number of potential benefits for basic research, clinical diagnosis, development of new therapeutic agents, and production of antiserum. In order to analyze in detail the peptides and small proteins of crude samples, techniques such as chromatography and mass spectrometry have been employed. The present study describes the isolation, biochemical characterization, and sequence determination of a novel peptide, named Orpotrin from the venom of Potamotrygon gr. orbignyi. The natural peptide was shown to be effective in microcirculatory environment causing a strong vasoconstriction. The peptide was fully sequenced by de novo amino acid sequencing with mass spectrometry and identified as the novel peptide. Its amino acid sequence, HGGYKPTDK, aligns only with creatine kinase residues 97-105, but has no similarity to any bioactive peptide. Therefore, possible production of this peptide from creatine kinase by limited proteolysis is discussed. Taken together, the results indicate the usefulness of this single-step approach for low molecular mass compounds in complex samples such as venoms. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe X-linked recessive disorder characterized by the progressive loss of muscular strength. Mdx mutant mice show a marked deficiency in dystrophin, which was related to muscle membrane stability. The aim of this study was to verify the possible protective anti-inflammatory effect of citrus oil on mdx muscle fibers. Thus, adult male and female mdx mice (014/06-CEEA) were divided into control and citrus-treated. After 60 days of treatment, one ml of blood was collected for creatine kinase (CK) test. Diaphragm, sternomastoideus, anterior tibial and gastrocnemius muscles were removed and processed according to histological routine methods. The observed alterations indicate a direct effect of citrus. Recent studies have improved the diagnosis of muscular diseases but with no definitions of efficient treatments. Intervention with several therapies is important to many patients presenting muscular dystrophy, which enables them to live longer and be more active, while there is no development of gene therapies.
The ability of gamma radiation from Co-60 (2000 Gy) to attenuate the toxic effects of Bothrops jararacussu venom was investigated on mouse neuromuscular preparations in vitro. A comparative study between the effects of native and irradiated venoms was performed on both phrenic-diaphragm (PD) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) preparations by means of myographic, biochemical and morphological techniques. Native venom (10 and 20 mug/ml) induced a concentration-dependent paralysis of both directly and indirectly evoked contractions on PD preparations. At 20 mug/ml, it also caused a pronounced myotoxic effect on the EDL muscle preparation that was characterized by an increase of creatine kinase release and by several morphological changes of this preparation. By contrast, irradiated venom, even at concentrations as high as 40 mug/ml, induced neither paralyzing nor myotoxic effects. It was concluded that Co-60 gamma radiation is able to abolish both the paralyzing and the myotoxic effects of B. jararacussu venom on the mouse neuromuscular junction. These findings support the hypothesis that gamma radiation could be an important toot to improve antisera production by reducing toxicity while preserving immunogenicity. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.